Re: Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2014-01-02 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir Marek


  3. Embedded shell support like screen.vim.

 ConqTerm or such come close. However it only works in insert mode, and
 you cannot use vi keys.

It seems that Conque is dead at the moment, so I started a fork which
tries to improve usability. So I'm curious, what exactly does bother you
on Conque?

At the moment it's not perfect as I have some other fixes locally which
I want to push soon.


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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-28 Fir de Conversatie Shougo
 - VAM supports a pool of known packages. Thus if a package is obviously
  replaced/outdated/unmaintained there is a way to tell the users.
  Thus this reduces questions about why doesn't my old sander's
  snipmate fail with X on irc. 

- VAM allows package maintainers to specify dependencies in a package
  description, thus installing it by name is enough, no need to declare
  dependencies in vimrc. 

Yes. I think VAM has great repository information.

But neobundle has similar feature. It is recipe.
You can read sample recipes in the following repository.

The real question is: How can NeoBundle and VAM collaborate? Even if
some parts are implemented differently, dosen't it make sense to
collaborate on installation instructions etc ? 

Yes. I get the request.

Your repositories are great.
But I think to support current VAM-known repositories in neobundle is hard work.
I must write converter. I have not much time for it.

In Vim todo list, Vim needs standard plugin management.

-   Improve plugin handling: Automatic updates, handle dependencies?
E.g. Vundle:

I think Vim needs standard plugin repositories than standard plugin
management system.
Users may use different plugin management system instead of standard.
But all plugin management system needs plugin repositories information.

- it allows arbitrary sources, git(hub),svn, etc. 

neobundle has supports of git, svn, hg. Bazzaar and archives are not.
You can add the features easily.

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-28 Fir de Conversatie Benjamin Klein
On Dec 22, 2013, at 3:52 AM, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee 

 Dropping Vimscript support may be the toughest job, but think of it. Do you 
 feel in your heart that, there's anyone on earth, who honestly want to 
 program in vimscript?

I am late to this entire conversation, but just thought I should mention: I'm 
on Earth and I very much want to program in Vimscript. :)


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-27 Fir de Conversatie marcelspostbakje
 2. Improved plugin management like pip. 
 I am a big fan of Vundle. It is simple  does what it supposed to do. It 
 downloads all the files from a git repository  adds them to the path. But 
 think about a complicated plugin, plugins that are to be compiled before 
 use(e.g. YouCompleteMe), or plugins like powerline, which takes quite a bit 
 of setup before use. These scenarios can be vastly simplified by using things 
 like pip. Lets think for a second, if you could just pip install  powerline 
 or pip install youcompleteme  get the desired result, wouldn't it be 
 awesome? In this way setting up a new system might be as easy as, pip 
 freeze  pip install -r requirements.txt.

If you like Vundle, you'll love NeoBundle. It works like Vundle, but with more 
possibilities. A lot more. Some examples from my .vimrc.

Can used like Vundle:
NeoBundle 'bling/vim-airline'

Airline is a pure vim-script alternative to powerline and thus is lightweight 
and fast. Also an example why vim-script should not be dropped.

But Neobundle can do more than Vundle, much more

Automatic compiling:
NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc', {
\ 'build' : {
\ 'windows' : 'make -f make_mingw32.mak',
\ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak',
\ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak',
\ 'unix' : 'make -f make_unix.mak',
\ }

Loading only on a specific command or filetype:
NeoBundleLazy 'thanthese/Tortoise-Typing', { 'autoload' : {
\ 'commands' : 'TortoiseTyping'
\ }}
NeoBundleLazy 'mattn/emmet-vim', {'autoload':
\ {'filetypes': ['html', 'xhttml', 'css', 'xml', 'xls', 

Dependecy handling:
NeoBundleLazy 'xolox/vim-lua-ftplugin' , {
\ 'autoload' : {'filetypes' : 'lua'},
\ 'depends' : 'xolox/vim-misc',
\ }   

You even can specify the revision if you don't want the latest revision of your 
plugins. Read the documentation for all features.

You can have really a lot of plugins in your vimrc, but if they all are loaded 
lazy your vim will be fast, because only the plugins you need are used.
Shougo's own vimrc is a nice example of how many you can have without a problem.

I never used VAM, sorry Marc. NeoBundle does everything I want.

Marcel Boon

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-25 Fir de Conversatie Marc Weber
Excerpts from Nikolay Pavlov's message of Wed Dec 25 07:43:17 +0100 2013:
 Is forced remote update really needed? Okular is known to automatically
 reload changed files, so does xdvi. Do not know whether xpdf has this
 feature, but it is not unlikely.

Evince does reload when it gets selected.
I've documented both:
This case alone should be a hint why a maintained wiki is valuable to
all, please join !

Marc Weber

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-24 Fir de Conversatie Ishfaque Jahan Rafee
Its been a pleasure discussing with you. I learnt a lot from it. @MarcWeber 
thanks a lot for your cordial response. I use some of your plugins  love them. 

Some of you, I think got me wrong. I am not a Vim hater. If I was, I wouldn't 
have come here at all. Actually every new system/IDE/editor I use, the first 
thing I do is, setup plugins so that it behave like Vim itself. But what I 
want, is not using anything else at all. Why use something like Visual 
Studio/Eclipse when I have Vim. But whether you agree or not, Vim's debugging 
support is not up to the mark. I tried PyClewn, Setting it up is a complete 
mess, let alone using it.

About embedded shell support, why are you thinking its the feature of OS? Let 
me try a bit, lets say you have Screen.vim installed  put :IPython! in command 
line. It opens a split, just like now  supports every operation like now, but 
doesn't use something like Tmux. And by supporting it natively it will not need 
copying the code to window. As much as I have seen, Vim-R-Plugin managed to 
do it best. I am quite sure he had to manage a lot of workaround to do that 
using screen. But if it was supported natively, it would have been much easier 
on his part. And some of the problems in this option are pointed by MarcWeber.

But nevertheless, it was a good experience.
with regards,

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-24 Fir de Conversatie ZyX
On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 8:53:19 PM UTC+4, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee wrote:
 Its been a pleasure discussing with you. I learnt a lot from it. @MarcWeber 
 thanks a lot for your cordial response. I use some of your plugins  love 
 Some of you, I think got me wrong. I am not a Vim hater. If I was, I wouldn't 
 have come here at all. Actually every new system/IDE/editor I use, the first 
 thing I do is, setup plugins so that it behave like Vim itself. But what I 
 want, is not using anything else at all. Why use something like Visual 
 Studio/Eclipse when I have Vim. But whether you agree or not, Vim's debugging 
 support is not up to the mark. I tried PyClewn, Setting it up is a complete 
 mess, let alone using it.
 About embedded shell support, why are you thinking its the feature of OS? Let 
 me try a bit, lets say you have Screen.vim installed  put :IPython! in 
 command line. It opens a split, just like now  supports every operation like 
 now, but doesn't use something like Tmux. And by supporting it natively it 
 will not need copying the code to window. As much as I have seen, 
 Vim-R-Plugin managed to do it best. I am quite sure he had to manage a lot 
 of workaround to do that using screen. But if it was supported natively, it 
 would have been much easier on his part. And some of the problems in this 
 option are pointed by MarcWeber.

Wondering who said about OS here? I said about plugins. We need some things 
that will make embedding shell easier (mostly async support). I do not see how 
one needs direct support for such a specific task in vim.

And do not talk about screen (it supports tmux BTW, if you are talking about Check out Conque_Shell: 
it is almost full vt100 terminal embedded in the vim buffer. Not perfect: last 
time I remember using it it suffered from color-related problems (using colors 
sometimes) and lagging updating (this requires some asynchronous features or at 
least recent settimeout/setinterval patch). If you have non-regex-based API for 
syntax coloring and threading support you can do much more then if you have 
just embedded shell support. Once you have threading it is much easier to write 
asynchronous :make/:grep/:vimgrep (preferably in the vim core, not in some 
plugin), but they do not require any kind of embedded shell support.

 But nevertheless, it was a good experience.
 with regards,

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-24 Fir de Conversatie Marc Weber
About Vim vs Emacs (latex-preview mode): There is a third option: Lyx.

About debugging: vim-addon-async based debugging is available for
PHP/Ruby/python pdb.
plugin names:{xdebug,rdebug,rdebug-ide,python-pdb}

The python plugin might be incomplete, at least stepping should work,
you can enter pdb commands at the python process window (see

They are not perfect, but could give you some idea what needs to be
done to have a VimL only solution. Some features are not implemented

Again: use the best tool for a job, thus consider using emacs for
debugging if none of the plugins suite your needs.
Here are some tips to look for plugins (I guess you know about them)

Marc Weber

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-24 Fir de Conversatie Adrien Piérard
What I did for LaTeX a while ago was write a plugin and a script
that'd compile latex in the background, and then remotely update an
instance of xpdf to refresh with the newest file. It's a workaround,
but it works well without messing with vim itself.


On 24 December 2013 16:45, Marc Weber wrote:
 About Vim vs Emacs (latex-preview mode): There is a third option: Lyx.

 About debugging: vim-addon-async based debugging is available for
 PHP/Ruby/python pdb.
 plugin names:{xdebug,rdebug,rdebug-ide,python-pdb}

 The python plugin might be incomplete, at least stepping should work,
 you can enter pdb commands at the python process window (see

 They are not perfect, but could give you some idea what needs to be
 done to have a VimL only solution. Some features are not implemented

 Again: use the best tool for a job, thus consider using emacs for
 debugging if none of the plugins suite your needs.
 Here are some tips to look for plugins (I guess you know about them)

 Marc Weber

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-24 Fir de Conversatie Nikolay Pavlov
On Dec 25, 2013 5:32 AM, Adrien Piérard wrote:

 What I did for LaTeX a while ago was write a plugin and a script
 that'd compile latex in the background, and then remotely update an
 instance of xpdf to refresh with the newest file. It's a workaround,
 but it works well without messing with vim itself.

Is forced remote update really needed? Okular is known to automatically
reload changed files, so does xdvi. Do not know whether xpdf has this
feature, but it is not unlikely.


 On 24 December 2013 16:45, Marc Weber wrote:
  About Vim vs Emacs (latex-preview mode): There is a third option: Lyx.
  About debugging: vim-addon-async based debugging is available for
  PHP/Ruby/python pdb.
  plugin names:{xdebug,rdebug,rdebug-ide,python-pdb}
  The python plugin might be incomplete, at least stepping should work,
  you can enter pdb commands at the python process window (see
  They are not perfect, but could give you some idea what needs to be
  done to have a VimL only solution. Some features are not implemented
  Again: use the best tool for a job, thus consider using emacs for
  debugging if none of the plugins suite your needs.
  Here are some tips to look for plugins (I guess you know about them)
  Marc Weber
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Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Ishfaque Jahan Rafee
I don't know if I am in the correct position to evaluate or say this, because I 
am using Vim for less than a year now. I would love criticism, but please try 
to avoid harsh comment as much as possible.

1. Drop support for anything except Python (including vimscript)
Take it from me, nobody wants to start using an editor  wants to know that, 
due to some compile time events, they can't use this plugin. I wanted to 
install Command-T plugin  came to know that, I can't install it, because I 
don't have +ruby in my vim. It sucks.
Dropping Vimscript support may be the toughest job, but think of it. Do you 
feel in your heart that, there's anyone on earth, who honestly want to program 
in vimscript? Is there anything, that can be done in vimscript, but can't be 
done in python? By loosing vimscript, you will be losing many years of plugin 
development. But look at the bright side. I feel a little bit frustrated, when 
I see the plugin I am going to use, was last developed 3 years before(Though it 
works better than anything else I have used). Losing vimscript, you are 
bringing a revolution in development. If you are thinking no plugin will be 
developed, take a look at sublime text  see how fast it has caught up with 
emacs  vim.

2. Improved plugin management like pip. 
I am a big fan of Vundle. It is simple  does what it supposed to do. It 
downloads all the files from a git repository  adds them to the path. But 
think about a complicated plugin, plugins that are to be compiled before 
use(e.g. YouCompleteMe), or plugins like powerline, which takes quite a bit of 
setup before use. These scenarios can be vastly simplified by using things like 
pip. Lets think for a second, if you could just pip install  powerline or 
pip install youcompleteme  get the desired result, wouldn't it be awesome? 
In this way setting up a new system might be as easy as, pip freeze  pip 
install -r requirements.txt.

In this way, one can mark another plugin as dependency for his own one in a 
convenient way.

3. Embedded shell support like screen.vim.
Screen.vim is awesome. I agree to the fullest. But it uses an external program 
 the support it provides is not native. Now a days Vim is becoming a de-facto 
standard for interpreted language development in UNIX. In interpreted language 
development, having a shell with your editor is pretty much a requirement. 
Please don't let these people run to something like Sublime Text or Emacs for 
this. Embedded shell support would greatly help debugging of compiled language 
development too.

4. (This one is GVim specific, because I don't think its possible on Terminal 
vim). I am a big fan of preview-mode for latex in emacs. But nothing like that 
exists on vim.

5. Documentation support at point. Plugin's like YouCompleteMe provides 
language documentation. But it opens a window at top, rather than at the place 
where I am typing. The author of the plugin said its a Vim limitation. So I 
would urge people to take a notice here.

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Ben Fritz
On Sunday, December 22, 2013 3:52:35 AM UTC-6, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee wrote:
 I don't know if I am in the correct position to evaluate or say this, because 
 I am using Vim for less than a year now. I would love criticism, but please 
 try to avoid harsh comment as much as possible.
 1. Drop support for anything except Python (including vimscript)
 Take it from me, nobody wants to start using an editor  wants to know that, 
 due to some compile time events, they can't use this plugin. I wanted to 
 install Command-T plugin  came to know that, I can't install it, because I 
 don't have +ruby in my vim. It sucks.
 Dropping Vimscript support may be the toughest job, but think of it. Do you 
 feel in your heart that, there's anyone on earth, who honestly want to 
 program in vimscript? Is there anything, that can be done in vimscript, but 
 can't be done in python? By loosing vimscript, you will be losing many years 
 of plugin development. But look at the bright side. I feel a little bit 
 frustrated, when I see the plugin I am going to use, was last developed 3 
 years before(Though it works better than anything else I have used). Losing 
 vimscript, you are bringing a revolution in development. If you are thinking 
 no plugin will be developed, take a look at sublime text  see how fast it 
 has caught up with emacs  vim.

That's the dumbest idea I've heard about Vim development, and yet I keep 
hearing it.

No. That's like saying, I think Windows should only support C# from now on. 
Nobody wants to use anything else. That's just stupid. Maybe YOU don't want to 
use anything else. Personally I don't know python, I don't want to learn 
I will probably never write a Vim python plugin or script. I know Perl. I know 
vimscript. There are plenty of Ruby or TCL or other language scripts and 
libraries written which could be leveraged as well. Why drop them? So you can 
be lazy when you compile? If you know there's a plugin you want that needs one, 
then install it and compile and be done with it. If you don't have it and find 
a nice plugin, you just need to ask yourself whether it's worth the trouble to 
install, or just always install a fully-enabled Vim.

As for dropping Vimscript, you DO realize that vimscript is used interactively 
as well, right? You might as well say, nobody likes writing scripts is csh 
dialect, we should drop support for everything but running bash scripts in 
csh. You're only showing your ignorance when asking to drop support for 

 2. Improved plugin management like pip. 
 I am a big fan of Vundle. It is simple  does what it supposed to do. It 
 downloads all the files from a git repository  adds them to the path. But 
 think about a complicated plugin, plugins that are to be compiled before 
 use(e.g. YouCompleteMe), or plugins like powerline, which takes quite a bit 
 of setup before use. These scenarios can be vastly simplified by using things 
 like pip. Lets think for a second, if you could just pip install  powerline 
 or pip install youcompleteme  get the desired result, wouldn't it be 
 awesome? In this way setting up a new system might be as easy as, pip 
 freeze  pip install -r requirements.txt.
 In this way, one can mark another plugin as dependency for his own one in a 
 convenient way.

Sure, a better plugin manager would be great. I personally use Pathogen which 
is very bare-bones, but still way better than built-in support. I wouldn't mind 
seeing one of the plugin managers distributed with Vim. But this doesn't 
require a rewrite of Vim. Just a good plugin manager.

As for not needing to configure a plugin, are you just saying I don't like the 
default settings for this plugin, or are you talking about something else? Vim 
and the plugins you install give you a default range of settings that the 
developers liked. If you don't like them, you can change them. That's kind of 
the point of user settings...

By the way, I think Vim-Addon-Manager provides some of the features you're 
looking for. Maybe take a look at that one.

 3. Embedded shell support like screen.vim.
 Screen.vim is awesome. I agree to the fullest. But it uses an external 
 program  the support it provides is not native. Now a days Vim is becoming a 
 de-facto standard for interpreted language development in UNIX. In 
 interpreted language development, having a shell with your editor is pretty 
 much a requirement. Please don't let these people run to something like 
 Sublime Text or Emacs for this. Embedded shell support would greatly help 
 debugging of compiled language development too.
 4. (This one is GVim specific, because I don't think its possible on Terminal 
 vim). I am a big fan of preview-mode for latex in emacs. But nothing like 
 that exists on vim.
 5. Documentation support at point. Plugin's like YouCompleteMe provides 
 language documentation. But it opens a window at top, rather than at the 
 place where I am typing. The author of 

Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Nikolay Pavlov
On Dec 22, 2013 9:40 PM, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee

 I don't know if I am in the correct position to evaluate or say this,
because I am using Vim for less than a year now. I would love criticism,
but please try to avoid harsh comment as much as possible.

 1. Drop support for anything except Python (including vimscript)
 Take it from me, nobody wants to start using an editor  wants to know
that, due to some compile time events, they can't use this plugin. I wanted
to install Command-T plugin  came to know that, I can't install it,
because I don't have +ruby in my vim. It sucks.
 Dropping Vimscript support may be the toughest job, but think of it. Do
you feel in your heart that, there's anyone on earth, who honestly want to
program in vimscript? Is there anything, that can be done in vimscript, but
can't be done in python? By loosing vimscript, you will be losing many
years of plugin development. But look at the bright side. I feel a little
bit frustrated, when I see the plugin I am going to use, was last developed
3 years before(Though it works better than anything else I have used).
Losing vimscript, you are bringing a revolution in development. If you are
thinking no plugin will be developed, take a look at sublime text  see how
fast it has caught up with emacs  vim.

If we drop viml we might as well switch to sublime. It is pointless: it is
easier to replicate non-viml vim functionality in other editors then create
something usable after dropping viml.

 2. Improved plugin management like pip.
 I am a big fan of Vundle. It is simple  does what it supposed to do. It
downloads all the files from a git repository  adds them to the path. But
think about a complicated plugin, plugins that are to be compiled before
use(e.g. YouCompleteMe), or plugins like powerline, which takes quite a bit
of setup before use. These scenarios can be vastly simplified by using
things like pip. Lets think for a second, if you could just pip install
 powerline or pip install youcompleteme  get the desired result,
wouldn't it be awesome? In this way setting up a new system might be as
easy as, pip freeze  pip install -r requirements.txt.

Try vim-addon-manager. If plugin or VAM-kr contains description of
post-install and post-update hooks then you do not need to do complicated
setup by yourself.

Also note that powerline does not require any complicated setup: one
(installed with vundle) or five (installed with pip) lines in the vimrc and
even they are not needed if you use portage/paludis (these are Gentoo
system package managers) or VAM to install powerline.

 In this way, one can mark another plugin as dependency for his own one in
a convenient way.

VAM also handles dependencies.

 3. Embedded shell support like screen.vim.
 Screen.vim is awesome. I agree to the fullest. But it uses an external
program  the support it provides is not native. Now a days Vim is becoming
a de-facto standard for interpreted language development in UNIX. In
interpreted language development, having a shell with your editor is pretty
much a requirement. Please don't let these people run to something like
Sublime Text or Emacs for this. Embedded shell support would greatly help
debugging of compiled language development too.

Becoming?! It was a de-facto standard for years.

We also do not need embedded shell support. We need threading. If vim is
thread-safe adding embedded shell support is not a problem. But it is not

You may also like to look at conque.

 4. (This one is GVim specific, because I don't think its possible on
Terminal vim). I am a big fan of preview-mode for latex in emacs. But
nothing like that exists on vim.

 5. Documentation support at point. Plugin's like YouCompleteMe provides
language documentation. But it opens a window at top, rather than at the
place where I am typing. The author of the plugin said its a Vim
limitation. So I would urge people to take a notice here.

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie James McCoy
On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 01:52:35AM -0800, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee wrote:
 4. (This one is GVim specific, because I don't think its possible on
Terminal vim). I am a big fan of preview-mode for latex in emacs.
But nothing like that exists on vim.

:help tex-conceal

It works in console vim and gvim.

GPG Key: 4096R/331BA3DB 2011-12-05 James McCoy

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Nikolay Pavlov
On Dec 23, 2013 12:15 AM, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee

 Thanks a lot for your reply, I agree to your arguments  you are much
more knowledgeable than me, I am sure of it. But yet requirement of compile
time support for different language, while installing plugins during use,
does suck. If not drop support, it should be made mandatory for all package
manager to have everything as +. Because I believe compile time issues,
shouldn't matter later on.

 As for powerline you need to do some jobs, like doing a pip installation
 then font installation etc. For YouCompleteMe  Command-T you have to
compile after installation. As these are must, not a choice, I think these
should be automated.

You can configure powerline so that it does not need fonts. Also Gentoo
portage (not VAM) with ebuild from raiagent overlay will install some fonts
for you (note: setup to get fonts working cannot be performed by pip. Full
setup requires fontconfig and/or terminal configuration.). I never had much
problems with my current terminal emulator thus happened to forget how much
issues about urxvt we had in our bug tracker.

Command-T compilation is automated by VAM, YCM compilation may be (but
currently nobody have written appropriate spec).

 About dropping Vimscript support, I just realized how dumb the idea is. I
am absolutely sorry about that.

 Nobody said about number 4 argument. Latex is the only major language
that's pushing me to emacs. I think its about time scopes are created for
plugins like preview-latex in Vim. Its impossible in terminal vim, but
shouldn't be impossible on GVim.

 Argument number 5 was about opening up documentation where I am editing.
If you ever use YouCompleteMe or Jedi-vim, you will see that they provide
pydoc documentation to the buffer I am editing. The popup contains the
completion data, but the documentation is displayed at a split at Top. But
it would be much better if the documentation was provided at the point
where I am editing, so that I don't need to move my eyes from one place to

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Ishfaque Jahan Rafee
@Ben its not about being clumsy while compiling, its about not compiling at 
all. I always love to use pre-compiled packages from package managers. I find 
compiled packages hard to maintain. I find it far more comfortable to rely on 
package managers for update  believe, there are many noobs on earth like me, 
who feels in similar fashion.

You can say, screw you noob, go read the man page etc. But the truth is 
there will always be noobs. Today's noobs are tomorrows expert. Vim has the 
potential to have similar appeal for both class of users. But as people start 
repelling them, more posts like this
 will start appearing. I am afraid of that day, I don't want that day. Just few 
months into this editor caused me to love it. Though the credit is mostly to 
YouCompleteMe, yet the end result is, I love Vim  that's the truth.

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Nikolay Pavlov
On Dec 23, 2013 12:32 AM, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee

 @Ben its not about being clumsy while compiling, its about not compiling
at all. I always love to use pre-compiled packages from package managers. I
find compiled packages hard to maintain. I find it far more comfortable to
rely on package managers for update  believe, there are many noobs on
earth like me, who feels in similar fashion.

You are wrong about compiling. There are only two differences between
precompiled binary package installed by package manager and package
compiled by package manager:
1. Not small binary packages are faster to install.
2. There are less potential points of failure when you use binary packages.

By the way, pip you suggested earlier does compile, it does not use
precompiled binaries except for some very rare cases.

 You can say, screw you noob, go read the man page etc. But the truth
is there will always be noobs. Today's noobs are tomorrows expert. Vim has
the potential to have similar appeal for both class of users. But as people
start repelling them, more posts like this
start appearing. I am afraid of that day, I don't want that day. Just
few months into this editor caused me to love it. Though the credit is
mostly to YouCompleteMe, yet the end result is, I love Vim  that's the

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 22-Dec-2013 21:15 +0100, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee wrote:

 [1 sentence deleted] But yet requirement of compile time support for
 different language, while installing plugins during use, does suck. If
 not drop support, it should be made mandatory for all package manager
 to have everything as +.

Better leave that decision to the package managers; I think most do try
to offer as much as possible. For example, the Vim that comes with my
Ubuntu installation supports all of Perl, Python, and Ruby.

 [2 paragraphs deleted]
 Nobody said about number 4 argument. Latex is the only major language that's 
 pushing me to emacs. I think its about time scopes are created for plugins 
 like preview-latex in Vim. Its impossible in terminal vim, but shouldn't be 
 impossible on GVim.

Vim strives to be as consistent (between terminal and GUI) as possible.
See here:

,[ :help design-not ]
| - Vim is not a fancy GUI editor that tries to look nice at the cost of
|   being less consistent over all platforms.  But functional GUI
|   features are welcomed.

 Argument number 5 was about opening up documentation where I am
 editing. If you ever use YouCompleteMe or Jedi-vim, you will see that
 they provide pydoc documentation to the buffer I am editing. The popup
 contains the completion data, but the documentation is displayed at a
 split at Top. But it would be much better if the documentation was
 provided at the point where I am editing, so that I don't need to move
 my eyes from one place to another.

Don't compare Vim too much to IDEs! Because of its strict cell layout
(also in the GUI, see counter-argument 4 above), there's much less space
for showing the completion information than a proportional,
smaller-sized font would allow. I find the use of the preview window for
additional information a very clever invention.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie James McCoy
On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 12:15:16PM -0800, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee wrote:
 Nobody said about number 4 argument. Latex is the only major language
 that's pushing me to emacs. I think its about time scopes are created
 for plugins like preview-latex in Vim. Its impossible in terminal
 vim, but shouldn't be impossible on GVim.

It's possible in both vim and gvim as I mentioned before.
See :help tex-conceal.

GPG Key: 4096R/331BA3DB 2011-12-05 James McCoy

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Marc Weber
Vim is both: beloved and hated  by me(for those reasons you mention ).
I still love it more than I hate it :)

To keep the summary short:
This is may way to cope with it: Start documenting what to change:
also see this subpage - (please add all your items there so that they
don't get lost)

The main issue is: I don't know which is the perfect way to fix
everything I found yet. Will take at least till April till I know more
about this.

On irc there is an unoffical #vim-mutiny channel with people who would
like to improve many of the things you mention. One of the reasons is:
Its a lot of work.

Some partial consens is:
- C gets the job done, but writing abstract code is tough (too tough for
  me, sry. I'd even call it a waste of time - but the compiler I'd like
  to use does not exist AFAIK)
- C++ is close to usable now that C11++ is there (with pointer knowing
  about responsibilities and such).

- But is this the most general solution? Shouldn't we strive to
  merge power of Emacs/Sublime/Vim users by working on apis and
  implementing the plugins we want based on those apis?

  Or create a new compiler which can compile down to js, C, lisp 
  so that plugins can be shared across emacs/vim/Yi ?

If you follow the path you've started (thinking about what sucks and how
to improve) you'll start learning that there are many solutions. Which
one is best? I invite you to take part finding it.

But let me also try to help you with your current issues

 1. Drop support for anything except Python (including vimscript)
vimscript is 70% of vim. A lot of plugins such as matchit are used that
often that dropping vimscript means you can start using Emacs right
away. Also the VimL stuff is coupled with Vim functionality
(internally), eg there is no python only implementation of map, command
like commands.
So for now forgett about it unless you have much time.

 that, due to some compile time events, they can't use this plugin.
Well - maybe join and add a bug
report that it should add constraints, such as this plugin requires
ruby - thus prevent installing it. However Command-T is well known, and
there are many alternatives which work almost as good, see this simple
FastGlob implementation which has been good enough for me for ages:

There are many additional implementations. Maybe even try such:
Thus think about whether you really need it. Also installing vim with
ruby support is dead simple if you need the right distribution, such as
nixos linux.

 Dropping Vimscript support may be the toughest job, but think of it.
You're wrong. Because then you could just use Yzis. And that has been
abondoned. Thus it has been done. Community is still here - think and
learn about why. Yzis uses lua though.

 Do you feel in your heart that, there's anyone on earth, who honestly
 want to program in vimscript?
Depends on the task. Complicated or performance critical stuff: No.
But given its age useful is
  - autoload feature
  - that eval happens to be close to json_decode
  - releading works nicely (With reload plugin)
  - ...

but yes, no closures (funcref in  implements a workaround
and similar make it hard. But the bigger problem is async support.

 Is there anything, that can be done in
 vimscript, but can't be done in python?
Wrong question. XSL and Haskell type level programming both are touring
complete, too. Its worth that VimL can be interrupted in for loops and
resize events get triggered (due to run event loop now to look for
ctrl-c abort) and such. That sucks. Fixing it would require introducing
threading etc.

 I feel a little bit frustrated, when I see the plugin I am going
 to use, was last developed 3 years before(Though it works better than
 anything else I have used).

 Losing vimscript, you are bringing a revolution in development.
I totally agree, but you also split community which is why it should be
wise to think about which upstream to provide.

 2. Improved plugin management like pip. 
 I am a big fan of Vundle.
Again - try vam. Vundle was started after VAM. VAM is more powerful.
See here:
(if somebody feels any of the tools being treated unfair just fix,

That you don't mention vim-addon-manager means you didn't know about it
(which means that Vim also has a documentation issue, again, something I
want to fix with the simple git based wiki. Currently the docs are
spread over
  vim wikia
  and many additional places

But if you have a look at the amount of contributors to my wiki you'll
understand that its the same 

Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Ali Polatel

(Ishfaque, resending this to the list with my subscribed e-mail address.
Please reply to this one if you do.)

On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 01:52:35AM -0800, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee wrote:

I don't know if I am in the correct position to evaluate or say this, because I 
am using Vim for less than a year now. I would love criticism, but please try 
to avoid harsh comment as much as possible.

1. Drop support for anything except Python (including vimscript)
Take it from me, nobody wants to start using an editor  wants to know that, due to 
some compile time events, they can't use this plugin. I wanted to install Command-T 
plugin  came to know that, I can't install it, because I don't have +ruby in my 
vim. It sucks.
Dropping Vimscript support may be the toughest job, but think of it. Do you feel in 
your heart that, there's anyone on earth, who honestly want to program in vimscript? Is 
there anything, that can be done in vimscript, but can't be done in python? By loosing 
vimscript, you will be losing many years of plugin development. But look at the bright 
side. I feel a little bit frustrated, when I see the plugin I am going to use, was last 
developed 3 years before(Though it works better than anything else I have used). Losing 
vimscript, you are bringing a revolution in development. If you are thinking no plugin 
will be developed, take a look at sublime text  see how fast it has caught up with 
emacs  vim.

IMHO this is unjust reasoning. I feel in my heart that there are many
people on earth and wherever else[1] who honestly do NOT want to program
in Python. I believe this is true for any language[2].

Take it this way, Vim is at least respecting people's faith by giving
the option to choose your religion. The world of an editor is much like
the world itself. Heterogeneous with respect to beliefs, thoughts and
choices. Upstream still chooses a way and go with it. (read vimscript)
To make everyone happy you give everyone the option to choose whatever
way they demand to choose to follow you. (read python, ruby) And even
the choice to get rid of you and walk another way. (read forking)

Now, compare the availability and feasibility of these options between emacs, 
vim and sublime.
You get the idea?

2. Improved plugin management like pip.
I am a big fan of Vundle. It is simple  does what it supposed to do. It downloads all the files from a git repository  adds 
them to the path. But think about a complicated plugin, plugins that are to be compiled before use(e.g. YouCompleteMe), or plugins like 
powerline, which takes quite a bit of setup before use. These scenarios can be vastly simplified by using things like pip. Lets think 
for a second, if you could just pip install  powerline or pip install youcompleteme  get the desired 
result, wouldn't it be awesome? In this way setting up a new system might be as easy as, pip freeze  pip install 
-r requirements.txt.

In this way, one can mark another plugin as dependency for his own one in a 
convenient way.

I'd like this to happen. (Still there are many number of options to
choose from and none of us should be forced into pip. But you said 'like
pip' not 'use pip' so I'll stop.)

3. Embedded shell support like screen.vim.
Screen.vim is awesome. I agree to the fullest. But it uses an external program 
 the support it provides is not native. Now a days Vim is becoming a de-facto 
standard for interpreted language development in UNIX. In interpreted language 
development, having a shell with your editor is pretty much a requirement. Please 
don't let these people run to something like Sublime Text or Emacs for this. 
Embedded shell support would greatly help debugging of compiled language 
development too.

You are confusing apples with oranges. Vim is neither a de-facto
standard, nor an operating system. It is an editor with a religious

If you are looking for an IDE, I know one with all the support you want 
It is called UNIX (Bonus: 99% of the time you get vi installed by default.)

4. (This one is GVim specific, because I don't think its possible on Terminal 
vim). I am a big fan of preview-mode for latex in emacs. But nothing like that 
exists on vim.

I don't know what preview-mode is.

5. Documentation support at point. Plugin's like YouCompleteMe provides 
language documentation. But it opens a window at top, rather than at the place 
where I am typing. The author of the plugin said its a Vim limitation. So I 
would urge people to take a notice here.

I am inclined to think this is not really a priority. Personally I
wouldn't want documentation stuck into my nose and would rather
read it at the top. (This is just an opinion.)

[1]: Counting on the fact that some aliens might just not like the five 
surviving Pythons

Ali Polatel

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more GUI features in GVIM? (RE: Complete Overwrite Vim)

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Konovalov, Vadim
 On 22-Dec-2013 21:15 +0100, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee wrote:
  Nobody said about number 4 argument. Latex is the only major language
 that's pushing me to emacs. I think its about time scopes are created for
 plugins like preview-latex in Vim. Its impossible in terminal vim, but
 shouldn't be impossible on GVim.
 Vim strives to be as consistent (between terminal and GUI) as possible.
 See here:
 ,[ :help design-not ]
 | - Vim is not a fancy GUI editor that tries to look nice at the cost of
 |   being less consistent over all platforms.  But functional GUI
 |   features are welcomed.

Sure, this is an important point, so - see my further text [*foo*]

 Don't compare Vim too much to IDEs! Because of its strict cell layout (also in
 the GUI, see counter-argument 4 above), there's much less space for
 showing the completion information than a proportional, smaller-sized font
 would allow. I find the use of the preview window for additional
 information a very clever invention.

Recently, I've found out that it is quite possible to add GUI Gtk2 widgets 
into GVIM(gtk2); likewise - surely - for other GUI vims, so - making it 
having either preview windows (smooth dropdown listboxes for completion or 
distant view window a la sublime's or etc)

[*foo*]: while - nice to have, it would make VIM and GVIM further away from each
other, and it could be that this is not in line with general strategy.

So, if a bit more of GUI API will be exposed - GVIM could be scripted for more 
features by user - is it desirable or not? 

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