I think media outlets put it out there because it's clip bait like Brian said. 
People like to be part of a team or a tribe, and they want to see their side 
win. I think this information is useful for Apple, Google and smart phone 
manufacturers, I mean Google would like to know why they're losing market 
share. I don't think it's useful for the average user though. I want both 
platforms to keep improving, and I want there to be enough users of each 
platform so I'll always have a choice.

BTW, I see this same brand loyalty around other products as well, such as cars, 
TV's, sound systems and so on.

Christopher (AKA CJ) =>÷
Chaltain at Outlook, USA

From: viphone@googlegroups.com <viphone@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Sieghard 
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 11:57 AM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Android fans are switching to iPhones in record numbers

I don't understand why so many people including media outlets always refer to 
this as a "war" or "battle". Why is nobody talking this way about cars, washing 
machines or digital SLR cameras? Sure, there is competition in those fields, 
but that is just what it is, competition. As for Apple and Android this 
so-called war which Apple is supposedly winning also seems to be fought 
entirely in the US because while Apple may be very popular here and maybe also 
in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some other western countries, Apple will 
never "win" in countries like India, the Philippines, Indonesia or in most 
South American and African countries simply because the majority of people 
there can't afford an iPhone. Of course they also can't afford any of the 
flagship phones from Samsung, Google or Motorola, but there are plenty of cheap 
Android phones out there and simply by the fact that there is such a huge 
number of devices, Apple will never get past Android in terms of market share. 
It would be like saying Mercedes or BMW is winning the war against Toyota or 
Kia and such articles are nothing more than click bait.

From: viphone@googlegroups.com<mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com> 
<viphone@googlegroups.com<mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Dennis 
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2023 3:04 PM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com<mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Android fans are switching to iPhones in record numbers

I found this article a  very interesting article  and it confirms  what I 
Android fans are switching to iPhones in record numbers - here's why
Android fans are switching to iPhones in record numbers - here's why
Axel Metz
Thu, May 18, 2023 at 7:31 AM CDT
Image representing the rising stock of iPhones and the falling stock of Androids
The Android vs iPhone debate - or rather, the Android vs iOS debate - has raged 
for as long as both operating systems have been out in the wild, but new
figures suggest one camp will be the much happier of the two in 2023.
According to a new report from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), 
the last 12 months have seen Apple lure more users away from Android than
at any other point in the last five years. The research institute found that, 
from March 2022 to March 2023, 15% of individuals who purchased an iPhone
indicated that they had switched from an Android phone.
In other words: iPhones are winning the war. But why? In this article, we 
highlight five possible reasons - some objective, some subjective - why Android
phones continue to lose so much ground to Apple's pocket-sized marvels.

1. iPhones offer longer software support
The strongest hold iPhones have over Android phones is their superior 
longevity. Apple generally supports new iPhones with iOS updates for five or six
years after their release, and those updates come to all devices in one fell 
swoop. Sure, the oldest devices don't always support every new feature of
a given iOS update, but their security and basic functionality are maintained 
to a high standard for an impressively long time (there's a reason why you
still see so many banged-up iPhone 8s knocking around).

Android phones, on the other hand, aren't supported for anywhere near as long 
as iPhones. Samsung, for instance, offers four years of software updates
and five years of security updates for the best Samsung phones, while Google 
offers Pixel users three years of software updates (and the same security
commitment). You do the math: you're able to use iPhones for longer.

As TechRadar's US Mobiles Editor, Philip Berne - a loyal Android fan - recently 
wrote in an article pleading with Google to give Android its day in the
sun at Google I/O 2023: "We respect things that are reliable. We respect 
products that last and last, proving their value. We respect devices that exceed
our expectations and don't let us down.

"If I buy an iPhone 14 today, I know that Apple will support it for five or six 
years to come, maybe more. [...] That's long enough to be a hand-me-down,
which is game-changing when a phone costs so much. I can use my iPhone 14 Pro 
for 3 years, then give it to my child to keep for another few years. I know
that I'll have the same parental locks and protection that I have today because 
Apple will keep updating.

"If I buy a Samsung or Google phone today, the best I can hope for is four 
years of updates, and that's only if I buy the best phones. If I buy anything
less, that lifespan for support gets cut considerably."

2. iPhones offer better resale value
As a by-product of their superior longevity, iPhones offer better resale value 
than Android phones. They're smarter investments for those who regularly
chop and change their devices, being some of the most expensive phones to buy 

Take the iPhone 13 series, for example. At launch, the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 
Pro cost $799 / £779 / AU$1,349 and $999 / £949 / AU$1,699, respectively.
Two years later, and you're still able to get around 75% of that cost back, 
depending on your chosen marketplace.

For comparison, Samsung's 2021 flagship phone, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, 
cost $1,199 / £1,149 / AU$1,849 at launch and retails for some 60% less on
the second-hand market in 2021 (and that's going by eBay - where used iPhones 
cost the most).

3. iPhones offer iMessage
iPhones offer iMessage whereas Android phones don't. Why does this matter to 
people? It's hard to say for sure, but we suspect that the reasons go beyond
a simple preference for blue-colored messaging bubbles.

Rather than just being a fancy version of SMS (Short Message Service), iMessage 
behaves in a similar way to Facebook Messenger. Messages, photos, and videos
sent between iPhone users use Wi-Fi and data instead of eating into users' text 
message plans, and this dissociation with cellular networks allows for
a bevy of iMessage-specific features. You can react and reply to iMessages, 
translate them, and even send money in the Messages app using Apple Cash.
None of this is possible through basic SMS messaging, and although a new 
communication standard - RCS (Rich Communication Service) - may eventually 
the messaging experience between Android and iOS devices, Apple has so far 
shown an (understandable) reluctance to level the playing field.

4. iPhones are more popular with young people
We'll rip the band-aid off: iPhones are still seen as cooler than Android 
phones in 2023. Why? It's hard to say, but their popularity among young people
is undeniable.

As Phil puts it in his aforementioned article: "The Wall Street Journal says 
that Gen Z leads the charge toward Apple dominance. I can personally attest
to that, as my son is 14 and he has an iPhone 11. It is not his first iPhone 
11, it's his third, since he's broken a couple over the years.
"Every time he breaks his iPhone I ask if he wants to trade it for something 
else. 'A better iPhone?' He asks. Well, no, I explain. A Samsung Galaxy S23
Plus. See, Samsung will give you good money for your iPhone, even if it's 
broken, and all you have to do is switch...

"He waves me off with a flap of his hand. This conversation ended before it 
began. He wouldn't switch from his iPhone. There's no chance, I needn't suggest
it. He can't even explain why. His friends all have iPhones. Does it bother him 
when a friend shows up with a green bubble in a chat? He doesn't know,
because it hasn't happened yet." Ouch.

5. iPhones boast a better app selection
This one's a little subjective, but iPhones offer a better app selection than 
Android phones. To be clear: we're not talking about numbers here - in fact,
some reports have it that the Google Play Store boasts almost two million more 
apps than Apple's App Store. But the unprovable truth is that App Store
apps tend to be of a higher quality than their Google Play counterparts.

Why? There are two reasons, in our book. The first is that app developers 
typically make more money through iOS, so they prioritize the App Store when
it comes to the speed and polish of their products. The second is that Apple's 
App Store offers a larger selection of pro-level creativity and productivity
apps - those which are optimized for the respective screen sizes of the iPhone 
and iPad, whereas Android tablet apps are not always optimized.

The takeaway
It's no secret that Google faces an uphill battle if it hopes to close the gap 
between Apple and its iOS-powered iPhones, not least because popularity
breeds more popularity. The more people that use iPhones, the more popular 
iPhones become - and it's not a great look when those users continue to defect
from Android in increasing numbers.

So, what can Android developers do to stop the exodus? They should start by 
taking a leaf out of Apple's book and streamlining the whole operating system.
The first time you boot up an Android phone, you're met with tons of garbage - 
games, in-house apps, third-party apps - that just aren't of any interest
to most people. Who needs two photo gallery apps, anyway?
To its credit, Android is definitely a more versatile platform than iOS, but 
great customization shouldn't come at the expense of usability, and there's
no denying that Apple has nailed down the 'anyone can use this' aesthetic of 
iOS. Your grandma or teenage daughter probably wouldn't have a hard time setting
up a new iPhone straight out of the box, but Android phones are still seen as 
much more complex devices filled with options and shortcuts that baffle and
deter the unfamiliar user.

Finally, there's the "Which Android are you using?" question. Because Android 
is available from a wide variety of handset manufacturers, there's no telling
which version of Android you'll get. With iPhone, if you buy a new one, it will 
have the latest version of iOS. Even if you get a used one, you can instantly
- assuming it supports it - upgrade to the latest version. Android may never 
catch up to Apple if it can't get every partner (and the carriers who often
control updates) on the same page.
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