Patch 8.2.2173

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.2.2173
Problem:Vim9: get internal error when assigning to undefined variable.
Solution:   Add error message. (closes #7475)
Files:  src/vim9compile.c, src/vim9execute.c, src/errors.h,

*** ../vim-8.2.2172/src/vim9compile.c   2020-12-20 15:20:53.326899494 +0100
--- src/vim9compile.c   2020-12-20 21:36:03.626874518 +0100
*** 7681,7688 
// Expression or function call.
if (ea.cmdidx != CMD_eval)
!   // CMD_var cannot happen, compile_assignment() above is used
!   iemsg("Command from find_ex_command() not handled");
goto erret;
--- 7681,7689 
// Expression or function call.
if (ea.cmdidx != CMD_eval)
!   // CMD_var cannot happen, compile_assignment() above would be
!   // used.  Most likely an assignment to a non-existing variable.
!   semsg(_(e_command_not_recognized_str), ea.cmd);
goto erret;
*** ../vim-8.2.2172/src/vim9execute.c   2020-12-20 21:10:13.902437880 +0100
--- src/vim9execute.c   2020-12-20 21:41:31.477415038 +0100
*** 606,613 
return FAIL;
  if (ufunc->uf_def_status == UF_COMPILED)
!   int error = check_user_func_argcount(ufunc, argcount);
if (error != FCERR_UNKNOWN)
if (error == FCERR_TOOMANY)
--- 606,612 
return FAIL;
  if (ufunc->uf_def_status == UF_COMPILED)
!   error = check_user_func_argcount(ufunc, argcount);
if (error != FCERR_UNKNOWN)
if (error == FCERR_TOOMANY)
*** ../vim-8.2.2172/src/errors.h2020-12-13 17:50:16.734956500 +0100
--- src/errors.h2020-12-20 21:37:43.066430610 +0100
*** 321,323 
--- 321,325 
INIT(= N_("E1144: Command is not followed by white space: %s"));
  EXTERN char e_missing_heredoc_end_marker_str[]
INIT(= N_("E1145: Missing heredoc end marker: %s"));
+ EXTERN char e_command_not_recognized_str[]
+   INIT(= N_("E1146: Command not recognized: %s"));
*** ../vim-8.2.2172/src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim   2020-12-16 
21:43:47.451181035 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim   2020-12-20 21:42:36.245127863 +0100
*** 710,714 
--- 710,725 
CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E464:')
+ def Test_command_not_recognized()
+   var lines =<< trim END
+ d.key = 'asdf'
+   END
+   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1146:', 1)
+   lines =<< trim END
+ d['key'] = 'asdf'
+   END
+   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1146:', 1)
+ enddef
  " vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker
*** ../vim-8.2.2172/src/version.c   2020-12-20 21:10:13.902437880 +0100
--- src/version.c   2020-12-20 21:37:17.014546784 +0100
*** 752,753 
--- 752,755 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 2173,

If the Universe is constantly expanding, why can't I ever find a parking space?

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: vim9: internal error when calling a function reference with less number of arguments

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Yegappan wrote:

> I am getting a "E685: Internal error: copy_tv(UNKNOWN)" error when
> using the following vim9 script:
> =
> vim9script
> def Func1(arg1: string, arg2: dict, arg3: dict)
>   var v = arg3.value
> enddef
> def g:Test()
>   var funcMap: dict = {'msg': Func1}
>   funcMap['msg']('abc', {'value': 10})
> enddef
> call Test()
> =

Fixed by patch 8.2.2172.

A salesperson says:Translation:
"backward compatible"  Old technology
"Premium"  Overpriced
"Can't keep it on the shelf"   Unavailable
"Stands alone" Piece of shit
"Proprietary"  Incompatible
(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 8.2.2172

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.2.2172
Problem:Vim9: number of arguments is not always checked. (Yegappan
Solution:   Check number of arguments when calling function by name.
Files:  src/userfunc.c, src/proto/, src/vim9execute.c,
src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.2171/src/userfunc.c  2020-12-20 17:47:49.253182274 +0100
--- src/userfunc.c  2020-12-20 20:56:12.843590663 +0100
*** 1834,1839 
--- 1834,1855 
+  * Check the argument count for user function "fp".
+  */
+ int
+ check_user_func_argcount(ufunc_T *fp, int argcount)
+ {
+ int regular_args = fp->uf_args.ga_len;
+ if (argcount < regular_args - fp->uf_def_args.ga_len)
+   return FCERR_TOOFEW;
+ else if (!has_varargs(fp) && argcount > regular_args)
+   return FCERR_TOOMANY;
+ }
+ /*
   * Call a user function after checking the arguments.
*** 1846,1860 
dict_T  *selfdict)
  int error;
- int regular_args = fp->uf_args.ga_len;
  if (fp->uf_flags & FC_RANGE && funcexe->doesrange != NULL)
*funcexe->doesrange = TRUE;
! if (argcount < regular_args - fp->uf_def_args.ga_len)
!   error = FCERR_TOOFEW;
! else if (!has_varargs(fp) && argcount > regular_args)
!   error = FCERR_TOOMANY;
! else if ((fp->uf_flags & FC_DICT) && selfdict == NULL)
error = FCERR_DICT;
--- 1862,1874 
dict_T  *selfdict)
  int error;
  if (fp->uf_flags & FC_RANGE && funcexe->doesrange != NULL)
*funcexe->doesrange = TRUE;
! error = check_user_func_argcount(fp, argcount);
! if (error != FCERR_UNKNOWN)
!   return error;
! if ((fp->uf_flags & FC_DICT) && selfdict == NULL)
error = FCERR_DICT;
*** ../vim-8.2.2171/src/proto/  2020-12-20 17:47:49.253182274 
--- src/proto/  2020-12-20 20:55:48.827682599 +0100
*** 18,23 
--- 18,24 
  void funcdepth_decrement(void);
  int funcdepth_get(void);
  void funcdepth_restore(int depth);
+ int check_user_func_argcount(ufunc_T *fp, int argcount);
  int call_user_func_check(ufunc_T *fp, int argcount, typval_T *argvars, 
typval_T *rettv, funcexe_T *funcexe, dict_T *selfdict);
  void save_funccal(funccal_entry_T *entry);
  void restore_funccal(void);
*** ../vim-8.2.2171/src/vim9execute.c   2020-12-20 17:47:49.253182274 +0100
--- src/vim9execute.c   2020-12-20 20:55:42.915705255 +0100
*** 606,611 
--- 606,622 
return FAIL;
  if (ufunc->uf_def_status == UF_COMPILED)
+   int error = check_user_func_argcount(ufunc, argcount);
+   if (error != FCERR_UNKNOWN)
+   {
+   if (error == FCERR_TOOMANY)
+   semsg(_(e_toomanyarg), ufunc->uf_name);
+   else
+   semsg(_(e_toofewarg), ufunc->uf_name);
+   return FAIL;
+   }
// The function has been compiled, can call it quickly.  For a function
// that was defined later: we can call it directly next time.
if (iptr != NULL)
*** ../vim-8.2.2171/src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim  2020-12-20 
17:47:49.257182258 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim  2020-12-20 21:04:35.512663131 +0100
*** 470,475 
--- 470,494 
+ def Test_call_funcref_wrong_args()
+   var head =<< trim END
+   vim9script
+   def Func3(a1: string, a2: number, a3: list)
+ echo a1 .. a2 .. a3[0]
+   enddef
+   def Testme()
+ var funcMap: dict = {func: Func3}
+   END
+   var tail =<< trim END
+   enddef
+   Testme()
+   END
+   CheckScriptSuccess(head + ["funcMap['func']('str', 123, [1, 2, 3])"] + tail)
+   CheckScriptFailure(head + ["funcMap['func']('str', 123)"] + tail, 'E119:')
+   CheckScriptFailure(head + ["funcMap['func']('str', 123, [1], 4)"] + tail, 
+ enddef
  def Test_call_lambda_args()
CheckDefFailure(['echo {i -> 0}()'],
'E119: Not enough arguments for function: {i -> 0}()')
*** ../vim-8.2.2171/src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim2020-12-20 
15:43:27.667305001 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim2020-12-20 21:06:49.307724159 +0100
*** 1312,1323 
# FuncNo() is not redefined
writefile(first_lines + nono_lines, 'Xreloaded.vim')
source Xreloaded.vim
!   g:DoCheck()
# FuncNo() is back
writefile(first_lines + withno_lines, 'Xreloaded.vim')
source Xreloaded.vim
!   g:DoCheck()
--- 1312,1323 
# FuncNo() is not redefined
writefile(first_lines + nono_lines, 'Xreloaded.vim')
source Xreloaded.vim
!   g:DoCheck(false)
# FuncNo() is back
writefile(first_lines + 

vim9: internal error when calling a function reference with less number of arguments

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Yegappan Lakshmanan

I am getting a "E685: Internal error: copy_tv(UNKNOWN)" error when
using the following vim9 script:


def Func1(arg1: string, arg2: dict, arg3: dict)
  var v = arg3.value

def g:Test()
  var funcMap: dict = {'msg': Func1}
  funcMap['msg']('abc', {'value': 10})

call Test()

- Yegappan

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Patch 8.2.2171

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.2.2171
Problem:Valgrind warning for using uninitialized value.
Solution:   Do not use "startp" or "endp" unless there is a match.
Files:  src/regexp_nfa.c

*** ../vim-8.2.2170/src/regexp_nfa.c2020-12-09 16:36:00.404656177 +0100
--- src/regexp_nfa.c2020-12-20 17:39:40.939320694 +0100
*** 7236,7242 
|| (end->lnum == start->lnum && end->col < start->col))
rex.reg_mmatch->endpos[0] = rex.reg_mmatch->startpos[0];
! else
if (rex.reg_match->endp[0] < rex.reg_match->startp[0])
rex.reg_match->endp[0] = rex.reg_match->startp[0];
--- 7236,7242 
|| (end->lnum == start->lnum && end->col < start->col))
rex.reg_mmatch->endpos[0] = rex.reg_mmatch->startpos[0];
! else if (retval > 0)
if (rex.reg_match->endp[0] < rex.reg_match->startp[0])
rex.reg_match->endp[0] = rex.reg_match->startp[0];
*** ../vim-8.2.2170/src/version.c   2020-12-20 17:47:49.257182258 +0100
--- src/version.c   2020-12-20 17:59:32.634380583 +0100
*** 752,753 
--- 752,755 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 2171,

You can test a person's importance in the organization by asking how much RAM
his computer has.  Anybody who knows the answer to that question is not a
(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 8.2.2170

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.2.2170
Problem:Vim9: a global function defined in a :def function fails if it
uses the context.
Solution:   Create a partial to store the closure context. (see #7410)
Files:  src/userfunc.c, src/proto/, src/vim9execute.c,
src/structs.h, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.2169/src/userfunc.c  2020-12-19 21:23:38.797667072 +0100
--- src/userfunc.c  2020-12-20 17:22:24.359338305 +0100
*** 1225,1230 
--- 1225,1232 
+ partial_unref(fp->uf_partial);
+ fp->uf_partial = NULL;
  #ifdef FEAT_LUA
  if (fp->uf_cb_free != NULL)
*** 1305,1316 
   * Copy already defined function "lambda" to a new function with name 
   * This is for when a compiled function defines a global function.
! void
  copy_func(char_u *lambda, char_u *global)
  ufunc_T *ufunc = find_func_even_dead(lambda, TRUE, NULL);
! ufunc_T *fp;
  if (ufunc == NULL)
semsg(_(e_lambda_function_not_found_str), lambda);
--- 1307,1319 
   * Copy already defined function "lambda" to a new function with name 
   * This is for when a compiled function defines a global function.
+  * Caller should take care of adding a partial for a closure.
! ufunc_T *
  copy_func(char_u *lambda, char_u *global)
  ufunc_T *ufunc = find_func_even_dead(lambda, TRUE, NULL);
! ufunc_T *fp = NULL;
  if (ufunc == NULL)
semsg(_(e_lambda_function_not_found_str), lambda);
*** 1321,1332 
if (fp != NULL)
semsg(_(e_funcexts), global);
!   return;
fp = alloc_clear(offsetof(ufunc_T, uf_name) + STRLEN(global) + 1);
if (fp == NULL)
!   return;
fp->uf_varargs = ufunc->uf_varargs;
fp->uf_flags = (ufunc->uf_flags & ~FC_VIM9) | FC_COPY;
--- 1324,1335 
if (fp != NULL)
semsg(_(e_funcexts), global);
!   return NULL;
fp = alloc_clear(offsetof(ufunc_T, uf_name) + STRLEN(global) + 1);
if (fp == NULL)
!   return NULL;
fp->uf_varargs = ufunc->uf_varargs;
fp->uf_flags = (ufunc->uf_flags & ~FC_VIM9) | FC_COPY;
*** 1362,1376 
if (fp->uf_va_name == NULL)
goto failed;
fp->uf_refcount = 1;
STRCPY(fp->uf_name, global);
hash_add(_hashtab, UF2HIKEY(fp));
! return;
  func_clear_free(fp, TRUE);
  static intfuncdepth = 0;
--- 1365,1381 
if (fp->uf_va_name == NULL)
goto failed;
+   fp->uf_ret_type = ufunc->uf_ret_type;
fp->uf_refcount = 1;
STRCPY(fp->uf_name, global);
hash_add(_hashtab, UF2HIKEY(fp));
! return fp;
  func_clear_free(fp, TRUE);
+ return NULL;
  static intfuncdepth = 0;
*** ../vim-8.2.2169/src/proto/  2020-11-22 18:15:40.171258382 
--- src/proto/  2020-12-20 16:53:12.854005764 +0100
*** 13,19 
  ufunc_T *find_func(char_u *name, int is_global, cctx_T *cctx);
  int func_is_global(ufunc_T *ufunc);
  int func_name_refcount(char_u *name);
! void copy_func(char_u *lambda, char_u *global);
  int funcdepth_increment(void);
  void funcdepth_decrement(void);
  int funcdepth_get(void);
--- 13,19 
  ufunc_T *find_func(char_u *name, int is_global, cctx_T *cctx);
  int func_is_global(ufunc_T *ufunc);
  int func_name_refcount(char_u *name);
! ufunc_T *copy_func(char_u *lambda, char_u *global);
  int funcdepth_increment(void);
  void funcdepth_decrement(void);
  int funcdepth_get(void);
*** ../vim-8.2.2169/src/vim9execute.c   2020-12-19 16:30:39.439810130 +0100
--- src/vim9execute.c   2020-12-20 17:34:40.152702327 +0100
*** 845,850 
--- 845,893 
+  * When a function reference is used, fill a partial with the information
+  * needed, especially when it is used as a closure.
+  */
+ static int
+ fill_partial_and_closure(partial_T *pt, ufunc_T *ufunc, ectx_T *ectx)
+ {
+ pt->pt_func = ufunc;
+ pt->pt_refcount = 1;
+ if (pt->pt_func->uf_flags & FC_CLOSURE)
+ {
+   dfunc_T *dfunc = ((dfunc_T *)def_functions.ga_data)
+ + ectx->ec_dfunc_idx;
+   // The closure needs to find arguments and local
+   // variables in the current stack.
+   pt->pt_ectx_stack = >ec_stack;
+   pt->pt_ectx_frame = ectx->ec_frame_idx;
+   // If this function returns and the closure is still
+   // being used, we need to make a copy of the context
+   // (arguments and local variables). Store a reference
+   // to the partial so we can handle that.

Patch 8.2.2169

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.2.2169
Problem:Vim9: test leaves file behind.
Solution:   Rename script files. (Dominique Pellé, closes #7511)
Use try/finally.
Files:  src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim, src/testdir/vim9.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.2168/src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim2020-12-19 
21:23:38.797667072 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim2020-12-20 15:34:55.301013355 +0100
*** 2412,2418 
'delcommand Echo',
!   'vim9script'
'command Echo cd # comment',
'delcommand Echo',
--- 2412,2418 
'delcommand Echo',
!   'vim9script',
'command Echo cd # comment',
'delcommand Echo',
*** 2949,2954 
--- 2949,2955 
+   delete('Xdone')
*** ../vim-8.2.2168/src/testdir/vim9.vim2020-12-05 13:40:57.495035088 
--- src/testdir/vim9.vim2020-12-20 15:41:23.523734126 +0100
*** 5,17 
  " Check that "lines" inside a ":def" function has no error.
  func CheckDefSuccess(lines)
!   let fname = 'Xdef' .. s:sequence
let s:sequence += 1
call writefile(['def Func()'] + a:lines + ['enddef', 'defcompile'], fname)
!   exe 'so ' .. fname
!   call Func()
!   delfunc! Func
!   call delete(fname)
  " Check that "lines" inside ":def" results in an "error" message.
--- 5,22 
  " Check that "lines" inside a ":def" function has no error.
  func CheckDefSuccess(lines)
!   let cwd = getcwd()
!   let fname = 'XdefSuccess' .. s:sequence
let s:sequence += 1
call writefile(['def Func()'] + a:lines + ['enddef', 'defcompile'], fname)
!   try
! exe 'so ' .. fname
! call Func()
! delfunc! Func
!   finally
! call chdir(cwd)
! call delete(fname)
!   endtry
  " Check that "lines" inside ":def" results in an "error" message.
*** 19,30 
  " Add a line before and after to make it less likely that the line number is
  " accidentally correct.
  func CheckDefFailure(lines, error, lnum = -3)
!   let fname = 'Xdef' .. s:sequence
!   call writefile(['def Func()', '# comment'] + a:lines + ['#comment', 
'enddef', 'defcompile'], fname)
!   call assert_fails('so ' .. fname, a:error, a:lines, a:lnum + 1)
!   delfunc! Func
!   call delete(fname)
let s:sequence += 1
  " Check that "lines" inside ":def" results in an "error" message when 
--- 24,40 
  " Add a line before and after to make it less likely that the line number is
  " accidentally correct.
  func CheckDefFailure(lines, error, lnum = -3)
!   let cwd = getcwd()
!   let fname = 'XdefFailure' .. s:sequence
let s:sequence += 1
+   call writefile(['def Func()', '# comment'] + a:lines + ['#comment', 
'enddef', 'defcompile'], fname)
+   try
+ call assert_fails('so ' .. fname, a:error, a:lines, a:lnum + 1)
+   finally
+ call chdir(cwd)
+ call delete(fname)
+ delfunc! Func
+   endtry
  " Check that "lines" inside ":def" results in an "error" message when 
*** 32,60 
  " Add a line before and after to make it less likely that the line number is
  " accidentally correct.
  func CheckDefExecFailure(lines, error, lnum = -3)
!   let fname = 'Xdef' .. s:sequence
let s:sequence += 1
call writefile(['def Func()', '# comment'] + a:lines + ['#comment', 
'enddef'], fname)
!   exe 'so ' .. fname
!   call assert_fails('call Func()', a:error, a:lines, a:lnum + 1)
!   delfunc! Func
!   call delete(fname)
  def CheckScriptFailure(lines: list, error: string, lnum = -3)
!   var fname = 'Xdef' .. s:sequence
s:sequence += 1
writefile(lines, fname)
!   assert_fails('so ' .. fname, error, lines, lnum)
!   delete(fname)
  def CheckScriptSuccess(lines: list)
!   var fname = 'Xdef' .. s:sequence
s:sequence += 1
writefile(lines, fname)
!   exe 'so ' .. fname
!   delete(fname)
  def CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines: list)
--- 42,85 
  " Add a line before and after to make it less likely that the line number is
  " accidentally correct.
  func CheckDefExecFailure(lines, error, lnum = -3)
!   let cwd = getcwd()
!   let fname = 'XdefExecFailure' .. s:sequence
let s:sequence += 1
call writefile(['def Func()', '# comment'] + a:lines + ['#comment', 
'enddef'], fname)
!   try
! exe 'so ' .. fname
! call assert_fails('call Func()', a:error, a:lines, a:lnum + 1)
!   finally
! call chdir(cwd)
! call delete(fname)
! delfunc! Func
!   endtry
  def CheckScriptFailure(lines: list, error: string, lnum = -3)
!   var cwd = getcwd()
!   var fname = 'XScriptFailure' .. s:sequence
s:sequence += 1
writefile(lines, fname)
!   try
! assert_fails('so ' .. fname, error, lines, lnum)
!   finally
! chdir(cwd)
! delete(fname)
!   endtry

Re: Test failure in test_vim9_assign.vim

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Elimar Riesebieter
* Bram Moolenaar  [2020-12-20 14:50 +0100]:

> Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> > building 8.2.2166 gives me the following error:
> > 
> > Failures: 
> > From test_vim9_assign.vim:
> > Found errors in Test_assignment_dict():
> > command line..script 
> > /source/vim/vim-8.2.2166/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[468]..function 
> > RunTheTest[39]..Test_assignment_dict[17]..CheckDefFailure line 3: ['var dd 
> > = {one: 1}', ' = 2']: Expected 'E15:' but got 'E488: Trailing 
> > characters: ) = 2': ['var dd = {one: 1}', ' = 2']
> I'm sure I had fixed that...  Ah, but didn't include the fix.  Will make
> a separate patch.

Fixed with 8.2.2167.

  On the keyboard of life you have always
  to keep a finger at the escape key;-)

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Patch 8.2.2168

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.2.2168
Problem:Vim9: error for assigning to dict of dict.
Solution:   Remember the destination type. (closes #7506)
Files:  src/vim9compile.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.2167/src/vim9compile.c   2020-12-19 16:30:39.439810130 +0100
--- src/vim9compile.c   2020-12-20 15:15:44.731796102 +0100
*** 5876,5882 
if (has_index)
!   int r;
// Compile the "idx" in "var[idx]" or "key" in "var.key".
p = var_start + varlen;
--- 5876,5883 
if (has_index)
!   int r;
!   vartype_T   dest_type;
// Compile the "idx" in "var[idx]" or "key" in "var.key".
p = var_start + varlen;
*** 5913,5922 
type = _dict_any;
!   if (type->tt_type == VAR_DICT
&& may_generate_2STRING(-1, cctx) == FAIL)
goto theend;
!   if (type->tt_type == VAR_LIST
&& ((type_T **)stack->ga_data)[stack->ga_len - 1]->tt_type
--- 5914,5924 
type = _dict_any;
!   dest_type = type->tt_type;
!   if (dest_type == VAR_DICT
&& may_generate_2STRING(-1, cctx) == FAIL)
goto theend;
!   if (dest_type == VAR_LIST
&& ((type_T **)stack->ga_data)[stack->ga_len - 1]->tt_type
*** 5954,5965 
generate_loadvar(cctx, dest, name, lvar, type);
!   if (type->tt_type == VAR_LIST)
if (generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_STORELIST, 3) == FAIL)
goto theend;
!   else if (type->tt_type == VAR_DICT)
if (generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_STOREDICT, 3) == FAIL)
goto theend;
--- 5956,5967 
generate_loadvar(cctx, dest, name, lvar, type);
!   if (dest_type == VAR_LIST)
if (generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_STORELIST, 3) == FAIL)
goto theend;
!   else if (dest_type == VAR_DICT)
if (generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_STOREDICT, 3) == FAIL)
goto theend;
*** ../vim-8.2.2167/src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim2020-12-20 
14:49:38.763472067 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim2020-12-20 15:19:59.834929750 +0100
*** 560,565 
--- 560,571 
dict3.key = 'yet another'
assert_equal(dict3, {key: 'yet another'})
+   # member "any" can also be a dict and assigned to
+   var anydict: dict = {nest: {}, nr: 0}
+   anydict.nest['this'] = 123
+   anydict.nest.that = 456
+   assert_equal({nest: {this: 123, that: 456}, nr: 0}, anydict)
var lines =<< trim END
  var dd = {}
*** ../vim-8.2.2167/src/version.c   2020-12-20 14:49:38.763472067 +0100
--- src/version.c   2020-12-20 15:16:41.327555058 +0100
*** 752,753 
--- 752,755 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 2168,

Our job was to build a computer information system for the branch banks.  We
were the perfect people for the job: Dean had seen a computer once, and I had
heard Dean talk about it.
(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: Test failure in test_vim9_assign.vim

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

> building 8.2.2166 gives me the following error:
> Failures: 
> From test_vim9_assign.vim:
> Found errors in Test_assignment_dict():
> command line..script 
> /source/vim/vim-8.2.2166/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[468]..function 
> RunTheTest[39]..Test_assignment_dict[17]..CheckDefFailure line 3: ['var dd = 
> {one: 1}', ' = 2']: Expected 'E15:' but got 'E488: Trailing 
> characters: ) = 2': ['var dd = {one: 1}', ' = 2']

I'm sure I had fixed that...  Ah, but didn't include the fix.  Will make
a separate patch.

An easy way to determine if you have enough teamwork to be doomed is simply to
measure how long it takes from the time you decide to go to lunch together
until the time you actually eat.
(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Patch 8.2.2167

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.2.2167
Problem:Vim9: assign test fails. (Elimar Riesebieter)
Solution:   Adjust the test for dict assignment.
Files:  src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.2166/src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim2020-12-18 
17:23:11.014359533 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim2020-12-19 21:57:06.160140545 +0100
*** 561,570 
assert_equal(dict3, {key: 'yet another'})
var lines =<< trim END
  var dd = {one: 1} = 2
!   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E15:', 2)
# empty key can be used
var dd = {}
--- 561,584 
assert_equal(dict3, {key: 'yet another'})
var lines =<< trim END
+ vim9script
+ var dd = {}
+ dd.two = 2
+ assert_equal({two: 2}, dd)
+   END
+   CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
+   lines =<< trim END
  var dd = {one: 1} = 2
!   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E488:', 2)
!   lines =<< trim END
! var dd = {one: 1}
! var = 2
!   END
!   CheckDefAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1017:', 2)
# empty key can be used
var dd = {}
*** ../vim-8.2.2166/src/version.c   2020-12-20 13:07:44.817149460 +0100
--- src/version.c   2020-12-20 14:49:26.019556031 +0100
*** 752,753 
--- 752,755 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 2167,

"You're fired." (1980)
"You're laid off." (1985)
"You're downsized." (1990)
"You're rightsized." (1992)
(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Test failure in test_vim9_assign.vim

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Elimar Riesebieter
Hi all,

building 8.2.2166 gives me the following error:

From test_vim9_assign.vim:
Found errors in Test_assignment_dict():
command line..script 
RunTheTest[39]..Test_assignment_dict[17]..CheckDefFailure line 3: ['var dd = 
{one: 1}', ' = 2']: Expected 'E15:' but got 'E488: Trailing characters: 
) = 2': ['var dd = {one: 1}', ' = 2']

Thanks in advance
  Obviously the human brain works like a computer.
  Since there are no stupid computers humans can't be stupid.
  There are just a few running with Windows or even CE ;-)

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Patch 8.2.2166

2020-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Patch 8.2.2166
Problem:Auto format doesn't work when deleting text.
Solution:   Make "x" trigger auto format. (closes #7504)
Files:  src/ops.c, src/testdir/test_textformat.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.2165/src/ops.c   2020-11-21 14:16:18.536766447 +0100
--- src/ops.c   2020-12-20 13:01:54.754992944 +0100
*** 938,943 
--- 938,944 
curwin->w_cursor = curpos;  // restore curwin->w_cursor
(void)do_join(2, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
+   auto_format(FALSE, TRUE);
  msgmore(curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count - old_lcount);
*** ../vim-8.2.2165/src/testdir/test_textformat.vim 2020-06-24 
13:37:03.162425194 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_textformat.vim 2020-12-20 12:53:34.348529819 +0100
*** 934,939 
--- 934,951 
call assert_equal('g uu uu ', getline(1)[-8:])
call assert_equal(['uu. foo'], getline(2, '$'))
+   " using backspace or "x" triggers reformat
+   call setline(1, ['1 2 3 4 5 ', '6 7 8 9'])
+   set tw=10
+   set fo=taw
+   set bs=indent,eol,start
+   exe "normal 1G4la\\\"
+   call assert_equal(['1 2 4 5 6 ', '7 8 9'], getline(1, 2))
+   exe "normal f4xx"
+   call assert_equal(['1 2 5 6 7 ', '8 9'], getline(1, 2))
+   set tw=0
+   set fo&
*** ../vim-8.2.2165/src/version.c   2020-12-19 22:10:09.861835442 +0100
--- src/version.c   2020-12-20 13:02:11.910940256 +0100
*** 752,753 
--- 752,755 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 2166,

Team-building exercises come in many forms but they all trace their roots back
to the prison system.  In your typical team-building exercise the employees
are subjected to a variety of unpleasant situations until they become either a
cohesive team or a ring of car jackers.
(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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