Vimgrep may add results to a wrong quickfix list

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Yegappan Lakshmanan

When developing tests for autocmds changing the quickfix/location
lists when vimgrep is running, I noticed that in some cases vimgrep
may add results to a wrong quickfix list. The attached patch fixes
this problem by using the quickfix list identifier and adds a test.

- Yegappan

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Description: Binary data

Re: Test_terminal_response_to_control_sequence still failing for me

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

> I've been watching and no-one else seems to be reporting a
> problem with this test -- it's been failing for me
> consistently for several weeks
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_terminal_response_to_control_sequence line
> 17: Pattern '\\<\\d\\+R' does not match 'sh-4.3$ R'
> question:  does this test make assumptions about the value
> of $PS1?

I haven't been able to reproduce it, but we do see that only "1R" shows
up while it should be something "3;1R".  So the shell eats some

Let's run "cat" and send the escape sequence with term_sendkeys(), then
it should be echo'd properly.

Time is money.  Especially if you make clocks.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 8.0.1645

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.0.1645
Problem:Test for terminal response to escape sequence fails for some
people. (toothpik)
Solution:   Run "cat" and let it echo the characters.
Files:  src/testdir/test_terminal.vim

*** ../vim-8.0.1644/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim   2018-03-25 
20:31:28.964620010 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_terminal.vim   2018-03-25 21:23:05.162044769 +0200
*** 833,857 
let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
!   call WaitFor({-> term_getline(buf, 1) != ""})
!   call writefile(["\x1b[6n"], 'Xescape')
!   call term_sendkeys(buf, "cat Xescape\")
!   " wait for the response of control sequence from libvterm (and send it to 
!   sleep 200m
!   call term_wait(buf)
" Wait for output from tty to display, below an empty line.
!   " It should show \e3;1R, but only 1R may show up
!   call assert_match('\<\d\+R', term_getline(buf, 3))
!   call term_sendkeys(buf, "\")
!   call term_wait(buf)
!   call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf)
exe buf . 'bwipe'
-   call delete('Xescape')
unlet g:job
--- 833,854 
let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
!   call WaitFor({-> term_getline(buf, 1) != ''})
!   call term_sendkeys(buf, "cat\")
!   call WaitFor({-> term_getline(buf, 1) =~ 'cat'})
!   " Request the cursor position.
!   call term_sendkeys(buf, "\x1b[6n\")
" Wait for output from tty to display, below an empty line.
!   call WaitFor({-> term_getline(buf, 4) =~ '3;1R'})
!   " End "cat" gently.
!   call term_sendkeys(buf, "\\")
+   call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf)
exe buf . 'bwipe'
unlet g:job
*** ../vim-8.0.1644/src/version.c   2018-03-25 20:31:28.964620010 +0200
--- src/version.c   2018-03-25 21:23:25.837921536 +0200
*** 768,769 
--- 768,771 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 1645,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
60. As your car crashes through the guardrail on a mountain road, your first
instinct is to search for the "back" button.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 8.0.1644

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.0.1644
Problem:Terminal API tests still fail.
Solution:   Explicitly set 'title' in the terminal job. (Ozaki Kiichi,
closes #2750)
Files:  src/testdir/test_terminal.vim, src/testdir/screendump.vim

*** ../vim-8.0.1643/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim   2018-03-25 
19:09:52.072089328 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_terminal.vim   2018-03-25 20:27:03.666201600 +0200
*** 1029,1038 
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
-   set title
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
\ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"',
\ 'let  = ''["drop","Xtextfile"]''',
\ 'redraw',
--- 1029,1038 
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
+   \ 'set title',
\ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"',
\ 'let  = ''["drop","Xtextfile"]''',
\ 'redraw',
*** 1046,1052 
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xscript')
bwipe Xtextfile
-   set title&
  func Test_terminal_api_drop_oldwin()
--- 1046,1051 
*** 1058,1067 
let textfile_winid = win_getid()
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
call win_gotoid(firstwinid)
-   set title
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
\ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"',
\ 'let  = ''["drop","Xtextfile"]''',
\ 'redraw',
--- 1057,1066 
let textfile_winid = win_getid()
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
call win_gotoid(firstwinid)
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
+   \ 'set title',
\ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"',
\ 'let  = ''["drop","Xtextfile"]''',
\ 'redraw',
*** 1074,1080 
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xscript')
bwipe Xtextfile
-   set title&
  func TryThis(bufnum, arg)
--- 1073,1078 
*** 1086,1095 
if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
-   set title
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
\ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"',
\ 'let  = ''["call","TryThis",["hello",123]]''',
\ 'redraw',
--- 1084,1093 
if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
+   \ 'set title',
\ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"',
\ 'let  = ''["call","TryThis",["hello",123]]''',
\ 'redraw',
*** 1104,1108 
call delete('Xscript')
unlet g:called_bufnum
unlet g:called_arg
-   set title&
--- 1102,1105 
*** ../vim-8.0.1643/src/testdir/screendump.vim  2018-03-25 18:56:20.236729661 
--- src/testdir/screendump.vim  2018-03-25 20:28:06.569839236 +0200
*** 24,30 
  " By default uses a size of 20 lines and 75 columns.
  " Returns the buffer number of the terminal.
! " Options is a dictionary (not used yet).
  func RunVimInTerminal(arguments, options)
" If Vim doesn't exit a swap file remains, causing other tests to fail.
" Remove it here.
--- 24,32 
  " By default uses a size of 20 lines and 75 columns.
  " Returns the buffer number of the terminal.
! " Options is a dictionary, these items are recognized:
! " "rows" - height of the terminal window (max. 20)
! " "cols" - width of the terminal window (max. 78)
  func RunVimInTerminal(arguments, options)
" If Vim doesn't exit a swap file remains, causing other tests to fail.
" Remove it here.
*** 47,63 
set t_Co=256 background=light
hi Normal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
!   " Make the window 20 lines high, unless told otherwise.
!   let rows = 20
!   if has_key(a:options, 'rows')
! let rows = a:options['rows']
!   endif
let cmd = GetVimCommandClean()
" Add -v to have gvim run in the terminal (if possible)
let cmd .= ' -v ' . a:arguments
!   let buf = term_start(cmd, {'curwin': 1, 'term_rows': rows, 'term_cols': 75})
!   call assert_equal([rows, 75], term_getsize(buf))
return buf
--- 49,63 
set t_Co=256 background=light
hi Normal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
!   " Make the window 20 lines high and 75 columns, unless told otherwise.
!   let rows = get(a:options, 'rows', 20)
!   let cols = get(a:options, 'cols', 75)
let cmd = GetVimCommandClean()
" Add -v to have gvim run in the terminal (if possible)
let cmd .= ' -v ' . a:arguments
!   let buf = term_start(cmd, {'curwin': 1, 'term_rows': rows, 'term_cols': 
!   call assert_equal([rows, cols], term_getsize(buf))
return buf
*** ../vim-8.0.1643/src/version.c   2018-03-25 19:09:52.072089328 +0200
--- src/version.c   

Test_terminal_response_to_control_sequence still failing for me

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie tooth pik
I've been watching and no-one else seems to be reporting a
problem with this test -- it's been failing for me
consistently for several weeks

function RunTheTest[38]..Test_terminal_response_to_control_sequence line
17: Pattern '\\<\\d\\+R' does not match 'sh-4.3$ R'

question:  does this test make assumptions about the value
of $PS1?

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Re: Patch 8.0.1641

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Elimar Riesebieter
* Bram Moolenaar  [2018-03-25 18:58 +0200]:

> Elimar -
> > test fails as follows:
> > 
> > * Bram Moolenaar  [2018-03-25 18:20 +0200]:
> > 
> > > 
> > > Patch 8.0.1641
> > > Problem:Job in terminal can't communicate with Vim.
> > > Solution:   Add the terminal API.
> > > Files:  src/terminal.c, src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_terminal.vim,
> > > src/testdir/screendump.vim, runtime/doc/terminal.txt
> > Found errors in Test_terminal_api_call():
> > Caught exception in Test_terminal_api_call(): WaitFor() timed out after 
> > 1000 msec @ function RunTheTest[38]..Test_terminal_api_call[12]..WaitFor, 
> > line 25
> > Found errors in Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin():
> > Caught exception in Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin(): WaitFor() timed out 
> > after 1000 msec @ function 
> > RunTheTest[38]..Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin[14]..WaitFor, line 25
> > Found errors in Test_terminal_api_drop_oldwin():
> > Caught exception in Test_terminal_api_drop_oldwin(): WaitFor() timed out 
> > after 1000 msec @ 
> > functionRunTheTest[38]..Test_terminal_api_drop_oldwin[18]..WaitFor, line 25
> Hmm, it works for me.  I wonder what causes the problem.
> On CI there is an error because of running in a small window, I can fix
> that one at least.

I am building in a tmux session ssh'd to my devel machine. The
terminal has stty size 54 198.

  We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
-Linus Torvalds

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Patch 8.0.1643

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.0.1643
Problem:Terminal API tests fail.
Solution:   Explicitly set 'title'.
Files:  src/testdir/test_terminal.vim

*** ../vim-8.0.1642/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim   2018-03-25 
18:56:20.236729661 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_terminal.vim   2018-03-25 19:08:47.012458600 +0200
*** 1029,1034 
--- 1029,1035 
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+   set title
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
*** 1045,1050 
--- 1046,1052 
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xscript')
bwipe Xtextfile
+   set title&
  func Test_terminal_api_drop_oldwin()
*** 1056,1061 
--- 1058,1064 
let textfile_winid = win_getid()
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
call win_gotoid(firstwinid)
+   set title
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
*** 1071,1076 
--- 1074,1080 
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xscript')
bwipe Xtextfile
+   set title&
  func TryThis(bufnum, arg)
*** 1082,1087 
--- 1086,1093 
if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+   set title
" Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
call writefile([
\ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"',
*** 1098,1101 
--- 1104,1108 
call delete('Xscript')
unlet g:called_bufnum
unlet g:called_arg
+   set title&
*** ../vim-8.0.1642/src/version.c   2018-03-25 18:56:20.236729661 +0200
--- src/version.c   2018-03-25 19:09:24.804244067 +0200
*** 768,769 
--- 768,771 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 1643,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
58. You turn on your computer and turn off your wife.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 8.0.1642

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.0.1642
Problem:Running Vim in terminal fails with two windows.
Solution:   Pass the number of rows to RunVimInTerminal().
Files:  src/testdir/screendump.vim, src/testdir/test_terminal.vim

*** ../vim-8.0.1641/src/testdir/screendump.vim  2018-03-25 18:19:47.221066088 
--- src/testdir/screendump.vim  2018-03-25 18:53:11.269828661 +0200
*** 47,57 
set t_Co=256 background=light
hi Normal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
let cmd = GetVimCommandClean()
" Add -v to have gvim run in the terminal (if possible)
let cmd .= ' -v ' . a:arguments
!   let buf = term_start(cmd, {'curwin': 1, 'term_rows': 20, 'term_cols': 75})
!   call assert_equal([20, 75], term_getsize(buf))
return buf
--- 47,63 
set t_Co=256 background=light
hi Normal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
+   " Make the window 20 lines high, unless told otherwise.
+   let rows = 20
+   if has_key(a:options, 'rows')
+ let rows = a:options['rows']
+   endif
let cmd = GetVimCommandClean()
" Add -v to have gvim run in the terminal (if possible)
let cmd .= ' -v ' . a:arguments
!   let buf = term_start(cmd, {'curwin': 1, 'term_rows': rows, 'term_cols': 75})
!   call assert_equal([rows, 75], term_getsize(buf))
return buf
*** ../vim-8.0.1641/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim   2018-03-25 
18:19:47.221066088 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_terminal.vim   2018-03-25 18:50:30.942772173 +0200
*** 1064,1070 
\ 'redraw',
\ "set t_ts=",
\ ], 'Xscript')
!   let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {})
call WaitFor({-> expand('%:t') =='Xtextfile'})
call assert_equal(textfile_winid, win_getid())
--- 1064,1070 
\ 'redraw',
\ "set t_ts=",
\ ], 'Xscript')
!   let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'rows': 10})
call WaitFor({-> expand('%:t') =='Xtextfile'})
call assert_equal(textfile_winid, win_getid())
*** ../vim-8.0.1641/src/version.c   2018-03-25 18:19:47.221066088 +0200
--- src/version.c   2018-03-25 18:52:41.258004393 +0200
*** 768,769 
--- 768,771 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 1642,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
57. You begin to wonder how on earth your service provider is allowed to call
200 hours per month "unlimited."

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 8.0.1641

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.0.1641
Problem:Job in terminal can't communicate with Vim.
Solution:   Add the terminal API.
Files:  src/terminal.c, src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_terminal.vim,
src/testdir/screendump.vim, runtime/doc/terminal.txt

*** ../vim-8.0.1640/src/terminal.c  2018-03-23 22:10:26.164804315 +0100
--- src/terminal.c  2018-03-25 18:18:57.005331832 +0200
*** 38,49 
   * in tl_scrollback are no longer used.
   * TODO:
!  * - Win32: In the GUI use a terminal emulator for :!cmd.
   * - Add a way to set the 16 ANSI colors, to be used for 'termguicolors' and 
   *   the GUI.
!  * - Some way for the job running in the terminal to send a :drop command back
!  *   to the Vim running the terminal.  Should be usable by a simple shell or
!  *   python script.
   * - implement term_setsize()
   * - Copy text in the vterm to the Vim buffer once in a while, so that
   *   completion works.
--- 38,48 
   * in tl_scrollback are no longer used.
   * TODO:
!  * - For the "drop" command accept another argument for options.
   * - Add a way to set the 16 ANSI colors, to be used for 'termguicolors' and 
   *   the GUI.
!  * - Win32: Make terminal used for :!cmd in the GUI work better.  Allow for
!  *   redirection.
   * - implement term_setsize()
   * - Copy text in the vterm to the Vim buffer once in a while, so that
   *   completion works.
*** 3146,3151 
--- 3145,3284 
+  * Handles a "drop" command from the job in the terminal.
+  * "item" is the file name, "item->li_next" may have options.
+  */
+ static void
+ handle_drop_command(listitem_T *item)
+ {
+ char_u*fname = get_tv_string(>li_tv);
+ int   bufnr;
+ win_T *wp;
+ tabpage_T   *tp;
+ exarg_T   ea;
+ bufnr = buflist_add(fname, BLN_LISTED | BLN_NOOPT);
+ {
+   if (wp->w_buffer->b_fnum == bufnr)
+   {
+   /* buffer is in a window already, go there */
+   goto_tabpage_win(tp, wp);
+   return;
+   }
+ }
+ /* open in new window, like ":sbuffer N" */
+ vim_memset(, 0, sizeof(ea));
+ ea.cmd = (char_u *)"sbuffer";
+ goto_buffer(, DOBUF_FIRST, FORWARD, bufnr);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Handles a function call from the job running in a terminal.
+  * "item" is the function name, "item->li_next" has the arguments.
+  */
+ static void
+ handle_call_command(term_T *term, channel_T *channel, listitem_T *item)
+ {
+ char_u*func;
+ typval_T  argvars[2];
+ typval_T  rettv;
+ int   doesrange;
+ if (item->li_next == NULL)
+ {
+   ch_log(channel, "Missing function arguments for call");
+   return;
+ }
+ func = get_tv_string(>li_tv);
+ if (!ASCII_ISUPPER(*func))
+ {
+   ch_log(channel, "Invalid function name: %s", func);
+   return;
+ }
+ argvars[0].v_type = VAR_NUMBER;
+ argvars[0].vval.v_number = term->tl_buffer->b_fnum;
+ argvars[1] = item->li_next->li_tv;
+ if (call_func(func, STRLEN(func), ,
+   2, argvars, /* argv_func */ NULL,
+   /* firstline */ 1, /* lastline */ 1,
+   , /* evaluate */ TRUE,
+   /* partial */ NULL, /* selfdict */ NULL) == OK)
+ {
+   clear_tv();
+   ch_log(channel, "Function %s called", func);
+ }
+ else
+   ch_log(channel, "Calling function %s failed", func);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Called by libvterm when it cannot recognize an OSC sequence.
+  * We recognize a terminal API command.
+  */
+ static int
+ parse_osc(const char *command, size_t cmdlen, void *user)
+ {
+ term_T*term = (term_T *)user;
+ js_read_T reader;
+ typval_T  tv;
+ channel_T *channel = term->tl_job == NULL ? NULL
+   : term->tl_job->jv_channel;
+ /* We recognize only OSC 5 1 ; {command} */
+ if (cmdlen < 3 || STRNCMP(command, "51;", 3) != 0)
+   return 0; /* not handled */
+ reader.js_buf = vim_strnsave((char_u *)command + 3, cmdlen - 3);
+ if (reader.js_buf == NULL)
+   return 1;
+ reader.js_fill = NULL;
+ reader.js_used = 0;
+ if (json_decode(, , 0) == OK
+   && tv.v_type == VAR_LIST
+   && tv.vval.v_list != NULL)
+ {
+   listitem_T *item = tv.vval.v_list->lv_first;
+   if (item == NULL)
+   ch_log(channel, "Missing command");
+   else
+   {
+   char_u  *cmd = get_tv_string(>li_tv);
+   item = item->li_next;
+   if (item == NULL)
+   ch_log(channel, "Missing argument for %s", cmd);
+   else if (STRCMP(cmd, "drop") == 0)
+   handle_drop_command(item);
+   else if (STRCMP(cmd, "call") == 0)
+   handle_call_command(term, channel, item);
+   else
+   ch_log(channel, "Invalid command received: %s", cmd);
+   }
+ }
+ else

Patch 8.0.1640

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.0.1640
Problem:Test_cwd() is flaky.
Solution:   Add to list of flaky tests.
Files:  src/testdir/runtest.vim

*** ../vim-8.0.1639/src/testdir/runtest.vim 2018-02-12 21:31:29.678121098 
--- src/testdir/runtest.vim 2018-03-25 17:12:45.115753832 +0200
*** 248,253 
--- 248,254 
\ 'Test_close_and_exit_cb()',
\ 'Test_collapse_buffers()',
\ 'Test_communicate()',
+   \ 'Test_cwd()',
\ 'Test_exit_callback_interval()',
\ 'Test_nb_basic()',
\ 'Test_oneshot()',
*** ../vim-8.0.1639/src/version.c   2018-03-25 16:20:18.521264011 +0200
--- src/version.c   2018-03-25 17:09:16.348959702 +0200
*** 768,769 
--- 768,771 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 1640,

"I don’t know how to make a screenshot" - Richard Stallman, July 2002
(when asked to send a screenshot of his desktop for

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 8.0.1639

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.0.1639
Problem:Libvterm code lags behind master.
Solution:   Sync to head, solve merge problems.
Files:  src/libvterm/README, src/libvterm/bin/unterm.c,
src/libvterm/bin/vterm-ctrl.c, src/libvterm/bin/vterm-dump.c,
src/libvterm/doc/URLs, src/libvterm/doc/seqs.txt,
src/libvterm/include/vterm_keycodes.h, src/libvterm/src/mouse.c,
src/libvterm/src/parser.c, src/libvterm/src/pen.c,
src/libvterm/src/screen.c, src/libvterm/src/state.c,
src/libvterm/src/vterm.c, src/libvterm/src/vterm_internal.h,
src/libvterm/t/25state_input.test, src/libvterm/t/harness.c,

*** ../vim-8.0.1638/src/libvterm/README 2017-07-23 22:07:23.041277153 +0200
--- src/libvterm/README 2018-03-25 15:51:01.967096196 +0200
*** 10,12 
--- 10,30 
  - Add a .gitignore file.
  - Convert from C99 to C90.
  - Other changes to support embedding in Vim.
+ To merge in changes from Github, do this:
+ - Commit any pending changes.
+ - Setup the merge tool:
+ git config merge.tool vimdiff
+ git config merge.conflictstyle diff3
+ git config mergetool.prompt false
+ - Run the merge tool:
+ git mergetool
+   This will open a four-way diff between:
+  LOCAL  - your current version
+  BASE   - version as it was at your last sync
+  REMOTE - version at head on Github
+  MERGED - best-effort merge of LOCAL and REMOTE
+   Now find places where automatic merge didn't work, they are marked with
+   , === and >>>
+   Fix those places in MERGED, remove the markers, and save the file :wqall.
*** ../vim-8.0.1638/src/libvterm/bin/unterm.c   2017-07-25 21:34:42.065132676 
--- src/libvterm/bin/unterm.c   2018-03-25 15:04:33.706954390 +0200
*** 95,102 
  sgr[sgri++] = 90 + (index - 8);
else {
  sgr[sgri++] = 38;
! sgr[sgri++] = 5 | (1<<31);
! sgr[sgri++] = index | (1<<31);
--- 95,102 
  sgr[sgri++] = 90 + (index - 8);
else {
  sgr[sgri++] = 38;
! sgr[sgri++] = 5 | CSI_ARG_FLAG_MORE;
! sgr[sgri++] = index | CSI_ARG_FLAG_MORE;
*** 112,119 
  sgr[sgri++] = 100 + (index - 8);
else {
  sgr[sgri++] = 48;
! sgr[sgri++] = 5 | (1<<31);
! sgr[sgri++] = index | (1<<31);
--- 112,119 
  sgr[sgri++] = 100 + (index - 8);
else {
  sgr[sgri++] = 48;
! sgr[sgri++] = 5 | CSI_ARG_FLAG_MORE;
! sgr[sgri++] = index | CSI_ARG_FLAG_MORE;
*** 125,133 
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < sgri; i++)
printf(!i   ? "%d" :
!   sgr[i] & (1<<31) ? ":%d" :
!   sgr[i] & ~(1<<31));
--- 125,133 
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < sgri; i++)
printf(!i   ? "%d" :
!   CSI_ARG_HAS_MORE(sgr[i]) ? ":%d" :
!   CSI_ARG(sgr[i]));
*** 283,287 
--- 283,288 
return 0;
*** ../vim-8.0.1638/src/libvterm/bin/vterm-ctrl.c   2017-07-24 
22:26:39.757774872 +0200
--- src/libvterm/bin/vterm-ctrl.c   2018-03-25 15:12:40.460260840 +0200
*** 53,58 
--- 53,59 
"curblink [off|on|query]",
"curshape [block|under|bar|query]",
"mouse [off|click|clickdrag|motion]",
+   "reportfocus [off|on|query]",
"altscreen [off|on|query]",
"bracketpaste [off|on|query]",
"icontitle [STR]",
*** 81,89 
return ret;
! static void await_c1(int c1)
!   int c;
/* await CSI - 8bit or 2byte 7bit form */
int in_esc = FALSE;
--- 82,90 
return ret;
! static void await_c1(unsigned char c1)
!   unsigned char c;
/* await CSI - 8bit or 2byte 7bit form */
int in_esc = FALSE;
*** 340,345 
--- 341,349 
  printf("\x1b[?1003h"); break;
+ else if(streq(arg, "reportfocus")) {
+   do_dec_mode(1004, getboolq(, argc, argv), "reportfocus");
+ }
  else if(streq(arg, "altscreen")) {
do_dec_mode(1049, getboolq(, argc, argv), "altscreen");
*** ../vim-8.0.1638/src/libvterm/bin/vterm-dump.c   2017-07-07 
11:53:29.515876528 +0200
--- src/libvterm/bin/vterm-dump.c   2018-03-25 15:13:04.920126272 +0200
*** 227,231 
--- 227,232 
return 0;

Re: term-dump differences

2018-03-25 Fir de Conversatie Christian Brabandt

On Sa, 24 Mär 2018, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> On Fr, 23 Mär 2018, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > > On Fr, 23 Mär 2018, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Weird.  I can only explain it if the dump that has @32 had a NUL
> > > > character in there.  Both NUL and space end up as a space in the dump.
> > > > 
> > > > Having a NUL halfway a line is weird.  Normally it only happens at the
> > > > end of the line.  Can you reproduce this problem?
> > > > 
> > > > Let me change the check for repeat to treat NUL and space the same, that
> > > > should fix the problem.  Don't know how to test this though.
> > > 
> > > Thanks. I cannot reproduce it locally, but when the CI tests PR 2732 
> > > usually at least one test runs into the problem. I can push a new commit 
> > > there to see if the test now runs successfully.
> > 
> > Looks like it still happens:
> >
> Eh, that one says:
>   Test results:
> Are you saying that is some kind of race condition?  It's hard to figure
> out what happens if you can't reproduce locally.

Argl, I guess I did rebuild that run and it has overwritten the test 
result. I cannot reproduce it locally however. Sorry.


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