Re: question for charles (or anyone): netrw whacking t

2006-07-13 Thread Benji Fisher
On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 01:24:51PM -0400, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
> Benji Fisher wrote:
> >I think I see the problem.  In $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/netrw.vim , in
> >the function netrw#DirBrowse() , there are the lines
> >
> > if &fo =~ '[ta]'
> >  set fo-=t
> >  set fo-=a
> >  echohl Warning
> >  echo '***warning*** directory browsing and formatoptions "ta" are 
> >  incompatible'
> >  echohl None
> > endif
> >
> >(I am not sure that I ever get to see that warning message.)  I think
> >that replacing :set with :setlocal will fix the problem.  Remember, when
> >dealing with a local option, :set changes both the local value and the
> >global default; :setlocal changes only the value...
> >
> >I think it should be
> >
> > :let &l:spell = ...
> > 
> >
> Actually, I don't want to use local settings; just obstinate, I guess!  
> What netrw v102h does
> (and its available at my website, 
> as "Network Oriented Reading, Writing, and Browsing) is save global 
> settings, make them
> netrw-friendly, do the browsing thing, restore the settings.

 In that case, use the &g: prefix.  For example, try the following

:set spell
:setl spell!
:echo &spell &l:spell &g:spell

I think you should get

0 0 1

(as I do).  So &spell references the local value of the option, not the
global value.  Now, consider the lines

  let w:spellkeep = &spell
  if exists("w:spellkeep")|let &spell  = w:spellkeep   |unlet w:spellkeep|endif

in $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/netrw.vim .  The first sets w:spellkeep to the
local value, and the second sets the global value.

 Bottom line:  while testing the OP's problem before my original
post on this thread, I did find that options ended up being set in ways
I did not want nor expext, and

:verbose set spell?

told me that netrw was the culprit.

HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: Gvim for KDE

2006-07-13 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
Dnia środa, 12 lipca 2006 22:23, Stefan Karlsson napisał:
> By the way, is there anyone out there that is working on a KDE version?



Re: Gvim for KDE

2006-07-13 Thread Diwaker Gupta

i don't get it

vim compiles for me just fine -- suse linux 10.0, using KDE,
vim 7.0.35 -- am i missing something here?

I think he meant a Vim GUI that is based on KDE/Qt rather than GNOME/GTK.


Re: minor feature request: let!

2006-07-13 Thread justin constantino

On 7/9/06, Bram Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Justin Constantino wrote:

> Currently, if you try to assign a value to a variable with a different
> type, you get:
> E706: Variable type mismatch
> To make it work, you have to first unlet the variable, which is kind
> of annoying if the expression you are assigning references that
> variable.  For example, to split a string in-place, you have to do:
> let foo = "one,two,three"
> let temp = split(foo, ',')
> unlet foo
> let foo = temp
> unlet temp
> As a minor improvement, I think it would be nice if you could do:
> let foo = "one,two,three"
> let! foo = split(foo, ',')

Suppose someone asks you what the "foo" variable is for, what are you
going answer?

The point is: let the variable name reflect what it contains, don't
re-use the same variable for something else.  That way your code will be
a lot more readable.

 let fooline  = "one,two,three"
 let foowords = split(fooline, ',')

Fair enough, but in most of the cases where this came up, I never
really cared about the 'fooline' variable. It only existed as an
intermediate to 'foowords'.  My choices were either: 1) put everything
in one assignment, which can get long and messy and harder to read, or
2) split it into two assignments by declaring an extra 'foowords' that
I never really care about.  Reusing the variable makes sense to me in
this case, and this seemed like a harmless and logical addition, but I
guess you're the Bram.