Patch 8.2.4274
Problem:    Basic and form filetype detection is incomplete.
Solution:   Add a separate function for .frm files. (Doug Kearns, closes #9675)
Files:      runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim, runtime/filetype.vim,

*** ../vim-8.2.4273/runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim        2022-01-28 
14:15:06.440853078 +0000
--- runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim        2022-01-31 17:03:55.584747171 +0000
*** 67,72 ****
--- 67,75 ----
+ let s:ft_visual_basic_content = '\cVB_Name\|Begin 
+ " See FTfrm() for Visual Basic form file detection
  func dist#ft#FTbas()
    if exists("g:filetype_bas")
      exe "setf " . g:filetype_bas
*** 86,92 ****
      setf freebasic
    elseif match(lines, qb64_preproc) > -1
      setf qb64
!   elseif match(lines, '\cVB_Name\|Begin VB\.\(Form\|MDIForm\|UserControl\)') 
> -1
      setf vb
      setf basic
--- 89,95 ----
      setf freebasic
    elseif match(lines, qb64_preproc) > -1
      setf qb64
!   elseif match(lines, s:ft_visual_basic_content) > -1
      setf vb
      setf basic
*** 235,240 ****
--- 238,258 ----
+ func dist#ft#FTfrm()
+   if exists("g:filetype_frm")
+     exe "setf " . g:filetype_frm
+     return
+   endif
+   let lines = getline(1, min([line("$"), 5]))
+   if match(lines, s:ft_visual_basic_content) > -1
+     setf vb
+   else
+     setf form
+   endif
+ endfunc
  " Distinguish between Forth and F#.
  " Provided by Doug Kearns.
  func dist#ft#FTfs()
*** ../vim-8.2.4273/runtime/filetype.vim        2022-01-29 12:45:43.958338766 
--- runtime/filetype.vim        2022-01-31 17:03:55.584747171 +0000
*** 2051,2057 ****
        \ endif
  " Visual Basic (also uses *.bas) or FORM
! au BufNewFile,BufRead *.frm                   call dist#ft#FTVB("form")
  " SaxBasic is close to Visual Basic
  au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sba                   setf vb
--- 2051,2057 ----
        \ endif
  " Visual Basic (also uses *.bas) or FORM
! au BufNewFile,BufRead *.frm                   call dist#ft#FTfrm()
  " SaxBasic is close to Visual Basic
  au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sba                   setf vb
*** ../vim-8.2.4273/src/testdir/test_filetype.vim       2022-01-29 
12:45:43.958338766 +0000
--- src/testdir/test_filetype.vim       2022-01-31 17:03:55.584747171 +0000
*** 183,188 ****
--- 183,189 ----
      \ 'fgl': ['file.4gl', 'file.4gh', 'file.m4gl'],
      \ 'fish': [''],
      \ 'focexec': ['file.fex', 'file.focexec'],
+     \ 'form': ['file.frm'],
      \ 'forth': ['file.ft', 'file.fth'],
      \ 'fortran': ['file.f', 'file.for', 'file.fortran', 'file.fpp', 
'file.ftn', 'file.f77', 'file.f90', 'file.f95', 'file.f03', 'file.f08'],
      \ 'fpcmake': ['file.fpc'],
*** 1278,1281 ****
--- 1279,1309 ----
    filetype off
+ func Test_frm_file()
+   filetype on
+   call writefile(['looks like FORM'], 'Xfile.frm')
+   split Xfile.frm
+   call assert_equal('form', &filetype)
+   bwipe!
+   " Test dist#ft#FTfrm()
+   let g:filetype_frm = 'form'
+   split Xfile.frm
+   call assert_equal('form', &filetype)
+   bwipe!
+   unlet g:filetype_frm
+   " Visual Basic
+   call writefile(['Begin VB.Form Form1'], 'Xfile.frm')
+   split Xfile.frm
+   call assert_equal('vb', &filetype)
+   bwipe!
+   call delete('Xfile.frm')
+   filetype off
+ endfunc
  " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
*** ../vim-8.2.4273/src/version.c       2022-01-31 14:59:33.530943518 +0000
--- src/version.c       2022-01-31 17:06:53.226326429 +0000
*** 748,749 ****
--- 748,751 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     4274,

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