Re: Youtube ios app

2014-05-01 Thread Ben J Bloomgren
YouPlayer lets me clear everything. 

Ben J. Bloomgren
Harvest 316 Ministries

> On May 1, 2014, at 20:30, "'Candy Lowe' via VIPhone" 
>  wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> I am trying to delete some of my favorites in a play list on you tube.  Can't 
> seem to do it or also can not delete my history on youtube.  The last time I 
> deleted my history, I went to settings, and it gave me that option, but not 
> this time.  Anyone familiar with this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Youtube ios app

2014-05-01 Thread Ben J Bloomgren
I use YouPlayer. Let me check there. 

Ben J. Bloomgren
Harvest 316 Ministries

> On May 1, 2014, at 20:30, "'Candy Lowe' via VIPhone" 
>  wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> I am trying to delete some of my favorites in a play list on you tube.  Can't 
> seem to do it or also can not delete my history on youtube.  The last time I 
> deleted my history, I went to settings, and it gave me that option, but not 
> this time.  Anyone familiar with this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Youtube ios app

2014-05-01 Thread 'Candy Lowe' via VIPhone
Hello everyone, 
I am trying to delete some of my favorites in a play list on you tube.  Can't 
seem to do it or also can not delete my history on youtube.  The last time I 
deleted my history, I went to settings, and it gave me that option, but not 
this time.  Anyone familiar with this?
Thanks in advance.

Sent from my iPhone

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RE: The Brailliant bi 32

2014-05-01 Thread Ron Miller
-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Gmail
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: The Brailliant bi 32

I own one of these displays, and unfortunately, this freezing happens to me
quite a lot, even when I follow the correct procedure for turning off the
display and phone.


> On May 1, 2014, at 2:56 PM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
> Hello Jennifer. I have the display, but I don't experience any issues of
it freezing.
> Hope Paulos
>> On May 1, 2014, at 5:54 PM, Jennie Facer  wrote:
>> Does anyone on this list have this display? I am having a lot of problems
with it freezing. Does anyone know what I can do to stop it?
>> Thank you so much! 
>> Jenn
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: The Brailliant bi 32

2014-05-01 Thread Keith Bundy
i, too, have this display and experience the freezing on occasion. I talked to 
a Braille display dealer who told me he believes it is an issue that has arisen 
since IOS 7 came out. Not sure whether there will need to be a firmware update 
to the Brailliant, or whether Apple can fix this with some kind of update to 
the IOS.


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 1, 2014, at 4:54 PM, Jennie Facer  wrote:
> Does anyone on this list have this display? I am having a lot of problems 
> with it freezing. Does anyone know what I can do to stop it?
> Thank you so much! 
> Jenn
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Christopher J Chaltain
I think battery life is still a valid item to take into account when 
buying a bluetooth headset. You may not be able to charge it every 
night, so getting nine hours of talk time instead of five hours over the 
course of three or four days may be a deciding factor.

I've also had jobs where spending more than four hours on conference 
calls in a day was not unusual. I wouldn't want to have to worry about 
my headset battery at the end of the day. I also wouldn't be doing my 
job if I had a secretary on those calls instead of being on them myself.

On 5/1/2014 1:13 PM, Alan Paganelli wrote:
I think the question you have to ask yourself is do you usually talk 
longer then 5 hours a day.  If you talk that long that you need 9 
hours of talk time, you need a secretary instead.



I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being 
ridiculous - everyone

hasn't met me yet.

Please click on:

There, you'll find free files of my arrangements and performances 
played on
the Yamaha Tyros 1 keyboard.  The albums in Technics  format formerly 
on my website are still available upon request.  Thanks for listening!

- Original Message - From: "Casey" 
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 8:17 AM
Subject: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
\The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over
the h 17 was.
That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
\And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need
that future.
but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17
battery life was.
Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
And the H 19 was for 100.00.
When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
That I had just purchased I said to myself.
I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
So I will ask on hear.
What do you all think?
Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9
hours of battery life?
Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H
19 text?
I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text
So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know
what you think.
Thank you all and have A nice day.

Christopher (CJ)
Chaltain at Gmail

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Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread David Chittenden
Sorry, I do not know of any work-around except to turn volume down whilst VO is 
talking and turn volume up when VO is not talking.

Normally, VO uses the A2DP audio profile. However, when a call connects, 
Bluetooth stops A2DP play so the call is not interrupted. During this time, VO 
is blended into the voice call channel. Lots of playing with the volume has 
gotten VO to a somewhat tolerable level of loudness, though it is still quite 
loud. I suspect VO and the call are controlled by the same volume, so Apple 
needs to adjust it in the master volume.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 2 May 2014, at 13:37, "Danny Leung"  wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for the quick respond.
> It happens to your phone as well. Do you have a work around solution? Or how
> do you handle it? 
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Danny 
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of David Chittenden
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 8:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece
> Yes, this is what happens. When the call connects, a different profile is
> used. In this other profile, voice-over appears to have a louder compression
> raped.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2 May 2014, at 11:36, "Danny Leung"  wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I am wondering... When you were using the H19TXT headset, have you 
>> experience the volume of VO goes very loud when making a call?
>> I am currently using this headset with my iPhone 5. The VO volume 
>> always go very loud every time I made the call from the headset. It is 
>> very bothering, and concern. In fact, it also happens when I use other 
>> headset. Thus, I am not sure is it my phone's problem, or headset issue.
>> I am wondering have you or other people encountered this kind of problem. 
>> Thanks!
>> Danny
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of David Chittenden
>> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 4:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece
>> The Motorola H19TXT is a significantly improved headset. The battery 
>> life is approximately nine hours. It uses Bluetooth 4.0. Finally, the 
>> audio delay is shorter than any other Bluetooth earpiece I have used.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2 May 2014, at 3:17, Casey  wrote:
>>> Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
>>> Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
>>> And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
>>> \The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had 
>>> over the
>> h 17 was.
>>> That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
>>> \And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need 
>>> that
>> future.
>>> but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17
>> battery life was.
>>> Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
>>> that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
>>> So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
>>> Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
>>> And the H 19 was for 100.00.
>>> When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
>>> That I had just purchased I said to myself.
>>> I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
>>> Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
>>> So I will ask on hear.
>>> What do you all think?
>>> Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 
>>> 9
>> hours of battery life?
>>> Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the 
>>> H 19
>> text?
>>> I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 
>>> text
>> instead.
>>> So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know 
>>> what
>> you think.
>>> Thank you all and have A nice day.
>>> --
>>> Casey
>>> --
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voice message in face book messenger

2014-05-01 Thread 'Ming' via VIPhone
in the latest face book messenger.
how to listen voice messages that people sent to me?
I can find the record button. and don't know how to listen it after sending it.


msn/window live messenger

face book:

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Re: help needed

2014-05-01 Thread Donna

I followed your link, did a 2 finger swipe down to get voiceover to read the 
entire page. Voiceover had no problem keeping focus. There is one problem...Now 
I'm hungry! The foods sound so delicious!

I'm using an iPhone 5 with the latest IOS update. Not sure if this makes any 


> On May 1, 2014, at 9:11 PM, "martin nelson"  wrote:
>  folks;Hello,   I wonder if you can confirm what I am noticing in the 
> Philadelphia Menu Pages where I have several restaurant menus. Before the two 
> recent Ios updates, I was able to navigat eusing safari  by heading to view 
> the different categories of food on the menu. Now, Voiceover seems to loose 
> its place and I can  no longer navigate this way, which makes the menu 
> virtually impossible to read do to its length. Here is the link to one of the 
> restaurant, More Than Just ice-cream;
> I don't seem to have this problem with other web sites.
> I would be interested to know if this occurs with other iphone users.
> Thanks.
> Martin Nelson
> -- 
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RE: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Danny Leung
Hi David,

Thanks for the quick respond.

It happens to your phone as well. Do you have a work around solution? Or how
do you handle it? 

Thanks in advance for your help.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of David Chittenden
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

Yes, this is what happens. When the call connects, a different profile is
used. In this other profile, voice-over appears to have a louder compression

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 2 May 2014, at 11:36, "Danny Leung"  wrote:
> Hi David,
> I am wondering... When you were using the H19TXT headset, have you 
> experience the volume of VO goes very loud when making a call?
> I am currently using this headset with my iPhone 5. The VO volume 
> always go very loud every time I made the call from the headset. It is 
> very bothering, and concern. In fact, it also happens when I use other 
> headset. Thus, I am not sure is it my phone's problem, or headset issue.
> I am wondering have you or other people encountered this kind of problem. 
> Thanks!
> Danny
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of David Chittenden
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 4:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece
> The Motorola H19TXT is a significantly improved headset. The battery 
> life is approximately nine hours. It uses Bluetooth 4.0. Finally, the 
> audio delay is shorter than any other Bluetooth earpiece I have used.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2 May 2014, at 3:17, Casey  wrote:
>> Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
>> Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
>> And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
>> \The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had 
>> over the
> h 17 was.
>> That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
>> \And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need 
>> that
> future.
>> but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17
> battery life was.
>> Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
>> that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
>> So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
>> Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
>> And the H 19 was for 100.00.
>> When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
>> That I had just purchased I said to myself.
>> I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
>> Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
>> So I will ask on hear.
>> What do you all think?
>> Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 
>> 9
> hours of battery life?
>> Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the 
>> H 19
> text?
>> I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 
>> text
> instead.
>> So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know 
>> what
> you think.
>> Thank you all and have A nice day.
>> --
>> Casey
>> --
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help needed

2014-05-01 Thread martin nelson
 folks;Hello,   I wonder if you can confirm what I am noticing in the 
Philadelphia Menu Pages where I have several restaurant menus. Before the two 
recent Ios updates, I was able to navigat eusing safari  by heading to view the 
different categories of food on the menu. Now, Voiceover seems to loose its 
place and I can  no longer navigate this way, which makes the menu virtually 
impossible to read do to its length. Here is the link to one of the restaurant, 
More Than Just ice-cream;  
I don't seem to have this problem with other web sites.
I would be interested to know if this occurs with other iphone users.
Martin Nelson

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Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread David Chittenden
Yes, this is what happens. When the call connects, a different profile is used. 
In this other profile, voice-over appears to have a louder compression raped.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 2 May 2014, at 11:36, "Danny Leung"  wrote:
> Hi David,
> I am wondering... When you were using the H19TXT headset, have you
> experience the volume of VO goes very loud when making a call?
> I am currently using this headset with my iPhone 5. The VO volume always go
> very loud every time I made the call from the headset. It is very bothering,
> and concern. In fact, it also happens when I use other headset. Thus, I am
> not sure is it my phone's problem, or headset issue.
> I am wondering have you or other people encountered this kind of problem. 
> Thanks!
> Danny 
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of David Chittenden
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 4:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece
> The Motorola H19TXT is a significantly improved headset. The battery life is
> approximately nine hours. It uses Bluetooth 4.0. Finally, the audio delay is
> shorter than any other Bluetooth earpiece I have used.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2 May 2014, at 3:17, Casey  wrote:
>> Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
>> Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
>> And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
>> \The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over the
> h 17 was.
>> That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
>> \And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need that
> future.
>> but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17
> battery life was.
>> Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
>> that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
>> So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
>> Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
>> And the H 19 was for 100.00.
>> When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
>> That I had just purchased I said to myself.
>> I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
>> Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
>> So I will ask on hear.
>> What do you all think?
>> Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9
> hours of battery life?
>> Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H 19
> text?
>> I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text
> instead.
>> So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know what
> you think.
>> Thank you all and have A nice day.
>> -- 
>> Casey
>> -- 
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RE: downloading books from Bard question

2014-05-01 Thread Larry Lumpkin
You can turn on cellular data in settings and do it but you'll use a lot of
your plan unless you have a big one.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul and Paula Jordan
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 7:19 PM
Subject: downloading books from Bard question


Hi, all.  This weekend I tried to download a book from Bard and was told
that the download was cued for download.  It didn't download the entire
weekend.  I had no access to WIFI and I suspect that was the issue, since,
as soon as I got to a place where I could use WIFI the download began and
was completed with no problem.  My question is:  Is there something I need
to change in the phone or Bard settings to allow downloading when I'm away
from a WIFI connection.  It seems to me that there was some talk about this
some time back, but my old brain can't remember what that was. Thanks in

God bless!

Paula and Babe

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Re: Just got the iPhone 5s with AT&T and on the next plane and had a question

2014-05-01 Thread Joseph Hudson

Joseph Hudson
I device support
641-715-3900 ex 34315
Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 28, 2014, at 8:20 AM, Wayne Merritt  wrote:
> Joseph,
> You are certainly entitled to your own opinion. However, consider the
> following: My wife just bought a 16 GB iPhone 5C from AT&T and signed
> up for the Next plan. Like you, she was told that she could pay a
> little each month for 18 months,  and would own the phone by the end
> of that time when she could choose to trade it in for a newer model.
> We did the math when we got home and found that though she paid $21 a
> month for 18 months for a $99 phone, over that 18 month period she was
> actually paying AT&T around $380 for a phone who's contract price was
> $99. With the Next and similar plans, you are not paying the full off
> contract price, but you are giving much more money to the carriers
> than you would on a contract. We went back to the AT&T store this past
> weekend and moved my wife from the Next plan back to a contract, and
> then paid the regular $99 price of the 5C. If you have other questions
> on the value of the early upgrades plans, do a Google search for "Do I
> get a better deal on the Next plan from AT&T," and you will come up
> with many articles from CNet, Ars-Technica, and other sites that break
> the numbers down like I have. It is true that not everyone has the
> money to pay for the phone outright, and if you choose to go the
> direction of the Next plan then that's completely up to you. In order
> to switch back from the Next plan you need to make the switch within
> 14 days after buying your phone, otherwise you are stuck.
> Kind regards,
> Wayne Merritt
>> On 4/28/14, Joseph Hudson  wrote:
>> Well Seacord I do not believe that is a rip off I believe that these kind of
>> plans are for people that cannot afford to buy a iPhone out right but they
>> can afford more bang for their buck. Just thought however it is okay
>> everybody has their own opinion about them being a rip off.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 27, 2014, at 11:26 PM, Sieghard Weitzel  wrote:
>>> For $140 a month it better be included! In my opinion these early upgrade
>>> plans are quite a rip-off, sorry Joseph, but that's just my opinion. If
>>> you
>>> do the math you would find that if you were to get whatever best deal you
>>> can get and if you then were to put the money you save aside that after
>>> one
>>> year you could nicely buy your next iPhone outright.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [] On
>>> Behalf
>>> Of Daniel Miller
>>> Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 9:21 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Just got the iPhone 5s with AT&T and on the next plane and
>>> had
>>> a question
>>> Hi Joseph,
>>> Hotspot accès is included in that plan.
 On Apr 27, 2014, at 11:11 PM, Joseph Hudson  wrote:
 Hello to all, I have just now switched from Sprint to AT&T and got on
>>> next plan you know that one that is really $140? Well I have a quick
>>> question I'm thinking of going to school and Hadley and am going to use
>>> my
>>> iPad for that. So I was wondering if anybody knows whether AT&T is
>>> charging
 The hotspots while on the next plan. Thank you very much.
 Sent from my iPhone
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downloading books from Bard question

2014-05-01 Thread Paul and Paula Jordan
Hi, all.  This weekend I tried to download a book from Bard and was told
that the download was cued for download.  It didn't download the entire
weekend.  I had no access to WIFI and I suspect that was the issue, since,
as soon as I got to a place where I could use WIFI the download began and
was completed with no problem.  My question is:  Is there something I need
to change in the phone or Bard settings to allow downloading when I'm away
from a WIFI connection.  It seems to me that there was some talk about this
some time back, but my old brain can't remember what that was. Thanks in

God bless!

Paula and Babe

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RE: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Danny Leung
Hi David,

I am wondering... When you were using the H19TXT headset, have you
experience the volume of VO goes very loud when making a call?

I am currently using this headset with my iPhone 5. The VO volume always go
very loud every time I made the call from the headset. It is very bothering,
and concern. In fact, it also happens when I use other headset. Thus, I am
not sure is it my phone's problem, or headset issue.

I am wondering have you or other people encountered this kind of problem. 


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of David Chittenden
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

The Motorola H19TXT is a significantly improved headset. The battery life is
approximately nine hours. It uses Bluetooth 4.0. Finally, the audio delay is
shorter than any other Bluetooth earpiece I have used.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 2 May 2014, at 3:17, Casey  wrote:
> Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
> Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
> And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
> \The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over the
h 17 was.
> That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
> \And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need that
> but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17
battery life was.
> Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
> that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
> So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
> Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
> And the H 19 was for 100.00.
> When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
> That I had just purchased I said to myself.
> I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
> Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
> So I will ask on hear.
> What do you all think?
> Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9
hours of battery life?
> Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H 19
> I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text
> So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know what
you think.
> Thank you all and have A nice day.
> -- 
> Casey
> -- 
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Re: I found software to remove dead tracks from the iTunes library.

2014-05-01 Thread Gmail
Is there a way that I can tell iTunes for Windows to put all the tracks with 
missing links into one list or something? I don't want to remove them, I want 
to fix their links.


> On May 1, 2014, at 8:25 AM, Kliphton ---  wrote:
> There is a app for the mac that does this and much more!  It’s called 
> “tracsift”  It removes dead tracks, empty play lists, media with out lorries, 
> and some otters I can’t think of right now.  And it is only 1 dollar, 99 cent 
> to be exact.
> Kliphton
> ~iMessage,Email&FaceTime-Audio~
> ~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
> ~Text only~ 727-266-5283
> “Personal blog-read at your own risk!”
>> On Apr 28, 2014, at 1:25 AM, Kevin Minor  wrote:
>> Hi again.
>> I tried the following software that I’m going to mention, but it didn’t work 
>> the way I thought.  I just used it now, and it worked great.
>> The software is called IT Sync, and works great on a PC.  The main reason I 
>> like it is it will remove dead links to tracks in a library.  As an example, 
>> I have a Christmas folder with 1,200 songs in it.  I added this folder to my 
>> iTunes library, then simulated the “Christmas is over, so I don’t want those 
>> tracks in my library anymore.”  I renamed the folder and let IT Sync do its 
>> thing.  It took a while, but it did remove the now not working tracks from 
>> the iTunes library.  I’m happy now.
>> If you’d like to learn more about this software, just point your browser to
>> and you can buy it from there.  The cost of the program has gone down from 
>> $25 to $15, and in my opinion it’s worth the cost.  As I mentioned, it’s for 
>> a PC.  I don’t know if the company makes similar software for a MAC.
>> Just thought some of you might like to know.
>> Have fun, and don’t work too hard.
>> Kevin Minor, Lexington, KY
>> -- 
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RE: Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan

2014-05-01 Thread Sieghard Weitzel
Hi Donald,

What did you have problems with? I agree with DJ, just had a look at the
FreedomPop website and it seem perfectly accessible with proper links,
headings etc. Maybe you can describe the problem you encountered and it
would of course help to know which OS, browser and screenreader (including
which version) you are using.

I know people made a fairly big deal when T-Mobile offered the 200 Gb free
data for life with the purchase of an iPad, but this is even better if it
works. I'm not in the States but I'd certainly spend $30 to get a LTE device
for 500 Mb of free data.



-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Donald L. Roberts
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan

Although this sounds like a very good deal, I want to point out that the 
Freedompop web site is worse than a bad joke for persons using screen 

Don Roberts

On 5/1/2014 10:19 AM, Cristóbal wrote:
> Just to follow up, I saw this mentioned on Lifehacker earlier in the
> week as well. It was noted that Freedom Pop has been known for somewhat
> shady practices in the past, but is still considered one of the better
> deal data providers out there. Folks can go over to Lifehacker to read
> the post and go through the various comments to get a better feel too.
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Sieghard Weitzel
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 01, 2014 9:23 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan
> Hello all of those in the United States,
> I was just listening to the newest Today in iOS Podcast and thought I
> post a quick note about this. Rob did an interview in this episode with
> the Chief Operations Manager of FreedomPop, an MVNO which works on the
> Sprint network. FreedomPop is now offering a free plan which includes
> 200 voice minutes, 500 text messages and 500 Mb of data per month if you
> buy an iPhone 5 from them for $349. This is the original iPhone 5 which
> they procure and refurbish or, if you have an iPhone 4 or 5 on the
> Sprint network you can bring that over to them.
> They also offer unlimited voice and text and 500 Mb of data for $10.99
> and you can bring that down to I think around $7 if you prepay for a year.
> I believe their charge for going over the 500 Mb of data is at 2.5 Cents
> per Megabyte, so $2.50 for 100 Mb. If you were to use 1 Gb of data you
> would pay $10 extra.
> They also offer very inexpensive WiFi devices, $30 gets you a device
> which you can also sign up on a 500 Mb per month free plan.
> There is more they offer and you can check it out on their website,
>  and I would encourage
> everybody who is interested in iOS and the iPhone to sign up for the
> Today in iOS Podcast. You can listen to it using your favourite Podcast
> app such as Downcast, iCatcher or the Apple Podcast app, you can also
> listen to it on the free Stitcher Radio app and I believe on Agogo as
> well. Lastly, there is also the Today in iOS app which is $2.99 and
> which is accessible, it also sends you notifications if there are any
> breaking Apple news which Rob considers important. Once again, the
> interview is in the most recent episode which was just released, episode
> 305 and the interview starts about 13% into the Podcast or at about 10
> minutes and 50 seconds.
> Regards,
> Sieghard
> --
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Re: The Brailliant bi 32

2014-05-01 Thread Gmail
I own one of these displays, and unfortunately, this freezing happens to me 
quite a lot, even when I follow the correct procedure for turning off the 
display and phone.


> On May 1, 2014, at 2:56 PM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
> Hello Jennifer. I have the display, but I don't experience any issues of it 
> freezing.
> Hope Paulos
>> On May 1, 2014, at 5:54 PM, Jennie Facer  wrote:
>> Does anyone on this list have this display? I am having a lot of problems 
>> with it freezing. Does anyone know what I can do to stop it?
>> Thank you so much! 
>> Jenn
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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RE: Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan

2014-05-01 Thread DJ
Really?  I had absolutely no trouble with their website.  I found all of the
information I was looking for and barely had to dig for it.  What exactly
did you find not accessible?


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Donald L. Roberts
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan

Although this sounds like a very good deal, I want to point out that the 
Freedompop web site is worse than a bad joke for persons using screen 

Don Roberts

On 5/1/2014 10:19 AM, Cristóbal wrote:
> Just to follow up, I saw this mentioned on Lifehacker earlier in the
> week as well. It was noted that Freedom Pop has been known for somewhat
> shady practices in the past, but is still considered one of the better
> deal data providers out there. Folks can go over to Lifehacker to read
> the post and go through the various comments to get a better feel too.
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Sieghard Weitzel
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 01, 2014 9:23 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan
> Hello all of those in the United States,
> I was just listening to the newest Today in iOS Podcast and thought I
> post a quick note about this. Rob did an interview in this episode with
> the Chief Operations Manager of FreedomPop, an MVNO which works on the
> Sprint network. FreedomPop is now offering a free plan which includes
> 200 voice minutes, 500 text messages and 500 Mb of data per month if you
> buy an iPhone 5 from them for $349. This is the original iPhone 5 which
> they procure and refurbish or, if you have an iPhone 4 or 5 on the
> Sprint network you can bring that over to them.
> They also offer unlimited voice and text and 500 Mb of data for $10.99
> and you can bring that down to I think around $7 if you prepay for a year.
> I believe their charge for going over the 500 Mb of data is at 2.5 Cents
> per Megabyte, so $2.50 for 100 Mb. If you were to use 1 Gb of data you
> would pay $10 extra.
> They also offer very inexpensive WiFi devices, $30 gets you a device
> which you can also sign up on a 500 Mb per month free plan.
> There is more they offer and you can check it out on their website,
>  and I would encourage
> everybody who is interested in iOS and the iPhone to sign up for the
> Today in iOS Podcast. You can listen to it using your favourite Podcast
> app such as Downcast, iCatcher or the Apple Podcast app, you can also
> listen to it on the free Stitcher Radio app and I believe on Agogo as
> well. Lastly, there is also the Today in iOS app which is $2.99 and
> which is accessible, it also sends you notifications if there are any
> breaking Apple news which Rob considers important. Once again, the
> interview is in the most recent episode which was just released, episode
> 305 and the interview starts about 13% into the Podcast or at about 10
> minutes and 50 seconds.
> Regards,
> Sieghard
> --
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Re: The Brailliant bi 32

2014-05-01 Thread Hope Paulos
Hello Jennifer. I have the display, but I don't experience any issues of it 

Hope Paulos

> On May 1, 2014, at 5:54 PM, Jennie Facer  wrote:
> Does anyone on this list have this display? I am having a lot of problems 
> with it freezing. Does anyone know what I can do to stop it?
> Thank you so much! 
> Jenn
> Sent from my iPhone
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The Brailliant bi 32

2014-05-01 Thread Jennie Facer
Does anyone on this list have this display? I am having a lot of problems with 
it freezing. Does anyone know what I can do to stop it?

Thank you so much! 


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan

2014-05-01 Thread Donald L. Roberts
Although this sounds like a very good deal, I want to point out that the 
Freedompop web site is worse than a bad joke for persons using screen 

Don Roberts

On 5/1/2014 10:19 AM, Cristóbal wrote:

Just to follow up, I saw this mentioned on Lifehacker earlier in the
week as well. It was noted that Freedom Pop has been known for somewhat
shady practices in the past, but is still considered one of the better
deal data providers out there. Folks can go over to Lifehacker to read
the post and go through the various comments to get a better feel too.

*From:* [] *On
Behalf Of *Sieghard Weitzel
*Sent:* Thursday, May 01, 2014 9:23 AM
*Subject:* Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan

Hello all of those in the United States,

I was just listening to the newest Today in iOS Podcast and thought I
post a quick note about this. Rob did an interview in this episode with
the Chief Operations Manager of FreedomPop, an MVNO which works on the
Sprint network. FreedomPop is now offering a free plan which includes
200 voice minutes, 500 text messages and 500 Mb of data per month if you
buy an iPhone 5 from them for $349. This is the original iPhone 5 which
they procure and refurbish or, if you have an iPhone 4 or 5 on the
Sprint network you can bring that over to them.

They also offer unlimited voice and text and 500 Mb of data for $10.99
and you can bring that down to I think around $7 if you prepay for a year.

I believe their charge for going over the 500 Mb of data is at 2.5 Cents
per Megabyte, so $2.50 for 100 Mb. If you were to use 1 Gb of data you
would pay $10 extra.

They also offer very inexpensive WiFi devices, $30 gets you a device
which you can also sign up on a 500 Mb per month free plan.

There is more they offer and you can check it out on their website,  and I would encourage
everybody who is interested in iOS and the iPhone to sign up for the
Today in iOS Podcast. You can listen to it using your favourite Podcast
app such as Downcast, iCatcher or the Apple Podcast app, you can also
listen to it on the free Stitcher Radio app and I believe on Agogo as
well. Lastly, there is also the Today in iOS app which is $2.99 and
which is accessible, it also sends you notifications if there are any
breaking Apple news which Rob considers important. Once again, the
interview is in the most recent episode which was just released, episode
305 and the interview starts about 13% into the Podcast or at about 10
minutes and 50 seconds.



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RE: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Sieghard Weitzel
Hi Casey,

Well, if they charged $80 for it then you got hosed, on Amazon it's between
$27 and $32 for the most part.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Casey
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

Hi I purchased the h 17 text sorry about that.
And I purchased it at my local A T & T store.

On 5/1/2014 11:33 AM, Sieghard Weitzel wrote:
> You might want to search the archives for Motorola H17txt because I 
> seem to remember that David Chittenden posted a review and he said the 
> H17 did not have AD2P only the H17TXT. You said you bought the H17.
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Casey
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 8:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece
> Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
> Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
> And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
> \The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over 
> the h 17 was.
> That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
> \And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need 
> that future.
> but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17 
> battery life was.
> Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
> that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
> So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
> Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
> And the H 19 was for 100.00.
> When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
> That I had just purchased I said to myself.
> I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
> Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
> So I will ask on hear.
> What do you all think?
> Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9 
> hours of battery life?
> Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the 
> H
> 19 text?
> I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 
> text instead.
> So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know 
> what you think.
> Thank you all and have A nice day.


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Re: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...

2014-05-01 Thread Christina C.
Yes, the two-finger double tap to initiate dictation mode, then dictate, then 
the two-finger double tap to end dictation mode works in most edit fields. 
Usually, for most apps, as long as the keyboard is on the screen, I have been 
able to use this method. I have had success with most apps and only 
occasionally, I run into a glitch. In those cases though, the dictation button 
is greyed out and dictation just won't work.  :)  It only took once for me to 
get the hang of it. I will say though, if that keyboard is not pulled up, music 
will start playing instead. :) LOL! I've done that quite a few times.

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On May 1, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Don & Cher  wrote:

> Christina- I thought I had to find the dictate button to begin- and sometimes 
> it seemed illusive- so that prompted the question. I did not know that you 
> can begin dictation without a visible dictate button- thanks much for that 
> info. Thanks to both you and Shawn, it sounds like there are at least 2 ways 
> to make dictation easier.
> Cher
> From: [] On Behalf Of 
> Christina C.
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 1:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...
> Cher,
> I apologize, but I don't quite understand what you are asking for? Ok, if you 
> are in the messages app and you are in a conversation page that you are 
> having with John Doe, go to the bottom of the screen and do a one finger 
> double tap on the edit field text box. That should pull up the keyboard. If 
> the keyboard is already pulled up then the edit field text box where you will 
> type/dictate your reply will be closer to the middle of the screen, just 
> above the keyboard. You can touch the edit field just to make sure the cursor 
> is in the correct spot. :) Then, do a two finger double tap and you will hear 
> a tone. Start dictating and when you are done do another two-finger double 
> tap. Also, at the bottom of the keyboard to the left of the space bar is a 
> dictate button that you can use instead. I never use it but I think all you 
> do is double tap the button with one finger, dictate, then do a single finger 
> double tap since the dictate button would have been the last item touched on 
> the screen. I find the two finger double tap method to initiate and end 
> dictation mode much faster. :)
> HTH,
> Christina
> On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:38 PM, Don & Cher  wrote:
> Is there a way to direct her to reply to a message or do you just have to 
> start a new one each time? I have not found a way to dictate a reply from 
> inside the messages app- am I missing it? Thanks.
> Cher
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Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread David Chittenden
The Motorola H19TXT is a significantly improved headset. The battery life is 
approximately nine hours. It uses Bluetooth 4.0. Finally, the audio delay is 
shorter than any other Bluetooth earpiece I have used.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 2 May 2014, at 3:17, Casey  wrote:
> Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
> Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
> And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
> \The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over the h 
> 17 was.
> That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
> \And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need that 
> future.
> but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17 battery 
> life was.
> Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
> that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
> So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
> Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
> And the H 19 was for 100.00.
> When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
> That I had just purchased I said to myself.
> I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
> Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
> So I will ask on hear.
> What do you all think?
> Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9 hours 
> of battery life?
> Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H 19 
> text?
> I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text 
> instead.
> So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know what 
> you think.
> Thank you all and have A nice day.
> -- 
> Casey
> -- 
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RE: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...

2014-05-01 Thread Don & Cher
Christina- I thought I had to find the dictate button to begin- and
sometimes it seemed illusive- so that prompted the question. I did not know
that you can begin dictation without a visible dictate button- thanks much
for that info. Thanks to both you and Shawn, it sounds like there are at
least 2 ways to make dictation easier. 





From: [] On Behalf
Of Christina C.
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...




I apologize, but I don't quite understand what you are asking for? Ok, if
you are in the messages app and you are in a conversation page that you are
having with John Doe, go to the bottom of the screen and do a one finger
double tap on the edit field text box. That should pull up the keyboard. If
the keyboard is already pulled up then the edit field text box where you
will type/dictate your reply will be closer to the middle of the screen,
just above the keyboard. You can touch the edit field just to make sure the
cursor is in the correct spot. :) Then, do a two finger double tap and you
will hear a tone. Start dictating and when you are done do another
two-finger double tap. Also, at the bottom of the keyboard to the left of
the space bar is a dictate button that you can use instead. I never use it
but I think all you do is double tap the button with one finger, dictate,
then do a single finger double tap since the dictate button would have been
the last item touched on the screen. I find the two finger double tap method
to initiate and end dictation mode much faster. :)





On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:38 PM, Don & Cher 

Is there a way to direct her to reply to a message or do you just have to
start a new one each time? I have not found a way to dictate a reply from
inside the messages app- am I missing it? Thanks.






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RE: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...

2014-05-01 Thread Don & Cher
Shawn- I have asked Siri to read a message but am probably not sure exactly
where I was (app wise) at the time . She has not asked me to reply, but I
will be more deliberate about all of this and see if I get that response. 





From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 2:54 AM
Subject: RE: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...


Hi. If you're using Siri to reply to a message, one would think that you'd
have to launch Siri. Keep in mind that Siri and dictation are two different
things. Also, what I do to have her reply to texts is to tell her to read
messages. After she reads a message, she asks me if I want to reply. I say
yes and begin dictating my message.




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] On Behalf
Of Don & Cher
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 7:52 PM
Subject: RE: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...


Do you do this from the home screen or do you open the Messages app?


Thanks, Cher



From: [] On Behalf
Of Yolanda
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...


If it is the most recent message just say "reply" then your text, and it
works fine.

On 4/30/2014 4:38 PM, Don & Cher wrote:

Is there a way to direct her to reply to a message or do you just have to
start a new one each time? I have not found a way to dictate a reply from
inside the messages app- am I missing it? Thanks.





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Re: strange problems with mail on ipad: duplicate accounts in settings; no preview, etc.

2014-05-01 Thread Alex Hall
That's really odd, because they are not necessary. I leave hints off almost all 
the time, and have no auto-complete troubles. I start typing a name, then put a 
finger on the list of suggestions that will appear and double tap the one I 
want. If you want to, by the way, you can add hints to your rotor so you can 
turn them on and off at will without opening the settings.
On May 1, 2014, at 3:33 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> I seem to have solved the contact completion problem and the lack of preview 
> by turning hints back on in voiceover settings; I didn't realize they were 
> necessary.
>> -- 
>> Cheryl 
>> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
>> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash! 
>> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
>> His joy for my despairing tears! 
>> And now, every day:
>> "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
>> The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
>> his mercies never come to an end;
>> they are new every morning;
>> great is your faithfulness."
>> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
> On May 1, 2014, at 12:53 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> I'm having some really strange problems with mail on my ipad all of a 
>> sudden. But these problems aren't preventing me from receiving and reading 
>> mail.
>> (1) When I go into Settings, I see 8 account labels, a duplicate for each of 
>> my four. I don't think they were there before that way. But in the actual 
>> mail app, I see the normal configuration of all inbxoes, an inbox for each 
>> account, and then a button to go into the mailboxes for each account, and 
>> there are four accounts and no duplicates.
>> (2) I suddenly am not getting previews announced or showing with my braille 
>> display even though I have this set to five lines.
>> (3) I often get no completion choices when I put email addresses into an 
>> address field (to, cc, etc) 
>> Any ideas what is going on?
>>> -- 
>>> Cheryl 
>>> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
>>> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash! 
>>> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
>>> His joy for my despairing tears! 
>>> And now, every day:
>>> "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
>>> The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
>>> his mercies never come to an end;
>>> they are new every morning;
>>> great is your faithfulness."
>>> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: strange problems with mail on ipad: duplicate accounts in settings; no preview, etc.

2014-05-01 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I seem to have solved the contact completion problem and the lack of preview by 
turning hints back on in voiceover settings; I didn't realize they were 

> -- 
> Cheryl 
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash! 
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears! 
> And now, every day:
> "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
> The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
> his mercies never come to an end;
> they are new every morning;
> great is your faithfulness."
> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)

> On May 1, 2014, at 12:53 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
> I'm having some really strange problems with mail on my ipad all of a sudden. 
> But these problems aren't preventing me from receiving and reading mail.
> (1) When I go into Settings, I see 8 account labels, a duplicate for each of 
> my four. I don't think they were there before that way. But in the actual 
> mail app, I see the normal configuration of all inbxoes, an inbox for each 
> account, and then a button to go into the mailboxes for each account, and 
> there are four accounts and no duplicates.
> (2) I suddenly am not getting previews announced or showing with my braille 
> display even though I have this set to five lines.
> (3) I often get no completion choices when I put email addresses into an 
> address field (to, cc, etc) 
> Any ideas what is going on?
>> -- 
>> Cheryl 
>> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
>> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash! 
>> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
>> His joy for my despairing tears! 
>> And now, every day:
>> "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
>> The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
>> his mercies never come to an end;
>> they are new every morning;
>> great is your faithfulness."
>> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)

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Re: Fleksy

2014-05-01 Thread Chris Apple boy
Same here. I have both apps and will use Fleksy Vo until Fleksy has 

Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth!

On 01/05/2014 16:03, Alan Lemly wrote:

Thanks for pointing this out. It sounds like another thing they need to
address. I must admit I'm using Fleksy VO until these issues are resolved so
I haven't experienced all of the quirks.

Alan Lemly

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Cheryl Lenartiene
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: Fleksy

She's not the only one having this problem. I am also having problems with
Fleksy recognizing my swipes correctly. And I do make sure that I am swiping
only in the bottom half of the screen. It's very frustrating.


Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 30, 2014, at 8:00 PM, Alan Lemly  wrote:

Swiping down still works but you have to make sure you're swiping only in
the keyboard area or the swipe actions are ignored.

Alan Lemly

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 30, 2014, at 6:08 PM, Jennie Facer  wrote:

How do you get the list of words to come up if what you type isn't what we
wanted? Swiping down doesn't work anymore I guess.


Sent from my iPad

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Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Casey

Hi I purchased the h 17 text sorry about that.
And I purchased it at my local A T & T store.

On 5/1/2014 11:33 AM, Sieghard Weitzel wrote:

You might want to search the archives for Motorola H17txt because I seem to
remember that David Chittenden posted a review and he said the H17 did not
have AD2P only the H17TXT. You said you bought the H17.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Casey
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 8:17 AM
Subject: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
\The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over
the h 17 was.
That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
\And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need
that future.
but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17
battery life was.
Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
And the H 19 was for 100.00.
When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
That I had just purchased I said to myself.
I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
So I will ask on hear.
What do you all think?
Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9
hours of battery life?
Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H
19 text?
I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text
So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know
what you think.
Thank you all and have A nice day.


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Re: Lyft

2014-05-01 Thread Christina C.
Thanks! Also, I found where to find city specific charges. This link has a bit 
of info, but there is also a link to the list of cities, from there you can 
choose your city and look at the fees.
Sent from Christina's iPhone

> On May 1, 2014, at 12:03 PM, "Paul Ferrara"  
> wrote:
> The phone number works fine; you will not get spammed.
> Paul
> -Original Message- From: Christina C.
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 12:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Lyft
> I don't have facebook is it safe to register with my phone number? I am 
> paranoid about getting spammed. :) I guess I could ask Lyft when I email 
> them. Do you happen to know where I can get their support email address?
> Thanks so much,
> Christina
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:44 PM, Lelia  wrote:
>> Hi, you can write lyft support and ask for an estimate of the charge.  I did
>> that.  Also, you can tip them if you want or not.
>> lelia
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On Behalf
>> Of Christina C.
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:19 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Lyft
>> I downloaded the app since it claims to have drivers in our area. I did not
>> log into the app though. I read their terms of agreement and their help
>> section. I can't say that I understand at all what the charges will be. It
>> seems as though they are marketing this as sort of a community. However,
>> outside of California, it seems as though the drivers can suggest a donation
>> for the ride but it is up to us if we want to give more. I don't understand
>> this very well at all. So, does that mean all drivers will request a
>> slightly different donation? I'm confused. Also, if I request a drive, will
>> I know ahead of time before I commit to the ride, what the requested
>> donation/charge is? Or is the whole donation discussion in their terms of
>> agreement just talk but every driver in a particular area outside of
>> California will charge the same fees? Maybe somebody here can clear this all
>> up for me. :)
>> Thanks so much,
>> Christina
>> -- 
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>> directly rather than posting on the list itself. The archives for this list 
>> can be searched at
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> -- 
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Re: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Alan Paganelli
I think the question you have to ask yourself is do you usually talk longer 
then 5 hours a day.  If you talk that long that you need 9 hours of talk 
time, you need a secretary instead.



I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being 
ridiculous - everyone

hasn't met me yet.

Please click on:

There, you'll find free files of my arrangements and performances played on
the Yamaha Tyros 1 keyboard.  The albums in Technics  format formerly on my 
website are still available upon request.  Thanks for listening!

- Original Message - 
From: "Casey" 

Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 8:17 AM
Subject: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
\The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over
the h 17 was.
That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
\And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need
that future.
but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17
battery life was.
Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
And the H 19 was for 100.00.
When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
That I had just purchased I said to myself.
I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
So I will ask on hear.
What do you all think?
Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9
hours of battery life?
Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H
19 text?
I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text
So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know
what you think.
Thank you all and have A nice day.


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Re: Lyft

2014-05-01 Thread Paul Ferrara

The phone number works fine; you will not get spammed.


-Original Message- 
From: Christina C.

Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: Lyft

I don't have facebook is it safe to register with my phone number? I am 
paranoid about getting spammed. :) I guess I could ask Lyft when I email 
them. Do you happen to know where I can get their support email address?

Thanks so much,

On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:44 PM, Lelia  wrote:

Hi, you can write lyft support and ask for an estimate of the charge.  I 

that.  Also, you can tip them if you want or not.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Christina C.
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: Lyft

I downloaded the app since it claims to have drivers in our area. I did 

log into the app though. I read their terms of agreement and their help
section. I can't say that I understand at all what the charges will be. It
seems as though they are marketing this as sort of a community. However,
outside of California, it seems as though the drivers can suggest a 
for the ride but it is up to us if we want to give more. I don't 

this very well at all. So, does that mean all drivers will request a
slightly different donation? I'm confused. Also, if I request a drive, 

I know ahead of time before I commit to the ride, what the requested
donation/charge is? Or is the whole donation discussion in their terms of
agreement just talk but every driver in a particular area outside of
California will charge the same fees? Maybe somebody here can clear this 

up for me. :)

Thanks so much,

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Re: Noticed a fix with the BARD Mobile app and iOS 7.1.1

2014-05-01 Thread Christina C.
The two finger double tap is still working horribly for me. It works just as 
poorly, when I use the play/pause button on my headset or the apple headphones. 

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strange problems with mail on ipad: duplicate accounts in settings; no preview, etc.

2014-05-01 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I'm having some really strange problems with mail on my ipad all of a sudden. 
But these problems aren't preventing me from receiving and reading mail.

(1) When I go into Settings, I see 8 account labels, a duplicate for each of my 
four. I don't think they were there before that way. But in the actual mail 
app, I see the normal configuration of all inbxoes, an inbox for each account, 
and then a button to go into the mailboxes for each account, and there are four 
accounts and no duplicates.

(2) I suddenly am not getting previews announced or showing with my braille 
display even though I have this set to five lines.

(3) I often get no completion choices when I put email addresses into an 
address field (to, cc, etc) 
Any ideas what is going on?

> -- 
> Cheryl 
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash! 
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears! 
> And now, every day:
> "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
> The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
> his mercies never come to an end;
> they are new every morning;
> great is your faithfulness."
> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)

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Re: Getting SIRI to reply to a message...

2014-05-01 Thread Christina C.

I apologize, but I don't quite understand what you are asking for? Ok, if you 
are in the messages app and you are in a conversation page that you are having 
with John Doe, go to the bottom of the screen and do a one finger double tap on 
the edit field text box. That should pull up the keyboard. If the keyboard is 
already pulled up then the edit field text box where you will type/dictate your 
reply will be closer to the middle of the screen, just above the keyboard. You 
can touch the edit field just to make sure the cursor is in the correct spot. 
:) Then, do a two finger double tap and you will hear a tone. Start dictating 
and when you are done do another two-finger double tap. Also, at the bottom of 
the keyboard to the left of the space bar is a dictate button that you can use 
instead. I never use it but I think all you do is double tap the button with 
one finger, dictate, then do a single finger double tap since the dictate 
button would have been the last item touched on the screen. I find the two 
finger double tap method to initiate and end dictation mode much faster. :)


On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:38 PM, Don & Cher  wrote:

> Is there a way to direct her to reply to a message or do you just have to 
> start a new one each time? I have not found a way to dictate a reply from 
> inside the messages app- am I missing it? Thanks.
> Cher
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Re: Bard Mobile

2014-05-01 Thread Alan Paganelli
Yes, you can use the clock timer.  Where it says words to the effect of 
after the set time finishes, do the following, flick to the end of the 
choices to get to end process or words to that effect.  I left my phone in 
the other room or I would of looked up the exact terms but this should set 
you on the right path.



I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being 
ridiculous - everyone

hasn't met me yet.

Please click on:

There, you'll find free files of my arrangements and performances played on
the Yamaha Tyros 1 keyboard.  The albums in Technics  format formerly on my 
website are still available upon request.  Thanks for listening!

- Original Message - 
From: "clarence carter" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 5:56 PM
Subject: Bard Mobile

I can't find a way to set the sleep timer.  I thought that it had one.
If there is none can I use the timer on theI-phone to shut it off?

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Re: Net Flix

2014-05-01 Thread Alex Hall
Is this the one you're looking for?
On May 1, 2014, at 12:31 PM, Regina Alvarado  wrote:

> Since I have no idea how to paste a URL, all I can tell you is there is an 
> excellent podcast on applevis about Netflix. Maybe someone else can post it 
> for you and me?
> reggie and Allegra
> On May 1, 2014, at 12:08 PM, "MamaPeach"  wrote:
> The easiest way to use the NetFlix app is to do a search for the show you 
> want to watch. This seems to be the only way to access and play the shows 
> using VoiceOver.
> -Original Message- From: Terri Elliott
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 12:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Net Flix
> If anyone knows about the Net Flix app and how to go about accessing it
> and   listening to the tv  shows on it I'd appreciate any information
> about how to do   it.  Thanks.
> Terri
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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RE: Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan

2014-05-01 Thread Cristóbal
Just to follow up, I saw this mentioned on Lifehacker earlier in the week as
well. It was noted that Freedom Pop has been known for somewhat shady
practices in the past, but is still considered one of the better deal data
providers out there. Folks can go over to Lifehacker to read the post and go
through the various comments to get a better feel too.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Sieghard Weitzel
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 9:23 AM
Subject: Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan


Hello all of those in the United States,


I was just listening to the newest Today in iOS Podcast and thought I post a
quick note about this. Rob did an interview in this episode with the Chief
Operations Manager of FreedomPop, an MVNO which works on the Sprint network.
FreedomPop is now offering a free plan which includes 200 voice minutes, 500
text messages and 500 Mb of data per month if you buy an iPhone 5 from them
for $349. This is the original iPhone 5 which they procure and refurbish or,
if you have an iPhone 4 or 5 on the Sprint network you can bring that over
to them.


They also offer unlimited voice and text and 500 Mb of data for $10.99 and
you can bring that down to I think around $7 if you prepay for a year.


I believe their charge for going over the 500 Mb of data is at 2.5 Cents per
Megabyte, so $2.50 for 100 Mb. If you were to use 1 Gb of data you would pay
$10 extra.


They also offer very inexpensive WiFi devices, $30 gets you a device which
you can also sign up on a 500 Mb per month free plan.


There is more they offer and you can check it out on their website, and I would encourage everybody who is interested in iOS
and the iPhone to sign up for the Today in iOS Podcast. You can listen to it
using your favourite Podcast app such as Downcast, iCatcher or the Apple
Podcast app, you can also listen to it on the free Stitcher Radio app and I
believe on Agogo as well. Lastly, there is also the Today in iOS app which
is $2.99 and which is accessible, it also sends you notifications if there
are any breaking Apple news which Rob considers important. Once again, the
interview is in the most recent episode which was just released, episode 305
and the interview starts about 13% into the Podcast or at about 10 minutes
and 50 seconds. 






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Re: Lyft

2014-05-01 Thread Isaac Hebert
The email address is

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 1, 2014, at 11:35 AM, "Christina C."  wrote:
> I don't have facebook is it safe to register with my phone number? I am 
> paranoid about getting spammed. :) I guess I could ask Lyft when I email 
> them. Do you happen to know where I can get their support email address?
> Thanks so much,
> Christina
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:44 PM, Lelia  wrote:
>> Hi, you can write lyft support and ask for an estimate of the charge.  I did
>> that.  Also, you can tip them if you want or not. 
>> lelia
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On Behalf
>> Of Christina C.
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:19 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Lyft
>> I downloaded the app since it claims to have drivers in our area. I did not
>> log into the app though. I read their terms of agreement and their help
>> section. I can't say that I understand at all what the charges will be. It
>> seems as though they are marketing this as sort of a community. However,
>> outside of California, it seems as though the drivers can suggest a donation
>> for the ride but it is up to us if we want to give more. I don't understand
>> this very well at all. So, does that mean all drivers will request a
>> slightly different donation? I'm confused. Also, if I request a drive, will
>> I know ahead of time before I commit to the ride, what the requested
>> donation/charge is? Or is the whole donation discussion in their terms of
>> agreement just talk but every driver in a particular area outside of
>> California will charge the same fees? Maybe somebody here can clear this all
>> up for me. :)
>> Thanks so much,
>> Christina
>> -- 
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RE: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Sieghard Weitzel
Also, where did you buy your headset? On Amazon the H17TXT is listed for
around $30 give or take a few Dollars and the H19TXT is listed for $50.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Casey
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 8:17 AM
Subject: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
\The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over 
the h 17 was.
That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
\And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need 
that future.
but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17 
battery life was.
Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
And the H 19 was for 100.00.
When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
That I had just purchased I said to myself.
I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
So I will ask on hear.
What do you all think?
Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9 
hours of battery life?
Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H 
19 text?
I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text 
So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know 
what you think.
Thank you all and have A nice day.


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Re: Lyft

2014-05-01 Thread Christina C.
I don't have facebook is it safe to register with my phone number? I am 
paranoid about getting spammed. :) I guess I could ask Lyft when I email them. 
Do you happen to know where I can get their support email address?

Thanks so much,

On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:44 PM, Lelia  wrote:

> Hi, you can write lyft support and ask for an estimate of the charge.  I did
> that.  Also, you can tip them if you want or not. 
> lelia
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Christina C.
> Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Lyft
> I downloaded the app since it claims to have drivers in our area. I did not
> log into the app though. I read their terms of agreement and their help
> section. I can't say that I understand at all what the charges will be. It
> seems as though they are marketing this as sort of a community. However,
> outside of California, it seems as though the drivers can suggest a donation
> for the ride but it is up to us if we want to give more. I don't understand
> this very well at all. So, does that mean all drivers will request a
> slightly different donation? I'm confused. Also, if I request a drive, will
> I know ahead of time before I commit to the ride, what the requested
> donation/charge is? Or is the whole donation discussion in their terms of
> agreement just talk but every driver in a particular area outside of
> California will charge the same fees? Maybe somebody here can clear this all
> up for me. :)
> Thanks so much,
> Christina
> -- 
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RE: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Sieghard Weitzel
You might want to search the archives for Motorola H17txt because I seem to
remember that David Chittenden posted a review and he said the H17 did not
have AD2P only the H17TXT. You said you bought the H17.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Casey
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 8:17 AM
Subject: the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
\The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over 
the h 17 was.
That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
\And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need 
that future.
but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17 
battery life was.
Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
And the H 19 was for 100.00.
When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
That I had just purchased I said to myself.
I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
So I will ask on hear.
What do you all think?
Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9 
hours of battery life?
Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H 
19 text?
I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text 
So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know 
what you think.
Thank you all and have A nice day.


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Re: Net Flix

2014-05-01 Thread Regina Alvarado
Since I have no idea how to paste a URL, all I can tell you is there is an 
excellent podcast on applevis about Netflix. Maybe someone else can post it for 
you and me?

reggie and Allegra

On May 1, 2014, at 12:08 PM, "MamaPeach"  wrote:

The easiest way to use the NetFlix app is to do a search for the show you want 
to watch. This seems to be the only way to access and play the shows using 

-Original Message- From: Terri Elliott
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 12:03 PM
Subject: Net Flix

If anyone knows about the Net Flix app and how to go about accessing it
and   listening to the tv  shows on it I'd appreciate any information
about how to do   it.  Thanks.


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Re: Fleksy

2014-05-01 Thread Cheryl Lenartiene
I'm sure they'll work on it. I've found that if I type and swipe slowly and 
deliberately, it sort of works, but if I type with any speed at all, my swipes 
either get interpreted as taps, adding characters to the word, or in the case 
of the up/down swipes, they sometimes get treated like a rotor selection. 
Probably in those cases, I'm starting slightly outside the keyboard area when I 

Anyway, for now, I'm using MBraille. I know the Fleksy team are working hard, 
and I applaud their efforts.


Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 1, 2014, at 11:03 AM, "Alan Lemly"  wrote:
> Thanks for pointing this out. It sounds like another thing they need to 
> address. I must admit I'm using Fleksy VO until these issues are resolved so 
> I haven't experienced all of the quirks.
> Alan Lemly
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of 
> Cheryl Lenartiene
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 6:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Fleksy
> She's not the only one having this problem. I am also having problems with 
> Fleksy recognizing my swipes correctly. And I do make sure that I am swiping 
> only in the bottom half of the screen. It's very frustrating.
> Cheryl
> Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
> for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
> 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 8:00 PM, Alan Lemly  wrote:
>> Swiping down still works but you have to make sure you're swiping only in 
>> the keyboard area or the swipe actions are ignored. 
>> Alan Lemly 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 6:08 PM, Jennie Facer  wrote:
>>> How do you get the list of words to come up if what you type isn't what we 
>>> wanted? Swiping down doesn't work anymore I guess.
>>> Jenn
>>> Sent from my iPad
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Freedom Pop offers $349 iPhone 5 on free plan

2014-05-01 Thread Sieghard Weitzel
Hello all of those in the United States,


I was just listening to the newest Today in iOS Podcast and thought I post a
quick note about this. Rob did an interview in this episode with the Chief
Operations Manager of FreedomPop, an MVNO which works on the Sprint network.
FreedomPop is now offering a free plan which includes 200 voice minutes, 500
text messages and 500 Mb of data per month if you buy an iPhone 5 from them
for $349. This is the original iPhone 5 which they procure and refurbish or,
if you have an iPhone 4 or 5 on the Sprint network you can bring that over
to them.


They also offer unlimited voice and text and 500 Mb of data for $10.99 and
you can bring that down to I think around $7 if you prepay for a year.


I believe their charge for going over the 500 Mb of data is at 2.5 Cents per
Megabyte, so $2.50 for 100 Mb. If you were to use 1 Gb of data you would pay
$10 extra.


They also offer very inexpensive WiFi devices, $30 gets you a device which
you can also sign up on a 500 Mb per month free plan.


There is more they offer and you can check it out on their website,   and I would encourage
everybody who is interested in iOS and the iPhone to sign up for the Today
in iOS Podcast. You can listen to it using your favourite Podcast app such
as Downcast, iCatcher or the Apple Podcast app, you can also listen to it on
the free Stitcher Radio app and I believe on Agogo as well. Lastly, there is
also the Today in iOS app which is $2.99 and which is accessible, it also
sends you notifications if there are any breaking Apple news which Rob
considers important. Once again, the interview is in the most recent episode
which was just released, episode 305 and the interview starts about 13% into
the Podcast or at about 10 minutes and 50 seconds. 






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Re: Net Flix

2014-05-01 Thread MamaPeach
The easiest way to use the NetFlix app is to do a search for the show you 
want to watch. This seems to be the only way to access and play the shows 
using VoiceOver.

-Original Message- 
From: Terri Elliott

Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 12:03 PM
Subject: Net Flix

If anyone knows about the Net Flix app and how to go about accessing it
and   listening to the tv  shows on it I'd appreciate any information
about how to do   it.  Thanks.


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Net Flix

2014-05-01 Thread Terri Elliott
If anyone knows about the Net Flix app and how to go about accessing it 
and   listening to the tv  shows on it I'd appreciate any information 
about how to do   it.  Thanks.


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Re: I found software to remove dead tracks from the iTunes library.

2014-05-01 Thread Kliphton -------
There is a app for the mac that does this and much more!  It's called 
"tracsift"  It removes dead tracks, empty play lists, media with out lorries, 
and some otters I can't think of right now.  And it is only 1 dollar, 99 cent 
to be exact.


~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72

~Text only~ 727-266-5283

"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"

On Apr 28, 2014, at 1:25 AM, Kevin Minor  wrote:

> Hi again.
> I tried the following software that I'm going to mention, but it didn't work 
> the way I thought.  I just used it now, and it worked great.
> The software is called IT Sync, and works great on a PC.  The main reason I 
> like it is it will remove dead links to tracks in a library.  As an example, 
> I have a Christmas folder with 1,200 songs in it.  I added this folder to my 
> iTunes library, then simulated the "Christmas is over, so I don't want those 
> tracks in my library anymore."  I renamed the folder and let IT Sync do its 
> thing.  It took a while, but it did remove the now not working tracks from 
> the iTunes library.  I'm happy now.
> If you'd like to learn more about this software, just point your browser to
> and you can buy it from there.  The cost of the program has gone down from 
> $25 to $15, and in my opinion it's worth the cost.  As I mentioned, it's for 
> a PC.  I don't know if the company makes similar software for a MAC.
> Just thought some of you might like to know.
> Have fun, and don't work too hard.
> Kevin Minor, Lexington, KY
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the motorolla h 17 txt or the h 19 txt earm piece

2014-05-01 Thread Casey

Hi okay hear is what I would like to know.
Yesterday I went in to my local A T & T store.
And purchased the Motorola h 17 text.
\The sales person said that the only thing that the h 19 text had over 
the h 17 was.

That the H 19 had the NFC connection for android phones.
\And since I didn't have an android in having an iPhone I didn't need 
that future.
but when thing I didn't think of asking about was how long the H 17 
battery life was.

Well when I got home I looked it up and from what I Google it said.
that the H 17 has five hours of talk time.
So I looked up the H 19 and saw that it had 9 hours of talk time.
Now I got the H 17 for A little over 80.00.
And the H 19 was for 100.00.
When I saw the battery life listed for the H 17.
That I had just purchased I said to myself.
I should have gotten the H 19 for the longer battery life.
Since I was spending almost 100.00 anyway.
So I will ask on hear.
What do you all think?
Would you keep the H 17 or exchange it and get the H 19 text for the 9 
hours of battery life?
Since I am spending almost 100.00 for the H 17 and 20.00 more the the H 
19 text?
I feel that I should have spend the more money and gotten the H 19 text 
So everyone hear please look in to the two ear pieces and let me know 
what you think.

Thank you all and have A nice day.


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Re: Netatmo update fixes outdoor minimum/maximum temperature issue

2014-05-01 Thread Jan Kleinhans

Thank you very much for that.  Well, the important things are being done, and 
that's what it is all about.  No problem to keep on recording my data.  The 
wind sensor will certainly be a plus, as long as we can read all the 
information on this.  Would be interesting to hear your findings once you have 
your rain gauge.  Was wondering about the accuracy thing, was it 1 mm per hour? 
So, would that mean that, should it rain for 5 hours, you could in theory have 
5 mm to much or to little then?

Thanks all the same for a interesting topic.


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RE: Fleksy

2014-05-01 Thread Alan Lemly
Thanks for pointing this out. It sounds like another thing they need to
address. I must admit I'm using Fleksy VO until these issues are resolved so
I haven't experienced all of the quirks.


Alan Lemly


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Cheryl Lenartiene
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: Fleksy


She's not the only one having this problem. I am also having problems with
Fleksy recognizing my swipes correctly. And I do make sure that I am swiping
only in the bottom half of the screen. It's very frustrating.


Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 30, 2014, at 8:00 PM, Alan Lemly  wrote:

Swiping down still works but you have to make sure you're swiping only in
the keyboard area or the swipe actions are ignored. 

Alan Lemly 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 30, 2014, at 6:08 PM, Jennie Facer  wrote:


How do you get the list of words to come up if what you type isn't what we
wanted? Swiping down doesn't work anymore I guess.




Sent from my iPad



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Re: BARD mobile question

2014-05-01 Thread Wayne Merritt
I like this default setting and the fact that the app remembers what
speed I have individual books set to. Since in a few books, the speed
I have set it to is different than the default. Much of this depends
on the reading speed of the narator as well.


On 4/30/14, Christopher J Chaltain  wrote:
> You can also go into settings and set the default speed. This way every
> time you start a new book, it'll start off at your default speed.
> On 4/30/2014 5:19 PM, Alan Paganelli wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'll assume here you have the bard app opened and a Audio book loaded
>> and all you have to do is to hit the play button. Just below the play
>> button is speed button.start your book and now touch the speed
>> button.  Flick up with 1 finger to speed up the playback.  Flick down
>> with 1 finger to slow the speed down. The app will announce the word
>> normal when you return to the normal playback speed.
>> HTH
>> Regards,
>> Alan
>> I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being
>> ridiculous - everyone
>> hasn't met me yet.
>> Please click on:
>> HTTP://
>> There, you'll find free files of my arrangements and performances
>> played on
>> the Yamaha Tyros 1 keyboard.  The albums in Technics  format formerly
>> on my website are still available upon request.  Thanks for listening!
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Jim Portillo 
>> *To:* 
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 30, 2014 2:25 PM
>> *Subject:* BARD mobile question
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to read something on BARD and wonder if the voice could
>> be sped up.  Every time I adjust the speed, it adjusts Voiceover's
>> speed, but not the narrator or recording of the book.  What am I
>> doing wrong?
>> Jim
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Re: Other Findings With Fleksey

2014-05-01 Thread Isaac Hebert
I am not noticing any of this when I use fleksy. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 1, 2014, at 8:19 AM, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
> Hello,
> I finally took the plunge and updated Fleksey. After reading all the threads 
> on the list, I made sure that I was in the lower half of the screen for the 
> keyboard and turned on voices in the settings, which is off by default. Here 
> are some of my observations and I was wondering if others are having them too.
> 1. When I swipe after entering a word, there may be a secon or two that VO 
> will announce the word just entered.
> 2. Sometimes, I need to swipe to the right more than once for the word to he 
> entered by Fleksey.
> 3. VO is very choppy when the voice setting in the settings menu is turned 
> on. 
> 4. Enforcing the capital on a letter is still difficult to do and I miss 
> placing my hand over the sensor to have my text read back by VO.
> The amount of room given to the keyboard is less and that's only a matter of 
> getting use to it and muscle memory.
> Best,
> Eileen
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Please Help Bring VoiceOver Accessibility Back to A T & T Navigator

2014-05-01 Thread Wayne Merritt
You might also consider leaving a negative review in the App Store.
Developers seem to look a those reviews for how they are doing with
the apps development. Not saying that they will disregard your email,
but it is good to cover bases when dealing with the larger developers
and companies.


On 5/1/14, Bill Dengler  wrote:
> People actually use AT&T navigator?
> Bill
> On May 1, 2014, at 2:42 AM, M. Taylor  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> The Most Recent Version of A T & T Navigator, version 3.2.25, is a mixed
>> bag
>> of good and bad.
>> Today, A T & T posted the latest version of its GPS software navigation
>> solution, A T & T Navigator version 3.2.25, to the Apple App Store.
>> Regrettably, I must report that, while this completely redesigned GPS
>> navigation solution offers dazzling new features such as the ability to,
>> while navigating, send real-time up-to-date estimated times of arrival
>> (via
>> either email or SMS) to any recipient, the ability to share POI details
>> with
>> anyone including non-A T & T Navigator travelers, the ability to search
>> for
>> incidental and/or specific POIs while navigating, etc, it has broken many
>> of
>> the core Navigator VoiceOver accessible controls such as the ability to
>> use
>> the groundbreaking A T & T Navigator VoiceSearch feature (arguably the
>> best
>> feature of the app), the ability to review, via VoiceOver of course, the
>> VoiceSearch results list of points-of-interest (POIs), the ability to
>> configure the app's settings, and more.
>> Even worse, with this release, many of the app's basic controls are
>> either
>> no longer VoiceOver accessible or no longer properly labeled.
>> Coincidentally, many of the new features, including those listed above
>> are
>> completely VoiceOver accessible.
>> I am posting this here to request your support in my effort to compel A T
>> &
>> T to address these VoiceOver accessibility bugs.  You may send your
>> emails,
>> requesting improved VoiceOver accessibility to:
>> Thank you so much.
>> Most Sincerely,
>> Mark
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Other Findings With Fleksey

2014-05-01 Thread Eileen Misrahi

I finally took the plunge and updated Fleksey. After reading all the threads on 
the list, I made sure that I was in the lower half of the screen for the 
keyboard and turned on voices in the settings, which is off by default. Here 
are some of my observations and I was wondering if others are having them too.

1. When I swipe after entering a word, there may be a secon or two that VO will 
announce the word just entered.
2. Sometimes, I need to swipe to the right more than once for the word to he 
entered by Fleksey.
3. VO is very choppy when the voice setting in the settings menu is turned on. 
4. Enforcing the capital on a letter is still difficult to do and I miss 
placing my hand over the sensor to have my text read back by VO.

The amount of room given to the keyboard is less and that's only a matter of 
getting use to it and muscle memory.


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: .ogg files

2014-05-01 Thread Bill Dengler
"GNU Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from
   the Web.  It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as
   retrieval through HTTP proxies.

   Wget is non-interactive, meaning that it can work in the background,
   while the user is not logged on.  This allows you to start a retrieval
   and disconnect from the system, letting Wget finish the work.  By
   contrast, most of the Web browsers require constant user's presence,
   which can be a great hindrance when transferring a lot of data.

   Wget can follow links in HTML, XHTML, and CSS pages, to create local
   versions of remote web sites, fully recreating the directory structure
   of the original site.  This is sometimes referred to as "recursive
   downloading."  While doing that, Wget respects the Robot Exclusion
   Standard (_ /_ r_ o_ b_ o_ t_ s_ ._ t_ x_ t).  Wget can be instructed to 
convert the links in
   downloaded files to point at the local files, for offline viewing.

   Wget has been designed for robustness over slow or unstable network
   connections; if a download fails due to a network problem, it will keep
   retrying until the whole file has been retrieved.  If the server
   supports regetting, it will instruct the server to continue the
   download from where it left off."

On May 1, 2014, at 8:33 AM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 

> That's how i got it from wikipedia. What is WGET? Anyhow, you'll find it if 
> you look up Mad World on Wikipedia.
> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 1, 2014, at 15:13, Bill Dengler  wrote:
>> Looks invalid to me. Then again, wget could've butchered it.
>> Bill
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 3:57 PM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 
>>  wrote:
>>> I tried it with the following link and it didn't work: 
>>> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 29, 2014, at 18:33, isaac  wrote:
 Vlc is a media player for mac pc and iOS devices that allows you to play 
 files with multiple formats.
 On Apr 29, 2014, at 10:32 AM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 
> What's VLC?
> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 28, 2014, at 14:17, Bill Dengler  wrote:
>> Install vlc?
>> Not sure if it's in the iOS app store since I'm mostly an Android user.
>> Bill
>>> On Apr 28, 2014, at 6:56 AM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 
>>>  wrote:
>>> I usually encounter these music files in Wikipedia articles. Whenever I 
>>> try to play them, I  am told that Safari cannot download the file. Why 
>>> is this and what can I do about it? 
>>> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: .ogg files

2014-05-01 Thread Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
That's how i got it from wikipedia. What is WGET? Anyhow, you'll find it if you 
look up Mad World on Wikipedia.

Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
Sent from my iPhone

> On May 1, 2014, at 15:13, Bill Dengler  wrote:
> Looks invalid to me. Then again, wget could’ve butchered it.
> Bill
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 3:57 PM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 
>>  wrote:
>> I tried it with the following link and it didn't work: 
>> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 29, 2014, at 18:33, isaac  wrote:
>>> Vlc is a media player for mac pc and iOS devices that allows you to play 
>>> files with multiple formats.
 On Apr 29, 2014, at 10:32 AM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 
 What's VLC?
 Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
 Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 28, 2014, at 14:17, Bill Dengler  wrote:
> Install vlc?
> Not sure if it's in the iOS app store since I'm mostly an Android user.
> Bill
>> On Apr 28, 2014, at 6:56 AM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 
>>  wrote:
>> I usually encounter these music files in Wikipedia articles. Whenever I 
>> try to play them, I  am told that Safari cannot download the file. Why 
>> is this and what can I do about it? 
>> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Re: Please Help Bring VoiceOver Accessibility Back to A T & T Navigator

2014-05-01 Thread Bill Dengler
People actually use AT&T navigator?

On May 1, 2014, at 2:42 AM, M. Taylor  wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> The Most Recent Version of A T & T Navigator, version 3.2.25, is a mixed bag
> of good and bad.
> Today, A T & T posted the latest version of its GPS software navigation
> solution, A T & T Navigator version 3.2.25, to the Apple App Store.
> Regrettably, I must report that, while this completely redesigned GPS
> navigation solution offers dazzling new features such as the ability to,
> while navigating, send real-time up-to-date estimated times of arrival (via
> either email or SMS) to any recipient, the ability to share POI details with
> anyone including non-A T & T Navigator travelers, the ability to search for
> incidental and/or specific POIs while navigating, etc, it has broken many of
> the core Navigator VoiceOver accessible controls such as the ability to use
> the groundbreaking A T & T Navigator VoiceSearch feature (arguably the best
> feature of the app), the ability to review, via VoiceOver of course, the
> VoiceSearch results list of points-of-interest (POIs), the ability to
> configure the app's settings, and more.
> Even worse, with this release, many of the app's basic controls are either
> no longer VoiceOver accessible or no longer properly labeled.
> Coincidentally, many of the new features, including those listed above are
> completely VoiceOver accessible.  
> I am posting this here to request your support in my effort to compel A T &
> T to address these VoiceOver accessibility bugs.  You may send your emails,
> requesting improved VoiceOver accessibility to: 
> Thank you so much.
> Most Sincerely,
> Mark
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Re: .ogg files

2014-05-01 Thread Bill Dengler
Looks invalid to me. Then again, wget could've butchered it.

On Apr 30, 2014, at 3:57 PM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 

> I tried it with the following link and it didn't work: 
> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 29, 2014, at 18:33, isaac  wrote:
>> Vlc is a media player for mac pc and iOS devices that allows you to play 
>> files with multiple formats.
>> On Apr 29, 2014, at 10:32 AM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 
>>  wrote:
>>> What's VLC?
>>> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Apr 28, 2014, at 14:17, Bill Dengler  wrote:
 Install vlc?
 Not sure if it's in the iOS app store since I'm mostly an Android user.
> On Apr 28, 2014, at 6:56 AM, Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy 
>  wrote:
> I usually encounter these music files in Wikipedia articles. Whenever I 
> try to play them, I  am told that Safari cannot download the file. Why is 
> this and what can I do about it? 
> Haya Simkin & guide dog Pammy
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Fleksy

2014-05-01 Thread Cheryl Lenartiene
She's not the only one having this problem. I am also having problems with 
Fleksy recognizing my swipes correctly. And I do make sure that I am swiping 
only in the bottom half of the screen. It's very frustrating.


Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 30, 2014, at 8:00 PM, Alan Lemly  wrote:
> Swiping down still works but you have to make sure you're swiping only in the 
> keyboard area or the swipe actions are ignored. 
> Alan Lemly 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 6:08 PM, Jennie Facer  wrote:
>> How do you get the list of words to come up if what you type isn't what we 
>> wanted? Swiping down doesn't work anymore I guess.
>> Jenn 
>> Sent from my iPad
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Grail to the Thief: An Interactive Audio Adventure

2014-05-01 Thread Phil Vlasak
Hi Folks,
Congratulations to For All To Play 
They reached their $8,00 KickStarter goal for developing a for Windows, Mac OS 
X, and Linux game.
They only need $816 to reach their IOS Mobile Version goal in the next 3 days.
Grail to the Thief: An Interactive Audio Adventure 
by For All To Play 
from Worcester, MA 
Grail to the Thief is an interactive audio adventure for the blind and visually 
for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that can be played using only sound, without 
the need for visuals. The game has been designed with the needs of the blind 
and visually impaired in mind but is also designed to be played by the 
non-impaired. Our goal is to deliver an exciting, immersive experience in which 
the player will always be fully aware of what is happening through the use of 
voice-overs, sound effects, ambient sound and music.
In Grail to the Thief, players make their choices through a conversation tree, 
eliminating the confusion and frustration that comes with traditional text 
adventure games, which require players to type in commands to progress. The 
game is a nostalgic throwback to childhood favorites such as Zork, The 
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Day of the Tentacle, and Grim Fandango, and 
draws inspiration from old BBC radio dramas and the movie Time Bandits.
The game stars Hank Krang, a dirty thief from the near future, who recently had 
a self-aware time machine called the Time Excursion Digital Interface, or TEDI, 
fall into his lap after a poker game. He has decided to use this technology to 
go throughout time, stealing priceless artifacts. On his first adventure, Grail 
to the Thief, Hank travels to Arthurian times in search of the Holy Grail.
The idea for the game came about when we were conducting research into game 
design for the visually impaired. During this time, we conducted interviews at 
Perkins School for the Blind and performed extensive research which led us to 
discover that few games are available to the blind and visually impaired, and 
many of the games that are available are severely dated, lack the quality and 
polish of games for the sighted, and rely on synthesized computer voices such 
as screen readers in order to play.
Grail to the Thief is designed to address these problems, and the game will be 
just as accessible and exciting an experience for the blind and visually 
impaired as it will be for the non-impaired. Your funding will help us deliver 
an interactive audio adventure with an engaging story, interesting characters, 
professional voiceovers and sound effects, and accessible controls. The game 
will be available as a DRM-free download for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux in 
August 2014.
Play the Prototype! 
We developed a browser based prototype of Grail to the Thief. The prototype 
requires Google Chrome or Opera and is accessible at The interface and some of the audio in the 
prototype are placeholder assets and will be replaced in the complete game, 
which will be a standalone executable and will not require a web browser to 
Steam Greenlight
Help us bring Grail to the Thief to Steam by voting for us on Steam Greenlight. 
Those that pledge $5 or more will receive a Steam key for the game upon it 
being greenlit.
Our Team
Elias Aoude
Business & Production
Elias received his Bachelor of Science in Interactive Media Design from The New 
England Institute of Art, and is currently obtaining his Master's of Science in 
Interactive Media & Game Development at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Elias 
has over five years experience in the Interactive Media industry, and is 
responsible for business development and overseeing production of Grail to the 
Anthony Russo
Game & Sound Design
Anthony received his Bachelor of Science in Interactive Media & Game 
Development at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He is responsible for the game 
design, sound design, and writing on Grail to the Thief.
DJ White
Game Programming
DJ received his Bachelor of Science in Interactive Media & Game Development 
from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. DJ is responsible for all of the tech 
that makes Grail to the Thief run. He makes sure that controls are responsive, 
all sounds are implemented and running smoothly, and that the game is free of 
bugs and game breaking technical issues.
Thanks to Brian Moriarty and Keith Zizza for advising us during the design, 
development, and production of the Grail to the Thief prototype. Thanks to 
Jennifer deWinter, Frank Hoy, and Dean O'Donnell for advising us on our quest 
to bring the game to market. Thanks to Greg Moore, who's invaluable testing 
methodologies allowed us to identity and address potential problems early in 
the production process.
To build this game, we need to reach our fundraising goal of $8,000. Your 
funding will help cover the costs of software licensing, game development, 
backer reward fulfillment, and Kickstarter and Amazon credit card processing 