
I'm currently struggling to write a unit test for a mapping that analyses the 
current line.

I've actually two mappings 
  <  that inserts <|>   (| being where the cursor ends up)
  >  that replaces <|> with &gt;
     or that moves the cursor after the > character, in *|>
     or that inserts >

When I test with either

  normal o<foo>bar
  call feedkeys('o<foo>bar', 'x')

I end up with "<fo&gt;bar" because when > mapping is triggered, what was 
previously injected isn't here yet: getline('.') returns "<>", without the 
"foo" part.

If I force a break before the <, it works well
  call feedkeys("o<foo\<esc>a>bar", 'x')

I suspect there is way to have a simple key sequence: indeed, when I use my 
complete environment (vimrc & plugins), 'o<foo>bar' is enough. With a clean '-u 
NONE' environment, I cannot make it work. Impossible to find what makes the 
difference in the thousands lines of extra-configuration.

A simplified (non-redoable, with less cases) version of the mappings would be

   inoremap        < <><left>
   inoremap <expr> > getline('.')[col('.')-2:col('.')-1]=='<>' ? 
'<del><bs>&gt;' : '<right>'

Does anybody know what setting (or feedkeys() flags?) permits to have a 
behaviour that really matches what happens when we type the exact same keys?
Or do we have no choices but to test more atomic sequences?

Luc Hermitte

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