Re: Buffer names -- efficiency (or inefficiency bug)

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Yegappan Lakshmanan

Hi Suresh,

On 9/13/07, Suresh Govindachar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I have noticed that the buffer-name handling routine
   can identify different forms of a file name.  For example,
   I believe it knows that the following two are the same
   when $HOME is /home/the_user


   However, the name-handler does not collapse \\ -- for example,
   it thinks the following files are different:


   Besides the issue of the buffer name handler's capability, there
   is also the issue why my usage generates such names:  they show up
   when I hit return in the taglist index window and taglist displays
   the corresponding file.

As you have already determined, Vim creates separate buffers for
these files (on MS-Windows):

 :edit foo\boo\the_file
 :edit foo\\boo\the_file
 :edit foo\boo\\the_file
 :edit foo\\boo\\the_file

Even though all the above paths point to the same file. The taglist
plugin relies on Vim to generate the correct buffer number for these
files. If Vim treats them as separate files, then the taglist plugin
also will treat them as separate files.

- Yegappan

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RE: Buffer names -- efficiency (or inefficiency bug)

2007-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Suresh Govindachar

Bram asked for a reproduciable example:


  VIM - Vi IMproved 7.1 (2007 May 12, compiled May 12 2007 14:19:39)
  MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
  Compiled by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Big version with GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):


  a) c:\opt\vim\vim71.bram\gvim.exe --noplugin 

  b) :find c:\home\suresh\_doskey_macros
 :find c:\home\suresh\\_doskey_macros
 :find c:\home\\suresh\\_doskey_macros

  c) :ls shows

 1  c:\home\suresh\_doskey_macros line 1
 2 #c:\home\suresh\\_doskey_macros line 1
 3 %a   c:\home\\suresh\\_doskey_macros line 1  

  Can be repeated with a 7.1 version that has 100 patches.



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