Re: Issue 156 in vim: Vim exits with error ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 6769, errno = 32

2013-07-23 Fir de Conversatie vim

Comment #3 on issue 156 by Vim exits with error ICE  
default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 6769, errno = 32

The error also happens when using options -u NONE --noplugin:

$ for i in $(seq 1 60); do echo foo; sleep 1; done | vim -u NONE --noplugin  

... wait ~ 1 minute...
-stdin- 60 lines, 240 charactersICE default IO error handler doing an  
exit(), pid = 3477, errno = 32

errno = 32 means EPIPE (broken pipe).

Besides happening on xubuntu-12.10, I can also reproduce it on another  
machine which uses xubuntu-12.04.2, vim-7.4a.39 BETA.

But I cannot reproduce it on an older machine: ubuntu-10.10, vim-7.4a.39  

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Re: Issue 156 in vim: Vim exits with error ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 6769, errno = 32

2013-07-22 Fir de Conversatie vim

Comment #1 on issue 156 by Vim exits with error ICE  
default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 6769, errno = 32

The bug does not happen when starting vim with the -X option. So this works:

$ for i in $(seq 1 60); do echo foo; sleep 1; done | vim -X -

vim-7.3.547 in /usr/bin/vim (xubuntu-12.10) is not affected by this bug  
because it is built without X11 feature. But the same version recompiled  
with +X11 feature has the bug.

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