Re: need some help on writing a script

2009-07-31 Thread googler

On Jul 30, 1:04 am, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 Hi googler!

 On Mi, 29 Jul 2009, googler wrote:

  I'm thinking to solve it this way.
  1. I have a list of all the files that are listed on the left window
  (with their full path name) == is there a way to get such a list?

 Tricky. I do not use netrw a lot, so there might be easier ways. Dr.  
 Chip may correct me, if I am saying something wrong.
 I think the directory displayed is always in NETRW_HISTDIR_0. So I
 would do basically something like this:

 If the filetype is netrw, Read in the whole buffer into a list. Then
 filter all rows by lines that start with ^ and at last prepend
 NETRW_HISTDIR_0 to each row, excep maybe ../

 (see help getline(), filter(), help map(), etc.)

Hi! Thanks for your suggestions. But I don't see anything called
NETRW_HISTDIR_0 in :help. If such a variable is available, that will
be very helpful in this case.

  Does this sound good? Or is there a better approach? Also, how do I
  qualify the left and right split windows? For example, if I want the
  name of the file in the right window, the file name is stored in %,
  but how do I tell vim which window?

 Not sure. Look at the window and buffer functions (see :h

 Also take a look at :h eval.txt. All the stuff for writing scripts is
 in there.

This info will be useful given that I have zero experience in writing
vim scripts.

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Re: single and double quotes in a string

2009-07-31 Thread Karthick

On Jul 30, 4:05 pm, J. Manuel Picaza wrote:
 Hello everybody,

 I am trying to write a function for searching all text marked in a
 visual block.
Also check :help visual-search though what you might be attempting
could be different

 the problem is when in the visual block there is something like:
 variable=some text's function
 The block contains both  and ' so any attempt to assign the block to
 a variable fails.
I'm not sure how you access the contents of the visual selection.. one
way is to yank it. If you are doing that, you can assign the block to
a variable by doing:
:let var=@

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Re: need some help on writing a script

2009-07-31 Thread googler

On Jul 31, 12:27 am, KKde wrote:
  Also, how do I get the name of the buffers and their attributes (like
  active/hidden, etc)? Which variables are these stored in?

 you can get the buffers list and their attributes by this way in

 exe buffers


Where will the output of an exe command go? I need to capture the
information and extract the name and attribute of each file/buffer.
Will I be able to do that using exe buffers? Thanks.
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Re: Changing the title of an open gvim session

2009-07-31 Thread googler

On Jul 31, 12:40 am, KKde wrote:
 Hi Googler

 You can change the title to whatever you want by using this option

 :se titlestring= Hi\  Googler

 This setting is global i.e this title will be applied to all buffers
 in the current window. Don't worry It can be changed for every buffer
 using the autocmd
 for more infromation see
 :he titlestring


Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

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Re: Shortcut for System.out.println - ViM Java

2009-07-31 Thread KKde

This can be achieved by using abbreviations in VIM. This is an inbuilt
feautre and no need of any external VIM script.
see :help abbreviations for more info


On Jul 30, 9:41 pm, Rashmi wrote:
 Hello all,

 I'm using ViM version 7.2 to edit Java files.

 In Java I have to frequently type this code: System.out.println(
 print something );

 Is there a way to create a shortcut so that , the entire line of code
 System.out.println(); would be typed with just a few keystrokes?

 For example, something like sout tab , would expand to

 I also came across a plugin for ViM called VJDE, I'm trying to find
 out if this plugin may have this feature to print
 System.out.println(); with a few keystrokes.

 I appreciate any help.

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Re: Modeline options no effect, how to debug?

2009-07-31 Thread pansz

Karthick 写道:
 On Jul 31, 6:57 am, pansz wrote:
 I put vim:ts=4 in one of my source file, but when I open the file the ts
 is still 8 (my global setting is ts=8), I tried all format of modeline
 and it does not work.
 Check the value of 'modelines' and value of 'modeline'. If nomodeline
 is set, modeline processing is not done.
 Perhaps you can also check :help debug-mode

Thanks, the 'modelines' answers my question.

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Re: Shortcut for System.out.println - ViM Java

2009-07-31 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Sarath (KKde), please bottom post on this list. Quote a small (relevant)
part of the message you are replying to, and put your text underneath.

See the list guidelines:

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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Re: Need SERIOUS Help with .vimrc!

2009-07-31 Thread nuwan77
I also do various things with my .vimrc it is a good place to learn.

If I get ruined, what I do is I replace the file from a temporary install of
VIM. Did u try that?


On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:07 AM, KKde wrote:

 Did you made any changes in .gvimrc file also?

 On Jul 31, 7:32 am, Kalebmcc wrote:
  Arrgh, I wa tweaking my .vimrc tonight and I ruined it. I can't find what
  setting is causing this, but instead of just using CTRL+V, CTRL+Z, mouse
  buttons etc, Vim will print the following text (respectively): ^V, ^Z,
  mouse right mouse.
  I'm puzzled. Also, is there a list of .vimrc options, such as different
  parameters, etc?
  Here is my .vimrc:
  * Under the Hood   *
  behave mswin
  Puts Vim into Windows mode.
   set nocompatible
  Enables gVim features.
  set nohidden
  Once a tab is closed, remove it from the buffer.
  set novisualbell
  Turn of screen flash
  * Backup Control   *
  set nobackup
  Disables file backups.
  set nowritebackup
  Also disables backups.
  set undolevels=1000
  Gives 1000 undos.
  set wrap!
  Disable word wrapping
  set backspace=indent,eol,start
  Simple backspace.
  * Spellcheck   *
  set spell
  Turns on s
  set spl=en spell
  Use English spell checking.
  * Searching*
  set incsearch
  Enables find-as-you-type.
  set ignorecase
  Search ignores case.
  set hlsearch
  Highlights search terms.
  set showmatch
  Shows matching brackets.
  * Indentation. *
  set autoindent
  Automates indentation to that of previous line.
  set smartindent
  Vim will intelligently guess indentation.
  set nocindent
  Normal c indenting.
  set noexpandtab
  Keeps tab as tab, not spaces.
  * Gui Options  *
  colorscheme terminal
  Uses terminal colorscheme.
  set gfn=ProggyCleanTTSZ:h12:cANSI
  Sets font to Proggy Clean Slashed Zero.
  set guioptions=emr
  e means tab bar is displayed, r for scrollbar
  set showtabline=2
  Tab bar is ALWAYS displayed.
  set ls=2
  Status bar is always displayed.
  set statusline=%t%h%m%r%=[%b\ 0x%02B]\ \ \ %l,%c%V\ %P
  Forms a status line.
  set number
  Allows line numbers.
  set nuw=6
  Sets line number width to 6.
  set showcmd
  Show partial command line.
  set scrolloff=3
  Limits scroll to three lines.
  set cursorline
  Highlights line of cursor.
  * Syntax Highlighting  *
  filetype on
  filetype plugin on
  syntax enable
  syntax on
  set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
  Syntax highlighting.
  * Auto Commands*
  autocmd BufRead,BufWrite * if ! bin | silent! %s/\s\+$//ge | endif
  Automatically remove trailing whitespace.
  * Typo Fixerrs *
  iab anf and
  iab adn and
  iab ans and
  iab teh the
  iab thre there
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Vim - General mailing list archive at

Nuuwi Hettiarachchi
Colombo Sri Lanka... :)

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Re: Need SERIOUS Help with .vimrc!

2009-07-31 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Nuwan, please bottom post on this list specially if you are going to
quote the ENTIRE message you're replying to (more than 150 lines this
time).. Quote a small (relevant) part of the message you are replying
to, and put your text underneath.

See the list guidelines:

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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Re: single and double quotes in a string

2009-07-31 Thread J. Manuel Picaza

On Jul 31, 8:07 am, Karthick wrote:
 On Jul 30, 4:05 pm, J. Manuel Picaza wrote: Hello 

  I am trying to write a function for searching all text marked in a
  visual block.

 Also check :help visual-search though what you might be attempting
 could be different

  the problem is when in the visual block there is something like:
  variable=some text's function
  The block contains both  and ' so any attempt to assign the block to
  a variable fails.

 I'm not sure how you access the contents of the visual selection.. one
 way is to yank it. If you are doing that, you can assign the block to
 a variable by doing:
 :let var=@

Thanks a lot!

Now I can find any kind of text just selecting with the mouse and
pressing // (in the line of yy or dd)
The code for it is:
snoremap // escgvy:let @/=escape(@,'\/$')cr
vnoremap // y:let @/=escape(@,'\/$')cr

 Before asking here (not fully functional)
snoremap // ESCgvy:execute ':let @/ = \\V\\c' . substitute
(substitute('C-R','\\','','g'),'','\\','g') . ''cr:set
vnoremap // ESCgvy:execute ':let @/ = \\V\\c' . substitute
(substitute('C-R','\\','','g'),'','\\','g') . ''cr:set

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Re: Need SERIOUS Help with .vimrc!

2009-07-31 Thread Kalebmcc

That fixed it! Thank you so much!

Mishail wrote:
 I guess you need to add the following to your .vimrc:
 source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim

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Re: Need SERIOUS Help with .vimrc!

2009-07-31 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Hi Kalebmmc :)

Please bottom post on this list. Quote a small (relevant) part of the
message you are replying to, and put your text underneath.

See the list guidelines:

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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way to show the current function name in the status line?

2009-07-31 Thread David Lam
hmm basically, itd be cool if i could continuously  show the name of the
current function the cursor is within down at the bottom...

in emacs, (if it is any help)  this is which-function-mode


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Re: way to show the current function name in the status line?

2009-07-31 Thread Sylvain Chouleur

Use taglist plugin (
 and add this in your status line:
:se statusline=%([%{Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line()}]%)

2009/7/31 David Lam
 hmm basically, itd be cool if i could continuously  show the name of the
 current function the cursor is within down at the bottom...

 in emacs, (if it is any help)  this is which-function-mode



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Re: way to show the current function name in the status line?

2009-07-31 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Hi Sylvain :)

Please bottom post on this list. Quote a small (relevant) part of the
message you are replying to, and put your text underneath.

See the list guidelines:

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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Re: searching within already-matched strings

2009-07-31 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Saluton John :)

John Kirkpatrick dixit:
 how can i stop already-matched strings being excluded from the search
 text for regexp matching?

 e.g.  if i have the text aaabbaaa, and i search for \b, the
 last b of the run of 6 is not matched, as the first 5 have been
 matched and are therefore excluded from the remaining text to be

The problem here is not that the first 5 b's have been matched and then
excluded from the remaining text to be searched. The matter here is that
the b's *are* a match, and only the first match into a line is found by
default. Moreover, only the first match is highlighted before you hit
Enter (if incsearch is on).

This, unless you mean that in bb you can have b matched two
times, one for the first 5 b's and another for the last 5 b's. In that
case, yes, already matched text is excluded from further matches.

If there are any way of getting what you want, I don't know any, sorry.

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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Re: searching within already-matched strings

2009-07-31 Thread Jürgen Krämer


John Kirkpatrick wrote:
 i'm a bit of a vim novice, so sorry if this is a stupid question.
 how can i stop already-matched strings being excluded from the search 
 text for regexp matching?
 e.g.  if i have the text aaabbaaa, and i search for \b, the last 
 b of the run of 6 is not matched, as the first 5 have been matched and 
 are therefore excluded from the remaining text to be searched.

have a look at

  :help cpo-c

and try

  :set cpoptions-=c


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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Mapping does not work

2009-07-31 Thread J.A.J. Pater

Dear vim users,

One way or another a mapping I'm trying to implement doesn't work.
I'm trying to paste with CTRL-V only in insert mode and keep using 
CTRL-V for visual in other modes.

In my .vimrc I've got:

imap C-V +gP

The only thing I get when pushing CTRL-V in insert mode is the literal 
text +gP
But not the desired effect: pasting.

I tried with inoremap also, but to no avail.

What could be wrong?


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Re: Mapping does not work

2009-07-31 Thread meino . cramer

J.A.J. Pater [09-07-31 19:10]:
 Dear vim users,
 One way or another a mapping I'm trying to implement doesn't work.
 I'm trying to paste with CTRL-V only in insert mode and keep using 
 CTRL-V for visual in other modes.
 In my .vimrc I've got:
 imap C-V +gP
 The only thing I get when pushing CTRL-V in insert mode is the literal 
 text +gP
 But not the desired effect: pasting.
 I tried with inoremap also, but to no avail.
 What could be wrong?

just a shot in the dark


imap C-V normal +gP 


Fingers crossed...

Have a nice weekend!

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Re: Shortcut for System.out.println - ViM Java

2009-07-31 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Saluton Rashmi :)

Rashmi dixit:
 I used imap as suggested previously, it works well because it also
 allows positioning the cursor to between the double quotes.

You can do that with iabbr, too, but since the iabbr will be triggered
mostly using Space (I mean, soutSpace) you will end up with an
space between the , which may or may not be what you want. The imap is
better in that sense.

 to a new file created under C:\Program

 the mapping gets set each time ViM is started, so I don't have to set
 the mapping each time. I got this tip from: (Keep your vimrc file clean)

I don't know about Windows, but in UNIX you can put that in
.vim/after/ftplugin/java.vim, just in case you need to.

 I made a newbie mistake by sending this message twice once to and once to thinking it might not
 have reached, so sorry about that.

Don't worry about that, it's a normal mistake. On the other hand,
please bottom post on this list, quote a small (relevant) part of the
message you are replying to, and put your text underneath.

See the list guidelines:

Thanks :)

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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Re: Mapping does not work

2009-07-31 Thread Charles Campbell

J.A.J. Pater wrote:
 One way or another a mapping I'm trying to implement doesn't work.
 I'm trying to paste with CTRL-V only in insert mode and keep using 
 CTRL-V for visual in other modes.

 In my .vimrc I've got:

 imap C-V +gP

 The only thing I get when pushing CTRL-V in insert mode is the literal 
 text +gP
 But not the desired effect: pasting.

 I tried with inoremap also, but to no avail.

 What could be wrong?
The imap takes effect during insert mode; it does not, by itself, change 
modes.  In other
words, the +gP is acting like keys that you type.  Obviously, what you 
want is what
+gP does in normal mode; hence, your imap needs to leave insert mode 
and enter
normal mode.  Turns out there's a convenient one-shot insert-mode 
command for that

imap c-v  c-o+gP

Chip Campbell

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Re: Mapping does not work

2009-07-31 Thread J.A.J. Pater schreef:
 I'm trying to paste with CTRL-V only in insert mode and keep using 
 CTRL-V for visual in other modes.

 In my .vimrc I've got:

 imap C-V +gP

 The only thing I get when pushing CTRL-V in insert mode is the literal 
 text +gP
 But not the desired effect: pasting.

 I tried with inoremap also, but to no avail.

 What could be wrong?

Thanks meino,

But now I just get the text: normal +gP

Trying the command +gP in insert mode gives: gP (not the desired paste 

Since I'm using gvim selecting +gP via the menu does work!

I'm in the dark, so keep shooting, maybe we'll hit something.


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Re: Shortcut for System.out.println - ViM Java

2009-07-31 Thread scott

On Friday 31 July 2009 12:52:19 Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado 
 You can do that with iabbr, too, but since the iabbr will be
 triggered mostly using Space (I mean, soutSpace) you
 will end up with an space between the , which may or may not
 be what you want. The imap is better in that sense.

unless you add the Eatchar function, as documented in

:help iabbreviation

by adding 

function! Eatchar(pat)
let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c

to your .vimrc, and writing your iabbr like this:

iabbrev ibt #!/usr/bin/tclshc-r=Eatchar('\s')cr

then when you hit the space the string is inserted but not with a 
trailing space, but if you trigger it with Enter a carriage 
return is inserted


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error setting up Vim on Mac

2009-07-31 Thread mitch

I'm trying to set Vim as the default application to open a file on the
Mac.  I can't, it says

You cannot change the item foo.txt to always open in the selected
application.  The item is either locked or damaged or in a folder you
don't have permission to change.  (Error -43)

I can open the file OK in TextEdit, and I can open Vim OK by itself.
I've used Vim for years on the PC but I'm new to the Mac.

Using vim 7.0.224, Mac OS 10.5.7.

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Re: Shortcut for System.out.println - ViM Java

2009-07-31 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Saluton scott :)

scott dixit:
 On Friday 31 July 2009 12:52:19 Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado
 You can do that with iabbr, too, but since the iabbr will be
 triggered mostly using Space (I mean, soutSpace) you
 will end up with an space between the , which may or may not
 be what you want. The imap is better in that sense.

 unless you add the Eatchar function, as documented in

        :help iabbreviation

 by adding

 function! Eatchar(pat)
    let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
    return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c

Yes! Thanks a lot for the advice, this is something I've always missed
in the help for iabbr O:) Very useful, since most of the time I prefer
iabbr over imap for certain things.

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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Vim Tips wiki

2009-07-31 Thread John Beckett

The August edition of the Vim Tips Main Page is now available:

The featured tip has some useful reminders about using marks
(excellent for newcomers). If anyone is wondering about the
somewhat strange description of the featured tip on the main
page, it's a pitiful joke.

Please fix any glitches you notice, or just add a comment at the
bottom of a tip to note any problem or improvement (we do not
use the talk pages (Discussion) for tips).


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