Re: Test test_getcwd needs to have noswapfile option set

2016-09-05 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Michael Soyka wrote:

> The Vim test "test_getcwd" creates a temporary directory "Xtopdir" that 
> should be deleted at test conclusion but is not. This directory is not 
> deleted because the test has created swap files that apparently are open 
> when the test attempts to cleanup before terminating.
> Setting the noswapfile option when the test begins, say by appending it 
> to line 10, fixes this problem.
> I've noticed and fixed this problem under Windows 10.

I didn't notice it and I was specifically looking for files left behind
(git status shows them).  Perhaps there is a later test that does delete
the directory.  Anyway, I'll include your suggested fix.

If Microsoft would build a car...
... Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no
reason. You would have to pull over to the side of the road,
close all of the car windows, shut it off, restart it, and
reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason
you would simply accept this.

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Test test_getcwd needs to have noswapfile option set

2016-09-04 Fir de Conversatie Michael Soyka
The Vim test "test_getcwd" creates a temporary directory "Xtopdir" that 
should be deleted at test conclusion but is not. This directory is not 
deleted because the test has created swap files that apparently are open 
when the test attempts to cleanup before terminating.

Setting the noswapfile option when the test begins, say by appending it 
to line 10, fixes this problem.

I've noticed and fixed this problem under Windows 10.

- mike

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