Patch 8.1.1629
Problem:    Terminal function help is in the wrong file.
Solution:   Move the function details to terminal.txt.
Files:      runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/terminal.txt

*** ../vim-8.1.1628/runtime/doc/eval.txt        2019-07-04 16:53:21.369654166 
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt        2019-07-04 17:08:51.904281612 +0200
*** 9677,10040 ****
                For MS-Windows forward slashes are used when the 'shellslash'
                option is set or when 'shellcmdflag' starts with '-'.
!                                                       *term_dumpdiff()*
! term_dumpdiff({filename}, {filename} [, {options}])
!               Open a new window displaying the difference between the two
!               files.  The files must have been created with
!               |term_dumpwrite()|.
!               Returns the buffer number or zero when the diff fails.
!               Also see |terminal-diff|.
!               NOTE: this does not work with double-width characters yet.
!               The top part of the buffer contains the contents of the first
!               file, the bottom part of the buffer contains the contents of
!               the second file.  The middle part shows the differences.
!               The parts are separated by a line of equals.
!               If the {options} argument is present, it must be a Dict with
!               these possible members:
!                  "term_name"       name to use for the buffer name, instead
!                                    of the first file name.
!                  "term_rows"       vertical size to use for the terminal,
!                                    instead of using 'termwinsize'
!                  "term_cols"       horizontal size to use for the terminal,
!                                    instead of using 'termwinsize'
!                  "vertical"        split the window vertically
!                  "curwin"          use the current window, do not split the
!                                    window; fails if the current buffer
!                                    cannot be |abandon|ed
!                  "bufnr"           do not create a new buffer, use the
!                                    existing buffer "bufnr".  This buffer
!                                    must have been previously created with
!                                    term_dumpdiff() or term_dumpload() and
!                                    visible in a window.
!                  "norestore"       do not add the terminal window to a
!                                    session file
!               Each character in the middle part indicates a difference. If
!               there are multiple differences only the first in this list is
!               used:
!                       X       different character
!                       w       different width
!                       f       different foreground color
!                       b       different background color
!                       a       different attribute
!                       +       missing position in first file
!                       -       missing position in second file
!               Using the "s" key the top and bottom parts are swapped.  This
!               makes it easy to spot a difference.
!                                                       *term_dumpload()*
! term_dumpload({filename} [, {options}])
!               Open a new window displaying the contents of {filename}
!               The file must have been created with |term_dumpwrite()|.
!               Returns the buffer number or zero when it fails.
!               Also see |terminal-diff|.
!               For {options} see |term_dumpdiff()|.
!                                                       *term_dumpwrite()*
! term_dumpwrite({buf}, {filename} [, {options}])
!               Dump the contents of the terminal screen of {buf} in the file
!               {filename}.  This uses a format that can be used with
!               |term_dumpload()| and |term_dumpdiff()|.
!               If the job in the terminal already finished an error is given:
!               *E958*
!               If {filename} already exists an error is given: *E953*
!               Also see |terminal-diff|.
!               {options} is a dictionary with these optional entries:
!                       "rows"          maximum number of rows to dump
!                       "columns"       maximum number of columns to dump
! term_getaltscreen({buf})                              *term_getaltscreen()*
!               Returns 1 if the terminal of {buf} is using the alternate
!               screen.
!               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_getansicolors({buf})                             *term_getansicolors()*
!               Get the ANSI color palette in use by terminal {buf}.
!               Returns a List of length 16 where each element is a String
!               representing a color in hexadecimal "#rrggbb" format.
!               Also see |term_setansicolors()| and |g:terminal_ansi_colors|.
!               If neither was used returns the default colors.
!               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.  If the buffer does not
!               exist or is not a terminal window, an empty list is returned.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature and
!               with GUI enabled and/or the |+termguicolors| feature}
! term_getattr({attr}, {what})                          *term_getattr()*
!               Given {attr}, a value returned by term_scrape() in the "attr"
!               item, return whether {what} is on.  {what} can be one of:
!                       bold
!                       italic
!                       underline
!                       strike
!                       reverse
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_getcursor({buf})                                 *term_getcursor()*
!               Get the cursor position of terminal {buf}. Returns a list with
!               two numbers and a dictionary: [row, col, dict].
!               "row" and "col" are one based, the first screen cell is row
!               1, column 1.  This is the cursor position of the terminal
!               itself, not of the Vim window.
!               "dict" can have these members:
!                  "visible"    one when the cursor is visible, zero when it
!                               is hidden.
!                  "blink"      one when the cursor is blinking, zero when it
!                               is not blinking.
!                  "shape"      1 for a block cursor, 2 for underline and 3
!                               for a vertical bar.
!                  "color"      color of the cursor, e.g. "green"
!               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window. If the
!               buffer does not exist or is not a terminal window, an empty
!               list is returned.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_getjob({buf})                                    *term_getjob()*
!               Get the Job associated with terminal window {buf}.
!               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
!               Returns |v:null| when there is no job.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_getline({buf}, {row})                            *term_getline()*
!               Get a line of text from the terminal window of {buf}.
!               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
!               The first line has {row} one.  When {row} is "." the cursor
!               line is used.  When {row} is invalid an empty string is
!               returned.
!               To get attributes of each character use |term_scrape()|.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_getscrolled({buf})                                       
!               Return the number of lines that scrolled to above the top of
!               terminal {buf}.  This is the offset between the row number
!               used for |term_getline()| and |getline()|, so that: >
!                       term_getline(buf, N)
! <             is equal to: >
!                       getline(N + term_getscrolled(buf))
! <             (if that line exists).
!               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_getsize({buf})                                   *term_getsize()*
!               Get the size of terminal {buf}. Returns a list with two
!               numbers: [rows, cols].  This is the size of the terminal, not
!               the window containing the terminal.
!               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window.  Use an
!               empty string for the current buffer.  If the buffer does not
!               exist or is not a terminal window, an empty list is returned.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_getstatus({buf})                                 *term_getstatus()*
!               Get the status of terminal {buf}. This returns a comma
!               separated list of these items:
!                       running         job is running
!                       finished        job has finished
!                       normal          in Terminal-Normal mode
!               One of "running" or "finished" is always present.
!               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window. If the
!               buffer does not exist or is not a terminal window, an empty
!               string is returned.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_gettitle({buf})                                  *term_gettitle()*
!               Get the title of terminal {buf}. This is the title that the
!               job in the terminal has set.
!               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window. If the
!               buffer does not exist or is not a terminal window, an empty
!               string is returned.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_gettty({buf} [, {input}])                                *term_gettty()*
!               Get the name of the controlling terminal associated with
!               terminal window {buf}.  {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
!               When {input} is omitted or 0, return the name for writing
!               (stdout). When {input} is 1 return the name for reading
!               (stdin). On UNIX, both return same name.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_list()                                           *term_list()*
!               Return a list with the buffer numbers of all buffers for
!               terminal windows.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_scrape({buf}, {row})                             *term_scrape()*
!               Get the contents of {row} of terminal screen of {buf}.
!               For {buf} see |term_getsize()|.
!               The first line has {row} one.  When {row} is "." the cursor
!               line is used.  When {row} is invalid an empty string is
!               returned.
!               Return a List containing a Dict for each screen cell:
!                   "chars"     character(s) at the cell
!                   "fg"        foreground color as #rrggbb
!                   "bg"        background color as #rrggbb
!                   "attr"      attributes of the cell, use |term_getattr()|
!                               to get the individual flags
!                   "width"     cell width: 1 or 2
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_sendkeys({buf}, {keys})                          *term_sendkeys()*
!               Send keystrokes {keys} to terminal {buf}.
!               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
!               {keys} are translated as key sequences. For example, "\<c-x>"
!               means the character CTRL-X.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_setansicolors({buf}, {colors})                   *term_setansicolors()*
!               Set the ANSI color palette used by terminal {buf}.
!               {colors} must be a List of 16 valid color names or hexadecimal
!               color codes, like those accepted by |highlight-guifg|.
!               Also see |term_getansicolors()| and |g:terminal_ansi_colors|.
!               The colors normally are:
!                       0    black
!                       1    dark red
!                       2    dark green
!                       3    brown
!                       4    dark blue
!                       5    dark magenta
!                       6    dark cyan
!                       7    light grey
!                       8    dark grey
!                       9    red
!                       10   green
!                       11   yellow
!                       12   blue
!                       13   magenta
!                       14   cyan
!                       15   white
!               These colors are used in the GUI and in the terminal when
!               'termguicolors' is set.  When not using GUI colors (GUI mode
!               or 'termguicolors'), the terminal window always uses the 16
!               ANSI colors of the underlying terminal.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature and
!               with GUI enabled and/or the |+termguicolors| feature}
! term_setkill({buf}, {how})                            *term_setkill()*
!               When exiting Vim or trying to close the terminal window in
!               another way, {how} defines whether the job in the terminal can
!               be stopped.
!               When {how} is empty (the default), the job will not be
!               stopped, trying to exit will result in |E947|.
!               Otherwise, {how} specifies what signal to send to the job.
!               See |job_stop()| for the values.
!               After sending the signal Vim will wait for up to a second to
!               check that the job actually stopped.
! term_setrestore({buf}, {command})                     *term_setrestore()*
!               Set the command to write in a session file to restore the job
!               in this terminal.  The line written in the session file is: >
!                       terminal ++curwin ++cols=%d ++rows=%d {command}
! <             Make sure to escape the command properly.
!               Use an empty {command} to run 'shell'.
!               Use "NONE" to not restore this window.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_setsize({buf}, {rows}, {cols})           *term_setsize()* *E955*
!               Set the size of terminal {buf}. The size of the window
!               containing the terminal will also be adjusted, if possible.
!               If {rows} or {cols} is zero or negative, that dimension is not
!               changed.
!               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window.  Use an
!               empty string for the current buffer.  If the buffer does not
!               exist or is not a terminal window, an error is given.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_start({cmd} [, {options}])                       *term_start()*
!               Open a terminal window and run {cmd} in it.
!               {cmd} can be a string or a List, like with |job_start()|. The
!               string "NONE" can be used to open a terminal window without
!               starting a job, the pty of the terminal can be used by a
!               command like gdb.
!               Returns the buffer number of the terminal window.  If {cmd}
!               cannot be executed the window does open and shows an error
!               message.
!               If opening the window fails zero is returned.
!               {options} are similar to what is used for |job_start()|, see
!               |job-options|.  However, not all options can be used.  These
!               are supported:
!                  all timeout options
!                  "stoponexit", "cwd", "env"
!                  "callback", "out_cb", "err_cb", "exit_cb", "close_cb"
!                  "in_io", "in_top", "in_bot", "in_name", "in_buf"
!                  "out_io", "out_name", "out_buf", "out_modifiable", "out_msg"
!                  "err_io", "err_name", "err_buf", "err_modifiable", "err_msg"
!               However, at least one of stdin, stdout or stderr must be
!               connected to the terminal.  When I/O is connected to the
!               terminal then the callback function for that part is not used.
!               There are extra options:
!                  "term_name"       name to use for the buffer name, instead
!                                    of the command name.
!                  "term_rows"       vertical size to use for the terminal,
!                                    instead of using 'termwinsize'
!                  "term_cols"       horizontal size to use for the terminal,
!                                    instead of using 'termwinsize'
!                  "vertical"        split the window vertically; note that
!                                    other window position can be defined with
!                                    command modifiers, such as |:belowright|.
!                  "curwin"          use the current window, do not split the
!                                    window; fails if the current buffer
!                                    cannot be |abandon|ed
!                  "hidden"          do not open a window
!                  "norestore"       do not add the terminal window to a
!                                    session file
!                  "term_kill"       what to do when trying to close the
!                                    terminal window, see |term_setkill()|
!                  "term_finish"     What to do when the job is finished:
!                                       "close": close any windows
!                                       "open": open window if needed
!                                    Note that "open" can be interruptive.
!                                    See |term++close| and |term++open|.
!                  "term_opencmd"    command to use for opening the window when
!                                    "open" is used for "term_finish"; must
!                                    have "%d" where the buffer number goes,
!                                    e.g. "10split|buffer %d"; when not
!                                    specified "botright sbuf %d" is used
!                  "eof_chars"       Text to send after all buffer lines were
!                                    written to the terminal.  When not set
!                                    CTRL-D is used on MS-Windows. For Python
!                                    use CTRL-Z or "exit()". For a shell use
!                                    "exit".  A CR is always added.
!                  "ansi_colors"     A list of 16 color names or hex codes
!                                    defining the ANSI palette used in GUI
!                                    color modes.  See |g:terminal_ansi_colors|.
!                  "tty_type"        (MS-Windows only): Specify which pty to
!                                    use.  See 'termwintype' for the values.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! term_wait({buf} [, {time}])                                   *term_wait()*
!               Wait for pending updates of {buf} to be handled.
!               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
!               {time} is how long to wait for updates to arrive in msec.  If
!               not set then 10 msec will be used.
!               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
  test_alloc_fail({id}, {countdown}, {repeat})          *test_alloc_fail()*
                This is for testing: If the memory allocation with {id} is
--- 9678,9684 ----
                For MS-Windows forward slashes are used when the 'shellslash'
                option is set or when 'shellcmdflag' starts with '-'.
! term_ functions are documented here: |terminal-function-details|
  test_alloc_fail({id}, {countdown}, {repeat})          *test_alloc_fail()*
                This is for testing: If the memory allocation with {id} is
*** ../vim-8.1.1628/runtime/doc/terminal.txt    2019-05-05 18:11:46.324590615 
--- runtime/doc/terminal.txt    2019-07-04 17:07:39.460701819 +0200
*** 12,46 ****
  If the result is "1" you have it.
! 1. Basic use                  |terminal-use|
!       Typing                          |terminal-typing|
!       Size and color                  |terminal-size-color|
!       Syntax                          |:terminal|
!       Resizing                                |terminal-resizing|
!       Terminal Modes                  |Terminal-mode|
!       Cursor style                    |terminal-cursor-style|
!       Session                         |terminal-session|
!       Special keys                    |terminal-special-keys|
!       Unix                            |terminal-unix|
!       MS-Windows                      |terminal-ms-windows|
! 2. Terminal communication     |terminal-communication|
!       Vim to job: term_sendkeys()     |terminal-to-job|
!       Job to Vim: JSON API            |terminal-api|
!       Using the client-server feature |terminal-client-server|
! 3. Remote testing             |terminal-testing|
! 4. Diffing screen dumps               |terminal-diff|
!       Writing a screen dump test for Vim  |terminal-dumptest|
!       Creating a screen dump            |terminal-screendump|
!       Comparing screen dumps            |terminal-diffscreendump|
! 5. Debugging                  |terminal-debug|
!       Starting                                |termdebug-starting|
!       Example session                 |termdebug-example|
!       Stepping through code           |termdebug-stepping|
!       Inspecting variables            |termdebug-variables|
!       Other commands                  |termdebug-commands|
!       Prompt mode                     |termdebug-prompt|
!       Communication                   |termdebug-communication|
!       Customizing                     |termdebug-customizing|
  {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
  The terminal feature requires the |+job| and |+channel| features.
--- 12,47 ----
  If the result is "1" you have it.
! 1. Basic use                          |terminal-use|
!       Typing                                  |terminal-typing|
!       Size and color                          |terminal-size-color|
!       Command syntax                          |:terminal|
!       Resizing                                        |terminal-resizing|
!       Terminal Modes                          |Terminal-mode|
!       Cursor style                            |terminal-cursor-style|
!       Session                                 |terminal-session|
!       Special keys                            |terminal-special-keys|
!       Unix                                    |terminal-unix|
!       MS-Windows                              |terminal-ms-windows|
! 2. Terminal functions                 |terminal-function-details|
! 3. Terminal communication             |terminal-communication|
!       Vim to job: term_sendkeys()             |terminal-to-job|
!       Job to Vim: JSON API                    |terminal-api|
!       Using the client-server feature         |terminal-client-server|
! 4. Remote testing                     |terminal-testing|
! 5. Diffing screen dumps                       |terminal-diff|
!       Writing a screen dump test for Vim      |terminal-dumptest|
!       Creating a screen dump                  |terminal-screendump|
!       Comparing screen dumps                  |terminal-diffscreendump|
! 6. Debugging                          |terminal-debug|
!       Starting                                        |termdebug-starting|
!       Example session                         |termdebug-example|
!       Stepping through code                   |termdebug-stepping|
!       Inspecting variables                    |termdebug-variables|
!       Other commands                          |termdebug-commands|
!       Prompt mode                             |termdebug-prompt|
!       Communication                           |termdebug-communication|
!       Customizing                             |termdebug-customizing|
  {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
  The terminal feature requires the |+job| and |+channel| features.
*** 159,165 ****
  |term_getansicolors()| to get the currently used colors.
! Syntax ~
  :[range]ter[minal] [options] [command]                        *:ter* 
                        Open a new terminal window.
--- 160,166 ----
  |term_getansicolors()| to get the currently used colors.
! Command syntax ~
  :[range]ter[minal] [options] [command]                        *:ter* 
                        Open a new terminal window.
*** 426,433 ****
  Environment variables are used to pass information to the running job:
      VIM_SERVERNAME    v:servername
! 2. Terminal communication                      *terminal-communication*
  There are several ways to communicate with the job running in a terminal:
  - Use |term_sendkeys()| to send text and escape sequences from Vim to the job.
--- 427,797 ----
  Environment variables are used to pass information to the running job:
      VIM_SERVERNAME    v:servername
+ ==============================================================================
+ 2. Terminal functions                          *terminal-function-details*
+                                                       *term_dumpdiff()*
+ term_dumpdiff({filename}, {filename} [, {options}])
+               Open a new window displaying the difference between the two
+               files.  The files must have been created with
+               |term_dumpwrite()|.
+               Returns the buffer number or zero when the diff fails.
+               Also see |terminal-diff|.
+               NOTE: this does not work with double-width characters yet.
+               The top part of the buffer contains the contents of the first
+               file, the bottom part of the buffer contains the contents of
+               the second file.  The middle part shows the differences.
+               The parts are separated by a line of equals.
+               If the {options} argument is present, it must be a Dict with
+               these possible members:
+                  "term_name"       name to use for the buffer name, instead
+                                    of the first file name.
+                  "term_rows"       vertical size to use for the terminal,
+                                    instead of using 'termwinsize'
+                  "term_cols"       horizontal size to use for the terminal,
+                                    instead of using 'termwinsize'
+                  "vertical"        split the window vertically
+                  "curwin"          use the current window, do not split the
+                                    window; fails if the current buffer
+                                    cannot be |abandon|ed
+                  "bufnr"           do not create a new buffer, use the
+                                    existing buffer "bufnr".  This buffer
+                                    must have been previously created with
+                                    term_dumpdiff() or term_dumpload() and
+                                    visible in a window.
+                  "norestore"       do not add the terminal window to a
+                                    session file
+               Each character in the middle part indicates a difference. If
+               there are multiple differences only the first in this list is
+               used:
+                       X       different character
+                       w       different width
+                       f       different foreground color
+                       b       different background color
+                       a       different attribute
+                       +       missing position in first file
+                       -       missing position in second file
+               Using the "s" key the top and bottom parts are swapped.  This
+               makes it easy to spot a difference.
+                                                       *term_dumpload()*
+ term_dumpload({filename} [, {options}])
+               Open a new window displaying the contents of {filename}
+               The file must have been created with |term_dumpwrite()|.
+               Returns the buffer number or zero when it fails.
+               Also see |terminal-diff|.
+               For {options} see |term_dumpdiff()|.
+                                                       *term_dumpwrite()*
+ term_dumpwrite({buf}, {filename} [, {options}])
+               Dump the contents of the terminal screen of {buf} in the file
+               {filename}.  This uses a format that can be used with
+               |term_dumpload()| and |term_dumpdiff()|.
+               If the job in the terminal already finished an error is given:
+               *E958*
+               If {filename} already exists an error is given: *E953*
+               Also see |terminal-diff|.
+               {options} is a dictionary with these optional entries:
+                       "rows"          maximum number of rows to dump
+                       "columns"       maximum number of columns to dump
+ term_getaltscreen({buf})                              *term_getaltscreen()*
+               Returns 1 if the terminal of {buf} is using the alternate
+               screen.
+               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_getansicolors({buf})                             *term_getansicolors()*
+               Get the ANSI color palette in use by terminal {buf}.
+               Returns a List of length 16 where each element is a String
+               representing a color in hexadecimal "#rrggbb" format.
+               Also see |term_setansicolors()| and |g:terminal_ansi_colors|.
+               If neither was used returns the default colors.
+               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.  If the buffer does not
+               exist or is not a terminal window, an empty list is returned.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature and
+               with GUI enabled and/or the |+termguicolors| feature}
+ term_getattr({attr}, {what})                          *term_getattr()*
+               Given {attr}, a value returned by term_scrape() in the "attr"
+               item, return whether {what} is on.  {what} can be one of:
+                       bold
+                       italic
+                       underline
+                       strike
+                       reverse
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_getcursor({buf})                                 *term_getcursor()*
+               Get the cursor position of terminal {buf}. Returns a list with
+               two numbers and a dictionary: [row, col, dict].
+               "row" and "col" are one based, the first screen cell is row
+               1, column 1.  This is the cursor position of the terminal
+               itself, not of the Vim window.
+               "dict" can have these members:
+                  "visible"    one when the cursor is visible, zero when it
+                               is hidden.
+                  "blink"      one when the cursor is blinking, zero when it
+                               is not blinking.
+                  "shape"      1 for a block cursor, 2 for underline and 3
+                               for a vertical bar.
+                  "color"      color of the cursor, e.g. "green"
+               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window. If the
+               buffer does not exist or is not a terminal window, an empty
+               list is returned.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_getjob({buf})                                    *term_getjob()*
+               Get the Job associated with terminal window {buf}.
+               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
+               Returns |v:null| when there is no job.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_getline({buf}, {row})                            *term_getline()*
+               Get a line of text from the terminal window of {buf}.
+               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
+               The first line has {row} one.  When {row} is "." the cursor
+               line is used.  When {row} is invalid an empty string is
+               returned.
+               To get attributes of each character use |term_scrape()|.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_getscrolled({buf})                                       
+               Return the number of lines that scrolled to above the top of
+               terminal {buf}.  This is the offset between the row number
+               used for |term_getline()| and |getline()|, so that: >
+                       term_getline(buf, N)
+ <             is equal to: >
+                       getline(N + term_getscrolled(buf))
+ <             (if that line exists).
+               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_getsize({buf})                                   *term_getsize()*
+               Get the size of terminal {buf}. Returns a list with two
+               numbers: [rows, cols].  This is the size of the terminal, not
+               the window containing the terminal.
+               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window.  Use an
+               empty string for the current buffer.  If the buffer does not
+               exist or is not a terminal window, an empty list is returned.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_getstatus({buf})                                 *term_getstatus()*
+               Get the status of terminal {buf}. This returns a comma
+               separated list of these items:
+                       running         job is running
+                       finished        job has finished
+                       normal          in Terminal-Normal mode
+               One of "running" or "finished" is always present.
+               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window. If the
+               buffer does not exist or is not a terminal window, an empty
+               string is returned.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_gettitle({buf})                                  *term_gettitle()*
+               Get the title of terminal {buf}. This is the title that the
+               job in the terminal has set.
+               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window. If the
+               buffer does not exist or is not a terminal window, an empty
+               string is returned.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_gettty({buf} [, {input}])                                *term_gettty()*
+               Get the name of the controlling terminal associated with
+               terminal window {buf}.  {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
+               When {input} is omitted or 0, return the name for writing
+               (stdout). When {input} is 1 return the name for reading
+               (stdin). On UNIX, both return same name.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_list()                                           *term_list()*
+               Return a list with the buffer numbers of all buffers for
+               terminal windows.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_scrape({buf}, {row})                             *term_scrape()*
+               Get the contents of {row} of terminal screen of {buf}.
+               For {buf} see |term_getsize()|.
+               The first line has {row} one.  When {row} is "." the cursor
+               line is used.  When {row} is invalid an empty string is
+               returned.
+               Return a List containing a Dict for each screen cell:
+                   "chars"     character(s) at the cell
+                   "fg"        foreground color as #rrggbb
+                   "bg"        background color as #rrggbb
+                   "attr"      attributes of the cell, use |term_getattr()|
+                               to get the individual flags
+                   "width"     cell width: 1 or 2
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_sendkeys({buf}, {keys})                          *term_sendkeys()*
+               Send keystrokes {keys} to terminal {buf}.
+               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
+               {keys} are translated as key sequences. For example, "\<c-x>"
+               means the character CTRL-X.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_setansicolors({buf}, {colors})                   *term_setansicolors()*
+               Set the ANSI color palette used by terminal {buf}.
+               {colors} must be a List of 16 valid color names or hexadecimal
+               color codes, like those accepted by |highlight-guifg|.
+               Also see |term_getansicolors()| and |g:terminal_ansi_colors|.
+               The colors normally are:
+                       0    black
+                       1    dark red
+                       2    dark green
+                       3    brown
+                       4    dark blue
+                       5    dark magenta
+                       6    dark cyan
+                       7    light grey
+                       8    dark grey
+                       9    red
+                       10   green
+                       11   yellow
+                       12   blue
+                       13   magenta
+                       14   cyan
+                       15   white
+               These colors are used in the GUI and in the terminal when
+               'termguicolors' is set.  When not using GUI colors (GUI mode
+               or 'termguicolors'), the terminal window always uses the 16
+               ANSI colors of the underlying terminal.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature and
+               with GUI enabled and/or the |+termguicolors| feature}
+ term_setkill({buf}, {how})                            *term_setkill()*
+               When exiting Vim or trying to close the terminal window in
+               another way, {how} defines whether the job in the terminal can
+               be stopped.
+               When {how} is empty (the default), the job will not be
+               stopped, trying to exit will result in |E947|.
+               Otherwise, {how} specifies what signal to send to the job.
+               See |job_stop()| for the values.
+               After sending the signal Vim will wait for up to a second to
+               check that the job actually stopped.
+ term_setrestore({buf}, {command})                     *term_setrestore()*
+               Set the command to write in a session file to restore the job
+               in this terminal.  The line written in the session file is: >
+                       terminal ++curwin ++cols=%d ++rows=%d {command}
+ <             Make sure to escape the command properly.
+               Use an empty {command} to run 'shell'.
+               Use "NONE" to not restore this window.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_setsize({buf}, {rows}, {cols})           *term_setsize()* *E955*
+               Set the size of terminal {buf}. The size of the window
+               containing the terminal will also be adjusted, if possible.
+               If {rows} or {cols} is zero or negative, that dimension is not
+               changed.
+               {buf} must be the buffer number of a terminal window.  Use an
+               empty string for the current buffer.  If the buffer does not
+               exist or is not a terminal window, an error is given.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_start({cmd} [, {options}])                       *term_start()*
+               Open a terminal window and run {cmd} in it.
+               {cmd} can be a string or a List, like with |job_start()|. The
+               string "NONE" can be used to open a terminal window without
+               starting a job, the pty of the terminal can be used by a
+               command like gdb.
+               Returns the buffer number of the terminal window.  If {cmd}
+               cannot be executed the window does open and shows an error
+               message.
+               If opening the window fails zero is returned.
+               {options} are similar to what is used for |job_start()|, see
+               |job-options|.  However, not all options can be used.  These
+               are supported:
+                  all timeout options
+                  "stoponexit", "cwd", "env"
+                  "callback", "out_cb", "err_cb", "exit_cb", "close_cb"
+                  "in_io", "in_top", "in_bot", "in_name", "in_buf"
+                  "out_io", "out_name", "out_buf", "out_modifiable", "out_msg"
+                  "err_io", "err_name", "err_buf", "err_modifiable", "err_msg"
+               However, at least one of stdin, stdout or stderr must be
+               connected to the terminal.  When I/O is connected to the
+               terminal then the callback function for that part is not used.
+               There are extra options:
+                  "term_name"       name to use for the buffer name, instead
+                                    of the command name.
+                  "term_rows"       vertical size to use for the terminal,
+                                    instead of using 'termwinsize'
+                  "term_cols"       horizontal size to use for the terminal,
+                                    instead of using 'termwinsize'
+                  "vertical"        split the window vertically; note that
+                                    other window position can be defined with
+                                    command modifiers, such as |:belowright|.
+                  "curwin"          use the current window, do not split the
+                                    window; fails if the current buffer
+                                    cannot be |abandon|ed
+                  "hidden"          do not open a window
+                  "norestore"       do not add the terminal window to a
+                                    session file
+                  "term_kill"       what to do when trying to close the
+                                    terminal window, see |term_setkill()|
+                  "term_finish"     What to do when the job is finished:
+                                       "close": close any windows
+                                       "open": open window if needed
+                                    Note that "open" can be interruptive.
+                                    See |term++close| and |term++open|.
+                  "term_opencmd"    command to use for opening the window when
+                                    "open" is used for "term_finish"; must
+                                    have "%d" where the buffer number goes,
+                                    e.g. "10split|buffer %d"; when not
+                                    specified "botright sbuf %d" is used
+                  "eof_chars"       Text to send after all buffer lines were
+                                    written to the terminal.  When not set
+                                    CTRL-D is used on MS-Windows. For Python
+                                    use CTRL-Z or "exit()". For a shell use
+                                    "exit".  A CR is always added.
+                  "ansi_colors"     A list of 16 color names or hex codes
+                                    defining the ANSI palette used in GUI
+                                    color modes.  See |g:terminal_ansi_colors|.
+                  "tty_type"        (MS-Windows only): Specify which pty to
+                                    use.  See 'termwintype' for the values.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
+ term_wait({buf} [, {time}])                                   *term_wait()*
+               Wait for pending updates of {buf} to be handled.
+               {buf} is used as with |term_getsize()|.
+               {time} is how long to wait for updates to arrive in msec.  If
+               not set then 10 msec will be used.
+               {only available when compiled with the |+terminal| feature}
! 3. Terminal communication                      *terminal-communication*
  There are several ways to communicate with the job running in a terminal:
  - Use |term_sendkeys()| to send text and escape sequences from Vim to the job.
*** 495,501 ****
                directory, thus it's best to use the full path.
                [options] is only used when opening a new window.  If present,
!               it must be a Dict.  Similarly to |++opt|, These entries are 
                  "ff"          file format: "dos", "mac" or "unix"
                  "fileformat"  idem
                  "enc"         overrides 'fileencoding'
--- 859,866 ----
                directory, thus it's best to use the full path.
                [options] is only used when opening a new window.  If present,
!               it must be a Dict.  Similarly to |++opt|, These entries are
!               recognized:
                  "ff"          file format: "dos", "mac" or "unix"
                  "fileformat"  idem
                  "enc"         overrides 'fileencoding'
*** 533,539 ****
  This will open the file "some_file.c" and put the cursor on line 123.
! 3. Remote testing                                     *terminal-testing*
  Most Vim tests execute a script inside Vim.  For some tests this does not
  work, running the test interferes with the code being tested.  To avoid this
--- 898,904 ----
  This will open the file "some_file.c" and put the cursor on line 123.
! 4. Remote testing                                     *terminal-testing*
  Most Vim tests execute a script inside Vim.  For some tests this does not
  work, running the test interferes with the code being tested.  To avoid this
*** 548,554 ****
! 4. Diffing screen dumps                                       *terminal-diff*
  In some cases it can be bothersome to test that Vim displays the right
  characters on the screen.  E.g. with syntax highlighting.  To make this
--- 913,919 ----
! 5. Diffing screen dumps                                       *terminal-diff*
  In some cases it can be bothersome to test that Vim displays the right
  characters on the screen.  E.g. with syntax highlighting.  To make this
*** 649,655 ****
  times so that you can spot the difference in the context of the text.
! 5. Debugging                          *terminal-debug* *terminal-debugger*
  The Terminal debugging plugin can be used to debug a program with gdb and view
  the source code in a Vim window.  Since this is completely contained inside
--- 1014,1020 ----
  times so that you can spot the difference in the context of the text.
! 6. Debugging                          *terminal-debug* *terminal-debugger*
  The Terminal debugging plugin can be used to debug a program with gdb and view
  the source code in a Vim window.  Since this is completely contained inside
*** 906,912 ****
    hi debugBreakpoint term=reverse ctermbg=red guibg=red
! Shorcuts                                              *termdebug_shortcuts*
  You can define your own shortcuts (mappings) to control gdb, that can work in
  any window, using the TermDebugSendCommand() function.  Example: >
--- 1271,1277 ----
    hi debugBreakpoint term=reverse ctermbg=red guibg=red
! Shortcuts                                             *termdebug_shortcuts*
  You can define your own shortcuts (mappings) to control gdb, that can work in
  any window, using the TermDebugSendCommand() function.  Example: >
*** ../vim-8.1.1628/src/version.c       2019-07-04 16:53:21.373654143 +0200
--- src/version.c       2019-07-04 17:10:08.995834307 +0200
*** 779,780 ****
--- 779,782 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1629,

Not too long ago, compress was something you did to garbage...

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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