Re: [Virtuoso-users] use of "grab-" pragmas

2011-07-04 Thread Таня Тарасова
Hi Hugh,

yes, I can send my files to you. There are three of them, less than 150 KB in 
total. How can I send them to you? I'm sorry it's the first time I'm using a 
mailing list and I'm not sure if it is ok to attach my files to this 
broadcasting email.

Thank you,

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Virtuoso RDFXX Error Unknown language

2011-07-04 Thread Таня Тарасова
Hello Hugh,

yes, you were right the needed id was missing from the DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE 
table. I started an empty database and that helped, thank you very much for 
your assistance!

Would be good to know why it could happen just to avoid such errors in the 
future, starting a new database always could be time consuming :(

Thank you,

[Virtuoso-users] Virtuoso RDFXX Error Unknown language

2011-07-03 Thread Таня Тарасова

Does anybody happens to know how to fix this error: 

"Virtuoso RDFXX Error Unknown language in DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE_OF_OBJ, bad 
string "丰沙尔""

It occurred when I tried to do filtering by language:

?dbpedia_city rdfs:label ?label .
filter (lang(?label) ="en" ) .

will be grateful!

Re: [Virtuoso-users] use of "grab-" pragmas

2011-07-02 Thread Таня Тарасова

I have just noticed I answered only to Hugh first time. Anyway, thanks for your 
advise, Hugh, I installed the 6.3.1 version.

Unfortunately , it didn't solve my issue. So, I will just ask again the whole 
list. Specially, I found that somebody already experienced similar issue and 
also with lat/long here [1]. I don't know if it was resolved though...

When I am using "grab-var" pragma it looks like some of the resources are 
downloaded partially, e.g. this resource ;. 
I check it out from the local storage afterwards and the geo:lat and geo:long 
properties were not returned (not only them). But this resource 
; is downloaded with geo:lat and 
geo:long perfectly...

So, I don't think the problem is with my query. By the way, the FED-query 
returns lat/long for all the resources (just the execution time is unacceptably 
long). Is there a way to increase the timeout?

Also, I already faced with "partial" downloading while I was uploading a data 
set to my local graph and Virtuoso rejected it as not valid (but I validated it 
before). Then, just the part of the graph was downloaded, even though I 
expected not valid RDF files should not be downloaded either partially or 
completely. Anyway, such graphs contain "-" symbol in local part of QName, 
which I believe was reason why they were considered not valid before. So, I was 
thinking could it be any connection between Virtuoso considering graphs with 
"-" not valid and partial downloading of some of the resources from dbpedia 
with lat/long literals (which also contain signs "+/-").

If anybody faced similar issue before and knows how to solve it I will be 
grateful if you share it with me :)

Thank you,


[Virtuoso-users] use of "grab-" pragmas

2011-06-29 Thread Таня Тарасова
Hello dear Virtuoso-users!

I am a newbie in Virtuoso, and I am seeking for your advises since I didn't 
manage to solve my problem with the Virtuoso documentation I considered 
relevant. So probably you may point out what I am doing wrong or where I could 
look for more detail. I would appreciate any help!

I am using Virtuoso Open Source Edition v.6.1( from debian packages). I am 
using its native quad store to store my RDF files and to post queries against 
its SPARQL-endpoint to mash-up data from my files with the data from external 
data sets. My Virtuoso instance is running locally.

I was following tutorials [1], [2] and 16.2 Section [3] from the Virutoso 
documentation to construct queries which would retrieve data from my local 
graphs and DBpedia. I was also looking at the example queries from [4]. But 
still I think I am missing something regarding what different "grab-" pragmas 

For example, in my data sets I have statistical data about cities and I set up 
"owl:sameAs" links to the DBpedia cities. I want to be able to retrieve 
"geo:lat" and "geo:long" values for my cities from DBpedia.

I tried the following pragmas:

 1) "grab-var":

define input:grab-var "dbpediaConcept"

2) "same-as" + "grab-follow-predicate"

define input:same-as "yes"
define input:grab-follow-predicate geo:lat
define input:grab-follow-predicate geo:long

3) "grab:all"

define input:grab-all "yes"

And the query itself is:
select distinct ?myConcept ?lat ?long
{?myConcept owl:sameAs ?dbpediaConcept .

 ?dbpediaConcept  ?lat ;
 ?long . 

But with these queries I returned only subset of "myConcept". The simplest 
explanation is that "owl:sameAs" links were set up wrong. But I checked 
them...and I run the same federated query which did return all the data from 
my data sets bounded with the DBpedia data:

select * where

   {?x  ?lat ;
  ?long .}

   ?myConcept owl:sameAs ?x .

I believe I am missing some other pragmas in my extended SPARQL queries or I am 
using them wrong? I would greatly appreciate if you could advise me what I am 
doing wrong... 

Thank you,
