Re: Buffer position not preserved when resizing window (7.4.307)

2014-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Nobuhiro Takasaki
It is a test that is an error in the patch before.
It does not result in an error in the patch after.
The correctness of meaning, there is no confidence.

If there is a better way, that would be better.

Nobuhiro Takasaki

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BUG: j motion doesn't use position set by setpos('.'), but that of the last insert

2014-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

I have a custom surround function that basically does this:

let save_cursor = getpos('.')
execute normal! eaXY\Esc
call setpos('.', save_cursor)

And this correctly restores the cursor to the original position. But
when I move down a line (with j, same with k btw.) immediately after
triggering this, the cursor jumps to the column of the last insert (the
Y in the example above). This does not happen when:
- a (no-op) move within the same line is performed (e.g. l followed by
h) before the j
- cursor() is used instead of setpos('.')

I can reproduce this down to Vim version 7.0. Interestingly, in Vim
7.0.000, the cursor() function is also affected, but that starts working
in Vim 7.1.000. I see this in the latest Vim 7.4.307 (HUGE build) on
Linux/x64, as well as Vim 7.4.264 on Windows/x64.

You can reproduce this with the attached scriptlet:

$ vim -N -u NONE -S bug-cursor-j.vim

Or by executing this in the middle of some text:

let save_cursor = getpos('.')|execute normal! eaXY\Esc|call
setpos('.', save_cursor)|normal! j

The problematic call incorrectly positions the cursor (represented by |)
on the last insert column, instead of the column of the B where the
function was triggered:

QuickBrownFoxJumpsOverMe |he he
Quick|BrownFoxJumpsOverMe he he

-- regards, ingo
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --

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Re: BUG: j motion doesn't use position set by setpos('.'), but that of the last insert

2014-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Christian Brabandt
Hi Ingo!

On Mo, 26 Mai 2014, Ingo Karkat wrote:

 Hello Vim developers,
 I have a custom surround function that basically does this:
 let save_cursor = getpos('.')
 execute normal! eaXY\Esc
 call setpos('.', save_cursor)
 And this correctly restores the cursor to the original position. But
 when I move down a line (with j, same with k btw.) immediately after
 triggering this, the cursor jumps to the column of the last insert (the
 Y in the example above). This does not happen when:
 - a (no-op) move within the same line is performed (e.g. l followed by
 h) before the j
 - cursor() is used instead of setpos('.')
 I can reproduce this down to Vim version 7.0. Interestingly, in Vim
 7.0.000, the cursor() function is also affected, but that starts working
 in Vim 7.1.000. I see this in the latest Vim 7.4.307 (HUGE build) on
 Linux/x64, as well as Vim 7.4.264 on Windows/x64.
 You can reproduce this with the attached scriptlet:
 $ vim -N -u NONE -S bug-cursor-j.vim
 Or by executing this in the middle of some text:
 let save_cursor = getpos('.')|execute normal! eaXY\Esc|call
 setpos('.', save_cursor)|normal! j
 The problematic call incorrectly positions the cursor (represented by |)
 on the last insert column, instead of the column of the B where the
 function was triggered:
 QuickBrownFoxJumpsOverMe |he he
 Quick|BrownFoxJumpsOverMe he he

This has been discussed before:

As suggested by ZyX in one of the threads, here is a patch, that allows 
to explicitly set curswant by enhancing the winrestview() function call.

This means, you have to add an additional call to winrestview() like 
:call winrestview({'curswant':5})
to make Vim request to stay in column *6* on vertical movement. Yes, 
there is a difference between the column number getpos() and 
winsaveview() returns.


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diff --git a/runtime/doc/eval.txt b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -6395,6 +6395,16 @@ winrestcmd()	Returns a sequence of |:res
 		Uses the |Dictionary| returned by |winsaveview()| to restore
 		the view of the current window.
+		Note: The {dict} does not have to contain all values, that are
+		returned by |winsaveview()|. If values are missing, those
+		settings won't be restored. So you can use: 
+		:call winrestview({'curswant': 4})
+		This will only set the curswant value (the column the cursor
+		wants to move on vertical movements) of the cursor to column 5
+		(yes, that is 5), while all other settings will remain the
+		same. This is useful, if you set the cursor position manually.
 		If you have changed the values the result is unpredictable.
 		If the window size changed the result won't be the same.
@@ -6409,7 +6419,9 @@ winsaveview()	Returns a |Dictionary| tha
 		not opened when moving around.
 		The return value includes:
 			lnum		cursor line number
-			col		cursor column
+			col		cursor column (Note: the first column
+	zero, as opposed to what getpos()
+	returns)
 			coladd		cursor column offset for 'virtualedit'
 			curswant	column for vertical movement
 			topline		first line in the window
diff --git a/src/eval.c b/src/eval.c
--- a/src/eval.c
+++ b/src/eval.c
@@ -19229,20 +19229,30 @@ f_winrestview(argvars, rettv)
-	curwin-w_cursor.lnum = get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)lnum);
-	curwin-w_cursor.col = get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)col);
+	if (dict_find(dict, (char_u *)lnum, -1) != NULL)
+	curwin-w_cursor.lnum = get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)lnum);
+	if (dict_find(dict, (char_u *)col, -1) != NULL)
+	curwin-w_cursor.col = get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)col);
-	curwin-w_cursor.coladd = get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)coladd);
-	curwin-w_curswant = get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)curswant);
-	curwin-w_set_curswant = FALSE;
-	set_topline(curwin, get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)topline));
+	if (dict_find(dict, (char_u *)coladd, -1) != NULL)
+	curwin-w_cursor.coladd = get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)coladd);
+	if (dict_find(dict, (char_u *)curswant, -1) != NULL)
+	{
+	curwin-w_curswant = get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)curswant);
+	curwin-w_set_curswant = FALSE;
+	}
+	if (dict_find(dict, (char_u *)topline, -1) != NULL)
+	set_topline(curwin, get_dict_number(dict, (char_u *)topline));

Re: SIGBUS highlighting in C

2014-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Marek Zaffy wrote:

 Vim has nice syntax highlighting for all signals, except SIGBUS... why ? 
 I fixed this by altering the c.vim file but I think it'd be much
 better if vim highlights the keywork SIGBUS by default.

Looks like the newer Posix signals are missing.  My man page says they
are for Posix 2001.  Let's add this then:

   POSIX 2001
  syn keyword cConstant SIGVTALRM SIGXCPU SIGXFSZ

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
211. Your husband leaves you...taking the computer with him and you
 call him crying, and beg him to bring the computer back.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: BUG: j motion doesn't use position set by setpos('.'), but that of the last insert

2014-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Christian Brabandt wrote:

 Hi Ingo!
 On Mo, 26 Mai 2014, Ingo Karkat wrote:
  Hello Vim developers,
  I have a custom surround function that basically does this:
  let save_cursor = getpos('.')
  execute normal! eaXY\Esc
  call setpos('.', save_cursor)
  And this correctly restores the cursor to the original position. But
  when I move down a line (with j, same with k btw.) immediately after
  triggering this, the cursor jumps to the column of the last insert (the
  Y in the example above). This does not happen when:
  - a (no-op) move within the same line is performed (e.g. l followed by
  h) before the j
  - cursor() is used instead of setpos('.')
  I can reproduce this down to Vim version 7.0. Interestingly, in Vim
  7.0.000, the cursor() function is also affected, but that starts working
  in Vim 7.1.000. I see this in the latest Vim 7.4.307 (HUGE build) on
  Linux/x64, as well as Vim 7.4.264 on Windows/x64.
  You can reproduce this with the attached scriptlet:
  $ vim -N -u NONE -S bug-cursor-j.vim
  Or by executing this in the middle of some text:
  let save_cursor = getpos('.')|execute normal! eaXY\Esc|call
  setpos('.', save_cursor)|normal! j
  The problematic call incorrectly positions the cursor (represented by |)
  on the last insert column, instead of the column of the B where the
  function was triggered:
  QuickBrownFoxJumpsOverMe |he he
  Quick|BrownFoxJumpsOverMe he he
 This has been discussed before:
 As suggested by ZyX in one of the threads, here is a patch, that allows 
 to explicitly set curswant by enhancing the winrestview() function call.
 This means, you have to add an additional call to winrestview() like 
 :call winrestview({'curswant':5})
 to make Vim request to stay in column *6* on vertical movement. Yes, 
 there is a difference between the column number getpos() and 
 winsaveview() returns.

This patch has drifted way down in the todo list.  I'll move it up.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
210. When you get a divorce, you don't care about who gets the children,
 but discuss endlessly who can use the email address.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: delete just left netrw buffer after opening file

2014-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell

Enno wrote:

Le vendredi 23 mai 2014 10:42:55 UTC+2, Enno a écrit :

Can one configure netrw so that when opening a file in netrw the just left 
netrw buffer is automatically deleted?

For example type :e ., navigate to a file, hit CR. Then there is the netrw 
buffer, created by :e . that we just left, and has done its service. Is there an 
autocmd to delete it? Naive attempts under Gvim 7.4.282 and Windows 7 64 bit failed.

This is, under netrw 1.53b. Another curiosity is that, inside a netrw buffer, 
the :bprevious is without effect, but :bnext works as expected.

Please try netrw this way:  (simple.netrw is attached)

vim -u simple.netrw some-directory-here

You'll need to hit the i key a few times to get your preferred tree 

Chip Campbell

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set nocp
so .vim/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim