patch 7.1.101

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.1.101
Problem:Ruby: The Buffer.line= method does not work.
Solution:   Add the self argument to set_current_line(). (Jonathan Hankins)
Files:  src/if_ruby.c

*** ../vim-7.1.100/src/if_ruby.cSat May 12 15:01:49 2007
--- src/if_ruby.c   Mon Sep 10 10:40:38 2007
*** 789,795 
  return get_buffer_line(curbuf, curwin-w_cursor.lnum);
! static VALUE set_current_line(VALUE str)
  return set_buffer_line(curbuf, curwin-w_cursor.lnum, str);
--- 789,795 
  return get_buffer_line(curbuf, curwin-w_cursor.lnum);
! static VALUE set_current_line(VALUE self, VALUE str)
  return set_buffer_line(curbuf, curwin-w_cursor.lnum, str);
*** ../vim-7.1.100/src/version.cThu Sep  6 17:38:06 2007
--- src/version.c   Thu Sep 13 14:59:47 2007
*** 668,669 
--- 668,671 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 101,

The question is:  What do you do with your life?
The wrong answer is: Become the richest guy in the graveyard.
(billionaire and Oracle founder Larry Ellison)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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patch 7.1.103

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.1.103
Problem:Using dw with the cursor past the end of the last line (using
CTRL-\ CTRL-O from Insert mode) deletes a character. (Tim Chase)
Solution:   Don't move the cursor back when the movement failed.
Files:  src/normal.c

*** ../vim-7.1.102/src/normal.c Tue Aug 14 22:54:00 2007
--- src/normal.cTue Sep 11 19:32:42 2007
*** 8364,8370 
n = fwd_word(cap-count1, cap-arg, cap-oap-op_type != OP_NOP);
  /* Don't leave the cursor on the NUL past a line */
! if (curwin-w_cursor.col  gchar_cursor() == NUL)
cap-oap-inclusive = TRUE;
--- 8364,8370 
n = fwd_word(cap-count1, cap-arg, cap-oap-op_type != OP_NOP);
  /* Don't leave the cursor on the NUL past a line */
! if (n != FAIL  curwin-w_cursor.col  0  gchar_cursor() == NUL)
cap-oap-inclusive = TRUE;
*** ../vim-7.1.102/src/version.cThu Sep 13 15:19:32 2007
--- src/version.c   Thu Sep 13 15:32:05 2007
*** 668,669 
--- 668,671 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 103,

ARTHUR:  Then who is your lord?
WOMAN:   We don't have a lord.
ARTHUR:  What?
DENNIS:  I told you.  We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune.  We take it in
 turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.
  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: Errors when compiling the latest version

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Jeff Lanzarotta wrote:

 I have never patched a source file before, but when I try this one, I get:
 patching file if_cscope.c
 patch:  Overdue `---' at line 36; check line numbers at line 22
 Any ideas?

It appears your e-mail system changed the white space in the message.
You can find the original message in Google groups.  Here is a link that
might work:

WOMAN:   I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous
DENNIS:  You're fooling yourself.  We're living in a dictatorship.  A
 self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--
WOMAN:   Oh there you go, bringing class into it again.
DENNIS:  That's what it's all about if only people would--
  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: problem with MacVim

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Nikola Knežević

On 13 Sep 2007, at 03:59 , Jjgod Jiang wrote:
 You mean vim-cocoa-r95.patch?


 :e file-opened-in-another-session
 vim just crashes. Terminal version survives somehow.

 I can not reproduce it here, what do you mean by

Apparently, it happens with plain vim (taken from svn). file-opened- 
in-another-session is a file which I have open in another Vim[*]  
window (application). Application just crashes.

[*] this Vim is the official release, from

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Re: Buffer names -- efficiency (or inefficiency bug)

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Yegappan Lakshmanan

Hi Suresh,

On 9/13/07, Suresh Govindachar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I have noticed that the buffer-name handling routine
   can identify different forms of a file name.  For example,
   I believe it knows that the following two are the same
   when $HOME is /home/the_user


   However, the name-handler does not collapse \\ -- for example,
   it thinks the following files are different:


   Besides the issue of the buffer name handler's capability, there
   is also the issue why my usage generates such names:  they show up
   when I hit return in the taglist index window and taglist displays
   the corresponding file.

As you have already determined, Vim creates separate buffers for
these files (on MS-Windows):

 :edit foo\boo\the_file
 :edit foo\\boo\the_file
 :edit foo\boo\\the_file
 :edit foo\\boo\\the_file

Even though all the above paths point to the same file. The taglist
plugin relies on Vim to generate the correct buffer number for these
files. If Vim treats them as separate files, then the taglist plugin
also will treat them as separate files.

- Yegappan

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Re: problem with MacVim

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Nico Weber

 Apparently, it happens with plain vim (taken from svn). file-opened-
 in-another-session is a file which I have open in another Vim[*]
 window (application). Application just crashes.

The official version works for me (I did `gvim ~/_vimrc` twice,  
worked fine).

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RE: Buffer names -- efficiency (or inefficiency bug)

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Suresh Govindachar

Bram asked for a reproduciable example:


  VIM - Vi IMproved 7.1 (2007 May 12, compiled May 12 2007 14:19:39)
  MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
  Compiled by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Big version with GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):


  a) c:\opt\vim\vim71.bram\gvim.exe --noplugin 

  b) :find c:\home\suresh\_doskey_macros
 :find c:\home\suresh\\_doskey_macros
 :find c:\home\\suresh\\_doskey_macros

  c) :ls shows

 1  c:\home\suresh\_doskey_macros line 1
 2 #c:\home\suresh\\_doskey_macros line 1
 3 %a   c:\home\\suresh\\_doskey_macros line 1  

  Can be repeated with a 7.1 version that has 100 patches.



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patch 7.1.107

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.1.107
Problem:When doing a block selection and using s to change the text,
while triggering auto-indenting, causes the wrong text to be
repeated in other lines. (Adri Verhoef)
Solution:   Compute the change of indent and compensate for that.
Files:  src/ops.c

*** ../vim-7.1.106/src/ops.cThu Jun 28 22:14:28 2007
--- src/ops.c   Thu Aug 30 11:41:10 2007
*** 2477,2483 
 * Spaces and tabs in the indent may have changed to other spaces and
!* tabs.  Get the starting column again and correct the lenght.
 * Don't do this when $ used, end-of-line will have changed.
block_prep(oap, bd2, oap-start.lnum, TRUE);
--- 2477,2483 
 * Spaces and tabs in the indent may have changed to other spaces and
!* tabs.  Get the starting column again and correct the length.
 * Don't do this when $ used, end-of-line will have changed.
block_prep(oap, bd2, oap-start.lnum, TRUE);
*** 2534,2540 
  long  offset;
  linenr_T  linenr;
! long  ins_len, pre_textlen = 0;
  char_u*ins_text, *newp, *oldp;
  struct block_def  bd;
--- 2534,2542 
  long  offset;
  linenr_T  linenr;
! long  ins_len;
! long  pre_textlen = 0;
! long  pre_indent = 0;
  char_u*ins_text, *newp, *oldp;
  struct block_def  bd;
*** 2579,2585 
|| gchar_cursor() == NUL))
  # endif
!   pre_textlen = (long)STRLEN(ml_get(oap-start.lnum));
bd.textcol = curwin-w_cursor.col;
--- 2581,2589 
|| gchar_cursor() == NUL))
  # endif
!   firstline = ml_get(oap-start.lnum);
!   pre_textlen = (long)STRLEN(firstline);
!   pre_indent = (long)(skipwhite(firstline) - firstline);
bd.textcol = curwin-w_cursor.col;
*** 2598,2610 
  if (oap-block_mode  oap-start.lnum != oap-end.lnum)
firstline = ml_get(oap-start.lnum);
!   /*
!* Subsequent calls to ml_get() flush the firstline data - take a
!* copy of the required bit.
!   if ((ins_len = (long)STRLEN(firstline) - pre_textlen)  0)
if ((ins_text = alloc_check((unsigned)(ins_len + 1))) != NULL)
vim_strncpy(ins_text, firstline + bd.textcol, (size_t)ins_len);
--- 2602,2623 
  if (oap-block_mode  oap-start.lnum != oap-end.lnum)
+   /* Auto-indenting may have changed the indent.  If the cursor was past
+* the indent, exclude that indent change from the inserted text. */
firstline = ml_get(oap-start.lnum);
!   if (bd.textcol  pre_indent)
!   {
!   long new_indent = (long)(skipwhite(firstline) - firstline);
!   pre_textlen += new_indent - pre_indent;
!   bd.textcol += new_indent - pre_indent;
!   }
!   ins_len = (long)STRLEN(firstline) - pre_textlen;
!   if (ins_len  0)
+   /* Subsequent calls to ml_get() flush the firstline data - take a
+* copy of the inserted text.  */
if ((ins_text = alloc_check((unsigned)(ins_len + 1))) != NULL)
vim_strncpy(ins_text, firstline + bd.textcol, (size_t)ins_len);
*** ../vim-7.1.106/src/version.cThu Sep 13 22:04:30 2007
--- src/version.c   Thu Sep 13 22:38:28 2007
*** 668,669 
--- 668,671 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 107,


 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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vimgrep/j messes up folds

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie A.Politz

Have 2 files, both with foldmarkers.
A viminfo file, with a mark of

$ cat .vimrc

set nocp
set fdm=marker
This is a suggested (simplified) autocmd from vimrc_example
autocmd BufReadPost * normal g`

$ vim -U NONE --noplugin file1
:vimgrep /foo/j file2

Now file1 has the folds set as if it were file2.


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