Newbie question - windows startup

2004-05-31 Thread Kath Pelletti
Hi - I have just installed VNC for a client to allow me to access his PC (Win
XP Pro on both client and server).

But he does not want VNC to startup automatically - only when / as needed. I
am happy to only use this when the client is logged on and at the PC - what do
I change in the setup?

(And I have searched the archives for details before posting this question).

Many thanks in advance.

Kath Pelletti
Software Design & Solutions Pty Ltd.
Ph: 9505-6714
Fax: 9505-6430
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dynamic desktop resizing

2004-05-31 Thread Darren Gitelman
Dear VNC list:

I am a new user to version 4 and I don't understand how to get the
desktop to resize. If I start VNC without any options the desktop is
1024x768. Then I might switch to a bigger monitor and would want a
desktop that is 1280x1024, or vice versa. How do I do this? Sorry if
this is listed somewhere, but I have looked through the mail list and
documentation and seem to have missed this.


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dynamic desktop resizing

2004-05-31 Thread Darren Gitelman
Dear VNC list:

I am a new user to version 4 and I don't understand how to get the
desktop to resize. If I start VNC without any options the desktop is
1024x768. Then I might switch to a bigger monitor and would want a
desktop that is 1280x1024, or vice versa. How do I do this?


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Re: Read FAQ did a lot of testing but still can not connect

2004-05-31 Thread Opie
Dad can connect both ways from his home pc to my pc - Viewer & Java web connect
So it will work externally
At work I can not connect - both ways fail to connect - is there any way to find out 
what is stopping the connection from my Work Pc - I am behind a large network with a 
firewall - and the ip address is most likley going to change with each day that I work 
at a diffrent station so I can't use add client to my home PC ??
Any Ideas on this one ??
Thanks - But still lost..

Brian Patterson

Site Admin & WebMaster


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Cancel service not working. . .

2004-05-31 Thread Arthur Schneider
I'm running XP professional and I am unable to "activate" the grey
"cancel service" in the system tray.  What do I need to do to fix this?


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Re: Read FAQ did a lot of testing but still can not connect

2004-05-31 Thread Opie
Open Mouth insert foot.
Ok I got to work Monday and tried to access my home PC 
I have the correct IP address and I had the wife check it before and after I tried to 
connect Shes at home, but not that good a computers -- Still can not connect.
I have removed the router and I am just connecting straight from the cable modem, I 
asked Road Runner if they block ports 5900 & 5800 - No they do not.
Again It seems to work internally - Loopback Connection - I tried telnet to port 5900 
at home and connect got the RFB 003.003. At work I can not connect.
Also tried the WEB Java - At home I can connect - At work I can Not.
If my work blocks VNC I should be able to connect via Web ?? - At work they do use VNC 
also.So I would assume they dont block it. Also would it matter if at work I am 
behind a firewall and at a workstation on a large NAT internall network ??
I am going to try to have my dad try it at his house to connect to my home PC next but 
can get him till late tonight. And hes not good with PCs also.
Im no expert but not really a total newbieBUT what am I missing. I thought 
that the router was my problem but as it seems it was not. I have the VNC up and 
running have the correct IP address, open viewer and type in address what am I doing 
wrong - is there some setting that I missed at home that is not working ?? what more 
can you setup at the server. All I saw was the password.thats it ??
What more info can I provided To help anyone help me fix my connection problems.
Lost again..

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Re: Port Forwarding Issue

2004-05-31 Thread Scott C. Best
Heya. Just try forwarding TCP 5900 across your router,
not a whole range of ports. Get that working and tested with
the scan, and you should be ready. More info
on VNC and routers here:

Hope this helps!


> I have been unable to make port forwarding work with my Dell TrueMobile2300
> Wireless Router to connect to a VNC server behind the router.
> I set up custom port forwarding in the router using the following parameters
> ...
> Service Name: VNC
> Incoming ports from 5900 to 5910
> Destination IP (the machine running the server)
> Destination MAC 00 07 E9 4D 25 EE  (the above machine's MAC according to the
> router
> Destination port from 20 to 6000
> Port Type tcp
> Would appreciate any help on getting this to work.
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Re: VNC Listening mode under Linux / vncconnect

2004-05-31 Thread Bernd Lachner

thank you for your answers. We now made some more trials with VNC on Linux / 
SuSE 9.1 and we got listening mode and vncconnect working, but there are 
still some questions. 

First I explain what we have done and what is working:

We startet the vnc viewer on the "client" with:

vncviewer -listen

Than we started the vnc server on the server machine with

vncserver -query localhost

After this we execute the following command on the server machine:

vncconnect -display :1 

This command opens the vnc viewer on the client machine and shows the 
graphical kdm login.

O.K. Fine, but that is not exactly that what we want. We want to share the 
actual X-Display (view only) with the clients. For example like the vnc 
server integrated in kde (krfb) shares the actual running X-Display with a 
client. But unfortunally, it seems krfb don't work together with vncconnect.

Is there a way to connect the vnc server to the actual viewed X-Display with 
the vncserver command?

Or ist there at least a way to access the X-Display of the vnc server if the 
server is started like described above? O.K. I can connect with vncviewer 
localhost:1. But I see no way how to give the vnc viewer on localhost full 
access to the locale vnc server and the remote clients view only access.  
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R: firewall question...

2004-05-31 Thread Livio Curzola
Display number equals to:

0: if you want VNCServer to listen to connections on TCP port 5900
1: if you want VNCServer to listen to connections on TCP port 5901
2: if you want VNCServer to listen to connections on TCP port 5902



Livio Curzola
Software Engineer

Gsm : +39 0481 523874

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Tel: +39 040 3755371 - fax: +39 040 3755372 

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-Messaggio originale-
Da: David Netzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Inviato: lunedl 31 maggio 2004 10.04
Oggetto: firewall question...

I red about VNC under Fire wall. that the port 5900+"Display number"
should be added for it to work.


What exactly is "Display number" ?



Thank you.


David,Oztec comp.
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firewall question...

2004-05-31 Thread David Netzer
I red about VNC under Fire wall. that the port 5900+"Display number"
should be added for it to work.


What exactly is "Display number" ?



Thank you.


David,Oztec comp.
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