Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-09 Thread Bill McCarthy
This was a response to a personal mail from Igor, but I am
unable to reach his address by mail.  I got my message back

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 553 5.7.1[]: 
host rejected: Big domain level
Giving up on

This continues the conversion with the same subject.  There
does appear to be a bug.

Please read on.

On Sun 8-Oct-06 10:42pm -0600, Igor Prischepoff wrote:

 Hello, Bill.
 Can you try _one more last time_ please ?
 gvim - whatever you prefer for clean vim without preferences
 set cot+=longest
 set cot-=menuone
 set complete-=t

After starting with:

gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N

I typed:

:se cot+=longest cpt-=t cot cpt

Gvim outputs:


which is hopefully the same state you get.

 one : word
 two : word

On the first C-N, 'o' is expanded to 'one', however I get
a message Back at original.  That is wrong.  The original
is 'o' not 'one'.  Gvim appears confused.  Typing any non-
whitespace printable characters continues its confusion and
another C-N, after typing one or more of these characters,
does nothing.

After the 'one' is completed from the first C-N, a second
C-N changes the message to The only match.  Now you can
continue typing - the completion text in the command area
will be cleared and C-N will work on 't' (but you'll be
in the same wrong state of completion with the incorrect
message of Back at original.

BTW, a C-Y is supposed to tell Gvim you are done with
completion.  It behaves strangely here.  After the C-N
completes the 'o' to 'one', a C-Y indeed ends the
completion but I am not left with 'one', I am left with

 what I've got is
 one : word
 two : word
 and message Back at original
 Please note that when you type C-N first time (after 'o')
 you should get 'one' expanded automatically because it's
 only match in this case. And when type C-N after 't' you
 should get nothing (that's a bug I think). In both cases
 you should get NO MENU. (because of longest and no menuone
 in completeoption)

I get no menu because there is no menuone, not because of
longest.  Don't you also see the problem begins with the
first C-N after the 'o'?

 If you got other result's can you please send you :ver output?

 mine is : vi Improved 7.0
 Included patches:1-118

Here the output of :version

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Oct  8 2006 13:02:44)
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-121
Compiled by Bill McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Big version with GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +autocmd +balloon_eval +browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset +cindent 
+clientserver +clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments 
+cryptv +cscope +cursorshape +dialog_con_gui +diff +digraphs -dnd -ebcdic 
+emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra +extra_search +farsi +file_in_path +find_in_path 
+folding -footer +gettext/dyn -hangul_input +iconv/dyn +insert_expand +jumplist
 +keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent +listcmds +localmap +menu 
+mksession +modify_fname +mouse +mouseshape +multi_byte_ime/dyn +multi_lang 
+mzscheme/dyn +netbeans_intg +ole -osfiletype +path_extra -perl -postscript 
+printer -profile +python/dyn +quickfix +reltime +rightleft -ruby +scrollbind 
+signs +smartindent -sniff +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary 
+tag_old_static -tag_any_white -tcl -tgetent -termresponse +textobjects +title 
+toolbar +user_commands +vertsplit +virtualedit +visual +visualextra +viminfo 
+vreplace +wildignore +wildmenu +windows +writebackup -xfontset -xim 
-xterm_save -xpm_w32 
   system vimrc file: $VIM\vimrc
 user vimrc file: $HOME\_vimrc
 2nd user vimrc file: $VIM\_vimrc
  user exrc file: $HOME\_exrc
  2nd user exrc file: $VIM\_exrc
  system gvimrc file: $VIM\gvimrc
user gvimrc file: $HOME\_gvimrc
2nd user gvimrc file: $VIM\_gvimrc
system menu file: $VIMRUNTIME\menu.vim
Compilation: gcc -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 
-w -march=pentium3 -Wall -Ic:/util/MzScheme/include -DFEAT_MZSCHEME 
-DDYNAMIC_MZGC_DLL=libmzgc209_000.dll -DFEAT_PYTHON -I 
c:/util/python24/include -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL=python24.dll 
-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -freg-struct-return -s
Linking: gcc -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 
-w -march=pentium3 -Wall -Ic:/util/MzScheme/include -DFEAT_MZSCHEME 

RE: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-09 Thread Igor Prischepoff
Thank you, Bill.
I can confirm same behaviour as you described with my vim.
Now it is up to Bram to decide if this is wrong or right.


Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Fri 6-Oct-06 12:25am -0600, Igor Prischepoff wrote:

 Well, i still don't understand vim logic behind that process.

 Let's see more realistic example.
 gvim -U NONE -u NONE

Only last time, although I don't think it matters in this
example, you are working in 'cp' mode.  Many of vim/gvim
features will not work in that mode.  (Also, the -U NONE is
redundant.  See ':h -u' second paragraph for why you don't
need -U and the side effect of setting 'cp')

 Let's suppose that  I am a poor pascal programmer and typing code like this:
 :set completeopt+=longest
 :set complete-=t
 var one : byte;
  two : byte;
  two_and_three : byte;
  three : byte; 
 // may be this is a word?
 // or next one is a a word?
 // completion in second C-N still not working here...
 // so there is no word? not 'one:=t*' or 't*' words in buffer?
 // I still thinks it should be considered as a bug.

What action did you take on the first C-N?  Since 'o' is
the longest common, no addition completion is done.  If you
just want the 'o' type C-Y, if you want 'one' type C-N,
or if you want 'or' type C-P.

Why C-Y?  See ':h complete_CTRL-Y'

Now type ':=tC-N'.  What do you mean by still not

I see (since I picked 'one' for the first completion):


Nothing was added to the 't' because it's the longest

If I now want 'this;' I would type 'C-P;'.

My complete keystrokes from insert mode at the beginning of
that line are:


and my line reads:


and my cursor would be on the ';'.

Best regards,

Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-05 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 4-Oct-06 10:16pm -0600, Igor Prischepoff wrote:

 Hi, i think i have found a bug in vim 7.0
 Patch level 1-109. 
 Windows version +perl +python (i don't think this matters in this case)

 here is how to reproduce:
 gvim -u NONE -U NONE
 :set complete-=tdon't want complete from tags file - it's not
 important, just to switch off message
 :set complete+=longest  that's important
 i now we in insert mode

 one two
 oC-N:tC-Nnow trying to complete second time -  no completion, nothing
 i.e. i've got resulting text in buffer like this:

 one two

 and no 'two' on second C-N when trying to complete 'two' and message Back
 at original

 (First completion works as expected, but second didn't shown and not
 complete at all)
 if remove 'longest' from 'complete' then everything works as expected.

 Can you reproduce that bug? 
 Or it's intended behaviour?

I see two issues.

The first is independent of adding longest to
'completeopt'.  Whenever you get Back at original in the
command window, typing additional non-whitespace characters
keeps you in a complete mode until you either use
whitespace or backspace to the original.  I don't see this
behavior documented.

The second, using

 :se cot+=longest

causes Vim to complete to the longest common text among the
matches (starting from the beginning) and completes the
typing to that point.  Yet it calls this partial completion
Back at original even though it clearly is not the
original - so you are back to the first issue.

BTW, using

gvim -u NONE -U NONE

is both redundant (in the case of -U NONE), dangerous (since
default settings may truncate your viminfo on exit), and put
you in vi compatible mode.  Better is:

gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N

An even better approach to getting a more virgin Vim is:

gvim.exe -u NONE -i NONE -N --cmd se rtp=$VIMRUNTIME +se rtp

That stops making access to personal rtp paths for starting
up, and restores the default rtp at the end of startup.

Best regards,

Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-05 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Igor Prischepoff wrote:

 Hi, i think i have found a bug in vim 7.0
 Patch level 1-109. 
 Windows version +perl +python (i don't think this matters in this case)
 here is how to reproduce:
 gvim -u NONE -U NONE
 :set complete-=t  don't want complete from tags file - it's not
 important, just to switch off message
 :set complete+=longest  that's important

You must mean 'completeopt' here.

 i now we in insert mode
 one two
 oC-N:tC-Nnow trying to complete second time -  no completion, nothing
 i.e. i've got resulting text in buffer like this:
 one two
 and no 'two' on second C-N when trying to complete 'two' and message Back
 at original
 (First completion works as expected, but second didn't shown and not
 complete at all)
 if remove 'longest' from 'complete' then everything works as expected.
 Can you reproduce that bug? 
 Or it's intended behaviour?

Vim is still in completion mode and there is no word matching one:t
thus you don't get any completions.  If you type CTRL-N one more time
then it works.

I can see this is unexpected, perhaps when longest is used and there
is only one match it should work as if that match was selected with

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
4. Your eyeglasses have a web site burned in on them.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-05 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
Dnia czwartek, 5 października 2006 05:16, Igor Prischepoff napisał:
 Hi, i think i have found a bug in vim 7.0
 Patch level 1-109.
 Windows version +perl +python (i don't think this matters in this case)

 here is how to reproduce:
 gvim -u NONE -U NONE

 :set complete-=t  don't want complete from tags file - it's not

 important, just to switch off message

 :set complete+=longest  that's important

 i now we in insert mode

 one two
 oC-N:tC-Nnow trying to complete second time -  no completion,
 nothing i.e. i've got resulting text in buffer like this:

 one two

 and no 'two' on second C-N when trying to complete 'two' and message
 Back at original

 (First completion works as expected, but second didn't shown and not
 complete at all)
 if remove 'longest' from 'complete' then everything works as expected.

 Can you reproduce that bug?

Confirming it for 7.0.110 (Linux, GTK2).

 Or it's intended behaviour?

I don't think so.
Note, when you press space and later return to the end of one:t
it works.


vim -u NONE (was: Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.)

2006-10-05 Thread Peter Hodge
 BTW, using
 gvim -u NONE -U NONE
 is both redundant (in the case of -U NONE), dangerous (since
 default settings may truncate your viminfo on exit), and put
 you in vi compatible mode.  Better is:
 gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N

I wouldn't think the -i option is necessary, because 'viminfo' is empty by
default anyway.  Perhaps there should be a shell script distributed with vim so
that anyone can start up vim cleanly.
vim -u NONE -i NONE -N --noplugin --cmd 'set rtp=$VIMRUNTIME' '+set rtp'

gvim.exe -u NONE -i NONE -N --noplugin --cmd set rtp=$VIMRUNTIME +set


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Re: vim -u NONE (was: Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.)

2006-10-05 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2006-10-06, Peter Hodge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  BTW, using
  gvim -u NONE -U NONE
  is both redundant (in the case of -U NONE), dangerous (since
  default settings may truncate your viminfo on exit), and put
  you in vi compatible mode.  Better is:
  gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N
 I wouldn't think the -i option is necessary, because 'viminfo' is
 empty by default anyway.  Perhaps there should be a shell script
 distributed with vim so that anyone can start up vim cleanly.
 vim -u NONE -i NONE -N --noplugin --cmd 'set rtp=$VIMRUNTIME' '+set rtp'
 gvim.exe -u NONE -i NONE -N --noplugin --cmd set rtp=$VIMRUNTIME +set 

Setting -u NONE -i NONE -N is all that's needed.  See :help -u.

When {vimrc} is equal to NONE (all uppercase), all
initializations from files and environment variables are
skipped, including reading the |gvimrc| file when the GUI
starts.  Loading plugins is also skipped.

The viminfo file may be empty initially, but it probably is not once 
vim has been run.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wireless Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

RE: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Prischepoff
Well, i still don't understand vim logic behind that process.

Let's see more realistic example.

gvim -U NONE -u NONE
Let's suppose that  I am a poor pascal programmer and typing code like this:
:set completeopt+=longest
:set complete-=t
var one : byte;
 two : byte;
 two_and_three : byte;
 three : byte; 
// may be this is a word?
// or next one is a a word?
// completion in second C-N still not working here...
// so there is no word? not 'one:=t*' or 't*' words in buffer?
// I still thinks it should be considered as a bug.

 Vim is still in completion mode and there is no word matching one:t
Okay, in above example there is 'one:=three' word specially for vim, but
still no completion.
And why vim looks for 'one:=t' word?  ':' and '=' should not be in the
'word', right?
I think that vim should looks for 't' words. Because '=' and ':'  is not
word, it's not part of identifier.
Part of line -may be, but not words.
 thus you don't get any completions.  If you type CTRL-N one more time
then it works.
Sorry,it's not working for me. (1-105 patches)
I mean that I'm typing Ctrl-N many times in desperate attempts to get some
completion and: no completion absolutely :(.
Even when there is multiply matches for t -starting words.
And what more strange is that if I'm switching to normal mode and then
switch back in insert mode then 
completion on the same construction
one:=tc-n works as expected.
Now vim guesses right about ':' and '='  not being parts of a word, but why
not from the first attempt?


Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-04 Thread Igor Prischepoff
Hi, i think i have found a bug in vim 7.0
Patch level 1-109. 
Windows version +perl +python (i don't think this matters in this case)

here is how to reproduce:
gvim -u NONE -U NONE
:set complete-=tdon't want complete from tags file - it's not
important, just to switch off message
:set complete+=longest  that's important
i now we in insert mode

one two
oC-N:tC-Nnow trying to complete second time -  no completion, nothing
i.e. i've got resulting text in buffer like this:

one two

and no 'two' on second C-N when trying to complete 'two' and message Back
at original

(First completion works as expected, but second didn't shown and not
complete at all)
if remove 'longest' from 'complete' then everything works as expected.

Can you reproduce that bug? 
Or it's intended behaviour?
