RE: vnc & streaming?

2004-02-12 Thread Rick W. Vanover IV
The problem isn't VNC, as you can't take screen shots of this content

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Anant Rao
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 10:23 PM
Subject: vnc & streaming?

If there's a program like Real player streaming(playing) video on a VNC
server machine, can we see the video on the VNC client machine? I
couldn't - but just checking if there's any setting. Thanks,
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vnc & streaming?

2004-02-12 Thread Anant Rao
If there's a program like Real player streaming(playing) video on a VNC
server machine, can we see the video on the VNC client machine? I couldn't -
but just checking if there's any setting.
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Re: Unable to remove VNC Password even on uninstall

2004-02-12 Thread Tom Lemcke
I'm sorry, but could you please specify the OS?

- Original Message -
From: "Geoff Inman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 7:01 PM
Subject: Unable to remove VNC Password even on uninstall

> Hi I recently installed realvnc on one of our branch pc's.  I told someone
> to install it with a password that they chose.  I thought then I could
> on and use there password and then install then fix up the password with
> correct one this worked in windows but not at the login screen.
> Any ideas of how to fix this problem?
> ___
> VNC-List mailing list
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VNC on Sun and OGL

2004-02-12 Thread Shaw, Kevin
VNC 3.3.7 
Sun Ultra60 Solaris 8 latest MU and patches
Generic PC running WINNT OR XP pro
SDRC I-Deas9 m3
VNC is configured to run out of inetd.

I need to use a cheap PC in my conference room to display
I-Deas9. I can start I-Deas in X3D fine, but when I start I-Deas9
in OGL I get the following error (I need OGL to manipulate
shaded graphics).

Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display "unix:1.0"

Is this problem an issue with VNC or do I need a graphics
card that supports OGL for the PC?

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Unable to remove VNC Password even on uninstall

2004-02-12 Thread Geoff Inman
Hi I recently installed realvnc on one of our branch pc's.  I told someone
to install it with a password that they chose.  I thought then I could jump
on and use there password and then install then fix up the password with the
correct one this worked in windows but not at the login screen.  


Any ideas of how to fix this problem?
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Re: sleepy mouse

2004-02-12 Thread John E. Peterson
M$ USB optical (the cute red light) mouse.

Really wierd.  The screen wakes up, but not the mouse.  If I call home and
have someone "jiggle" the mouse, it wakes up and I'm fine.


- Original Message - 
From: "Seak, Teng-Fong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "vnclist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:26 AM
Subject: RE: sleepy mouse

> It seems that even if remote mouse isn't working properly, VNC still
manages to use it.  Well, maybe I'm wrong.  What mouse are you using?  PS/2
or USB?
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De : John E. Peterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Envoyi : mercredi 11 fivrier 2004 22:50
> > @ : vnclist
> > Objet : sleepy mouse
> >
> > Has anybody run into a mouse on the server end that won't wake up?  My
> > wakes up (Screen) but the mouse won't wake back up.  Since it won't wake
> > up on the server, I can't make my local mouse control the cursor on the
> > server.
> >
> > XP Pro SP1 on the server.  (acutally, the same here).
> >
> > JP
> > ___
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RE: Remote access through firewall

2004-02-12 Thread Wayne Ivory
Thanks for replying Teng-Fong.  Yes, in fact there is a firewall although I
didn't explicitly spell it out - I have the same situation as in the FAQ I
referred to whereby my workplace has a firewall that I don't really know
much about (Squid I think).



-Original Message-
From: Seak, Teng-Fong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 12 February 2004 6:13 PM
Subject: RE: Remote access through firewall

Are you implying that you've got a firewall somewhere between your
WinME and internet?  From your (succinct) description, it doesn't seem so.
In other words, if your WinME is connected directly to Internet, then you
could ask your wife to put the mouse pointer on VNC icon which is in system
tray and wait for a second, and she'll get the IP address.  Use this address
to connect to her PC.  HTH

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Wayne Ivory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The FAQ "How can I get a VNC Viewer to connect through a firewall I don't
> control" is almost an exact fit for my situation, except that rather than
> having a Linux server at home I've just got a Windows ME computer
> via a modem straight to the internet.  (Basically my wife uses it during
> day whilst I'm at work but she's not particularly computer-literate and
> sometimes calls me when she gets confused about something - it would be a
> big help if I could just VNC in from work to sort it out).
> The FAQ says "The above example presumes that the VNC Server is running on
> Linux, but it of course works perfectly well if you're running on Windows
> too", however I'm having trouble making that leap.  The references in
> Benjamin Weiss' article to "localhost" and "log into your machine with
> Putty" and "/etc/sysconfig/vncservers set up with a static port :4" seem
> geared specifically to a Linux environment and I can't figure out what the
> translation to a standalone Windows ME machine would be for those parts.
> I'm trying to get this working with RealVNC.
> A reply here on the list and/or an expansion on the FAQ would be most
> welcome.
> Thanks
> Wayne Ivory
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RE: Problems connecting through SSH, through two NAT routers

2004-02-12 Thread Derek R.
   On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:33:04 -0600, Glenn Lovitz wrote:
   > Interesting problem.  I have done this in similar situations
   > successfully via
   > PuTTY but my tunnel looks a little different than yours.  Are you
   > running
   > vncserver on both BOX_1 and BOX_2?  If so, both on port 5900?  If
   > so, I
   > suspect all the networks involved use 192.168.0 (or the same
   > private) address
   > space (certainly the case on LinkSys to LinkSys)which will cause a
   > fundamental
   > problem locally on BOX_2.  It will intercept the return packet on
   > it's own
   > port 5900 thinking it is incoming from your internal network to it
   > rather than
   > being sent back out through the tunnel.

   TCP can't be confused in this fashion; it does not make the connection
   from  5900 to 5900, but instead makes it from (temp port) to 5900. All
   packets  would  be  sent  back to (temp port) on the viewer machine or
   tunnel-machine.  Even  if  somehow  this  were  happening, I would get
   "failed  connection" messages, as NO packets would successfully return
   --  instead  I get a login prompt and successful-connection reports in
   my logfiles. You can look at NETSTAT /AN and see what I mean.

   However,  in  this instance (as mentioned in the other message) the IP
   address  ranges  aren't  even  identical; 192.168.1.* at home, 10.* at
   work, so the identical-IP stuff doesn't even apply here.

   Also, just for giggles, I installed a server on BOX_2 and attempted to
   vNC  to  it; same problem. (changing the forward from 5900: BOX_1:5900
   to 5900: localhost:5900 and 5900: BOX_2:5900, of course).

   > Even if that is not your situation exactly, try a tunnel that looks
   > like:
   > L5910 :5900 

   I  haven't  used the IP addresses yet. I suppose I should try that and
   see  what  happens,  although for DNS or reverse-DNS to be the problem
   here would be very weird.

   (I  have changed the local ports, remember: tried it on 9876 and 5631,

   -- Derek
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RE: Problems connecting through SSH, through two NAT routers

2004-02-12 Thread Derek R.
   On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 11:46:22 +0100, Seak, Teng-Fong wrote:
   > Service parameters can be specified using regedit.  Goto
   > HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\S ervices\ and find the key for vnc.
   > VNC3 calls it winvnc, while VNC4 calls it WinVNC4.  The service
   > executable is specified in ImagePath value.  Use it with care :)

   I  suppose I'm not surprised that Windows honors parameters grafted on
   in this fashion. Should've checked that myself.

   > What are the network addresses behind both routers?  I ask so
   > because those articles on networking I've read which deals routing
   > always use example of distinguished network addresses.  Nothing is
   > said about what would happen if they're the same.  Would that work?
   >  Is it your case?

   Identical  network  addresses  shouldn't  matter  -- the CSocket class
   identifies  a stream, and it really does open a "pipe" between the two
   sockets.  Once  the  pipe's enabled, all communication flows using the
   handle,  not the IP. Also, if this were the reason, I wouldn't be able
   to  make  the SSH connection, n'est-ce pas? However, in this case they
   aren't  even  identical;  I'm  192.168.1.* at home, 192.168.0.* at the
   friend's, and 10.* at work.

   -- Derek
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Re: To the list owner

2004-02-12 Thread Benjamin Watkins
I agree.  I also believe that most spam filters will allow you to configure 
them to allow all messages addressed to a particular mailing list for 
exactly this purpose.  For instance, all VNC list emails are addressed to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], which should give the email a pass through the filter.

-Ben : )

At 05:02 PM 2/12/2004 , William Hooper wrote:
Sid Price said:
> Hello,
> I am new to this list and I have a request that the list name be added to
> the subject of all messages by the server. This would make getting the
> list
> messages through my spam filters, most other lists I subscribe to have a
> leader on the subject, e.g. [VNC].
I would say if your spam filter reliese on subject lines it's time to get
a new spam filter.
A better way would be to look at the existing headers that are being added
to mail now (for example List-Id or X-BeenThere).
William Hooper
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RE: NT 3.51 install

2004-02-12 Thread James Weatherall

I believe that that's an artificial limit set by the installer, although it
is the case that 3.3.7 has not been tested under Windows 3.51.  Your two
options are:

- Install VNC 3.3.7 or VNC 4b4 under NT4 or above, then copy the installed
files to try them under NT3.51.
- Download VNC 3.3.3 from the AT&T Labs archive site, which has a much older


Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.
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RE: VNC server crash on W2K sp4 box

2004-02-12 Thread James Weatherall

You will probably find that VNC 4 will run better on your problem Windows 2K
system, in spite of still being in Beta!  There is a known situation in
which VNC 3.3.7 will stop unexpectedly, as a result of corrupt return values
from certain operating system APIs.


Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.
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Re: To the list owner

2004-02-12 Thread William Hooper
Sid Price said:
> Hello,
> I am new to this list and I have a request that the list name be added to
> the subject of all messages by the server. This would make getting the
> list
> messages through my spam filters, most other lists I subscribe to have a
> leader on the subject, e.g. [VNC].

I would say if your spam filter reliese on subject lines it's time to get
a new spam filter.

A better way would be to look at the existing headers that are being added
to mail now (for example List-Id or X-BeenThere).

William Hooper
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Re: RedHat 9 vncserver

2004-02-12 Thread Rasjid Wilcox
On Friday 13 February 2004 02:40, Judge Maygarden wrote:
> I guess what I'm really asking is this: Can I use VNC to view what the
> user, physically logged in at the RedHat 9 machine, is doing, like I can
> with Windows 2000 (i.e. mouse movements)?

Yes, I believe that this is possible, and that in particular RealVNC 4.0 has 
this funcationality as part of the standard package.  See

There are third party utilities to achieve the same effect for older versions 
of vnc.  See in 

I have cc'd this back to the list, since there are others on the list that may 
be able to provide more info.



Rasjid Wilcox
Canberra, Australia (UTC +11 hrs)
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NT 3.51 install

2004-02-12 Thread Gary Wills
I need to install VNC to a NT 3.51 machine. Which version do I need to use and
is there anything else I need to do. I have tried 3.3.7 and get an error
saying it can only go on NT 4.0.


Gary Wills
PC Lan Tech
Clark Regional Medical Center


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VNC server crash on W2K sp4 box

2004-02-12 Thread Graham White

I've done a bunch of research on this and was wondering if anyone has found
an absolute cure:

Host machine: Win2K Advanced Server SP4
Running: VNC Server 3.3.7
Clients: VNC Viewer 3.3.7 >> Win98SE (local LAN), WinXP Home x 2 (1 local
LAN, 1 across internet)

Server sits behind Linksys router (NAT) which in turn is connected to DSL
modem. The appropriate ports are being forwarded to the VNC host machine.

Clients on the internal network (using viewer 3.3.7 > Win98SE & WinXP) both
seem to be stable.
When i connect from my WinXP client from a remote Internet location (also
behind NAT gateway), every so often the following behaviour occurs:

Connect and prompted for password authentication.
Enter password.
Screen changes as if everything's A-OK. Window appears with grey background
with the text: 'Please wait initial screen loading...' (at least something
to that effect).
That stays on for approximately 30-45 seconds and then vanishes. Just ups
and disappears with nothing to show for it. The task doesn't seem to be
running anymore.
Try to reconnect. Almost immediately a 'fail to connect' alert box is
Try to reconnect via Java/browser, with no luck.

Logging into the host machine from the console, the system tray icon is
there but disappears when moused over.
Restart the service using the services window. no system tray icon
Reconnect from remote station. No problems occur.

My testing is on-going but this is getting annoying. Haven't seen this occur
through Java only yet.

I've done a lot of searching through the mailing list archives with no
concrete solutions. There is no BSOD - the server doesn't go down - only the
VNC service does. In fact there's an entry in the System Event Log (source
Service Control Manager):

Type: Error
User: N/A
Category: None
Event ID: 7031
The VNC Server service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s).
The following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: No action.

So the service goes down, and doesn't restart. Can't reconnect through any
means unless the service is restarted manually.

Any one have any concrete solutions? Is this version incompatible with
Win2K? Should i try a new version? An old version? Etc.

Thanks for your time!!
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RE: Problems connecting through SSH, through two NAT routers

2004-02-12 Thread Glenn Lovitz
Interesting problem.  I have done this in similar situations successfully via
PuTTY but my tunnel looks a little different than yours.  Are you running
vncserver on both BOX_1 and BOX_2?  If so, both on port 5900?  If so, I
suspect all the networks involved use 192.168.0 (or the same private) address
space (certainly the case on LinkSys to LinkSys)which will cause a fundamental
problem locally on BOX_2.  It will intercept the return packet on it's own
port 5900 thinking it is incoming from your internal network to it rather than
being sent back out through the tunnel.

Even if that is not your situation exactly, try a tunnel that looks like:

L5910 :5900 

e.g.: Source Port - 5910
  Destination - :5900 

destination should be local with X display location of localhost:0 (which you
probably already have).

To connect to BOX_1 from your viewer at work (or friend's with LinkSys): make
the tunnel connection via PuTTY; then vncviewer should connect via

Good Luck,

Glenn Lovitz

>-Original Message-
>Behalf Of Derek R.
>Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:36 PM
>Subject: Problems connecting through SSH, through two NAT routers
>Stop.  Read this paragraph prior to responding.  If you think
>that I haven't RTFM, think again.  If you think I'm not
>capable of forwarding ports correctly, think again.  This is
>not your usual "i can't connect through a router" post.  This
>is a unique situation that I haven't found anywhere in the
>archives, and I've done an extensive search through them.
>Everything I know says this should work, ... except it's not,
>and I don't want to wade through "garbage" replies telling me
>to check things I've already checked five times.
>Description:  I have a vNC server set up on one home machine
>(BOX_1), and a Cygwin SSH server set up on a second machine
>(BOX_2).  I wish to connect from my machine at work (WORK_1)
>to BOX_1.  I am using vNC 4.0b4 on all machines.  The home
>machine is running in "service" mode and configured to accept
>from all addresses.  I am behind a Linksys router at home.  I
>have forwarded port 22 TCP through the router to BOX_2, which
>is where the Cygwin SSH server lives.  I use Putty at work,
>and set it up to forward port 5900 on localhost to port 5900 on BOX_1.
>I fire up Putty from work, make a connection, and get the SSH
>login prompt.  I can login successfully, and get a shell
>prompt on BOX_2 at home.  I launch the vNC viewer, aim it at
>"localhost", and I am prompted for the vNC password.  I enter
>the password, it displays a black screen and times out with
>the error "read: Connection reset by peer (10054)".
>Things I know right now:
>-- If I walk to the console of BOX_2 and launch the vNC
>Viewer, I can connect to BOX_1 successfully.  This _should_
>rule out any configuration problems with vNC, because the
>tunneled connection is ALSO coming from BOX_2.
>-- I am able to make the SSH connection successfully.  This
>_should_ rule out any port-forwarding issues with the Linksys
>router, as if I wasn't doing that correctly, it wouldn't
>connect to the SSH port.  This _should_ also rule out any
>configuration issues with Putty or Cygwin itself, as the SSH
>connection will stay up forever.
>-- I am being prompted for the vNC password.  This _should_
>rule out any tunneling-configuration issues with Putty,
>because if I couldn't make the initial connection, I wouldn't
>be prompted for the password.
>-- I can go to my friend's house, who is connected via DSL and
>*not* behind a router, and use Putty/vNC to connect to BOX_1
>successfully, given the above parameters.  It all works great,
>as it should.
>-- I can go to my OTHER friend's house, who is connected via
>DSL and *IS* behind a router (Linksys), and experience
>identical symptoms to those described above.  This _should_
>rule out any work-related issues such as "they're blocking
>traffic", etcetera, because my friend doesn't have the
>capacity to do any of that on his router, and doesn't even
>have any ports forwarded.
>-- My event log contains nothing useful:  its only message
>after a "connection accepted" one is "Connections: closed:
>(clean disconnection)".
>This paints me into a very, very small corner.  The only
>difference between the One That Works, and the Ones That
>Don't, is that for the Ones That Don't, there is a router
>using NAT on the ORIGINATING side of the connection.  The only
>thing I can come up with from THERE is that vNC does some sort
>of reverse authentication based on comparing the viewer's IP
>address and the connecting IP address in order to foil
>spoofing, and because I'm behind NAT in two directions, it
>doesn't match up and therefore breaks the connection.
>So, can anyone point to the incorrect link in this chain, or
>provide additional information on what vNC is trying to do?  I
>sure can't.
>-- Derek

Re: Test - can anyone see the body of this email?

2004-02-12 Thread Andrew Borland

All I see is that which I quote below.

The same is true for 7 other recent messages of yours.  Is this the 
ultimate virus removal tool, it just deletes everything!


> Subject: Test - can anyone see the body of this email?
> From: John E Kimberly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 10:53:01 -0500
> - (on galaxy)
> This email has been scanned using Trend Micro AntiVirus Technology
> -
> ___
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Re: Multiple VNCViewer connections t0 Linux VNC server

2004-02-12 Thread William Hooper
Carlos Sunden said:

> It mentions to add another number for the user host,
> such as, firstuser:1, firstuser:2. When using 1,it
> works, but it doesn't work for other numbers.

Where are you trying to put this?  What exactly do you have there when it
works and then when it doesn't?

William Hooper
VNC-List mailing list
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Re: RedHat 9.0 Linux and VNC install.

2004-02-12 Thread William Hooper
Tom Lemcke said:
>> Again, this is not unusual.  To help in the future:
>> # rpm -ql vnc
>> To find just the binaries
>> # rpm -ql vnc | grep bin
>> --
>> William Hooper
> I've tried this, but can't find the bins for the actual VNC server. Only
> something that looks like a a Perl script, maybe something that need to be
> compiled, I don't know.

vncserver has always been a perl script.

> But what I really want to run is VNC server under
> a
> user account and have it load on startup. Please help me out here, it's
> getting frustrating. Thanks in advanced.

Depending on what you want there are a couple of different ways.  See:

William Hooper
VNC-List mailing list
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Re: Test - can anyone see the body of this email?

2004-02-12 Thread William Hooper
Nope.  Try adjusting your mailer to send out plain text mails.  Taking a
look at the headers:

X-Converted-To-Plain-Text: from multipart/alternative by demime 0.99d.1
X-Converted-To-Plain-Text: Alternative section used was text/plain

So the mail server is trying to convert it to text/plain, but must be
having issues.

William Hooper
VNC-List mailing list
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Re: RedHat 9.0 Linux and VNC install.

2004-02-12 Thread Tom Lemcke
> Again, this is not unusual.  To help in the future:
> # rpm -ql vnc
> To find just the binaries
> # rpm -ql vnc | grep bin
> --
> William Hooper

I've tried this, but can't find the bins for the actual VNC server. Only
something that looks like a a Perl script, maybe something that need to be
compiled, I don't know. But what I really want to run is VNC server under a
user account and have it load on startup. Please help me out here, it's
getting frustrating. Thanks in advanced.

> ___
> VNC-List mailing list
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Multiple VNCViewer connections t0 Linux VNC server

2004-02-12 Thread Carlos Sunden

I've been able to connect to the vncserver running in

Since it is two users required to acces system
remotely, I'd like the capability of doing this, that
way, either user keeps his own applications, etc, open
& do not disturb (close a terminal window, etc) each

It mentions to add another number for the user host,
such as, firstuser:1, firstuser:2. When using 1,it
works, but it doesn't work for other numbers.

Thanks, any input is appreciated.


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Test - can anyone see the body of this email?

2004-02-12 Thread John E Kimberly
- (on galaxy)

This email has been scanned using Trend Micro AntiVirus Technology

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Re: WinVNCViewer: keyboard randomly flips UK/US

2004-02-12 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Hi Rod, hi Tim,

this is probably not a VNC thing but a Windows thing. I had a similar problem mostly 
in Lotus Notes.

Windows can manage separate keyboard mappings for different programs using the "Text 
Services and Input Languages" (Languages tab) portion of the "Regional and Languages" 
service of the Control Panel.

In the Key Settings I found that Left Alt+Shift is set up to switch between input 
languages. Now, I have a habit of letting my fingers rest on the right shift key while 
thinking about what I write, which activates the Filter Keys functionality (try 
searching windows help on that). When I escape out of the resulting dialog, the 
keyboard state is such that the left shift is still activated. Pressing it will 
deactivate it. But if I press the alternate key before that, the keyboard mapping gets 
changed for the active application. If you show the language bar on the desk top, you 
can see and change the current setting on the task bar.



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RE: vncviewer; no Alt-Gr chars on german keyboard

2004-02-12 Thread James Weatherall
Dr. Wehler,

VNC 4 has generally better keyboard handling than the VNC 3.3 series, so you
may find that it works better on your SuSE system.


Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.
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Re: Disconnect in inetd mode

2004-02-12 Thread Tristan Richardson
You can do this with version 4 using inetd's "wait" mode.  See the man page for more details.



- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:23 AM
Subject: Disconnect in inetd mode

> Hi,
> If Xvnc is started from (x)inetd, is it still possible to disconnect and
> reconnect to a session while all the applications keep running?
> If so, and if an xdmcp query is being used for the login, what password
> is used for the VNC reconnect? I manually tried it and no password seem
> to be necessary!
> What I need is a way to automatically start up an X session when a user
> connects, they can disconnect and reconnect to it (possible from another
> computer), and finally close down the session at will.
> Inetd seems to get close, but I don't see how the disconnect and
> reconnect can work with that setup.
> ___
> VNC-List mailing list
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To the list owner

2004-02-12 Thread Sid Price
I am new to this list and I have a request that the list name be added to
the subject of all messages by the server. This would make getting the list
messages through my spam filters, most other lists I subscribe to have a
leader on the subject, e.g. [VNC].
Sid Price's Software Tools
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RE: Trouble connecting VNC Server using "Tight Encoding"

2004-02-12 Thread James Weatherall
Sounds like a bug in TightVNC, or in the Solaris build of it.  You might
have more luck reporting this to the developer.

Alternatively, you might prefer to upgrade to VNC 4, of course.


Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.
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RE: VNC-List digest, Vol 1 #801 - 32 msgs

2004-02-12 Thread James Weatherall
You *must* be running the VNC Server as a service under Windows NT/2000/XP,
etc for Ctrl-Alt-Del to work remotely.  It won't work remotely under Windows


Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.
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Re: VNC-List digest, Vol 1 #801 - 32 msgs

2004-02-12 Thread support
> Message: 7
> To: "vnclist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Ctrl-alt del or alt-tab on remote
> Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 10:50:52 -0500
> Is it possible to do the equivalent of an alt-tab sequence (switch
screens) or
> Ctrl Alt Delete (task manager) to the remote machine (server) from VNC
> Viewer??
> If an app hangs up it would sure be nice to be able ro restart it without
> having to have someone on site to do it for you!!
> --__--__--
> Message: 8

> Depending on your version and platform either right-click the title bar of
> the viewer or hit F8 to get the menu, then just select "Send
> Ctrl-Alt-Del".  Note that if you are running your VNC server on a Win9X
> platform I don't know if it will work as expected.

Doesn't work as expected on W98SE or W2000 server
> -- 
> William Hooper
> --__--__--
> Message: 10
> From: "James Weatherall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'vnclist'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Ctrl-alt del or alt-tab on remote
> Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 16:45:34 -
> Organization: RealVNC Ltd.
> Send Ctrl-Alt-Del is an item on the F8 menu, accessible by pressing F8 in
> the VNC Viewer window.
Right click on top bar - no F8 - and send Ctrl Alt Del does not work.
> Cheers,
> Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.
> --__--__--
> End of VNC-List Digest
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Re: Problems connecting through SSH, through two NAT routers

2004-02-12 Thread William Hooper
Derek R. said:
>> I knew how to increase debugging, but I'm drawing a blank... Ah,
>> here it is:
>> -log ::
>> There's more info there as to the values.
>How  does  one  start  a  server  in  service-mode  with  command line
>parameters? ;)

Regedit is your friend. :-)

>Side  note:  When  I  tried this from _vncviewer_ before, I didn't get
>EventLog  as  a valid destination in the --help, and all the values of
>   i   tried  exploded  in  my  face.

No, that is literally the word "file".  IIRC it is hard coded to put the
file in the C:\temp directory (and running "strings" on the winvnc4.exe
and vncviewer.exe confirms it).

>  I  just  now  tried  -log
>*:EventLog:99  from  vncviewer,  and  while  it doesn't SAY it's doing
>anything, it did log some things. I'll try that tomorrow and see if it
>works,  but  that  might  want  to get put in to fix at some point. It
>would've  been  nice to know that, although admittedly, that *is* what
>"beta" means, eh? =)
>Is  there a known value for the "level" that will log More Information
>Than I Want(tm)? That doesn't seem to be documented either.

100 is the "most verbose".

It is documented in beta4 better than it was in beta3 (which is why I was
surprised to see it in -help :-).

>> Since I've seen wierder things... what happens if you use the
>> hostname
>> (instead of localhost) in the tunnel?  Or forward to another
>> machine?
>I  don't  forward  to  localhost; I *do* forward directly to the other
>machine's  5900, with the hostname specified in the tunnel. But I have
>tried   it   both   ways   (localhost:5900   ->   localhost:5900)  and
>(localhost:5900  ->  BOX_1:5900), and it gets the same results. Fairly
>predictable, unfortunately.

Like I said, I've seen wierder things, so it was worth a shot.

William Hooper
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RE: VNC-List request

2004-02-12 Thread Seak, Teng-Fong
Are they in the same network, having the same network parameters like subnet 
mask, default gateway and most important DNS.

Could you ping the remote PC from your Winkk?

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Ericson LeBlanc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyi : jeudi 12 fivrier 2004 02:19
> Objet : RE: VNC-List request
> I have Vnc Server running on two separate Pc'c. One Pc is running windows Me
> and the other is running windows 2000. Both are configured the same.
> However when I try to connect to my remote office servers and othe computers
> , I cannot do it on the machine with windows 2000, only on the machine with
> Me.With windows 2000, it says server unavailable, switch over to windows ME,
> no problem.
> Please help.
> Regards
> Ricksho
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RE: vncviewer; no Alt-Gr chars on german keyboard

2004-02-12 Thread Seak, Teng-Fong
Copy n paste from local ;)

Open a text editor in local, type the characters and copy 'n paste them in 


> -Message d'origine-
> De : Dr. Andreas Wehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyi : jeudi 12 fivrier 2004 12:18
> Objet : vncviewer; no Alt-Gr chars on german keyboard
> Hi.
> vncviewer 3.3.3r1 on SuSE  8.2 Linux doesn't handle any char
> that normally is reached by the Alt-Gr key.
> So on my german keyboard these vital chars are unreachable (?)
>   | ~ { [ ] } \ @
> Is there any way to input those chars without Alt-Gr
> under  X11?
> Any hints?  Thank you.
>  Andreas Wehler
> ___
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RE: VNC-List request

2004-02-12 Thread Ericson LeBlanc
I have Vnc Server running on two separate Pc'c. One Pc is running windows Me
and the other is running windows 2000. Both are configured the same.
However when I try to connect to my remote office servers and othe computers
, I cannot do it on the machine with windows 2000, only on the machine with
Me.With windows 2000, it says server unavailable, switch over to windows ME,
no problem.
Please help.


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Re: vnc within ltsp

2004-02-12 Thread Jeremy Hasty
> Message: 7
> From: "Information Technology" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: vnc within ltsp
> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 09:54:44 -0500
> i have compiles 3.3.7 within linux build environment and have put >
> executables
> within the mount each thin client has.i have enabled ssh and nis so i can

Have you tried LDAP authentication?- or just NIS? (my own curiosity)

> start local applications om the thinclient..clientsd do not have access to
> perl so i start vncserver by typing
> ssh ws011 Xvnc :1
> from any machine i can start vncviewer using ws011 :1 i get gray screen >
> with
> x

Have you also compiled a window manager using the LTSP Build Environment?

> can i connect to the existing display without perl so i can
> shadow
> and take over a session in a lab environment..cchuck

This is just an idea and I don't know if it will work:
-> Compile a light-weight window manager (IceWM?)
-> On the Thin Client, launch the RealVNC server in combo with IceWM
-> Build an IceWM menu that uses SSH to run apps on the Terminal Server


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Disconnect in inetd mode

2004-02-12 Thread Nick THOMPSON

If Xvnc is started from (x)inetd, is it still possible to disconnect and
reconnect to a session while all the applications keep running?

If so, and if an xdmcp query is being used for the login, what password
is used for the VNC reconnect? I manually tried it and no password seem
to be necessary!

What I need is a way to automatically start up an X session when a user
connects, they can disconnect and reconnect to it (possible from another
computer), and finally close down the session at will.

Inetd seems to get close, but I don't see how the disconnect and
reconnect can work with that setup.
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vncviewer; no Alt-Gr chars on german keyboard

2004-02-12 Thread Dr. Andreas Wehler

vncviewer 3.3.3r1 on SuSE  8.2 Linux doesn't handle any char
that normally is reached by the Alt-Gr key.

So on my german keyboard these vital chars are unreachable (?)

  | ~ { [ ] } \ @ 

Is there any way to input those chars without Alt-Gr
under  X11?

Any hints?  Thank you.

 Andreas Wehler
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RE: Problems connecting through SSH, through two NAT routers

2004-02-12 Thread Seak, Teng-Fong
>How  does  one  start  a  server  in  service-mode  with  command line
>parameters? ;)

Service parameters can be specified using regedit.  Goto
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ and find the key for vnc.  VNC3 calls it 
winvnc, while VNC4 calls it WinVNC4.  The service executable is specified in ImagePath 
value.  Use it with care :)

>I  don't  forward  to  localhost; I *do* forward directly to the other
>machine's  5900, with the hostname specified in the tunnel. But I have
>tried   it   both   ways   (localhost:5900   ->   localhost:5900)  and
>(localhost:5900  ->  BOX_1:5900), and it gets the same results. Fairly
>predictable, unfortunately.

What are the network addresses behind both routers?  I ask so because those 
articles on networking I've read which deals routing always use example of 
distinguished network addresses.  Nothing is said about what would happen if they're 
the same.  Would that work?  Is it your case?
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RE: Screen initial problem

2004-02-12 Thread Seak, Teng-Fong
That's not exactly I was asking for.  I mean, in the same LAN as your VNC 
server PC, can you use another PC to connect to it?

On the other hand, I'm surprised to see that your VPN server (gateway) is 
inside the DMZ.  It is normally in the firewall, no?  Well, anyway.

I think you need to say more your network config.  Do you have NAT to have a 
one-one correspondance to every machine in the DMZ?  On the other hand, if VNC 
connection is working for the VPN gateway through the tunnel, don't you feel it's 
logic that it doesn't work for others because they aren't gateway.

> -Message d'origine-
> Envoyi : jeudi 12 fivrier 2004 03:03
> Objet : RE: Screen initial problem
> After connected to the VPN tunnel, I can use VNC  viewer to connect VNC
> server on the VPN gateway.
> The VPN gateway located at the DMZ, I can only VNC to this server only. I
> cannot connect to other VNC servers which also located at DMZ.
> The VPN vendor say no filter on the VPN Gateway, and the firewall already
> open the port UDP500 for VPN connection.
> Problem is VNC work fine on the VPN gateway, but get grey screen when trying
> to connect other VNC server in the Same segment and subnet (DMZ).
> Regards,
> Kelvin Chak
> -Original Message-
> From: Seak, Teng-Fong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:24 PM
> Subject: RE: Screen initial problem
>   Is this really related to VPN?  I mean, if you try on another PC in
> the LAN as your server PC, do you still get the same problem?  On the other
> hand, you have to check your VPN, for example, if it's stateful or not, or
> if there's any filter on it.
>   Good luck
> > -Message d'origine-
> > Envoyi : mardi 10 fivrier 2004 03:33
> > Objet : Screen initial problem
> >
> > Dear Administrator,
> >
> > I got a VPN tunnel which can access the VNC server at home by using the
> vnc
> > client. But I found that the VNC can connect to the VNC server, however,
> the
> > screen cannot be refreshed.
> >
> > It stop at the screeen " Please wait - Initial Screen Loading", the grey
> > screen holds for a long time and terminate by itself about 15 minutes.
> > Although the screen is grey in colour, but the VNC server can accept the
> > mouse movement and accept Ctrl-alt-del command send from the VNC client.
> >
> > In short, I can say the vnc is working, but it stop in the grey screen, so
> I
> > cannot see anything.
> >
> > I am looking forward to your suggestion.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Kelvin Chak
> > Information Technology & Business Analysis Division
> > Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
> > Tel: (852) 2163-1872
> > Fax   : (852) 2163-1199
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RE: sleepy mouse

2004-02-12 Thread Seak, Teng-Fong
It seems that even if remote mouse isn't working properly, VNC still manages 
to use it.  Well, maybe I'm wrong.  What mouse are you using?  PS/2 or USB?

> -Message d'origine-
> De : John E. Peterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyi : mercredi 11 fivrier 2004 22:50
> @ : vnclist
> Objet : sleepy mouse
> Has anybody run into a mouse on the server end that won't wake up?  My server
> wakes up (Screen) but the mouse won't wake back up.  Since it won't wake back
> up on the server, I can't make my local mouse control the cursor on the
> server.
> XP Pro SP1 on the server.  (acutally, the same here).
> JP
> ___
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RE: VNC connection through VPN and wireless problem

2004-02-12 Thread Seak, Teng-Fong
"failure to connect" could mean that the port isn't reachable.  Could you ping 
your work desktop from your laptop?  Make sure your VPN client is also encrypting your 
wireless connection.

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Greg E. Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> What works:
> Cable modem >>
> linksys wireless router >>
> hardwired ethernet from back of wireless router to laptop >>
> cisco vpn client to my office works >>
> vnc to work desktop - all ok, no problems
> What the problem is:
> Same Cable modem >>
> Same linksys wireless router >>
> Wireless nw card in laptop >> ( works fine to standard sites )
> cisco vpn client to my office >> ( works, connects, no problem )
> vnc to work desktop - "failure to connect"
> At this point everything is at default, true I did try some things but were
> merely guesses. Everything has been reinstalled so everyting is at the default state
> and hardwired all is well.
> I am running cisco client 3.6.3 and the wireless router and card are both linksys G 
> series
> Any thoughts
> Greg Evans
> ___
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RE: Remote access through firewall

2004-02-12 Thread Seak, Teng-Fong
Are you implying that you've got a firewall somewhere between your WinME and 
internet?  From your (succinct) description, it doesn't seem so.  In other words, if 
your WinME is connected directly to Internet, then you could ask your wife to put the 
mouse pointer on VNC icon which is in system tray and wait for a second, and she'll 
get the IP address.  Use this address to connect to her PC.  HTH

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Wayne Ivory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The FAQ "How can I get a VNC Viewer to connect through a firewall I don't
> control" is almost an exact fit for my situation, except that rather than
> having a Linux server at home I've just got a Windows ME computer connected
> via a modem straight to the internet.  (Basically my wife uses it during the
> day whilst I'm at work but she's not particularly computer-literate and
> sometimes calls me when she gets confused about something - it would be a
> big help if I could just VNC in from work to sort it out).
> The FAQ says "The above example presumes that the VNC Server is running on
> Linux, but it of course works perfectly well if you're running on Windows
> too", however I'm having trouble making that leap.  The references in
> Benjamin Weiss' article to "localhost" and "log into your machine with
> Putty" and "/etc/sysconfig/vncservers set up with a static port :4" seem
> geared specifically to a Linux environment and I can't figure out what the
> translation to a standalone Windows ME machine would be for those parts.
> I'm trying to get this working with RealVNC.
> A reply here on the list and/or an expansion on the FAQ would be most
> welcome.
> Thanks
> Wayne Ivory
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RE: Connection dropping

2004-02-12 Thread Caddy, Jonathan
Fixed it.
The 2 dial ups that were dying were set to "use default gateway on remote network" 
once I unchecked this they worked fine.


-Original Message-
Sent: 11 February 2004 13:15
Subject: Re: Connection dropping

> The workstation is used to dial out to other boxes to collect data files (using NT 
> phonebook entries).  Most of these work fine but for 2 of them the modem does the 
> dialling and a connection is made but when the workstation is being registered on 
> the remote system it kills the VNC connection.  The workstation completes the 
> connection to the remote system successfully but you can't VNC back onto the 
> workstation until that phone connection is terminated, which means, of course, I 
> actually have to get up and 
physically go to the workstation and do the transfer and disconnect (negating the 
whole point of using VNC i.e. to do it from my desk).

What are the network setting for those two phone numbers?  Sound like 
they are overriding the local network setup.  

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Remote access through firewall

2004-02-12 Thread Wayne Ivory


The FAQ "How can I get a VNC Viewer to connect through a firewall I don't
control" is almost an exact fit for my situation, except that rather than
having a Linux server at home I've just got a Windows ME computer connected
via a modem straight to the internet.  (Basically my wife uses it during the
day whilst I'm at work but she's not particularly computer-literate and
sometimes calls me when she gets confused about something - it would be a
big help if I could just VNC in from work to sort it out).


The FAQ says "The above example presumes that the VNC Server is running on
Linux, but it of course works perfectly well if you're running on Windows
too", however I'm having trouble making that leap.  The references in
Benjamin Weiss' article to "localhost" and "log into your machine with
Putty" and "/etc/sysconfig/vncservers set up with a static port :4" seem
geared specifically to a Linux environment and I can't figure out what the
translation to a standalone Windows ME machine would be for those parts.
I'm trying to get this working with RealVNC.


A reply here on the list and/or an expansion on the FAQ would be most




Wayne Ivory
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Re: RedHat 9 vncserver

2004-02-12 Thread Rasjid Wilcox
On Thursday 12 February 2004 03:50, Judge Maygarden wrote:
> My question is: Can I run a vncserver on display :0?

Not if there is already an X server running on that display number.  And if  
xdm/kdm/gdm is running, or a user is already running X, then that display 
number has most likely already been claimed and is in use.



Rasjid Wilcox
Canberra, Australia (UTC +11 hrs)
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Trouble connecting VNC Server using "Tight Encoding"

2004-02-12 Thread Chen Chang-QCH2044
I installed Tight VNC 1.2.9 in Solaris and started the vncserver using: $vncserver 
-nolisten local

And I successfully connected the vncserver from vncviewer in windows platform using 
"Prefered encoding" such as "ZlibHex", "Hextile" and etc. but failed if using Prefered 
encoding "Tight".

When using "Tight" encoding to connect, after establishing and inputting the Session 
password, the x screen was flashed once and then terminated. The vncserver process in 
Solaris was terminated also.

Does anyone ever meet this and know the solution?

Here is the logs:
04/02/04 16:39:31 Xvnc version 3.3.tight1.2.9
04/02/04 16:39:31 Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
04/02/04 16:39:31 Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Constantin Kaplinsky.
04/02/04 16:39:31 All Rights Reserved.
04/02/04 16:39:31 See for information on VNC
04/02/04 16:39:31 See for TightVNC-specific information
04/02/04 16:39:31 Desktop name 'X' (dragon:4)
04/02/04 16:39:31 Protocol version supported 3.3
04/02/04 16:39:31 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5904
04/02/04 16:39:31 Listening for HTTP connections on TCP port 5804
04/02/04 16:39:31   URL http://dragon:5804

04/02/04 16:40:10 Got connection from client connection to dragon:4.0 
broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).^M
xterm:  fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) or KillClient on X server "dragon:4.0"^M
04/02/04 16:40:24 Pixel format for client
04/02/04 16:40:24   32 bpp, depth 24, little endian
04/02/04 16:40:24   true colour: max r 255 g 255 b 255, shift r 16 g 8 b 0
04/02/04 16:40:24 Using tight encoding for client
04/02/04 16:40:24 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding 8
04/02/04 16:40:24 Using compression level 9 for client
04/02/04 16:40:24 Enabling X-style cursor updates for client
04/02/04 16:40:24 Enabling cursor position updates for client
04/02/04 16:40:24 Using image quality level 0 for client
04/02/04 16:40:24 Enabling LastRect protocol extension for client
04/02/04 16:40:24 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -223


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