Macvim, iwork pages and encodings

2011-08-23 Thread consiglieri

If i save a text file, say text1.txt, that contains the following text
påsk häre  and look at it in quick preview it displays correctly.
BBedit also displays the text correctly.
The text editor displays the text correctly.
However iWork's pages does not display the umlauts correctly.

Apparently this is an encoding issue as far as I can tell.

I have tried :set fenc=utf-8 and also :set fenc=utf-16 to no avail.

The reason I'm asking is that sometimes i like to draft documents
using vim and then do the layout in pages. But this will not work if
pages does not correctly display the document. It's possible that this
is a pages issue and not a macvim issue, but since macvim can do
just about anything I thought perhaps there was something I was


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Re: Macvim, iwork pages and encodings

2011-08-23 Thread Peter Palmreuther

Am 23.08.2011 um 09:10 schrieb consiglieri:
 If i save a text file, say text1.txt, that contains the following text
 påsk häre  and look at it in quick preview it displays correctly.
 However iWork's pages does not display the umlauts correctly.
 Apparently this is an encoding issue as far as I can tell.
 I have tried :set fenc=utf-8 and also :set fenc=utf-16 to no avail.

Try to set 'bomb' before saving as well. Over here it made Pages to recognize 
the encoding correctly.
Pages seems to recognize UTF-encodings only when a BOM is present ...


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How to stop scrolling when splitting windows?

2011-08-23 Thread Andrew Stewart

When I have a tall Vim window open on a small file, and I split the window in 
two, the view onto the file scrolls a little even though there is plenty of 
room for the file in the newly-split window.  The scrolling doesn't happen when 
my cursor is on the first line of the file.

How can I stop this scroll-on-split from ever occurring?

Thanks in advance,

Andy Stewart


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Re: Macvim, iwork pages and encodings

2011-08-23 Thread consiglieri
Exactly how do i set bomb?

On 23 Aug, 09:45, Peter Palmreuther wrote:

 Am 23.08.2011 um 09:10 schrieb consiglieri:

  If i save a text file, say text1.txt, that contains the following text
  påsk häre  and look at it in quick preview it displays correctly.
  However iWork's pages does not display the umlauts correctly.

  Apparently this is an encoding issue as far as I can tell.

  I have tried :set fenc=utf-8 and also :set fenc=utf-16 to no avail.

 Try to set 'bomb' before saving as well. Over here it made Pages to recognize 
 the encoding correctly.
 Pages seems to recognize UTF-encodings only when a BOM is present ...


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Re: Macvim, iwork pages and encodings

2011-08-23 Thread consiglieri
Hi again,
I found out how.

If you have

set encoding=utf-8
set bomb

in the .gvimrc then pages displays the text correctly.
Many thanks for your help.

On 23 Aug, 09:45, Peter Palmreuther wrote:

 Am 23.08.2011 um 09:10 schrieb consiglieri:

  If i save a text file, say text1.txt, that contains the following text
  påsk häre  and look at it in quick preview it displays correctly.
  However iWork's pages does not display the umlauts correctly.

  Apparently this is an encoding issue as far as I can tell.

  I have tried :set fenc=utf-8 and also :set fenc=utf-16 to no avail.

 Try to set 'bomb' before saving as well. Over here it made Pages to recognize 
 the encoding correctly.
 Pages seems to recognize UTF-encodings only when a BOM is present ...


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Re: Customizing the Build functionality

2011-08-23 Thread Frank Hellenkamp

 I use a project folder hierarchy where the Project folder contains the
 Makefile and Doxyfile files. Then the source files are in Project/src,
 the intermediate build products are in Project/build and the doxygen
 generated files are in Project/docs.
 When I'm editing a source file (ie. Project/src/main.cpp) and use the
 Build command (or :make), I get an error that no Makefile can be
 located. Is there a way to have set the Build command to run make in
 the Project directory without having to change directories first?

I usually just stay in the root of the project-folder (I don't change the 
working directory), so the PWD is the same folder, where the Makefile is, so 
you can use make as intended.

This should fix your problem.

The other reason I do this is sessions:

I autosave my sessions in the current working directory (this is from my vimrc):

 save session on losing focus 
au FocusLost * 
\ :exe mks! _vimsession.vis

 also save colorscheme
au FocusLost * 
\ :call writefile(['set bg='.bg, 'color '.colors_name], 

So when I want to open my project, i just type:

:so ~/path-to-project/_vimsession.vis

And all project-files I worked on are opened.
I also have an automator-workflow to do this by doubleclicking on the .vis-file.



frank hellenkamp | interface designer
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