Re: The New York Attack

2001-09-15 Thread Rob Rosenbrock

Please tell me I've read you wrong. "When emotions have cooled..."  It
sounds like you think that we should bury 5,000 innocent people and dismiss
this?!! "Oh well, this was just an accident..." We deserved this?? And
fighting back would be yellow? That's unfathomable.

What do you think we should do? They did NOT finish Tuesday. There will be
more attacks. It would seem that according to you, the couragous thing would
be to take our lumps and ignore it. The terrorists made it quite clear that
they could have done more. And what did it cost them? 19 people and a few
knives. The only reason it stopped is that we grounded the planes!

Yes, bombing a country is terrible. I was appalled when we bombed Iraq in
'91. A part of us died. And I think Bill Clinton will probably have his own
private corner in Hell for the bombings he ordered. But bombing was/is a
last resort. In '91, a coalition force headed by the US pushed Iraqi forces
out of Kuwait where the Iraqis were MURDERING and RAPING people. Did you
forget about that? We told Saddam to leave, or else we would force him out.
What was his answer? He looked forward to a 'holy war.' Think of how many
more lives would have been lost in an all out ground fight. And nobody here
was 'dancing in the streets.'

I do share your disgust over how bombings are now treated in the media,
though. It has become a ratings game for CNN, seemingly played out for our
entertainment. It is a horrible thing, and we should be mourning their
losses as well as ours.

We are now faced with a murderer who can use the innocent men, women, and
children of Afghanistan as a shield while he dispatches 19 people to murder
5,000+ people. This has got to be stopped, and not just for our sake - other
countries are at risk as well. But how can we stop this? If we remove Bin
Laden, this group will certainly take revenge. If we do nothing, they will
continue. Bombing Afghanistan seems overkill. (no sick joke intended, that
is the correct usage.) But it looks like Afghanistan will defend this guy.
Are they a party to this?

Don't forget, Bin Laden was behind the attack on the USS Cole while
stationed in Yemen. We know of his involvement in more attacks on US
citizens. The latest is an escalation resulting from our unwillingness to do
something about it. (We just removed the ship from the harbor...)

Remember this. The whole thing stems from an attempt by President Jimmy
Carter to bring peace to the middle east. They don't want to live peacefully
with the Isrealis, they want them dead! Since we're involved, they want us
dead too!

I don't envy the President's position. But I do admire George Bush's ability
to find a different direction when all we can see are two extremes. He has
some very good advisors, and he values their suggestions. I believe his
decision will be swift, sure, and reasonable.


> -Original Message-
> From: Vintage Macs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Andrew Michael MacTao
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 11:34 PM
> To: Vintage Macs
> Subject: Re: The New York Attack
> I know this sounds cold and heartless to say in the aftermath of
> Tuesday. But, hey! The subject is here, and in a couple weeks, when
> emotions have cooled... Or when G.W. launches his attack on
> Afghanistan killing many civilians, and Americans are dancing in the
> streets over their deaths, even though we're so appalled that they
> would dance in the streets over our deaths... No one will give a
> sh*t.
> America has gone yellow. We were once a great nation. Not anymore.
> America will bomb the hell out of Afghanistan. Only because we
> have stealth bombers & we can do it with little, or, no loss on our
> side. If we had to go in with the same technology as the Afghanis
> possess, we'd tuck tail and run.
> Hell, I can't even find anyone in this country who is willing to
> join a boycott against companies that are destroying our
> environment... They're afraid they may hurt someone's feelings. Or,
> someone might get mad at them, or, worse yet, they may be
> inconvenienced... Boo Hoo!
> In short... No. I'm not happy that thousands of folks died in New
> York. I am appalled though, that Americans will yell and scream in
> protest when American civilians are killed, yet, will sit on their
> fat, lazy asses, watching television and drinking beer, not even
> uttering a whimper of protest when the U.S. government goes out
> killing thousands, even hundreds of thousands of civilians in other
> countries. That's Sick!
> Cheers,
> Andrew

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Mac Plus Screen

2001-09-15 Thread Jerry Roahrig


Someone has recently given me a very nice Mac Plus: the case, screen, 
keyboard, and mouse are all in excellent condition. The only problem is 
the image on the screen. Instead of being centered left-to-right, the 
image is shifted to the left about 3/8" and angled downward a few 
degrees. There appear to be no adjustment screws accessible from the 

Could someone describe the procedure for correcting this problem? Please 
include any pertinent safety precautions as I have heard that the 
capacitors inside of monitors (and microwaves) can deliver quite a shock. 
I'm assuming that the case has to be cracked open. If so, where might I 
find the tool required to do so?


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Re: Mac Plus Screen

2001-09-15 Thread Hardy Menagh

Regarding the Mis-aligned Plus screen. This is really a Compact Macs
List question. However, this is a common problem as far as I can tell.
You can improve it greatly by removing the five Torx screws, opening the
case, loosening the four screws that hold the tube to the front of the
case, adjusting the tube position as necessary and re-tightening the
screws. Before you open the case, leave the Plus off for a few hours. 

Hardy, Hard's Disk Ltd., Freehold NY. A branch of the Abandoned Computer
Shelter. Apple and Mac systems and parts gratefully accepted. Systems
charitably donated without profit.  for a branch
near you.

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Re: Mac Plus Screen

2001-09-15 Thread Hardy Menagh

I neglected to mention that you can find info about the Torx screwdriver
and opening the Compact Mac cases in pickle's FAQ.

Hardy, Hard's Disk Ltd., Freehold NY. A branch of the Abandoned Computer
Shelter. Apple and Mac systems and parts gratefully accepted. Systems
charitably donated without profit.  for a branch
near you.

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Re: Mac Plus Screen

2001-09-15 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop

>>adjusting the tube position as necessary and re-tightening the

I don't think so.  This is a question of adjusting the positioning rings
on the neck of the tube--possibly even the yoke itself.  I'm not sure
which ring adjusts what, but trial and error will make it readily

Just don't forget that you're fooling around with several kilovolts that
will make you jump if you get your fingers in the wrong place.
Just be cautious.

You still have to open the case.

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Re: Mac Plus Screen

2001-09-15 Thread Robert Poland

Just looked in the Book "Macintosh Repair & Upgrade Secrets" by Larry 
Pina. He uses 14 pages to describe the processes required to do this 
properly. This after you get the case open.

I highly recommend getting this book if you plan on doing much inside 
you compact Mac.

Opening the case; I lay the case face down on a soft pad and removing 
the 5 screws, four in plain sight on the back and one under the 
battery cover. You need a long (about 8 inches) T-15 torx 
screwdriver. Opening the case can be difficult. A screwdriver WILL 
DAMAGE the case. I use the edge of a steel ruler. Sometimes a sharp 
blow will separate the cover.

To do a good job of aligning the screen you need to do other 
diagnostics and adjustment, including power supply voltage adjustment.

The square tube CANNOT be rotated. The display rotation is done by 
rotating the yoke on the picture tube. The yoke may be stuck to the 
tube and difficult or impossible to move.

CAUTIONS: The picture tube may contain several thousands of volts of 
stored energy. The early Mac Pluses did not drain this voltage and it 
may remain for several days. The first rule for working around this 
area is to use only one hand so that the shock will not travel 
through your body. You do not need to get near the high voltage, JUST 


Bob Poland
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The last word Re: The New York Attack

2001-09-15 Thread Rodney A. Hoiseth

That was the cleverest attempt to get the last word I've ever seen.
Well done, Andrew!!!


At 08:23 -0400 2001/09/15 in Vintage Macs Digest #828, Vintage Macs wrote:
>Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 21:38:25 -0700
>From: Andrew Michael MacTao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: The New York Attack
>Sorry about that folks...
>I said I wouldn't say anything more on this subject on this list & I
>meant it... In my haste, I thought that last message was going to
>another list.
>I'll be more watchful from here on...
><><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< <><
>Since Judgement Day has now come and gone, it is now up to
>those who have not passed this test, over the next few years
>of "tribulation" to prove their True intent, or, be lost...
><><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< <><

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Re: Mac Plus Screen

2001-09-15 Thread Jeff Garrison

-Original Message-
From: Robert Poland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vintage Macs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, September 15, 2001 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: Mac Plus Screen

>Just looked in the Book "Macintosh Repair & Upgrade Secrets" by Larry
>Pina. He uses 14 pages to describe the processes required to do this
>properly. This after you get the case open.
>I highly recommend getting this book if you plan on doing much inside
>you compact Mac.
>Opening the case; I lay the case face down on a soft pad and removing
>the 5 screws, four in plain sight on the back and one under the
>battery cover. You need a long (about 8 inches) T-15 torx
>screwdriver. Opening the case can be difficult. A screwdriver WILL
>DAMAGE the case. I use the edge of a steel ruler. Sometimes a sharp
>blow will separate the cover.

In all the cases of Compacts I've disassembled, the method posted by someone
long ago has far-and-away been the best and least damaging:

Lay the compact face down on a towel folded double, or your bed.
Undo all screws. Place the torx driver into the head of one of the top,
handle-area, screws that is still in its cavity but completely loose,
and give  a sharp blow to the top of the driver. It pops the top loose.

Then you place a thumb on the plug socket and the SCSI  ports and
pry with your fingers. This is the least damaging way I've ever used.
And I've had 100% success using it.


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Re: IIsi Motherboard

2001-09-15 Thread Jeff Garrison

-Original Message-
From: John Kocijanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vintage Macs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, September 14, 2001 5:48 PM
Subject: IIsi Motherboard

>Hello.  Will a IIsi accept a motherboard from any
>other Mac?  Thanks.

I've placed IIvx, Quadra 650 and Quadra 700 motherboards, with a little
trimming of the internal motherboard clips and back panel.


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Re: The New York Attack

2001-09-15 Thread Amber Rhea

All you people are grossly misunderstanding what Andrew has to say. Which
illustrates his point superbly. Go ahead, attack me now too, I obviously
must be sympathetic to terrorists. :P


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Re: IIsi Motherboard

2001-09-15 Thread Gregg Eshelman

--- John Kocijanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.  Will a IIsi accept a motherboard from any
> other Mac?  Thanks.
> John

Nope. It is wholly unique amongst the Macs.

"The earth swarms with inhabitants. Why then should nature,
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Re: IIsi Motherboard

2001-09-15 Thread the pickle

At 08:46 -0700 on 15/09/01, Jeff Garrison wrote:

>-Original Message-
>From: John Kocijanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Vintage Macs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Friday, September 14, 2001 5:48 PM
>Subject: IIsi Motherboard
>>Hello.  Will a IIsi accept a motherboard from any
>>other Mac?  Thanks.
>I've placed IIvx, Quadra 650 and Quadra 700 motherboards, with a little
>trimming of the internal motherboard clips and back panel.

That would be a IIci.

The IIsi has a unique motherboard form factor.

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Re: Mac Plus Screen

2001-09-15 Thread the pickle

At 06:20 -0400 on 15/09/01, Jerry Roahrig wrote:

>Someone has recently given me a very nice Mac Plus: the case, screen,
>keyboard, and mouse are all in excellent condition. The only problem is
>the image on the screen. Instead of being centered left-to-right, the
>image is shifted to the left about 3/8" and angled downward a few
>degrees. There appear to be no adjustment screws accessible from the
>Could someone describe the procedure for correcting this problem? Please

You need to adjust the coils on the neck of the CRT.  They're glued in
place, which will make things a bit difficult, but it can be done.

>include any pertinent safety precautions as I have heard that the
>capacitors inside of monitors (and microwaves) can deliver quite a shock.

Information on this is in the FAQ.

>I'm assuming that the case has to be cracked open. If so, where might I
>find the tool required to do so?

Likewise in the FAQ.

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back on topic: MacTao (was Re: The New York Attack)

2001-09-15 Thread Marten van de Kraats

After Andrews final lengthy e-mail about the off topic subject.
I decided not to react because Dan asked us to stop talking about it.
Of course I was intrigued by the in my view kind of weird ideas he 
was spreading, so I typed his name in google and found his page:

Now, I wonder, reading about his religious views, where does his love 
for vintage or compact mac or computer technology in general fit into 
them? Maybe someone can answer this question, maybe he himself can. 
Might be an interesting mac related discussion. It kinda relates to 
my own rantings about purity (system 6) and silence (the plus, the 
powerbook, the iMac and the Cube) and products of beauty (vintage 
Macs in general) that are made to last.
Of course I don't agree with the not washing yourself part in his 
theories, because the lack of hygiene would be very dangerous in 
modern society with its densily populated cities. Actually I don't 
agree with most of his other ideas either, but that is besides the 

(I hope I got this thing on topic now)


>All you people are grossly misunderstanding what Andrew has to say. Which
>illustrates his point superbly. Go ahead, attack me now too, I obviously
>must be sympathetic to terrorists. :P


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Re: IIsi Motherboard

2001-09-15 Thread JakeCatfox

Are you sure this is a IIsi case? The IIsi doesn't seem to support any other 
motherboards, and the case, being the second-smallest Mac form factor (1st is 
the LC series), it would be tough to install NuBUS or PDS cards on another 
mobo, as they most likely would not line up with the IIsi's back, you'd have 
to cut out new openings. My advisory is to buy a new case, maybe a IIci. That 
supports a IIcx, a PowerMac 7100, and a Quadra of some design.

-- Deven "IIsi lover" Gallo

In a message dated 9/15/01 11:50:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Yes.
 I've placed IIvx, Quadra 650 and Quadra 700 motherboards, with a little
 trimming of the internal motherboard clips and back panel.
 Jeff >>

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Re: Mac Plus Screen

2001-09-15 Thread Kyle Hansen

Hardy Menagh wrote:

> I neglected to mention that you can find info about the Torx screwdriver
> and opening the Compact Mac cases in pickle's FAQ.

You don't have to go wading around the Pickles FAQ for everything that comes up
on this list.  The Torx driver you need is a #15 and the blade has to be at
least 6 inches long.  You can find this in the USA for under $5 at all Home
Depot's and most True Value and OSH hardware stores.

-- Kyle H. Hansen

JESUS SAVES!...but Gretzsky grabs the rebound and backhands for a goal!!!

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offlist please

2001-09-15 Thread JAG

Please reserve your non Mac posts for more appropriate lists. Thanks!


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free 8.1

2001-09-15 Thread JAG

This was posted to my forum yesterday. I don't have an 040 handy to 
test it on (gave all my old Macs that I am not using to the local red 
cross, I urge you to do the same). Anybody know if this works?



Recently someone asked me how to get mac os 8.1 for free,and this is how:
  1.Download System 7.5.3 and Mac OS 8.1 Update 
from Apple's server.
  2.Install System 7.5.3 onto your mac or your mac emulator.
  3.Download ResEdit from Apple's server.After 
unstuffing ResEdit,open the System 7.5.3's system
  4.Double-click "VER".
  5.Change the System Version to Mac OS 8.1.
  6.unstuffing the macos 8.1 update,and install it.
  7.You'r done!
  OS 7.6.1 UPDATE!
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Re: HD Noise

2001-09-15 Thread Andrew Michael MacTao

>At 12:11 -0500 on 14/09/01, Michael J. Flaherty wrote:
>  >Can any one recommend an extension or CP for spinning down/spinning up the
>>HD while running from a RAM disk ?  Assume that I have both my system and my

pickle wrote:
>I think Sleeper can do it, but I'm not sure.

That is correct. I've used Sleeper on a IIci. You can set it to 
automatically spin down after a specified period of non-use, and/or 
spin down the hard drive(s) manually from a control strip module.


<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< <><
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those who have not passed this test, over the next few years
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Re: The last word Re: The New York Attack

2001-09-15 Thread Andrew Michael MacTao

Rodney wrote:
>That was the cleverest attempt to get the last word I've ever seen.
>Well done, Andrew!!!

Actually, it wasn't clever. It really was stupid, careless 
oversight. David is a member of the MacToMac list also. I was going 
through, responding to gobs o' stuff from the MacToMac list. I saw a 
familiar name on his email, typed a response & hit send. As it was 
uploading, that's when I noticed there wasn't [M2M] in the subject 
line. As you know, that very same subject has been getting airplay on 
probably every email list on the planet... Oops... Sorry again, for 
that post.


<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< <><
Since Judgement Day has now come and gone, it is now up to
those who have not passed this test, over the next few years
of "tribulation" to prove their True intent, or, be lost...
<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< <><

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