2007-05-17 Thread Michel Jullian
You seem to be running a very nice scam, Joseph :-) You're a great showman in 
any case, so spectators aren't entirely robbed.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:46 AM

 The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman
 The link below features a new demonstration of 
 Joseph Newman's revolutionary
 energy machine technology and fulfills the promise made by Joseph 
 Newman in April 2007. 
 The amazing results of this new energy technology as shown in the 
 video speak for themselves!   
 Contact Joe Nolfe at (205) 835-9022 for further details about the 
 energy machine technology.
 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Re: [Vo]:NASA Prize

2007-05-17 Thread William Beaty
On Wed, 16 May 2007, thomas malloy wrote:

 I happened upon this URL. I doubt that space flight will ever be the
 providence of governments.

Beam some wattage to a space-tether crawler device for large prizes.

Prize ($1M total) also offered for tether material designs.  Carbon
nanotube is expected to be the main contender.

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  425-222-5066unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

[Vo]:When Terra hurts?

2007-05-17 Thread Jones Beene
The longshot bet for an ailing Terra, short of a mythological trinity, 
may be another strange kind of trifecta - a triple coherency... (to be 
explained, hopefully)

There does exist in physics one kind of 'lossless energy transfer' at 
room temperature, which is already in mass-production. It is used 
nowadays in advanced electronics, but can it be used for energy production?

The nonrandom thoughts below share a similar premise, or another way of 
stating some of the conclusions which have been voiced recently by Paul 
Lowrance and Charlie Brown - such as the so-called heat diode or other 
types of electrical noise rectification, which would be an example of 
something similar on a microscale, but not exactly the same.

In this variant on that theme, it is the spin of the electron which is 
most important - as unlike the massive electron itself, spin can be 
transported without any loss of energy, or dissipation. Furthermore, 
this effect occurs at room temperature in resistive materials already 
widely used in the semiconductor industry, such as gallium arsenide, or 
in the coating used for hard disk memory.

The 'celestial analogy' is helpful to explain two properties of 
electrons: (center of mass) momentum and spin (angular momentum): The 
Earth has the same two kinds of motion. As its center of mass moves 
around the Sun, we have a quarterly 'differentiation of time' known as 
the 'seasons' with the 'year' being one complete revolution. The other 
momentum, which is timed, is that earth also spin on its axis, giving us 
the day.

Normally when we talk about conversion of heat - we are talking about 
only using the linear momentum of materials, but not their spin. To 
utilize spin, you would need the same kind of etched circuitry used in 
CPU's or other chips.

We can partially neglect the vagaries of quantum spin, in favor of 
electron spin with two usable markers - up or down. In computer 
electronics, we use can voltage to move an electron's center of mass, 
while with 'spintronics' which used mostly in hard disk memory, voltage 
is used to manipulate spin. When the spin is reversed, there can exist 
an associated near-field induction of that energy transfer.

Since a polarized photon will substitute for voltage (EMF) then all we 
need for near perfect conversion of ambient heat, using spin, is a kind 
of ultra, or triple coherency. On paper, triple coherency offers a way 
to greatly increase the efficiency of many types of energy conversion - 
photovoltaics and the like, but at the considerable cost of engineering 
precision - requiring etched micro-circuitry.

The electron spin can be manipulated by photons, even photons of heat 
(or cold!), at least cold enough to be below IR - and well into the 
terhertz range. The electron spin has energy, regardless of kinetic 
vibration, and the up/down 'flipping' of spin can transfer energy to 
nearby microscopic structures, even when everything is ice-cold.

Like any emerging science - especially those of the non-pathological 
variety - alternative-energy and LENR will eventually have its own 
specialized vocabulary, lingo or argot and it is well on its way 
already. Newcomers here probably have difficulty with many of the 
acronyms in use, and this will get worse.

Argot is defined by Wiki as a characteristic language of a particular 
group (as among thieves !) You can draw your own conclusions on that, 
but suffice it to say that Vor-got will eventually be filled with 
acronyms, invented words, arcane phraseology, and general-nerdiness, 
which is to be appreciated mostly by the privileged few. In keeping with 
that sentiment, both the vocabulary of Spintronics and Excitonics 
will need to be ingrained into the alternative-energy argot, as even 
with 'cold fusion' the best way of removing or converting whatever 
excess energy is found there -- will probably need to be on the 
ultra-small geometric scale. I can even imagine cold fusion to be 
possible at cryogenic (overall) temperatures.

That is the 'energy connection' to the geek-speak concepts of 
Spintronics/Excitonics. Think of it as the merger of digital electronics 
with 'compreture'.

Huh? Seriously... It is the merger of future digital electronics (1 
terahertz and up) with near ambient heat/pressure ranges (more like 
cold going up 30 terahertz). But you can also think of it as the key 
to any kind of LENR where BEC-like condensation results eventually in 
new or previously unknown reactions. Thus excitronics is like a QM 
effect (quantum mechanical) but not of the low-probability variety, 
which is normal for QM. An exciton, BTW is a bound state of an electron 
and a real 'imaginary particle' called an 'electron hole' in an 
insulator or semiconductor, and such is a Coulomb-correlated 
electron-hole pair. It is an elementary excitation, or a quasiparticle 
of a solid - and although it is virtual or 'imaginary' in that it cannot 
be seen, it is proven to be as real as any other 

[Vo]:The usual garbage from a skeptical professor

2007-05-17 Thread Jed Rothwell

Here is romanticized view of scientists, which includes a dig at cold fusion:

I wrote the author a letter, which he uploaded 
here, along with a rebuttal by an anonymous 
professor who buys his opinions wholesale from 
Robert Park. I could probably have written the 
Professor's side of the debate better than he 
himself managed to do it, since left out a few 
cliches such as extraordinary claims . . .  bla, bla, bla.


Here is my response to the author, Dr. Partridge:

Thanks for putting the messages in one place. It looks good.

I agree the professor should have the last word, 
especially when he claims that Julian Schwinger 
and Heinz Gerischer were isolated and they 
resembled ESPers, or that Naturwissenschaften 
and the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics are 
not principal physics journals and the Japanese 
Institute of Pure and Applied Physics is a 
peripheral scientific organization. It is 
Japan's preeminent physics society, equivalent to 
the APS or the Royal Society. This is like saying 
Toyota is a peripheral automobile manufacturer. 
Such assertions speak for themselves! No rebuttal is needed.

The professor illustrates why it is essential to 
look carefully at primary sources, and at the 
actual content of a claim, rather than trying to 
judge based on rumors and second-hand 
impressions, and by one's fragmentary impressions 
of, say, a foreign physics society one has only 
vaguely heard of, or never heard of. The 
professor dismisses the claim based on an opinion 
expressed by Robert Park, which in turn was based 
on what some other unnamed people told Park. This 
is a third-hand opinion, or perhaps fourth hand. 
No one in this chain of whispers has cited an 
experimental fact or figure. No one has 
demonstrated knowledge of what instruments were 
used, what was measured, what the signal-to-ratio 
was, or any other salient, objectively measured 
fact. It is hard to imagine a less scientific approach!

Regarding your statements, I never asserted that 
there is a conspiracy against cold fusion. That's 
absurd. I know most of the main opponents, and 
they are not conspiring together in any sense. 
See chapter 19 of my book, which you can now read 
in English, Portuguese or Japanese:

Also, you made an annoying technical error in 
your statement, and I wish you would correct it. You wrote:

Mr. Rothwell will surely complain that the 
critics of Cold Fusion have no right to dismiss 
the theory if they refuse to read the published reports.

Cold fusion is not a theory; it is an 
experimental observation. There is a world of 
difference. Most cold fusion researchers are 
experimentalists, and it irks them when people 
confuse them with theorists. To be more exact, 
cold fusion is: a set of a widely replicated, 
high signal-to-noise experimental observations of 
excess heat without chemical ash, tritium, gamma 
rays, helium production commensurate with a 
plasma fusion reaction, transmutations and other 
nuclear effects that have been published in 
mainstream, peer-reviewed journals of physics and 
chemistry. That's a mouthful, but anyway, please 
call it an experimental observation.

You wrote:

I feel confident that if and when Cold Fusion 
can come up with unequivocally and decisively 
replicable experiments, mainstreams physicists will take notice.

In my opinion, they came out with unequivocally 
and decisively replicable experiments in 1990. 
But I do not know why you are so confident that 
mainstream physicists will take notice of such 
things. I can list hundreds of major 
technological and scientific breakthroughs that 
were ignored or denigrated for decades. See, for 
example, the history of marine chronometers, 
aviation, semiconductors, hygiene (Semmelweis), 
pasteurization (which was not enforced  in New 
York City until 1917), the effects of AIDS in 
women, helicobacter and ulcers, amorphous 
semiconductors, and the maser and laser. Someone 
who calls himself a gadfly should know this 
kind of history. It shows that gadflies are 
important, and that people often swat at them. 
Regarding the maser, here are some 
thought-provoking quotes from the autobiography of Nobel laureate Townes:

One day after we had been at it [maser research] 
for about two years, Rabi and Kusch, the former 
and current chairmen of the department­both of 
them Nobel laureates for work with atomic and 
molecular beams, and both with a lot of weight 
behind their opinions­came into my office and sat 
down. They were worried. Their research depended 
on support from the same source as did mine. 
'Look,' they said, 'you should stop the work you 
are doing. It isn't going to work. You know it's 
not going to work. We know it's not going to 
work. You're wasting money. Just stop!'

The problem was that I was still an outsider to 
the field of molecular beams, 

Re: [Vo]:When Terra hurts?

2007-05-17 Thread R.C.Macaulay

Jones wrote,

Due to the many interlocking and conflicting considerations, it seems to
be only possible to get all three of these factors into overlapping
coherency for a short time with available materials, which seems to
involve size between about 10-100 microns for the phonon, and with a
corresponding electron hole of a similar exciton dimension, and 3-30
THz for the photon. Such a structure would become naturally colder, as
it converted ambient heat into electricity (and perhaps equally
desirable for cooling as for free power generation).

Howdy Jones,

Perhaps the best work you have posted on Vortex.

Ah! Yes, the hole. I picture a pair of cones with the points joined , 
both are spinning like tops. I picture the cones having an invisible 
shell, the shell is not moving. When one cone is suddenly disturbed the 
spin instantly removes to the opposite cone not unlike an elongated balloon 
when one end is squeezed.
My word picture does not explain a hole. The points are joined but what 
allows the spin to flow thru the points?

Ah! Ha!  Your word picture imagines a hole between the two.

In  Southern Louisana many of the old folks passed down stories from the 
swamps that eluded to visible balls of lightning phenomena seen floating 
across the room. Some reported that the ball would pass thru a glass window 
and leave a hole.
All fun stuff to tell to the grandchillin' before bedtime but ...some 
described the hole in detail, hardly necessary for telling ghost stories. 
They could have left out details because some stories specifically stated 
the ball passed thru the glass without leaving a hole.

Expand on that. Can you use a different term than a hole ..


[Vo]:Sprain Magmo

2007-05-17 Thread Terry Blanton

Paul just posted a new video on youtube:

It shows a four magnet rotor and a generator driving a load.  The
energy per pulse did not change but the COP did (upward as would be

Better hurry, I don't know how long the BoD will allow it to remain.


Re: [Vo]:The usual garbage from a skeptical professor

2007-05-17 Thread Edmund Storms
Thanks Jed for trying to keep such people honest. You do a masterful 
job.  You might ask the dear Professor a question about honesty since 
his article was about moral and honest behavior in science. Clearly, to 
publish fraudulent information supporting a discovery is wrong. Is it 
also not equally wrong to report fraudulent information dismissing a 
discovery? Does not a respected scholar have an obligation to learn 
something about a subject before dismissing it?  Would the professor 
respect a scientist who simply made up information in his publication? 
Why is the information he has published about cold fusion any different?


Jed Rothwell wrote:

Here is romanticized view of scientists, which includes a dig at cold 

I wrote the author a letter, which he uploaded here, along with a 
rebuttal by an anonymous professor who buys his opinions wholesale from 
Robert Park. I could probably have written the Professor's side of the 
debate better than he himself managed to do it, since left out a few 
cliches such as extraordinary claims . . .  bla, bla, bla.


Here is my response to the author, Dr. Partridge:

Thanks for putting the messages in one place. It looks good.

I agree the professor should have the last word, especially when he 
claims that Julian Schwinger and Heinz Gerischer were isolated and 
they resembled ESPers, or that Naturwissenschaften and the Japanese 
Journal of Applied Physics are not principal physics journals and the 
Japanese Institute of Pure and Applied Physics is a peripheral 
scientific organization. It is Japan's preeminent physics society, 
equivalent to the APS or the Royal Society. This is like saying Toyota 
is a peripheral automobile manufacturer. Such assertions speak for 
themselves! No rebuttal is needed.

The professor illustrates why it is essential to look carefully at 
primary sources, and at the actual content of a claim, rather than 
trying to judge based on rumors and second-hand impressions, and by 
one's fragmentary impressions of, say, a foreign physics society one has 
only vaguely heard of, or never heard of. The professor dismisses the 
claim based on an opinion expressed by Robert Park, which in turn was 
based on what some other unnamed people told Park. This is a third-hand 
opinion, or perhaps fourth hand. No one in this chain of whispers has 
cited an experimental fact or figure. No one has demonstrated knowledge 
of what instruments were used, what was measured, what the 
signal-to-ratio was, or any other salient, objectively measured fact. It 
is hard to imagine a less scientific approach!

Regarding your statements, I never asserted that there is a conspiracy 
against cold fusion. That's absurd. I know most of the main opponents, 
and they are not conspiring together in any sense. See chapter 19 of my 
book, which you can now read in English, Portuguese or Japanese:

Also, you made an annoying technical error in your statement, and I wish 
you would correct it. You wrote:

Mr. Rothwell will surely complain that the critics of Cold Fusion have 
no right to dismiss the theory if they refuse to read the published 

Cold fusion is not a theory; it is an experimental observation. There is 
a world of difference. Most cold fusion researchers are 
experimentalists, and it irks them when people confuse them with 
theorists. To be more exact, cold fusion is: a set of a widely 
replicated, high signal-to-noise experimental observations of excess 
heat without chemical ash, tritium, gamma rays, helium production 
commensurate with a plasma fusion reaction, transmutations and other 
nuclear effects that have been published in mainstream, peer-reviewed 
journals of physics and chemistry. That's a mouthful, but anyway, 
please call it an experimental observation.

You wrote:

I feel confident that if and when Cold Fusion can come up with 
unequivocally and decisively replicable experiments, mainstreams 
physicists will take notice.

In my opinion, they came out with unequivocally and decisively 
replicable experiments in 1990. But I do not know why you are so 
confident that mainstream physicists will take notice of such things. I 
can list hundreds of major technological and scientific breakthroughs 
that were ignored or denigrated for decades. See, for example, the 
history of marine chronometers, aviation, semiconductors, hygiene 
(Semmelweis), pasteurization (which was not enforced  in New York City 
until 1917), the effects of AIDS in women, helicobacter and ulcers, 
amorphous semiconductors, and the maser and laser. Someone who calls 
himself a gadfly should know this kind of history. It shows that 
gadflies are important, and that people often swat at them. Regarding 
the maser, here are some thought-provoking quotes from the autobiography 
of Nobel laureate Townes:

One day 

Re: [Vo]:Sprain Magmo

2007-05-17 Thread Jones Beene

One overriding question...

Why are there two Pringles left?

No seriously ...why the focus on the small bulb? Assuming that it is not 
self-powered yet, what difference could the bulb make?

Terry Blanton wrote:

Paul just posted a new video on youtube:

It shows a four magnet rotor and a generator driving a load.  The
energy per pulse did not change but the COP did (upward as would be

Better hurry, I don't know how long the BoD will allow it to remain.



2007-05-17 Thread William Beaty
On Thu, 17 May 2007, Michel Jullian wrote:

 You seem to be running a very nice scam, Joseph :-) You're a great
 showman in any case, so spectators aren't entirely robbed.

Accusation of a scam, but without evidence, is a very serious matter.
It's not reasoning, it's just ad-hominem (and is banned by vortex-L
Rule #2: NO SNEERING.  Ridicule, derision, scoffing, and ad-hominem is
banned.)  Don't make the same mistake that Robert Park et. al. have
constantly made.  Simply state why you believe Newman to be a scammer, and
your arguments will have impact.

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:46 AM

  The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman
  The link below features a new demonstration of
  Joseph Newman's revolutionary
  energy machine technology and fulfills the promise made by Joseph
  Newman in April 2007.
  The amazing results of this new energy technology as shown in the
  video speak for themselves!
  Contact Joe Nolfe at (205) 835-9022 for further details about the
  energy machine technology.
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  425-222-5066unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci