Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Bill McCarthy wrote:

  (2) does this LC_NUMERIC actually work on Windows - I recall having
  problems with LC_ALL using the unix sort of GNU
  coreutils - is this an environment variable we need to set?
  I haven't tried it.  So please set your environment so that a comma is
  used for a decimal point and then run Vim to try out the floating point
 The patch applied flawlessly.  Both Vim and Gvim makes were
 without warnings.
 Without setting any environment variables,all of my tests
 are working as expected.
 Also, commas don't work as expected.  Here's what I get
 :echo 1,2
 E15: Invalid expression: ,2
 E15: Invalid expression: ,2

Eh, I think you mean that this doesn't work, and that this is expected.

We don't want to have Vim recognize 1.2 in one environment and 1,2
in another.  1,2 is not backwards compatible anyway (think of function
arguments, list initializers, etc.)  Otherwise Vim scripts would not be

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
19. All of your friends have an @ in their names.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
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 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Bill McCarthy

On Mon 9-Jun-08 2:01am -0600, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
 On 09/06/08 03:43, Bill McCarthy wrote:
 On Sun 8-Jun-08 4:25pm -0600, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Bill McCarthy wrote:

 (2) does this LC_NUMERIC actually work on Windows - I recall having
 problems with LC_ALL using the unix sort of GNU
 coreutils - is this an environment variable we need to set?

 I haven't tried it.  So please set your environment so that a comma is
 used for a decimal point and then run Vim to try out the floating point

 The patch applied flawlessly.  Both Vim and Gvim makes were
 without warnings.

 Without setting any environment variables,all of my tests
 are working as expected.

 Also, commas don't work as expected.  Here's what I get

  :echo 1,2

  E15: Invalid expression: ,2
  E15: Invalid expression: ,2

 I get the same but I think it's expected -- at least with my locale

Yes, I was trying to say commas don't work pause as
expected :-(

 Current language: 

 When I was on Windows, it didn't accept C as a locale but it did accept
 en so, since I wanted menus and messages in English and not in the
 French or Dutch of my Windows locale, I started my vimrc with

 if has(unix)
 language messages C
 language messages en
 runtime vimrc_example.vim

 etc. Since Vim has no separate :language numeric setting, I suppose it
 should be set with :language en or similar. If you want to keep
 messages and/or ctype and/or time in your default locale, you'll need to
 save and restore them, for instance:

 let save_messages = v:lang
 let save_time = v:lc_time
 let save_ctype = v:ctype
 if has(unix)
 lang C
 lang en
 exe lang mess save_messages
 exe lang time save_time
 exe lang cty  save_ctype

Thanks for the explanation.  If you know of a way of setting
a locale that accepts commas as decimal points, see if it
causes Vim to accept 1,2 as 1.2 - that's what I think
Bram was asking in his release of the latest floating point

Best regards,

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Bill McCarthy

On Mon 9-Jun-08 3:41am -0600, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Bill McCarthy wrote:

 Also, commas don't work as expected.  Here's what I get
 :echo 1,2
 E15: Invalid expression: ,2
 E15: Invalid expression: ,2

 Eh, I think you mean that this doesn't work, and that this is expected.

You didn't hear my pause between work and as :-)  Yes,
that should have been written: 

Also, as expected, commas don't work.

Best regards,

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RE: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie John Beckett

Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Attached you will find the latest floating point patch.

Thanks Bram. I have patched and compiled without incident. A few tests, and a
superficial look at the code changes, make me believe that the new float patch 
good. As discussed, using strtod() is much more robust.

One query: In file doc/eval.txt we see:
These are INVALID:
1e40  missing .{M}

Perhaps in str2float() help, mention that following IS valid:


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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Dominique Pelle

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

 On 09/06/08 11:52, Bill McCarthy wrote:
 Thanks for the explanation.  If you know of a way of setting
 a locale that accepts commas as decimal points, see if it
 causes Vim to accept 1,2 as 1.2 - that's what I think
 Bram was asking in his release of the latest floating point

 I think French normally uses a comma as decimal point

Most countries in Europe, use comma rather than dot as
decimal separator.  The links below gives the list of countries
that use dot, comma or momayyez as decimal separator (if
that can help testing):

The thousand separator can also be different with the locale
(space in France, dot in the Netherlands, comma in the UK):

France: 1 234 567,89
Netherlands: 1.234.567,89
UK: 1,234,567.89

-- Dominique

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Patch 7.1.312

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.1.312
Problem:The .po files have mistakes in error numbers.
Solution:   Search for these mistakes in the check script. (Dominique Pelle)
Files:  src/po/check.vim

*** ../vim-7.1.311/src/po/check.vim Wed Nov 23 22:10:37 2005
--- src/po/check.vimSun May 25 13:47:59 2008
*** 1,7 
   Vim script for checking .po files.
!  Go through the file and verify that all %...s items in msgid are identical
!  to the ones in msgstr.
  if 1   Only execute this if the eval feature is available.
--- 1,8 
   Vim script for checking .po files.
!  Go through the file and verify that:
!  - All %...s items in msgid are identical to the ones in msgstr.
!  - An error or warning code in msgid matches the one in msgstr.
  if 1   Only execute this if the eval feature is available.
*** 56,61 
--- 57,76 
+  Check that error code in msgid matches the one in msgstr.
+  Examples of mismatches found with msgid E123: ...
+  - msgstr E321: ...error code mismatch
+  - msgstr W123: ...warning instead of error
+  - msgstr E123 ... missing colon
+  - msgstr ...  missing error code
+ 1
+ if search('msgid \(\n\)\?\([EW][0-9]\+:\).*\nmsgstr \(\n\)\?[^[EMAIL 
+   echo 'Mismatching error/warning code in line ' . line('.')
+   let error = 1
+ endif
  if error == 0
echo OK
*** ../vim-7.1.311/src/version.cWed Jun  4 21:34:51 2008
--- src/version.c   Mon Jun  9 14:43:59 2008
*** 668,669 
--- 673,676 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 312,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
24. You realize there is not a sound in the house and you have no idea where
your children are.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 7.1.314

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.1.314
Problem:The value of 'pastetoggle' is written to the session file without
any escaping. (Randall Hansen)
Solution:   Use put_escstr(). (Ben Schmidt)
Files:  src/option.c

*** ../vim-7.1.313/src/option.c Wed Mar 12 17:37:53 2008
--- src/option.cWed Jun  4 19:32:02 2008
*** 243,249 
  /* WV_ and BV_ values get typecasted to this for the indir field */
  typedef enum
! PV_NONE = 0
  } idopt_T;
--- 243,250 
  /* WV_ and BV_ values get typecasted to this for the indir field */
  typedef enum
! PV_NONE = 0,
! PV_MAXVAL = 0x/* to avoid warnings for value out of range */
  } idopt_T;
*** 8713,8719 
s = *valuep;
while (*s != NUL)
!   if (fputs((char *)str2special(s, FALSE), fd)  0)
return FAIL;
else if (expand)
--- 8714,8720 
s = *valuep;
while (*s != NUL)
!   if (put_escstr(fd, str2special(s, FALSE), 2) == FAIL)
return FAIL;
else if (expand)
*** ../vim-7.1.313/src/version.cMon Jun  9 15:10:07 2008
--- src/version.c   Mon Jun  9 17:05:40 2008
*** 668,669 
--- 673,676 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 314,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
26. You check your mail. It says no new messages. So you check it again.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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BUG: Partially reversed strings with long entered ex command

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat

Hello VIM developers,

I'd like to report a bug that occurs when a very long ex command is entered, so 
that the GUI / console screen space isn't sufficient to display the complete 

I have an external VBScript that uses the VIM OLE SendKeys() function (or 
WshShell.SendKeys() as a fallback) to open a list of files in VIM via:
 :drop file1 file2 C:/Program\ Files/this_is_a_very_very_very_long_filename
If the list of files is longer than the available space for the ex command, the 
characters that didn't fit in are appended in reversed order:
 [file1] file2 C:/Program\ Fiemanelif_gnol_yrev_yrev_yrev_a_si_siht/sel
 ^ BUG: reversed string!!!^

This happens:
- both in GVIM and console VIM
- on Windows and Linux
- through OLE SendKeys(), VIM's feedkeys(string,'t'), or by manually typing 
the string
- in VIM 7.1.311 until back to VIM 6.0
Probably, this is due to some bad pointer increment, which is hopefully easy to 

Steps to reproduce:
vim -N -u NONE
 Limit window size to minimize typing until overflow :-)
:set columns=20 lines=4
:drop 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 
1234567890 1234567890
 Enlarge again to better see the output (optional).
:set columns=80
[1234567890] 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 
12345670987654321 098
 Note the garbled strings at the end!

You can also reproduce without resizing via feedkeys():
gvim -N -u NONE
call feedkeys(':drop ', 't') | for i in range(1,500) | call 
', 't') | endfor | call feedkeys(\CR, 't')

-- kind regards, ingo

/^-- Ingo Karkat -- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --

 Me?  A skeptic?  I trust you have proof.

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Re: Improve vim's keyboard input subsystem

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 17:41:00 +0200
Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In that case, I'd like to hear your suggestion on how I may use
  combinations of Shift/Ctrl/Alt with keypresses in a normal vim.
 Nothing special, most of them can be recognized already.  Especially if
 you are using an xterm.  Try :set term=xterm and then :set termcap.
 The entries which contain ;* recognize modifier keys.  For other
 terminals you will need to add the termcap entries somehow.

Yes; that works on real vim-in-xterm. But what of e.g. screen? When I'm
editing an email in mutt, running via screen, this uses vim. vim starts
up with $TERM=screen, not xterm, so doesn't know to do that.

Perhaps to handle this case, vim ought always to recognise the ;* entries?

  Currently, the only way I find that works at all is to keep a giant list
  of :map and :map! commands, which recognise the sequences. See the
  attached file.
  This sortof works; it's enough to get things like Ctrl-LR to be move word
  left/right, Alt+arrow to be move focus to window, and Alt+[number] to
  be :b1 to :b10.
  It doesn't work in paste mode, and it upsets the ttytime settings.
  Also, it breaks UTF-8 input if I try to map Alt+letter.
 Alt-letter is supposed to work to get the letter with the 8th bit set.
 Then converted to whatever encoding you are using.  This is how vi
 traditionally works, in combination with traditional terminals (and
 terminal emulators).
 Also note that things like Esc0 should never be produced by a single
 key, since it should mean Esc (leave Insert mode), and zero (go to
 first column).  Relying on timing is not a good idea.

I'm aware of the problems with timing :)

Seems we're stuck though, ultimately.. we can't make all three of
Escletter, Alt-letter and UTF-8 work.

  If you know of a better way to make all these things possible, I would
  very much like to hear it.
 It appears you need to read  :help xterm-modifier-keys

Again, I'm aware of it. I'm aware that it doesn't apply during screen.

How would you recommend I make vim-in-screen work, then? Just set
TERM=xterm or some vim-specific fiddling if it notices $TERM == screen ?

I still think ultimately a rethink of the bottom input layer is best
here... I can make it not break anything that currently works... Read
terminfo just as before - it'll still JustWork on your 1970s glass
teletype that sends Weird Sequences. It'll just happen to work better on
a modern xterm. And as a side-effect, GDK and other input layers will
work better.

I'm still failing to understand your hostility toward it.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
 Things works, thanks :)

 Few things I'd like to see explained (fixed, implemented?):

 1. Once a float, always a float. Don't see way to make float other type
of data - string, integer.
At least one can convert floats to strings:

:let x=1.3
:echo type(string(x))

Chip Campbell

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Re: BUG: Partially reversed strings with long entered ex command

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Ingo Karkat wrote:

 I'd like to report a bug that occurs when a very long ex command is
 entered, so that the GUI / console screen space isn't sufficient to
 display the complete command.
 I have an external VBScript that uses the VIM OLE SendKeys() function
 (or WshShell.SendKeys() as a fallback) to open a list of files in VIM
  :drop file1 file2 C:/Program\ 
 If the list of files is longer than the available space for the ex
 command, the characters that didn't fit in are appended in reversed
  [file1] file2 C:/Program\ Fiemanelif_gnol_yrev_yrev_yrev_a_si_siht/sel
  ^ BUG: reversed string!!!^
 This happens:
 - both in GVIM and console VIM
 - on Windows and Linux
 - through OLE SendKeys(), VIM's feedkeys(string,'t'), or by manually
 typing the string
 - in VIM 7.1.311 until back to VIM 6.0
 Probably, this is due to some bad pointer increment, which is
 hopefully easy to fix.
 Steps to reproduce:
 vim -N -u NONE
  Limit window size to minimize typing until overflow :-)
 :set columns=20 lines=4
 :drop 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890
 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890
  Enlarge again to better see the output (optional).
 :set columns=80
 [1234567890] 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 
 12345670987654321 098
  Note the garbled strings at the end!
 You can also reproduce without resizing via feedkeys():
 gvim -N -u NONE
 call feedkeys(':drop ', 't') | for i in range(1,500) | call 
 ', 't') | endfor | call feedkeys(\CR, 't')

I see the problem.  I think the patch below fixes it properly.

*** ../vim-7.1.314/src/ex_getln.c   Thu May 29 15:33:13 2008
--- src/ex_getln.c  Mon Jun  9 20:10:51 2008
*** 2829,2838 
if (has_mbyte)
correct_cmdspos(ccline.cmdpos, c);
!   /* Stop cursor at the end of the screen */
!   if (ccline.cmdspos + c = m)
!   break;
!   ccline.cmdspos += c;
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
if (has_mbyte)
--- 2829,2839 
if (has_mbyte)
correct_cmdspos(ccline.cmdpos, c);
!   /* Stop cursor at the end of the screen, but do increment the
!* insert position, so that entering a very long command
!* works, even though you can't see it. */
!   if (ccline.cmdspos + c  m)
!   ccline.cmdspos += c;
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
if (has_mbyte)

Bypasses are devices that allow some people to dash from point A to
point B very fast while other people dash from point B to point A very
fast.  People living at point C, being a point directly in between, are
often given to wonder what's so great about point A that so many people
from point B are so keen to get there and what's so great about point B
that so many people from point A are so keen to get there.  They often
wish that people would just once and for all work out where the hell
they wanted to be.
-- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

 Things works, thanks :)
 Few things I'd like to see explained (fixed, implemented?):
 1. Once a float, always a float. Don't see way to make float other type
of data - string, integer.

String - Float with str2float()
Float - String with printf()

When would you need Float - Int?  You can actually use
printf(.0f, float), and rely on automatic String to Int conversion,
but it's clumsy.

 2. This is not strictly related to floating point, just noticed:
   :echo 1/0
   :echo 1.0/0
Shouldn't divide by 0 throw error?

The number you see is the largest int value or a special value for
floats which is INFINITY.  It has always worked this way for Ints, don't
know if it is such a good idea to do differently for floats.  Although I
would rather get the maximum value, INFINITY doesn't appear to be close
to infinity :-).  I suppose I should use MAXFLOAT instead.

 3. floor(), ceil(), trunc() ?

And round()?
 4. Cosmetic thing but truncating of 0s in floating numbers would be user
friendly (eg. store and display 0.5 instead of 0.50)

I don't see an argument to printf() to get this.

For a moment, nothing happened.
Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.
-- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: Improve vim's keyboard input subsystem

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 21:04:51 +0200
Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, because only a few terminals send these codes.  Instead, add the
 entries in the termcap/terminfo.  That might break other programs
 though.  You can also use a Vim script to set them.  Or a shell wrapper
 around Vim.  All that works but isn't nice.

So, do you suggest that screen's termcap/terminfo DBs ought to contain
these items?

 I know the current termcap/terminfo system is outdated and insufficient
 for modern terminal emulaters.  The solution should be changing
 termcap/terminfo into some better library.  The actual escape sequences
 used can remain the same.

And that is exactly what I propose.

My libtermkey library already understands the byte sequences that xterm
_already_ throws. I made a whole load of suggestions on how to extend
these byte seq.s to fix a few problems with the current encoding, but
that was more of a side interest... Nothing stops libtermkey from simply
abstracting out what termcap/terminfo already provide. It's an extension
of, not a replacement.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

RE: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie John Beckett

Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
 echo printf(%.0f, 0.4)
 E807: expected Float argument for printf()

You mean (argument not a string):
  :echo printf(%.0f, 0.4)

 echo printf(%d, 4-2)

Same glitch. It's 4-2 not 4-2.

 user friendly (eg. store and display 0.5 instead of 0.50)

Here is a workaround:
  :let f=1.0/2.0
  :echo f
  :echo substitute(string(f),'0\+$','','')


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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Ben Schmidt wrote:
 When would you need Float - Int?  You can actually use
 printf(.0f, float), and rely on automatic String to Int conversion,
 but it's clumsy.
 Float - Int can be very handy, using floats as intermediate
 calculations in scripts and then converting to ints for some kind of
 display or condition, but usually in combination with a well-defined way
 of converting between...i.e. a ceil, floor, round function. It would be
 good if some of these could be implemented. How about a single round
 function with a second parameter to specify the type of rounding, and
 return an int? The second argument could be 'floor|down|int' (round
 down), 'ceil|up' (round up), 'trunc|zero' (towards zero), 'away' (away
 from zero), 'nearest|round' (towards nearest integer, round away from
 zero if half way), 'even' (towards nearest integer, round to the even
 number if half way).
 2. This is not strictly related to floating point, just noticed:

   :echo 1/0

   :echo 1.0/0

Shouldn't divide by 0 throw error?
 The number you see is the largest int value or a special value for
 floats which is INFINITY.
 Something is wrong there, because it's not anywhere near the largest
 value for floats, it is simply the largest value for a 32 bit int
 converted to a float. Looks like some integer code has interfered with
 the float code. Only on your system though. My system correctly reports
 'inf', the special IEEE floating point representation of 'infinity'.
 There is still a bug there, though:
 :echo -1/0  gives 2147483647, see below
 :echo 0/0  gives 2147483647, see below
 :echo -1.0/0  gives inf, should give -inf
 :echo 0.0/0  gives inf, should give nan

It may also be worth noting that 0.0 and -0.0 are (or should be)
different floats, so, for instance 1/-0.0 should give -inf.

 For the integer ones, the negative should report, if the 'maximum value'
 philosophy is followed, -2147483648 (==-2^31, the smallest value a
 32-bit int can represent). Though in Vim, a case could be made for
 actually returning -2147483647 (i.e. one unit 'too high') since in Vim
 -(-2147483648) == -2147483648 due to overflow, which isn't very
 desirable! In practice, using -2147483647 and having a sign change work
 as expected would be more useful. Care would have to be taken to have
 things that work on 64 bit systems, too, I guess (and systems with
 smaller words if we still compile for those!). However, this whole idea
 isn't all that useful with ints anyway. It is useful with floats,
 though, In most environments, integer division by zero chucks an error
 and float division reports inf, -inf or nan as appropriate.
 Apart from various types rounding, which I can definitely imagine being
 useful, are there any mathematical functions that could be handy in a
 text processing environment? So far I can only think of 'toy'
 applications for them! Perhaps to minimise disruption but allow
 flexibility they could all be wrapped in a 'math' function, where the
 first argument is the function, and the second and optionally third
 arguments are the parameters?
 math('sin',argument[,degrees (bool)=0])
 math('cos',argument[,degrees (bool)=0])
 math('tan',argument[,degrees (bool)=0])
 math('atan',argument[,degrees (bool)=0])
 I think that covers all the basics in an extensible and inobtrusive way.
 4. Cosmetic thing but truncating of 0s in floating numbers would be user
friendly (eg. store and display 0.5 instead of 0.50)
 I don't see an argument to printf() to get this.
 Yeah, that'd be a good improvement.
 Are floats or doubles being used? They are definitely being displayed
 with float, not double, precision at present. I would vastly prefer
 double precision. 7 significant figures is barely worth it, and wouldn't
 cut it for a lot of data files where having floating points in a text
 editor would actually be useful! 15 significant figures gives you a lot
 of power, and would allow you to interact with the floating points just
 as accurately as most other software that would be reading your data

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Gary Johnson wrote:
 On 2008-06-10, Ben Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Out of curiosity, why the preference for a few functions with 
 parameters, e.g.,

To be honest, I probably prefer the 'many functions' approach. I was
just thinking in terms of not cluttering the Vim function namespace with
functions for a feature that isn't really core to a text editor.

Though for the rounding, there are so many different types and different
names for the different types, that I thought a single function to group
them together made sense.

Still, the chances of an actual name clash are small--if we called a
function by one of those names with a different purpose, it would cause
plenty of confusion, and I guess just another section of :help
function-list is needed.


That's a good thought. Vim should have that one, for ints and floats.
sgn() wouldn't go astray either.

Another that could conceivably be useful would be a random number
function. A low quality PRNG would do just fine. This could be used in
Vim for editing data files for testing purposes, etc.


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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Gautam Iyer
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 01:55:04PM +1000, John Beckett wrote:

 It would be a pointless waste of development time to do much more with
 floats in Vim, IMHO.

I *strongly* agree! Apart from the basic operations, the rest can be
left to vim-perl/python/ruby/etc. Please don't bloat Vim.


'Impatience' -- Waiting in a hurry.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

John Beckett wrote:
 Ben Schmidt wrote:
 math('sin',argument[,degrees (bool)=0])
 math('cos',argument[,degrees (bool)=0])
 math('tan',argument[,degrees (bool)=0])
 math('atan',argument[,degrees (bool)=0])
 Considering the functions, not the syntax to call them, I would have
 to suggest that it would be better to use Python-in-Vim for this sort
 of thing (and get complex numbers as well, plus heaps more).

You can leverage that argument about the entire floating point patch.

That said, the only functions I can imagine being truly useful in a text
editing setting, as opposed to an application that truly does require
something more numerically oriented, like a scripting language or
spreadsheet, are:

- rounding functions
- absolute value function
- sign function
- random number function
- power function (either exp() with variable base or pow() with
   arguments in the reverse order)

Not the rest of the mathematical functions, the majority of which you
noted above. As I said, I can only think of 'toy' applications for them.

 It would be a pointless waste of development time to do much more with
 floats in Vim, IMHO.

Despite my comments above, I don't think writing a wrapper around a C
library function is long or hard work, which is basically all this
requires. If you're going to do one or two, which I think could be very
useful, you might as well do all ten while you're at it. Saves having to
do it later when someone discovers they need it!

But that said, yes, there are other Vim features I would much rather see
than this: variable tab stops, for instance, which are useful for many
more (most tab separated) data files than floating point computation is.

 Are floats or doubles being used? They are definitely being 
 displayed with float, not double, precision at present.
 Vim's float code is using doubles.
 I haven't done anything serious with floats for years, but my vague
 recollection is that you would have to use something like
 printf('%.20f',myfloat) to see lots of precision (i.e. I think what
 you are seeing in Vim is just standard behaviour).

Yes, this works (well, 20 doesn't work, because they don't have that
much precision, so it just prints additional rubbish digits, but that is
as expected)!


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