Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-29 Thread Tom Miller

Would that be at the maximum temperature? Service would be at room temp.

Sounds like a good excuse, right?

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Sims" 

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 2:28 PM
Subject: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

Those are not holes...  they are polarity markers on the silkscreen for 
the connectors.
I do have one concern about doing the extender with ribbon cable.  It is 
rated for 300V and three of the card slots do have  300V on them.

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Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-29 Thread Tom Miller

Learn something new every day. Thanks.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike S" 

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

On 8/29/2014 2:16 PM, Tom Miller wrote:

Did you remove the two holes?


You mean the two pin 1 markers on the silkscreen?
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[volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-29 Thread Mark Sims
Those are not holes...  they are polarity markers on the silkscreen for the 
I do have one concern about doing the extender with ribbon cable.  It is rated 
for 300V and three of the card slots do have  300V on them. 
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Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-29 Thread Mike S

On 8/29/2014 2:16 PM, Tom Miller wrote:

Did you remove the two holes?


You mean the two pin 1 markers on the silkscreen?
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Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-29 Thread Tom Miller

Did you remove the two holes?


- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Sims" 

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 1:53 PM
Subject: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

5200A extender cables are a go!   Connectors and boards are on order (from 
a different board fab in Hong Kong this time).  One board goes on each end 
of the extender.  Boards are connected by a 50 pin and 40 pin ribbon 

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[volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-29 Thread Mark Sims
5200A extender cables are a go!   Connectors and boards are on order (from a 
different board fab in Hong Kong this time).  One board goes on each end of the 
extender.  Boards are connected by a 50 pin and 40 pin ribbon cable.
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Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-29 Thread David C. Partridge
Put me on the interested list please, and if you get in some of the connectors, 
I'd like one of those too ... 

David Partridge 
-Original Message-
From: volt-nuts [] On Behalf Of Mark Sims
Sent: 28 August 2014 23:03
Subject: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

Ok,  I did a 5200A extender cable board layout.  It has headers for a 50 pin 
and 40 pin ribbon cable.  One copy of the board would be on each end of the 
cable,  with the edge connector soldered to one of the boards.
So,  how many people are interested in a 5200A extender cable?  Depending upon 
quantity,  looks like cost will be in the $30 range (with edge connector).  
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[volt-nuts] Fluke 5200a extender board.

2014-08-28 Thread Kgoodhew
Hi all,
Thankyou to all who replied with suggestions and information about this 
extender board,
I have looked up the surplus store as suggested and found they do have stock of 
the 43/86 card edge connectors. Something I have missed in my searches.
Another contributor has given me detailed information about the 
extender board and how it is constructed as he owns one, and it has been very 
However if anyone has one they have no further need for I am willing to 
purchase it!! 
Ken Goodhew.

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[volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-28 Thread Mark Sims
Ok,  I did a 5200A extender cable board layout.  It has headers for a 50 pin 
and 40 pin ribbon cable.  One copy of the board would be on each end of the 
cable,  with the edge connector soldered to one of the boards.
So,  how many people are interested in a 5200A extender cable?  Depending upon 
quantity,  looks like cost will be in the $30 range (with edge connector).  
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[volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-28 Thread Mark Sims
There is also one listed on Ebay for $9...
If you have access to a PCB layout program you can easily make the circuit 
board/edge tabs.  OSHPARK.COM will make you three boards for $5 per square 
inch.   You could either make a full hard-extender or do the ribbon cable 
thing...  which would be fairly easy since the connectors are 0.1" spacing with 
wire wrap pins and could plug two 50-pin ribbon cables directly onto the 
connector (with a little futzing where the two connectors come together.  
I could try and make a small edge tab board and put it on OSHPARKs "shared 
projects" page where you could order them from.  I would need to know the 
spacing of the edge of one of the end fingers to the edge of the board.  Would 
also need to know the length of the edge tab.   
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Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-28 Thread Bill Gold

I have a 5200 extender kit including the PC Board and the cables.  In
looking at it the center PC board that has the traces on it is enclosed on
both sides with a piece of blank PC board material (no copper or traces) so
you wind up with 3 ea 0.062" PC Boards riveted together.  The center board
has the necessary traces to connect the edge connector fingers to the
socket.  The outer two boards are just plain PC material with the necessary
"holes" machined out so that the center board can have the connector and
fingers open.  There has been test points place on either side of the socket
so you can connect a meter or scope to the lines.

The connector has the following printing on it.   "345-086-520-201"
below that it has what looks like a trade mark of either a "C" or "O" with
letters inside that which I can't make out, then "3A 250V EADC ??" the "??"
means I can't read this.

When you say "photo copy" the PC Board I will assume something that
would show how the traces are laid out on both sides.  This is impossible
without removing the 5 rivets that hold this "sandwich" together which I
don't want to do.

I will do a PM to you with a pdf attached of the backside of the


- Original Message - 
From: "Kgoodhew" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 11:44 PM
Subject: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

> Hi,
> The pin spacing on the card edge connectors is 0.1" (2.54 mm) and is a
43/86 dual row socket.
> I know what the extender looks like as I found one on ebay several months
ago that had already sold for $50 (damm it!!) and I have been looking ever
since, but it had a picture of it.
> It is a double sided pcb board that plugs into the female connector that
is mounted vertically in the instrument and then rises up above the top of
the instrument case where there is a female socket mounted horizontally so
in effect the board now sits horizontally above the instrument whereas
normally it sits vertically in the instrument.
> That way you have access to the board to take measurements, something you
cannot do when the boards are in the instrument due to the close spacing of
the various boards.
> As the 43/86 pin card edge connectors appear unobtainable I have sourced a
50/100 pin female connector that I can make do with, but I need either a
43/86 pin male card edge connector (which are also unobtainable) to make up
an extender using cables as you have done, so the only option appears to be
to make up a double sided pcb board with pads spaced at 0.1" centres on both
sides and then either use it to terminate the cables to the female socket ,
or probably better make the pcb the same as the original extender and just
use my 100 pin socket on that.
> That is why I was hoping someone may be able to photo copy the pcb board
if they have an extender they do not want to sell.
> Thanks,
> Ken Goodhew.
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Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-28 Thread Charles Black

Hi Ken,

Nigel is setting you on the right track with Vectorbord. I have used 
them for the edge connectors over the years with  good results. I don't 
know if you are able to use Digikey of not but they list a 3690-26 ($80) 
that will be easy to modify to work for your project. I probably 
shouldn't have said that since I dont know how long you need the card 
extendor to be. If it is long enough it is not hard to saw (or mill) it 
twice to get the proper number of pins. I have a small mill available so 
I would use it. If i had to use my table saw it would be more of a 
challenge but it can be done. I usuallydon't need to glue the connector 
since it is largely self supporting. If it is a bit too loose for you  
it is easy to glue a plastic strip or two on the connector face. If you 
really screw up the connector you can replace it with the one Nigel 
found. Just use heavy wire wrap wire for any "Adjustments". There are a 
few Vectorbord choices that would work for you. By the way, although 
Vectorbord is the correct spelling it is commonly spelled Vectorboard on 
the net.


On 8/28/2014 3:22 AM, wrote:

Hi Ken,
I don't know if it helps but there's a 43/86 edge connector offered  here

for 14USD, (12USD for 5+)..
Single and double sided  PCBs with 0.1 inch spaced strips were quite

common at one time as part of the Veroboard range, some with gold plated edge
connectors and some quite large, and it's possible these too might turn up as
surplus. Not ideal for taking the double sided connectors but easy enough
to  bodge, albeit a bit time consuming.
I thought I had some of the larger boards amongst my old prototyping  stock

but can only find 32 way single sided at the moment so the others  seem to
have gone already.

In a message dated 28/08/2014 07:47:53 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

The pin spacing on the card edge connectors is  0.1" (2.54 mm) and is a
43/86 dual row socket.
I know what the extender  looks like as I found one on ebay several months
ago that had already sold for  $50 (damm it!!) and I have been looking ever
since, but it had a picture of  it.
It is a double sided pcb board that plugs into the female connector  that
is mounted vertically in the instrument and then rises up above the top  of
the instrument case where there is a female socket mounted horizontally so
in effect the board now sits horizontally above the instrument whereas
normally it sits vertically in the instrument.
That way you have access to  the board to take measurements, something you
cannot do when the boards are in  the instrument due to the close spacing of
the various boards.
As the 43/86 pin card edge connectors appear unobtainable I have  sourced a
50/100 pin female connector that I can make do with, but I need  either a
43/86 pin male card edge connector (which are also unobtainable) to  make up
an extender using cables as you have done, so the only option appears  to be
to make up a double sided pcb board with pads spaced at 0.1" centres on
both sides and then either use it to terminate the cables to the female socket
  , or probably better make the pcb the same as the original extender and
just  use my 100 pin socket on that.
That is why I was hoping someone may be able  to photo copy the pcb board
if they have an extender they do not want to  sell.
Ken Goodhew.

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Re: [volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-28 Thread GandalfG8
Hi Ken,
I don't know if it helps but there's a 43/86 edge connector offered  here 
for 14USD, (12USD for 5+)..
Single and double sided  PCBs with 0.1 inch spaced strips were quite  
common at one time as part of the Veroboard range, some with gold plated edge  
connectors and some quite large, and it's possible these too might turn up as  
surplus. Not ideal for taking the double sided connectors but easy enough 
to  bodge, albeit a bit time consuming.
I thought I had some of the larger boards amongst my old prototyping  stock 
but can only find 32 way single sided at the moment so the others  seem to 
have gone already.
In a message dated 28/08/2014 07:47:53 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

The pin spacing on the card edge connectors is  0.1" (2.54 mm) and is a 
43/86 dual row socket.
I know what the extender  looks like as I found one on ebay several months 
ago that had already sold for  $50 (damm it!!) and I have been looking ever 
since, but it had a picture of  it.
It is a double sided pcb board that plugs into the female connector  that 
is mounted vertically in the instrument and then rises up above the top  of 
the instrument case where there is a female socket mounted horizontally so  
in effect the board now sits horizontally above the instrument whereas  
normally it sits vertically in the instrument.
That way you have access to  the board to take measurements, something you 
cannot do when the boards are in  the instrument due to the close spacing of 
the various boards.
As the 43/86 pin card edge connectors appear unobtainable I have  sourced a 
50/100 pin female connector that I can make do with, but I need  either a 
43/86 pin male card edge connector (which are also unobtainable) to  make up 
an extender using cables as you have done, so the only option appears  to be 
to make up a double sided pcb board with pads spaced at 0.1" centres on  
both sides and then either use it to terminate the cables to the female socket 
 , or probably better make the pcb the same as the original extender and 
just  use my 100 pin socket on that.
That is why I was hoping someone may be able  to photo copy the pcb board 
if they have an extender they do not want to  sell.
Ken Goodhew.

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Re: [volt-nuts] fluke 5200a extender board.

2014-08-28 Thread David C. Partridge
If it should help, most connector mfrs will make up a small run to order - 
small typically meaning 30 or so. 

If you are mega lucky (as I once was) you sometimes find they have one or two 
hanging around (worth a telephone call) ...

David Partridge 

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[volt-nuts] Fluke 5200A extender board.

2014-08-27 Thread Kgoodhew
The pin spacing on the card edge connectors is 0.1" (2.54 mm) and is a 
43/86 dual row socket.
I know what the extender looks like as I found one on ebay several months ago 
that had already sold for $50 (damm it!!) and I have been looking ever since, 
but it had a picture of it.
It is a double sided pcb board that plugs into the female connector that is 
mounted vertically in the instrument and then rises up above the top of the 
instrument case where there is a female socket mounted horizontally so in 
effect the board now sits horizontally above the instrument whereas normally it 
sits vertically in the instrument.
That way you have access to the board to take measurements, something you 
cannot do when the boards are in the instrument due to the close spacing of the 
various boards.
As the 43/86 pin card edge connectors appear unobtainable I have 
sourced a 50/100 pin female connector that I can make do with, but I need 
either a 43/86 pin male card edge connector (which are also unobtainable) to 
make up an extender using cables as you have done, so the only option appears 
to be to make up a double sided pcb board with pads spaced at 0.1" centres on 
both sides and then either use it to terminate the cables to the female socket 
, or probably better make the pcb the same as the original extender and just 
use my 100 pin socket on that.
That is why I was hoping someone may be able to photo copy the pcb board if 
they have an extender they do not want to sell.
Ken Goodhew.

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[volt-nuts] fluke 5200a extender board.

2014-08-27 Thread Mark Sims
What is the pin spacing on the edge 5200a connector?
BTW,  I got in my circuit boards for the TM500/5000 and HP5370 extenders from 
China.  They look great.  I am now waiting for the rest of the edge connectors 
to arrive.  They have been shipped...  from the US.  Should be here in a day or 
two.  I built up three of the TM500 cables and a GPIB extender cable.  They  
work very well.  Just for fun,  I tried running a few TM500 and TM5000  modules 
with 8 foot long extender cables...  no problems seen.  

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[volt-nuts] fluke 5200a extender board.

2014-08-27 Thread Ken Goodhew1
Hi all,

Over the last 6 months I have been steadily repairing a
faulty 5200A that I brought, it had numerous faults in the power supply
regulator and power amplifier boards that I have managed to repair with a
lot of difficulty as I do not have an extender board to operate the boards
out of the chassis.

I managed to overcome this by running numerous test leads to
various points on the boards as I tested to enable me to take readings, but
I have now got down to what looks like a problem on the attenuator board
loading up the A7 power amplifier board and causing the +190 regulated
supply to drop.

The most likely cause is suggested as more than one
attenuator path being selected at the same time, but I think it will be
virtually impossible to trace the logic signals on and being supplied to the
attenuator board without an extender board, so if anybody out there has one
they are willing to sell please let me know! 

Alternatively it would be a great help if somebody could supply me with a
full scale photo copy of both sides of the extender board so I can have a go
at making one of my own.

The 43/86 pin card edge sockets are no longer available as
far as I can find out, the only company that lists any of them is Sullins
Connectors but they are out of stock as well, so I cannot envisage them
making any more in the near future, maybe somebody is parting out a 5200a?

If I can make a pcb for the extender board then I think I
can cobble up various parts to substitute for the card edge connector

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Ken Goodhew.


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