Re: [vim/vim] Support for "" in mappings (Neovim patch) (#4784)

2019-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

> > Although just one remark like this is enough to cover all your work,
> > we would still have to check with you that code (and help text) was
> > actually written by you. That you created the pull request is not
> > sufficient for that, you could have included code suggested by
> > others.
> I guess it the depends how granular we want to go. If there is a big
> inclusion it should always be marked in the commit message (like
> "vim-patch: ..." or  "co-authored by", or "vendored library code" or
> something like that). But most pull requests will contain suggested
> changes by others of individual lines of code or documentation, it
> depends if one considers copyright applies to such small changes. I
> guess no one really bothers about that.

We can assume that it is very unlikely we actually run into trouble.
Therefore I tend to keep things informal: "Did you write that yourself?"
"Yes!"  "OK, thanks."  If someone lies it's not my problem :-).  And the
difference between copy/pasting code and writing it yourself is always
very blurry.

> > Was there ever a discussion on the Neovim project to use a dual
> > license for new code? 
> I guess we should ask @justinmk about that. Once Neovim had a CLA for
> relicensing, but we dropped it, because we thought it was not worth
> the effort, and it could be interpreted as not allowing vendored code,
> or something.

A CLA only makes sense if you use it from the very start of a project,
so that all the code is owned by "the project".  When only part of the
code has that label, which is certainly the case for Vim and Neovim, I
don't see what good that does.  We're stuck with the current license.
The only thing you need to worry about is not including code that has a
stricter license than Vim's, e.g. if it is GPL.

Due knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl miss steaks.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: [vim/vim] Support for "" in mappings (Neovim patch) (#4784)

2019-08-07 Fir de Conversatie 'Andy Wokula' via vim_dev

Am 07.08.2019 um 14:04 schrieb Daniel Hahler (Vim Github Repository):

Neovim has a nice feature where you can use || in a mapping to
stay in the current mode (a better alternative to |vnoremap x
:???|, where you then have to handle re-entering visual mode

(in the case at hand it allows for using |search| in a mapping for
both normal and visual mode, tpope/vim-unimpaired#187

The original patch was done in neovim/neovim#4419
 by @bfredl

Having it in Vim also would make life easier for plugin authors (in
general due to its usefulness, and with regard to Neovim

For older Vims, see


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