Re: is the [Esc] key not very unreachable?

2009-06-03 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Nathan Huesken wrote:
> - To me it feels like the [Esc] key would be very unreachable (for a
> key which has to be pressed very often). How do other vim user cope with
> this?

I mapped Esc to CapsLock with xkbcomp as I never user CapsLock. Works great for 

The Gnome keyboard configurator can do this for you, too.


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Re: Use 'wrapmargin' to wrap visually?

2009-05-24 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Kristoffer Stensbo-Smidt wrote:
> Hi vimmers!
> I often write assignments using Vim, so I like to use visual word wrapping
> instead of hard breaking the line at a given text width. To do that I use:
> set formatoptions=l
> set lbr
> However, when using a maximized GVim window (in the Gnome desktop) I often
> see the last two or three characters in a line disappear behind the scroll
> bar. I know this probably is a bug in Gnome and thus nothing has to do with
> Vim, but it's still annoying.

I can't see this behavior in GVim (Gnome), v 7.1.138
Maybe switching to a newer gvim version will remedy the problem?

Alternatively, maybe using 'set fo-=t' instead of 'set fo=l' is enough.

> So I was wondering if it there is something like 'set wrapmargin' that would
> just visually word wrap a given number of characters from the windows
> border? Or alternatively, visually word wrap at given text width?

As far as I know, this is a longstanding wish that has not been implemented yet.


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Re: can vim do this simple syntax translate

2009-04-19 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Andreas Bernauer wrote:
> Sean wrote:
>> For example, I have a text file in which
>> there are a lot of expressions in the following form:
>>id = number
>> id: [a-z]+
>> number: [0-9]+
>> I want to rewrite these expressions into this form
>>   (set id number)
>> is it possible to do this in vim?
> The command you're looking for is
> :s/\(\l\+\)\s*=\s*\(\d\+\)/(set \1 \2)/

Or, with less backslashes, using 'very magic' (the \v switch):
:s/\v(\l+)\s*\=\s*(\d+)/(set \1 \2)/


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Re: How to open and edit register in a window or buffer?

2009-04-19 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Apr 19, 4:33 pm, Noah  wrote:
>> Is it possible to open a window with all
>> the registers value listed and editable?
>> Or is it possible to open a window that shows
>> just one given register that I want to edit?
>> I'm thinking of a special 'buftype' window
>> like *cmdline-window except that when
>> I run :wq the contents will be saved back
>> into the register. This would be very handy
>> for editing macros stored in registers.
> I don't know of such a thing...there may be a plugin though.

Maybe 'tregisters'?

Or 'clipbrd'?

Haven't tried either, though.


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Re: can vim do this simple syntax translate

2009-04-19 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Sean wrote:
> For example, I have a text file in which
> there are a lot of expressions in the following form:
>id = number
> id: [a-z]+
> number: [0-9]+
> I want to rewrite these expressions into this form
>   (set id number)
> is it possible to do this in vim?

You may want to reaed
:help pattern
:help :s

The command you're looking for is
:s/\(\l\+\)\s*=\s*\(\d\+\)/(set \1 \2)/

You match the id '\(\l\+\)' and the number \(\d\+\), separated by the equal sign
\s*=\s*, then replace it with (set \1 \2), where \1 \2 refer to the 'id' and
'number' matches enclodes in \(...\).


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Re: Inserting characters like { in russian layout

2009-04-08 Thread Andreas Bernauer

netimen wrote:
> Russian keyboard layout doesn't have many characters ({ [ < etc). I'd
> like to map some other keys to it (preferably the numbers on the
> right).
> Simple solution ":map 1 {" doesn't work, because I'd like the new
> mapped key to behave as { in all modes. For example I'd like "f 1" to
> jump to the next { character.

You can solve this outside of vim, if your using a recent version of an
X-Server: xkbcomp let's you change the keyboard layout with a shortcut.

For example, I use a US Layout, but temporarily switch to a German layout to
enter the umlauts.

Recent distributions have a GUI where you can select the keyboard layout,
otherwise describes how to change
the config files.



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Re: :set nu -> how to copy lines with line numbers?

2009-04-06 Thread Andreas Bernauer

krzysztof cierpisz wrote:
> when I mark in visual mode, only the text itself (what do we need
> normally) is marked.
> sometimes I would like to select the interesting lines with the line
> numbers from the left margin.
> how to copy them along with the text?

One possibility: use :print (see :help :print)

Select lines you want to copy, say ':print' and select the lines with your
mouse, along with the line numbers.


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Re: Regex substitute only outside "strings"

2009-03-31 Thread Andreas Bernauer

ivan budiselic wrote:
>>> So, for the line:
>>> 1234 a a "a" a
>>> I'd like to get:
>>> 1234 b b "a" b
>>> The question is, is this possible and how.
>>> What I've tried is
>>> let line = substitute(line, '\([^\"]\{-}\)a', "\\1b", "g")
>> ...because \{-} matches also 0 times; what you wanted is \{-1,}:
>> let line = substitute('123 a "a" a', '\([^"]\{-1,}\)a', '\1b', 'g')
> Ok, this worked pretty well, except that it doesn't work for cases when
> there's an 'a' at the start of the line (which I might be able to fix), and

Allow matching 'start-of-line' (^) in front of 'a', too; see below.

> the other problem which I wasn't specific enough about, and that is that I'd
> like the change to happen to 'a's outside of strings, so for example
> "xxxaxxx" shouldn't match. I guess this changes things quite a bit, sorry
> for not being clear enough.

So, would you like further help? If yes, could you provide an example for what
you want to achieve?

works for
a 123 a a "axxx" a
b 123 b b "axxx" b


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Re: Regex substitute only outside "strings"

2009-03-30 Thread Andreas Bernauer

ivan budiselic wrote:
> Hi,
> I'll post a simplified version of my problem. Basically, I want to
> substitute every occurrence of 'a' (the letter a, without the quotes) with
> 'b', but only if 'a' is not inside a string, by which I mean it is not
> enclosed in double quotes.
> So, for the line:
> 1234 a a "a" a
> I'd like to get:
> 1234 b b "a" b
> The question is, is this possible and how.
> What I've tried is
> let line = substitute(line, '\([^\"]\{-}\)a', "\\1b", "g")

You can use the \zs and \ze markers, which mark the beginning and end of the
match to be substituted.

An alternative is to use several substitutions: \
Provided, xxx does not appear in your text.

> There are a few obvious problems with this. First off, I'm not sure whether
> the \ before the " is necessary (Vim regex syntax is unfortunately sort of
> idiosyncratic), but in any case, neither version works. The output I get for
> the previous line is:
> 1234 b b "b" b

...because \{-} matches also 0 times; what you wanted is \{-1,}:

let line = substitute('123 a "a" a', '\([^"]\{-1,}\)a', '\1b', 'g')

(which does what you want; btw, note that the double quote '"' is not quoted).

:help /\{-
:help \zs

> Also, the above code in no way addresses the part "behind" the strings. 

In your example it does, though?



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Re: vim leaves zombies behind

2009-03-25 Thread Andreas Bernauer

John Little wrote:
> On Mar 16, 12:58 am, Spiros wrote:
 :%! some_executable
 the executable becomes a zombie after it terminates and
 remains a zombie until I exit vim.
>> Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
>> The version from the /var/lib/dpkg/status file is
>> Version: 1:7.0-035+1ubuntu5
> That's the version, 7.0.135, in Ubuntu 8.04, aka Hardy, and is quite
> old now (October 2006).

Hardy can be updated to 8.04.2.
It has vim 7.1.138, where I don't see the problem.

Besides, I don't see the problem on SunOS 5.8 with a vim 6.3.
So maybe there is some other reason but vim?


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Re: Going to the beginning of a line in command mode

2009-03-24 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Per Thulin wrote:
> Hi dear list of fellow vim users, I wanted to remap some keys:
> cm  
> cm  
> cm  
> But now  goes one character to the left! Can I set  directly  
> to the command to go to the beginning of the line?

Use :cnoremap instead of :cmap

This avoids the  mapping  to be reinterpreted again as .


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Re: How does CTRL-T and CTRL-O work?

2009-02-27 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Foss User wrote:
> As you can see if I mix CTRL-O and CTRL-T, it becomes difficult for me
> to predict the behavior. It is easy to understand where I am going to
> move next if I press CTRL-T by using the :jumps command. But I don't
> seem to understand why when I press CTRL-T suddenly it moves forward
> to some unpredictable place.

Ctrl-O and Ctrl-T use different stacks, as they relate to different concepts,
namely jumps and tags.

As you already mentioned, Ctrl-O uses the jump list, visible with the :jumps
command, the list of places where you have been.

Ctrl-T uses the tag stack, visible with the :tags command, the list of places
from where you jumped to a tag (eg. with Ctrl-]).

So, if you use Ctrl-O, it goes back where you came from.
If you use Ctrl-T, it goes back from where you jumped to a tag the last time.

What might have confused you is that jumping to a tag (Ctrl-]) updates both the
jump list (as you leave your current position) and the tag list (as you jump to
a tag), but Ctrl-O does not update the tag stack, nor does Ctrl-T update the
jump list. That's why you 'jump forward' if you first use several Ctrl-O and
then Ctrl-T: the Ctrl-O updated the jump list, but left the tag stack as-is.

See :help tag-stack and :help jump-motions (which mentions ':tag').

> Also, is there
> a list of jumps that CTRL-T would take me through that I can see by
> using a command similar to :jumps?



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Re: lcd makes my session files unusable (bug?)

2009-02-27 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2:55 am, Andreas Bernauer  wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> It seems that if lcd is used, the paths in the session files are not
>>> set correctly anymore.
>> It looks like this bug was introduced with 7.2.055.
>> The attached patch against 7.2.127 seems to fix this.
> Will this also fix session behavior when 'autochdir' is set? I don't
> currently have a setup to build Vim, or I'd try it myself. I suspect
> the issue is similar if it isn't the same one.

I don't understand what you mean. The following
:set autochdir
:ed subdir/text.txt
:mks! ~/Session.vim-7.2

is creating a valid session file (with vim 7.2.127), even without my patch.

Can you give an example of what is not working but could with my patch?


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Re: lcd makes my session files unusable (bug?)

2009-02-26 Thread Andreas Bernauer wrote:
> It seems that if lcd is used, the paths in the session files are not
> set correctly anymore.
> I use 7.2.108 (gentoo-linux) and have not had this behaviour in 7.2.
> Try this to reproduce:
> * rm ~/.viminfo ~/.vimrc
> * vim --noplugin
> * :ed ~/subfolder/test.txt
> * :lcd ~/subfolder/.
> * :mks! ~/sess-test.vim
> * :qa
> * vim --noplugin -S sess-test.vim
> Result: vim does not open ~/subfolder/test.txt but test.txt (which
> does not exist).
> This does not happen if lcd (see above) is not called.

It looks like this bug was introduced with 7.2.055.
The attached patch against 7.2.127 seems to fix this.

I wanted to CC vim-dev, but my email does not seem to come through, so I'll post
on vim-dev separately.


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Problem: Saving a session file ignores changes in the cwd of a buffer.
Solution: Check for correct return code of mch_chdir.

diff --git a/src/ex_docmd.c b/src/ex_docmd.c
index 60bbb5f..c730d76 100644
--- a/src/ex_docmd.c
+++ b/src/ex_docmd.c
@@ -8792,7 +8792,7 @@ ex_mkrc(eap)
 		else if (*dirnow != NUL
 			&& (ssop_flags & SSOP_CURDIR) && globaldir != NULL)
-		if (mch_chdir((char *)globaldir) == OK)
+		if (mch_chdir((char *)globaldir) == 0)

Re: External compiler linking in vim

2009-02-26 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Abhi wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to enable compile feature of modelsim tool in Gvim . Please
> guide me in this regard as how any external compiler is linked to vim
> editor?

I'm not sure if I understood you correctly, but if you want to call some
compiler from within vim and collect its errors, you can use the :make command.

:make usually calls the 'make' program, but this can be set with the makeprg

:help make_makeprg
for details


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Re: lcd makes my session files unusable (bug?)

2009-02-26 Thread Andreas Bernauer wrote:
> It seems that if lcd is used, the paths in the session files are not
> set correctly anymore.
> I use 7.2.108 (gentoo-linux) and have not had this behaviour in 7.2.
> Try this to reproduce:
> * rm ~/.viminfo ~/.vimrc
> * vim --noplugin
> * :ed ~/subfolder/test.txt
> * :lcd ~/subfolder/.
> * :mks! ~/sess-test.vim
> * :qa
> * vim --noplugin -S sess-test.vim
> Result: vim does not open ~/subfolder/test.txt but test.txt (which
> does not exist).
> This does not happen if lcd (see above) is not called.

It looks like this bug was introduced with 7.2.055.
The attached patch against 7.2.127 seems to fix this.

I CC vim-dev to include the patch.


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Problem: Saving a session file ignores changes in the cwd of a buffer.
Solution: Check for correct return code of mch_chdir.

diff --git a/src/ex_docmd.c b/src/ex_docmd.c
index 60bbb5f..c730d76 100644
--- a/src/ex_docmd.c
+++ b/src/ex_docmd.c
@@ -8792,7 +8792,7 @@ ex_mkrc(eap)
 		else if (*dirnow != NUL
 			&& (ssop_flags & SSOP_CURDIR) && globaldir != NULL)
-		if (mch_chdir((char *)globaldir) == OK)
+		if (mch_chdir((char *)globaldir) == 0)

Re: How to do operations on selections ?

2009-02-24 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Lenin Lee wrote:
> I also need to get the line number of the first line belongs to the
> selection area and the last one, is there a way to do so ?

line() accepts a mark, and the marks '< and '> point to the beginning
and end of a selection:

let start_sel = line("'<")
let end_sel = line("'>")

Note that user-defined commands can take the current range as a
parameter, see :help command-range.


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Re: Making Vim as Default Editor for Unix's INFO

2009-02-22 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Gundala Viswanath wrote:
> Is there a way to do it?
> Because now it is set to Emacs.
> I tried set path to EDITOR =/usr/bin/vim,
> however without any effect.

Try 'info --vi-keys'

info does not use emacs to show the info, just something that looks like


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Re: Profiling VIM and/or displaying current action

2009-02-22 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Nazri Ramliy wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 11:59 PM, WL  wrote:
>> 1. Is there a way to profile VIM so that I could find the culprit
>> script or .vimrc line?
>> 2. Does VIM support a way to display the action its currently doing or
>> give some kind of feedback that its still alive when performing time
>> consuming tasks?
> Run strace on vim on another terminal and as soon as that problem
> happens see what's up in that strace output. It might give a clue.

You could also attach gdb to the vim process and check the backtrace.


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Re: Highlight whole line if keyword is not there

2009-02-16 Thread Andreas Bernauer

krabu wrote:
> I need to highlight lines in grey text color, if there is not the keyword
> "column" OR if there is the keyword "noshow". I want the whole line to be
> affected, but the keywords are not at the beginning of the line. 

One way to do it:
Add two highlight groups RegularLine, GreyLine:
:hilight RegularLine ctermbg=yellow
:hilight GreyLine ctermbg=grey

Add matches for the line you want, using priorities
" default: everything is GreyLine
:call matchadd("GreyLine", "^.*$", 5)
" ...except when 'column' appears anywhere on the line
:call matchadd("RegularLine, "^.*column.*$", 6)
" if 'noshow' is anywhere on the line, always stay GreyLine
:call matchadd("GreyLine, "^.noshow.$", 7)

This uses the priorities 5-7 to overrule previous matches.

In the following lines, only the line marked with (*) is RegularLine, all other
lines are GreyLine

line2 column (*)
line3 column noshow

line1 is GreyLine, because there is no 'column'
line2 is RegularLine, because there is 'column'
line3 is GreyLine, because 'noshow' is on that line

> Another thing: is it possible to fold the affected lines? 

Not directly from the matches AFAIK, but you can write a fold expression:

:set foldmethod=expr

This will put every line that contains 'noshow' or not the keyword 'column' on
foldlevel 1, otherwise (keyword 'column' present, but not 'noshow') on foldlevel
0 (='not on a fold').

:set foldlevel=0

will fold the grey lines away.


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Re: hjkl-ing while in insert mode

2009-02-13 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> In fact, the following
>   :inoremap  
>   :inoremap  
>   :inoremap  
> create an undo point after each WORD.

Alternatively to , you could use u, which breaks an undo
sequence and does not move the pointer.


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Re: how to set background color from the minibuffer , and how to cancel the gui tabs in win

2009-02-12 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Meir Yanovich wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for the fast reply
> the first one working great but the second one with the Tabs does not work
> at all
> it still opens me the GUI tabs version
> what im i doing wrong here ?

I think, he meant

:se go-=e

for the tabs.

see :help 'go'


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Re: folding of patch files

2009-02-11 Thread Andreas Bernauer
Tim Chase wrote:
> For a more complex version, you could use
> fde=(getline(v:lnum)=~'^Index')?0:(getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{3,}')?1:((getline(v:lnum)=~'^@@')?'>2':'=')
> (all in one line, in case mailers mung it) which should handle 
> both multiple hunks and multiple files-to-be-patched in the same 
> .diff/.patch file.
> That breaks down as
> - If it begins with 'Index', don't indent it
> - If it begins with 3+ "=" signs, start indenting 1 level
> - If it starts with "@@", consider it the beginning of a hunk and 
> start indent-level-2
> - Finally, for everything else, treat it as the indentation that 
> comes from the previous line.

Thank you for your input. I used it as inspiration for the attached 'diff'
ftplugin, which handles the fold level of various diff formats (normal, context,
unified, subversion, git, rcs, ed).


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setlocal fdm=expr
setlocal fde=DiffFoldLevel()
setlocal fdc=1

" Get fold level for diff mode
" Works with normal, context, unified, rcs, ed, subversion and git diffs.
" For rcs diffs, folds only files (rcs has no hunks in the common sense) 
" fdl=1 ==> file
" fld=2 ==> hunk
" context diffs need special treatment, as hunks are defined
" via context (after '***'); checking for '*** '
" or ('--- ') only does not work, as the file lines have the 
" same marker.
" Inspired by Tim Chase.
function! DiffFoldLevel()
let l:line=getline(v:lnum)

if l:line =~# '^\(diff\|Index\)'" file
return '>1'
elseif l:line =~# '^\(@@\|\d\)' " hunk
return '>2'
elseif l:line =~# '^\*\*\* \d\+,\d\+ \*\*\*\*$' " context: file1
return '>2'
elseif l:line =~# '^--- \d\+,\d\+ $'" context: file2
return '>2'
return '='

Re: Is it possible for the vim tag system to distinguish between functions with the same name but different signatures?

2009-02-09 Thread Andreas Bernauer

poireau wrote:
> I'm currently using vim with exuberant ctags and I love it, except for one
> thing: if I have to functions named foo, say foo(int) and foo(), vim does
> not make any distinction between them and jumps to one of them randomly when
> C-] is pressed.
> Is there a way to make vim more intelligent? I'm open to using something
> else than ctags, as long as it works better :)

You could consider cscope
Works great for me.


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folding of patch files

2009-02-09 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Is there a built-in folding method for patch files?

When I open a patch file, I would like to be able to open and close individual
hunks as well as all hunks of a single file.

Isn't there something built-in? (I know I could write my own fold-expr.)

I tried all foldmethods (syntax, indent, etc.), but none worked.
I looked around in the help about diffs and folding, to no avail.

Thank you.


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folding of patch files

2009-02-09 Thread Andreas Bernauer

Is there a built-in folding method for patch files?

When I open a patch file, I would like to be able to open and close individual
hunks as well as all hunks of a single file.

Isn't there something built-in? (I know I could write my own fold-expr.)

I tried all foldmethods (syntax, indent, etc.), but none worked.
I looked around in the help about diffs and folding, to no avail.

Thank you.


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