Re: replace represenation of certain characters with a string of characters?

2013-03-26 Thread Christian Brabandt
On Tue, March 26, 2013 03:41, neolus wrote:
 I couldn't figure out a way to phrase my question but I'm not asking about
 replacing patterns or anything.
 I'd like to know if it's possible in vim to ( visually ) show any certain
 character as something else. e.g. while editing a text file any occurrence
 of the character '?' would just /look/ like '' but is still the
 '?' and nothing is different except what you see. I'm asking because I
 figured this is impossible but maybe someone out there knows something I

:h new-conceal

This however allows to visually display a portion of a text by a single
other char (not 2 as you asked about).

In your case, you can do:

syn match MyConcealedChar /?/ conceal cchar=Ąę
:set conceallevel=2 concealcursor=nv

See also
:h 'conceallevel'
:h 'concealcursor'


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Question Ctrl+Shift+V

2013-03-26 Thread Hendrikus Godvliet
I have a problem to get pasted copy in to Vim

Please take a look to this two screenshots Gedit and Vim

Vim make's a mash of the pasting code

Plaese can someone help to make me clear how to corect past copy from outsite 
Vim into Vim.


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Re: Question Ctrl+Shift+V

2013-03-26 Thread David Fishburn
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Hendrikus Godvliet wrote:

 I have a problem to get pasted copy in to Vim

 Please take a look to this two screenshots Gedit and Vim

 Vim make's a mash of the pasting code

 You most likely wanted to run this before you paste:
:set paste

Paste your code, then:
:set nopaste

Or vice versa.


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Re: Question Ctrl+Shift+V

2013-03-26 Thread David Ohlemacher

I have this in my .vimrc:

The first line sets a mapping so that pressing F2 in normal mode will 
invert the 'paste' option, and will then show the value of that option. 
The second line allows you to press F2 when in insert mode, to toggle 
'paste' on and off. The third line enables displaying whether 'paste' is 
turned on in insert mode.

nnoremap F2 :set invpaste paste?CR
set pastetoggle=F2
set showmode

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Re: Question Ctrl+Shift+V

2013-03-26 Thread Bartłomiej Laskowski

:set paste
i CTRL+SHIFT+v esc
:set nopaste

in normal mode


   Laskowski Bartłomiej
   +48 693 001 458

W dniu 26.03.2013 13:25, Hendrikus Godvliet pisze:

I have a problem to get pasted copy in to Vim

Please take a look to this two screenshots Gedit and Vim

Vim make's a mash of the pasting code

Plaese can someone help to make me clear how to corect past copy from outsite 
Vim into Vim.


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vim 64 python dll loading

2013-03-26 Thread CanisMajorWuff

 I am trying to build vim on Win64. I have a successful build with 
Dynamic Python 27 Support. But it does not work properly
it does not load the python library. My vim plugins inform me that I 
need python to run them.

Here you can see the build of if_python.c

gcc -c -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 
-DDYNAMIC_ICONV -pipe -w -march=x86-64 -Wall -DFEAT_PYTHON 
-DDYNAMIC_PYTHON -DFEAT_XPM_W32 -I xpm/x64/include -I xpm/x64/../include 
-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -freg-struct-return -s -I /d/python/2.7/include 
-DDYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL=\python27.dll\ if_python.c -o gobjx86-64/if_python.o

I have python27.dll in path, I even put it the same directory with 
gvim.exe. python27.dll is also 64 bit. Does somebody have any idea how 
to solve it?

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Re: Question Ctrl+Shift+V

2013-03-26 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2013-03-26, Hendrikus Godvliet wrote:
 I have a problem to get pasted copy in to Vim
 Please take a look to this two screenshots Gedit and Vim
 Vim make's a mash of the pasting code
 Plaese can someone help to make me clear how to corect past copy
 from outsite Vim into Vim.

The solution depends on how you are pasting, whether you're using
using vim or gvim, how your Vim was built, and how your Vim is

There is usually no problem pasting to gvim, so I'm going to assume
you're using vim in a terminal.  (The URL above didn't show
anything.  NoScript asked if I wanted to allow scripts on that page
and I declined.)

If you are using a vim that supports X11 and the xterm_clipboard, as
you should be, and if you have mouse=all, then pasting should work
properly.  Oftentimes a Linux distribution will provide a vim that
does not have X11 and xterm_clipboard included.  You can find out if
yours does by executing :version.  If you don't have those two
features, then either install a more fully-functional vim package or
invoke vim as gvim -v.  The latter will run gvim in terminal mode.

If none of that is possible, then as a last resort you can do as
others have suggested and set paste before pasting and nopaste
afterwards.  The only time I ever have to use paste/nopaste is when
I'm using vim from PuTTY over an ssh connection.  Otherwise, normal
pasting using the mouse just works.


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Re: Question Ctrl+Shift+V

2013-03-26 Thread Christian Brabandt
On Tue, March 26, 2013 13:25, Hendrikus Godvliet wrote:
 I have a problem to get pasted copy in to Vim

 Please take a look to this two screenshots Gedit and Vim

 Vim make's a mash of the pasting code

 Plaese can someone help to make me clear how to corect past copy from
 outsite Vim into Vim.

I don't understand what your problem is, and that webpage shows 2
screenshots but no problem description, just how to copy and paste.
I guess, everybody here knows those basic principle.

Are you copying from an application outside of vim into terminal vim?
Then as others have outlined, the solution is usually :set paste
Other solutions are mentioned in the faq at:

If you are copy and pasting within your vim session, then I would
say, this shouldn't happen. Can you reproduce the behaviour starting
from vim -u NONE -N?
It if doesn't happen, then your .vimrc or a plugin is likely the problem
if it also happens there, you might have found a bug.

Also see the faq for debugging this kind of stuff:


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Copying matched parts of lines

2013-03-26 Thread BPJ

Is it somehow possible with :g// to copy only the
matched parts of lines as with the -o option of grep?


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Re: Copying matched parts of lines

2013-03-26 Thread Christian Brabandt
On Tue, March 26, 2013 16:43, BPJ wrote:
 Is it somehow possible with :g// to copy only the
 matched parts of lines as with the -o option of grep?


With a recent enough Vim, you can make use of :s command and execute VimL
on the replacement part while not modifying the match (by using the 'n'

fu! CopyMatches(match)
if !exists(g:a)
let g:a = []
call add(g:a, a:match)

:new +put\ =g:a


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Re: Copying matched parts of lines

2013-03-26 Thread Tim Chase
On 2013-03-26 16:43, BPJ wrote:
 Is it somehow possible with :g// to copy only the
 matched parts of lines as with the -o option of grep?

Not elegantly, but it can be done:

:let @a=''|g/pattern/let @a=@a. .matchstr(getline('.'), @/)

(you can change the joining string from   to \n if you want each
match on its own line in the gathered results)

This will accumulate the matches in register a for your pasting

It will only do the first match, as you'd have to better define the
behavior you want if there are multiple matches on the same line.


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Re: Copying matched parts of lines

2013-03-26 Thread Tim Chase
On 2013-03-26 16:56, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 On Tue, March 26, 2013 16:43, BPJ wrote:
  Is it somehow possible with :g// to copy only the
  matched parts of lines as with the -o option of grep?
 With a recent enough Vim, you can make use of :s command and
 execute VimL on the replacement part while not modifying the match
 (by using the 'n' flag):
 fu! CopyMatches(match)
 if !exists(g:a)
   let g:a = []
 call add(g:a, a:match)
 :new +put\ =g:a

I believe Christian's comment about the recent enough Vim involves
the /n flag actually executing the replacement if it's a
sub-replace-special (earlier versions didn't, IIRC).  If that's the
case, the function can be modified to simply return the match:

  fu! CopyMatches(match)
if !exists(g:a)
  let g:a=[]
call add(g:a, a:match)
return a:match

It may have the unfortunate side-effect of setting 'modified' when all
the modifications were NOOPs, but you can either simply undo the
non-modification, or you can force the setting of 'nomodified'.


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gvim runs with opened console

2013-03-26 Thread CanisMajorWuff


I built a gvim without OLE or NETBEANS support. When I ran it the 
console opens and then only gvim window. And this console window 
continue to be till gvim dies.

What can the reason be?

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Re: Question Ctrl+Shift+V

2013-03-26 Thread Hendrikus Godvliet

Thank this what i missed. And from now on I will rock, set paste to the Vim.


2013/3/26 David Fishburn

 set paste

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Re: Question Ctrl+Shift+V

2013-03-26 Thread Marcin Szamotulski
On 20:46 Tue 26 Mar , Hendrikus Godvliet wrote:
 Thank this what i missed. And from now on I will rock, set paste to the Vim.
 2013/3/26 David Fishburn
  set paste
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I am looking for a nice setting to automate this process in urxvt
terminal.  I found:
but it is not working for me.  For now I use:

set pastetoggle=f9
imap c-r f9c-r

So I don't need to remember to set the pastmode.  Is there a plugin out
there for this?

Marcin Szamotulski

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Profiling vim

2013-03-26 Thread Marco

since recently vim is maxing out my CPU a while after a file is
loaded. It's definitely caused by my .vimrc (maybe a plugin?) Plain
vim doesn't exhibit the behaviour. Is there a simple method to tell
what it's doing while hitting the CPU? I tried using the build-in
profiling commands, but it doesn't seem to work. What I did:

  vim -c 'profile start log' somefile
  # wait some time

But the log file is empty.

Otherwise I have to bisect my .vimrc, which I want to prevent, since
it will be tedious as there's a time delay between loading the file
and vim hitting my CPU. (Gosh, I'm happy vim is single-threaded :)


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Re: Profiling vim

2013-03-26 Thread Marc Weber
vim -V20/tmp/log will write a logfile.

use tail -f (on *nix like os) to follow the file.
If it goes crazy you have chance to understand what is going on.

Also try to find out whether it happen in insert or normal mode or
command mode (eg after typing :)

Yes - bisecting is a good way - and bisecting plugins is easy.
vim-addon-manager even automates it.

Think about which plugins could have async behaviour - eg which 
utilize CPU every X seconds - maybe you can limit the numeber of plugins
which are more likely to cause it fast.

If you paste your plugin list, maybe the list can also help judging it.

Marc Weber

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Re: Profiling vim

2013-03-26 Thread Marco
On 2013–03–26 Marc Weber wrote:

 vim -V20/tmp/log will write a logfile.

I blindly typed this command. You should have warned me that it
produces hundreds of MiB within seconds ;)

 use tail -f (on *nix like os) to follow the file.
 If it goes crazy you have chance to understand what is going on.

It did, indeed.

The culprit was the easytags plugin, which is removed from my system
now after I've seen a bug report about a similar issue from 10
months ago.

 Yes - bisecting is a good way - and bisecting plugins is easy.

It's easy, indeed. But if you have to wait 10 seconds before you can
advance to the next step it's getting boring.

 vim-addon-manager even automates it.

Also when vim eats 100% CPU and blocks?

 If you paste your plugin list, maybe the list can also help judging it.

You just want to ensure that I use vim-addon-manager, admit it ;)

Thanks for the quick and competent help, it solved my problem.


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Re: Profiling vim

2013-03-26 Thread Marc Weber
 Also when vim eats 100% CPU and blocks?
If the plugin still allows you to type :qa!, then yes. Often you can
abort the current operation by pressing ctrl-c

Marc Weber

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Re: Profiling vim

2013-03-26 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Marco's message of Wed Mar 27 00:11:01 +0100 2013:
 On 2013–03–26 Marc Weber wrote:
  vim -V20/tmp/log will write a logfile.
 I blindly typed this command.
Thanks for trusting me :) You should never do that.

 The culprit was the easytags plugin, which is removed from my system
 now after I've seen a bug report about a similar issue from 10
 months ago.
Now you understand why I advertise vim-addon-manager, because you can 
contribute a warning like these: (line 58 and following):

This way you can serve the community and warn others that there might be
problems with a plugin.

VAM does not block plugins, but it'll show an additional confirmation

Marc Weber

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Re: Profiling vim

2013-03-26 Thread Marc Weber
Anyway, you should leave a comment that this is happening to you too, to
make it more likely that the author takes action.

Just uninstalling the plugin is not helping anybody.

Marc Weber

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Re: replace represenation of certain characters with a string of characters?

2013-03-26 Thread neolus
I considered using fontforge that way, only issue is I'm not sure if fonts
have particular resrtictions to cell size for each character. For my
purposes I'm doing more of a 
( replace character with wide character e.g.  from: ? to:  )
kinda thing..

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Re: Profiling vim

2013-03-26 Thread Marco
On 2013–03–27 Marc Weber wrote:
 Anyway, you should leave a comment that this is happening to you too, to
 make it more likely that the author takes action.

Usually I submit a bug report when there is none. But generally I
refrain from submitting ”me, too” comments. Furthermore, the
easytags project doesn't seem to be very active, according to the
commit history the issue list.

 Just uninstalling the plugin is not helping anybody.

I don't need this plugin. It hogs my computer and serves no useful
purpose. And I ensured that the maintainer is aware of the issue
(apparently since 10 months already). What else do you expect me to


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Re: Profiling vim

2013-03-26 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Marco's message of Wed Mar 27 01:20:22 +0100 2013:
 Usually I submit a bug report when there is none. But generally I
 refrain from submitting ”me, too” comments.
1) There is no better way to tell devs that their plugins are being used.
2) The bug report says sometimes it just completely locks up
   You said it always locks up after 10 secs.

So your case is much more urgent ? That's why I thought it would be
little more than just me too.

 easytags project doesn't seem to be very active, according to the
 commit history the issue list.
Right, then we should mask it in vim-addon-manager-known-repository for
those reasons - being almost unmaintained?

 I don't need this plugin. It hogs my computer and serves no useful
Then I wonder why you installed it at all - you must have been looking
for something.

Have you found an alternative serving you well? If so I'd like to
document that in the deprecation message in VAM-kr.

Marc Weber

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Re: replace represenation of certain characters with a string of characters?

2013-03-26 Thread neolus
whenever I tried with two characters vim complained it was an invalid
conceallevel 2 is on but it still won't work with more than one character.
I tried
 hi Special gui=bold guibg=#00 guifg=#022FEE
 set cole=2
 syn match Container B conceal cchar=AE
 syn match Container B conceal cchar=Ąę
and it complained. Were you just suggesting I try it? or did you try it and
it worked? 
I read the help file and it does technically say that 2 still takes one
is completely hidden unless it has a
custom replacement character 

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Re: replace represenation of certain characters with a string of characters?

2013-03-26 Thread neolus
Also even if fontforge could let me draw a wide glyph doesn't vim only allow
monospace fonts anyway?

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Re: replace represenation of certain characters with a string of characters?

2013-03-26 Thread John Little
On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 2:47:14 PM UTC+13, neolus wrote:
 Also even if fontforge could let me draw a wide glyph doesn't vim only allow
 monospace fonts anyway?

In principle, CJK fonts have double width characters in them.  See, f.ex., 
:help guifontwide.  However, I have just imparted the totality of my knowledge 
on the topic.

Regards, John Little

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Re: replace represenation of certain characters with a string of characters?

2013-03-26 Thread neolus
if that's all it's not worth looking into for me, as I in fact want more than
just two character width .

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Re: replace represenation of certain characters with a string of characters?

2013-03-26 Thread neolus
I'm sorry to be misleading, from the start I wanted to be able to do this
with more than 2 characters ( at least 4 in particular) it seems like I gave
the impression that I only needed two.

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Re: replace represenation of certain characters with a string of characters?

2013-03-26 Thread John Little

 I wanted to be able to do thiswith more than 2 characters ( at least 4 in 

Another thought, you could use autocommands on reading and writing the file to 
change what's seen, like the way vim handles gzipped files.

Regards, John Little

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mouse cursor and copy/paste

2013-03-26 Thread SanDiegoGary

I'm using VIM 7.3 on Windows 7 (32-bit).  I want two things:
1) Prevent active window selection to change VIM cursor location (don't want 
the left mouse click to select the VIM window to affect the existing VIM cursor)
2) Ability to copy/paste to/from windows keyboard (preferrable with editcopy 
and editpaste).

To get (1), I've tried set mouse=v (or =c or =i).  Visual, Insert and Command 
each give me (1).  Default of =a, or Normal does not.

When I have Visual, Insert or Command mouse modes, the edit copy function does 
not work.  I've read help pages gui-mouse, gui-mouse-move and gui-mouse-select, 
and tried various combinations of selectmode and mousemodel, but can't come 
up with a combination that works.

Any ideas??


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