Patch 9.0.0124
Problem:    Code has more indent than needed.
Solution:   Use continue and return statements. (closes #10824)
Files:      src/arglist.c, src/diff.c, src/edit.c, src/help.c, src/normal.c,
            src/syntax.c, src/window.c

*** ../vim-9.0.0123/src/arglist.c       2022-02-03 13:02:32.000000000 +0000
--- src/arglist.c       2022-07-31 18:25:09.865852240 +0100
*** 1241,1272 ****
        for (idx = 0; idx < ARGCOUNT; ++idx)
            p = alist_name(&ARGLIST[idx]);
!           if (p != NULL)
!               if (len > 0)
!               {
!                   // insert a space in between names
!                   if (retval != NULL)
!                       retval[len] = ' ';
!                   ++len;
!               }
!               for ( ; *p != NUL; ++p)
!               {
!                   if (*p == ' '
!                           || *p == '\\'
!                           || *p == '`')
!                   {
!                       // insert a backslash
!                       if (retval != NULL)
!                           retval[len] = '\\';
!                       ++len;
!                   }
                    if (retval != NULL)
!                       retval[len] = *p;
--- 1241,1271 ----
        for (idx = 0; idx < ARGCOUNT; ++idx)
            p = alist_name(&ARGLIST[idx]);
!           if (p == NULL)
!               continue;
!           if (len > 0)
!               // insert a space in between names
!               if (retval != NULL)
!                   retval[len] = ' ';
!               ++len;
!           }
!           for ( ; *p != NUL; ++p)
!           {
!               if (*p == ' '
!                       || *p == '\\'
!                       || *p == '`')
!               {
!                   // insert a backslash
                    if (retval != NULL)
!                       retval[len] = '\\';
+               if (retval != NULL)
+                   retval[len] = *p;
+               ++len;
*** ../vim-9.0.0123/src/diff.c  2022-07-28 18:44:24.225873426 +0100
--- src/diff.c  2022-07-31 18:29:41.098241306 +0100
*** 678,711 ****
      need_diff_redraw = FALSE;
        // when closing windows or wiping buffers skip invalid window
!       if (wp->w_p_diff && buf_valid(wp->w_buffer))
!       {
!           redraw_win_later(wp, SOME_VALID);
!           if (wp != curwin)
!               wp_other = wp;
!           if (dofold && foldmethodIsDiff(wp))
!               foldUpdateAll(wp);
!           // A change may have made filler lines invalid, need to take care
!           // of that for other windows.
!           n = diff_check(wp, wp->w_topline);
!           if ((wp != curwin && wp->w_topfill > 0) || n > 0)
!               if (wp->w_topfill > n)
!                   wp->w_topfill = (n < 0 ? 0 : n);
!               else if (n > 0 && n > wp->w_topfill)
!               {
!                   wp->w_topfill = n;
!                   if (wp == curwin)
!                       used_max_fill_curwin = TRUE;
!                   else if (wp_other != NULL)
!                       used_max_fill_other = TRUE;
!               }
!               check_topfill(wp, FALSE);
      if (wp_other != NULL && curwin->w_p_scb)
--- 678,713 ----
      need_diff_redraw = FALSE;
+     {
        // when closing windows or wiping buffers skip invalid window
!       if (!wp->w_p_diff || !buf_valid(wp->w_buffer))
!           continue;
!       redraw_win_later(wp, SOME_VALID);
!       if (wp != curwin)
!           wp_other = wp;
!       if (dofold && foldmethodIsDiff(wp))
!           foldUpdateAll(wp);
!       // A change may have made filler lines invalid, need to take care of
!       // that for other windows.
!       n = diff_check(wp, wp->w_topline);
!       if ((wp != curwin && wp->w_topfill > 0) || n > 0)
!       {
!           if (wp->w_topfill > n)
!               wp->w_topfill = (n < 0 ? 0 : n);
!           else if (n > 0 && n > wp->w_topfill)
!               wp->w_topfill = n;
!               if (wp == curwin)
!                   used_max_fill_curwin = TRUE;
!               else if (wp_other != NULL)
!                   used_max_fill_other = TRUE;
+           check_topfill(wp, FALSE);
+     }
      if (wp_other != NULL && curwin->w_p_scb)
*** ../vim-9.0.0123/src/edit.c  2022-07-25 18:13:33.046580756 +0100
--- src/edit.c  2022-07-31 18:29:23.386226946 +0100
*** 3749,3799 ****
      static int
  ins_start_select(int c)
!     if (km_startsel)
!       switch (c)
!       {
!           case K_KHOME:
!           case K_KEND:
!           case K_PAGEUP:
!           case K_KPAGEUP:
!           case K_PAGEDOWN:
!           case K_KPAGEDOWN:
  # ifdef MACOS_X
!           case K_LEFT:
!           case K_RIGHT:
!           case K_UP:
!           case K_DOWN:
!           case K_END:
!           case K_HOME:
  # endif
!               if (!(mod_mask & MOD_MASK_SHIFT))
!                   break;
!               // FALLTHROUGH
!           case K_S_LEFT:
!           case K_S_RIGHT:
!           case K_S_UP:
!           case K_S_DOWN:
!           case K_S_END:
!           case K_S_HOME:
!               // Start selection right away, the cursor can move with
!               // CTRL-O when beyond the end of the line.
!               start_selection();
!               // Execute the key in (insert) Select mode.
!               stuffcharReadbuff(Ctrl_O);
!               if (mod_mask)
!               {
!                   char_u          buf[4];
!                   buf[0] = K_SPECIAL;
!                   buf[1] = KS_MODIFIER;
!                   buf[2] = mod_mask;
!                   buf[3] = NUL;
!                   stuffReadbuff(buf);
!               }
!               stuffcharReadbuff(c);
!               return TRUE;
!       }
      return FALSE;
--- 3749,3800 ----
      static int
  ins_start_select(int c)
!     if (!km_startsel)
!       return FALSE;
!     switch (c)
!     {
!       case K_KHOME:
!       case K_KEND:
!       case K_PAGEUP:
!       case K_KPAGEUP:
!       case K_PAGEDOWN:
!       case K_KPAGEDOWN:
  # ifdef MACOS_X
!       case K_LEFT:
!       case K_RIGHT:
!       case K_UP:
!       case K_DOWN:
!       case K_END:
!       case K_HOME:
  # endif
!           if (!(mod_mask & MOD_MASK_SHIFT))
!               break;
!           // FALLTHROUGH
!       case K_S_LEFT:
!       case K_S_RIGHT:
!       case K_S_UP:
!       case K_S_DOWN:
!       case K_S_END:
!       case K_S_HOME:
!           // Start selection right away, the cursor can move with CTRL-O when
!           // beyond the end of the line.
!           start_selection();
!           // Execute the key in (insert) Select mode.
!           stuffcharReadbuff(Ctrl_O);
!           if (mod_mask)
!           {
!               char_u      buf[4];
!               buf[0] = K_SPECIAL;
!               buf[1] = KS_MODIFIER;
!               buf[2] = mod_mask;
!               buf[3] = NUL;
!               stuffReadbuff(buf);
!           }
!           stuffcharReadbuff(c);
!           return TRUE;
!     }
      return FALSE;
*** ../vim-9.0.0123/src/help.c  2022-07-30 12:03:12.835558826 +0100
--- src/help.c  2022-07-31 18:25:09.865852240 +0100
*** 1220,1257 ****
      for (i = 0; i < filecount; ++i)
        len = (int)STRLEN(files[i]);
!       if (len > 4)
!           if (STRICMP(files[i] + len - 4, ".txt") == 0)
!           {
!               // ".txt" -> language "en"
!               lang[0] = 'e';
!               lang[1] = 'n';
!           }
!           else if (files[i][len - 4] == '.'
!                   && ASCII_ISALPHA(files[i][len - 3])
!                   && ASCII_ISALPHA(files[i][len - 2])
!                   && TOLOWER_ASC(files[i][len - 1]) == 'x')
!           {
!               // ".abx" -> language "ab"
!               lang[0] = TOLOWER_ASC(files[i][len - 3]);
!               lang[1] = TOLOWER_ASC(files[i][len - 2]);
!           }
!           else
!               continue;
!           // Did we find this language already?
!           for (j = 0; j < ga.ga_len; j += 2)
!               if (STRNCMP(lang, ((char_u *)ga.ga_data) + j, 2) == 0)
!                   break;
!           if (j == ga.ga_len)
!           {
!               // New language, add it.
!               if (ga_grow(&ga, 2) == FAIL)
!                   break;
!               ((char_u *)ga.ga_data)[ga.ga_len++] = lang[0];
!               ((char_u *)ga.ga_data)[ga.ga_len++] = lang[1];
!           }
--- 1220,1257 ----
      for (i = 0; i < filecount; ++i)
        len = (int)STRLEN(files[i]);
!       if (len <= 4)
!           continue;
!       if (STRICMP(files[i] + len - 4, ".txt") == 0)
!       {
!           // ".txt" -> language "en"
!           lang[0] = 'e';
!           lang[1] = 'n';
!       }
!       else if (files[i][len - 4] == '.'
!               && ASCII_ISALPHA(files[i][len - 3])
!               && ASCII_ISALPHA(files[i][len - 2])
!               && TOLOWER_ASC(files[i][len - 1]) == 'x')
!           // ".abx" -> language "ab"
!           lang[0] = TOLOWER_ASC(files[i][len - 3]);
!           lang[1] = TOLOWER_ASC(files[i][len - 2]);
!       }
!       else
!           continue;
!       // Did we find this language already?
!       for (j = 0; j < ga.ga_len; j += 2)
!           if (STRNCMP(lang, ((char_u *)ga.ga_data) + j, 2) == 0)
!               break;
!       if (j == ga.ga_len)
!       {
!           // New language, add it.
!           if (ga_grow(&ga, 2) == FAIL)
!               break;
!           ((char_u *)ga.ga_data)[ga.ga_len++] = lang[0];
!           ((char_u *)ga.ga_data)[ga.ga_len++] = lang[1];
*** ../vim-9.0.0123/src/normal.c        2022-07-30 16:54:01.863698294 +0100
--- src/normal.c        2022-07-31 18:25:09.865852240 +0100
*** 1916,1960 ****
        curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
!       // skip original window  and windows with 'noscrollbind'
!       if (curwin != old_curwin && curwin->w_p_scb)
-           // do the vertical scroll
-           if (want_ver)
-           {
  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
!               if (old_curwin->w_p_diff && curwin->w_p_diff)
!               {
!                   diff_set_topline(old_curwin, curwin);
!               }
!               else
!               {
!                   curwin->w_scbind_pos += topline_diff;
!                   topline = curwin->w_scbind_pos;
!                   if (topline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
!                       topline = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
!                   if (topline < 1)
!                       topline = 1;
!                   y = topline - curwin->w_topline;
!                   if (y > 0)
!                       scrollup(y, FALSE);
!                   else
!                       scrolldown(-y, FALSE);
!               }
!               redraw_later(VALID);
!               cursor_correct();
!               curwin->w_redr_status = TRUE;
!           // do the horizontal scroll
!           if (want_hor && curwin->w_leftcol != tgt_leftcol)
!           {
!               curwin->w_leftcol = tgt_leftcol;
!               leftcol_changed();
!           }
--- 1916,1960 ----
        curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
!       // skip original window and windows with 'noscrollbind'
!       if (curwin == old_curwin || !curwin->w_p_scb)
!           continue;
!       // do the vertical scroll
!       if (want_ver)
  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
!           if (old_curwin->w_p_diff && curwin->w_p_diff)
!           {
!               diff_set_topline(old_curwin, curwin);
!           }
!           else
!           {
!               curwin->w_scbind_pos += topline_diff;
!               topline = curwin->w_scbind_pos;
!               if (topline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
!                   topline = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
!               if (topline < 1)
!                   topline = 1;
!               y = topline - curwin->w_topline;
!               if (y > 0)
!                   scrollup(y, FALSE);
!               else
!                   scrolldown(-y, FALSE);
!           redraw_later(VALID);
!           cursor_correct();
!           curwin->w_redr_status = TRUE;
!       }
!       // do the horizontal scroll
!       if (want_hor && curwin->w_leftcol != tgt_leftcol)
!       {
!           curwin->w_leftcol = tgt_leftcol;
!           leftcol_changed();
*** ../vim-9.0.0123/src/syntax.c        2022-06-19 12:25:47.000000000 +0100
--- src/syntax.c        2022-07-31 18:32:22.394318774 +0100
*** 1485,1542 ****
      reg_extmatch_T    *six, *bsx;
      // First a quick check if the stacks have the same size end nextlist.
!     if (sp->sst_stacksize == current_state.ga_len
!           && sp->sst_next_list == current_next_list)
!     {
!       // Need to compare all states on both stacks.
!       if (sp->sst_stacksize > SST_FIX_STATES)
!           bp = SYN_STATE_P(&(sp->sst_union.sst_ga));
!       else
!           bp = sp->sst_union.sst_stack;
!       for (i = current_state.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
!           // If the item has another index the state is different.
!           if (bp[i].bs_idx != CUR_STATE(i).si_idx)
!               break;
!           if (bp[i].bs_extmatch != CUR_STATE(i).si_extmatch)
!               // When the extmatch pointers are different, the strings in
!               // them can still be the same.  Check if the extmatch
!               // references are equal.
!               bsx = bp[i].bs_extmatch;
!               six = CUR_STATE(i).si_extmatch;
!               // If one of the extmatch pointers is NULL the states are
!               // different.
!               if (bsx == NULL || six == NULL)
!               for (j = 0; j < NSUBEXP; ++j)
!               {
!                   // Check each referenced match string. They must all be
!                   // equal.
!                   if (bsx->matches[j] != six->matches[j])
!                   {
!                       // If the pointer is different it can still be the
!                       // same text.  Compare the strings, ignore case when
!                       // the start item has the sp_ic flag set.
!                       if (bsx->matches[j] == NULL
!                               || six->matches[j] == NULL)
!                           break;
!                       if ((SYN_ITEMS(syn_block)[CUR_STATE(i).si_idx]).sp_ic
!                               ? MB_STRICMP(bsx->matches[j],
!                                                        six->matches[j]) != 0
!                               : STRCMP(bsx->matches[j], six->matches[j]) != 0)
!                           break;
!                   }
!               }
!               if (j != NSUBEXP)
!       if (i < 0)
!           return TRUE;
!     return FALSE;
--- 1485,1534 ----
      reg_extmatch_T    *six, *bsx;
      // First a quick check if the stacks have the same size end nextlist.
!     if (sp->sst_stacksize != current_state.ga_len
!           || sp->sst_next_list != current_next_list)
!       return FALSE;
!     // Need to compare all states on both stacks.
!     if (sp->sst_stacksize > SST_FIX_STATES)
!       bp = SYN_STATE_P(&(sp->sst_union.sst_ga));
!     else
!       bp = sp->sst_union.sst_stack;
!     for (i = current_state.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
!     {
!       // If the item has another index the state is different.
!       if (bp[i].bs_idx != CUR_STATE(i).si_idx)
!           break;
!       if (bp[i].bs_extmatch == CUR_STATE(i).si_extmatch)
!           continue;
!       // When the extmatch pointers are different, the strings in them can
!       // still be the same.  Check if the extmatch references are equal.
!       bsx = bp[i].bs_extmatch;
!       six = CUR_STATE(i).si_extmatch;
!       // If one of the extmatch pointers is NULL the states are different.
!       if (bsx == NULL || six == NULL)
!           break;
!       for (j = 0; j < NSUBEXP; ++j)
!           // Check each referenced match string. They must all be equal.
!           if (bsx->matches[j] != six->matches[j])
!               // If the pointer is different it can still be the same text.
!               // Compare the strings, ignore case when the start item has the
!               // sp_ic flag set.
!               if (bsx->matches[j] == NULL || six->matches[j] == NULL)
!               if ((SYN_ITEMS(syn_block)[CUR_STATE(i).si_idx]).sp_ic
!                       ? MB_STRICMP(bsx->matches[j], six->matches[j]) != 0
!                       : STRCMP(bsx->matches[j], six->matches[j]) != 0)
!       if (j != NSUBEXP)
!           break;
!     return i < 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
*** ../vim-9.0.0123/src/window.c        2022-07-30 19:10:03.569318597 +0100
--- src/window.c        2022-07-31 18:33:21.670326536 +0100
*** 2004,2035 ****
                next_curwin_size = -1;
                FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, topfr->fr_child)
!                   // If 'winfixwidth' set keep the window width if
!                   // possible.
                    // Watch out for this window being the next_curwin.
!                   if (frame_fixed_width(fr))
!                       n = frame_minwidth(fr, NOWIN);
!                       new_size = fr->fr_width;
!                       if (frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin))
!                       {
!                           room += p_wiw - p_wmw;
!                           next_curwin_size = 0;
!                           if (new_size < p_wiw)
!                               new_size = p_wiw;
!                       }
!                       else
!                           // These windows don't use up room.
!                           totwincount -= (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL
!                                             ? extra_sep : 0)) / (p_wmw + 1);
!                       room -= new_size - n;
!                       if (room < 0)
!                       {
!                           new_size += room;
!                           room = 0;
!                       }
!                       fr->fr_newwidth = new_size;
                if (next_curwin_size == -1)
--- 2004,2033 ----
                next_curwin_size = -1;
                FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, topfr->fr_child)
!                   if (!frame_fixed_width(fr))
!                       continue;
!                   // If 'winfixwidth' set keep the window width if possible.
                    // Watch out for this window being the next_curwin.
!                   n = frame_minwidth(fr, NOWIN);
!                   new_size = fr->fr_width;
!                   if (frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin))
!                       room += p_wiw - p_wmw;
!                       next_curwin_size = 0;
!                       if (new_size < p_wiw)
!                           new_size = p_wiw;
+                   else
+                       // These windows don't use up room.
+                       totwincount -= (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL
+                                              ? extra_sep : 0)) / (p_wmw + 1);
+                   room -= new_size - n;
+                   if (room < 0)
+                   {
+                       new_size += room;
+                       room = 0;
+                   }
+                   fr->fr_newwidth = new_size;
                if (next_curwin_size == -1)
*** 2145,2176 ****
                next_curwin_size = -1;
                FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, topfr->fr_child)
                    // If 'winfixheight' set keep the window height if
                    // possible.
                    // Watch out for this window being the next_curwin.
!                   if (frame_fixed_height(fr))
!                       n = frame_minheight(fr, NOWIN);
!                       new_size = fr->fr_height;
!                       if (frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin))
!                       {
!                           room += p_wh - p_wmh;
!                           next_curwin_size = 0;
!                           if (new_size < p_wh)
!                               new_size = p_wh;
!                       }
!                       else
!                           // These windows don't use up room.
!                           totwincount -= (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL
!                                             ? extra_sep : 0)) / (p_wmh + 1);
!                       room -= new_size - n;
!                       if (room < 0)
!                       {
!                           new_size += room;
!                           room = 0;
!                       }
!                       fr->fr_newheight = new_size;
                if (next_curwin_size == -1)
--- 2143,2173 ----
                next_curwin_size = -1;
                FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, topfr->fr_child)
+                   if (!frame_fixed_height(fr))
+                       continue;
                    // If 'winfixheight' set keep the window height if
                    // possible.
                    // Watch out for this window being the next_curwin.
!                   n = frame_minheight(fr, NOWIN);
!                   new_size = fr->fr_height;
!                   if (frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin))
!                       room += p_wh - p_wmh;
!                       next_curwin_size = 0;
!                       if (new_size < p_wh)
!                           new_size = p_wh;
+                   else
+                       // These windows don't use up room.
+                       totwincount -= (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL
+                                              ? extra_sep : 0)) / (p_wmh + 1);
+                   room -= new_size - n;
+                   if (room < 0)
+                   {
+                       new_size += room;
+                       room = 0;
+                   }
+                   fr->fr_newheight = new_size;
                if (next_curwin_size == -1)
*** 3752,3787 ****
      for (wp = firstwin; win_valid(wp); wp = nextwp)
        nextwp = wp->w_next;
!       if (wp != curwin)               // don't close current window
!       {
!           // Check if it's allowed to abandon this window
!           r = can_abandon(wp->w_buffer, forceit);
!           if (!win_valid(wp))         // autocommands messed wp up
!           {
!               nextwp = firstwin;
!               continue;
!           }
!           if (!r)
!           {
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG)
!               if (message && (p_confirm
!                            || (cmdmod.cmod_flags & CMOD_CONFIRM)) && p_write)
!                   dialog_changed(wp->w_buffer, FALSE);
!                   if (!win_valid(wp))         // autocommands messed wp up
!                   {
!                       nextwp = firstwin;
!                       continue;
!                   }
!               }
!               if (bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer))
! #endif
!           win_close(wp, !buf_hide(wp->w_buffer)
!                                              && !bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer));
      if (message && !ONE_WINDOW)
--- 3749,3782 ----
      for (wp = firstwin; win_valid(wp); wp = nextwp)
        nextwp = wp->w_next;
!       if (wp == curwin)               // don't close current window
!           continue;
!       // Check if it's allowed to abandon this window
!       r = can_abandon(wp->w_buffer, forceit);
!       if (!win_valid(wp))             // autocommands messed wp up
!       {
!           nextwp = firstwin;
!           continue;
!       }
!       if (!r)
!       {
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG)
!           if (message && (p_confirm
!                        || (cmdmod.cmod_flags & CMOD_CONFIRM)) && p_write)
!           {
!               dialog_changed(wp->w_buffer, FALSE);
!               if (!win_valid(wp))             // autocommands messed wp up
!                   nextwp = firstwin;
+               }
!           if (bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer))
! #endif
!               continue;
+       win_close(wp, !buf_hide(wp->w_buffer) && !bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer));
      if (message && !ONE_WINDOW)
*** 5708,5713 ****
--- 5703,5709 ----
      if (curfrp->fr_parent == NULL)
+       // topframe: can only change the command line
        if (height > ROWS_AVAIL)
            // If height is greater than the available space, try to create
            // space for the frame by reducing 'cmdheight' if possible, while
*** ../vim-9.0.0123/src/version.c       2022-07-31 18:03:54.347103073 +0100
--- src/version.c       2022-07-31 18:27:07.926070060 +0100
*** 737,738 ****
--- 737,740 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     124,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
212. Your Internet group window has more icons than your Accessories window.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///                                                                      \\\
\\\        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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