Re: A few notes

2010-07-30 Fir de Conversatie Tony Mechelynck

On 29/07/10 10:49, Dimitar DIMITROV wrote:


I've noticed that there is no mention in the help files that one can use
things like:

1. :h i^x^k or even
:h^x^k instead of

2. [count] gqq will format count lines


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I didn't know about i^x, but I knew about :help :| and :help x (and 
similar) which will replace | by bar or  by quote. I don't know if it's 
documented anywhere either.

i^x^k doesn't work, at least not if compiled with +digraphs (the Ctrl-K 
waits for a digraph or special key).

Best regards,
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Re : A few notes

2010-07-30 Fir de Conversatie Dimitar DIMITROV
Dimitar Dimitrov wrote:

 On 29/07/10 10:49, Dimitar DIMITROV wrote:
  I've noticed that there is no mention in the help files that one can use
  things like:
  1. :h i^x^k or even
  :h^x^k instead of
  :h i_CTRL-X_CTRL-K
  2. [count] gqq will format count lines
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 I didn't know about i^x, but I knew about :help :| and :help x (and
 similar) which will replace | by bar or  by quote. I don't know if it's
 documented anywhere either.

 i^x^k doesn't work, at least not if compiled with +digraphs (the Ctrl-K
 waits for a digraph or special key).

You can type ^ then k. For ^x you can use the Ctrl modifier

 Best regards,


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Re: A few notes

2010-07-29 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Dimitar Dimitrov wrote:

 I've noticed that there is no mention in the help files that one can use 
 1. :h i^x^k or even
 :h^x^k instead of

I'll add something about that in helphelp.txt.

 2. [count] gqq will format count lines

The count is not explicitly mentioned, this applies to more commands,

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