Re: [Vo]:[OT] Liquidity trap!!

2008-12-16 Thread mixent
In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:42:12 -0900:
>De doodsster is een donkere pool.

The dead star is a black hole? ;)


Robin van Spaandonk 

[Vo]:beam weapons in the WTC's destruction?

2008-12-16 Thread thomas malloy
Pat Bailey sent me this link,
It says that a significant part of the WTC's structural metal was 
vaporized. Also automobile engine blocks and other anomalies in the 
metallic elements. People have a great capacity to believe what they 
want to and distort reality to conform to those beliefs.

--- Get FREE High Speed Internet from USFamily.Net! -- ---

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Liquidity trap!!

2008-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 16, 2008, at 4:58 PM, wrote:

In Star Wars, Darth Vader turns out to be Luke's father. Vader is  
also Dutch for
"father". In Dutch the word "arm" means "poor". Are they trying to  
tell us

something? ;^)

De doodsster is een donkere pool.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:stop the suppression of clean energy technology

2008-12-16 Thread thomas malloy
Oh contraire. Crank up those printing presses boys, the helicopters are 

R C Macaulay wrote:

At least BO has somebody on his staff that read Machivelli. Too bad 
there's no more money left.


Thomas wrote,

You can make your voice heard; stop the suppression of Zero Point

--- Get FREE High Speed Internet from USFamily.Net! -- ---

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Liquidity trap!!

2008-12-16 Thread mixent
In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Tue, 16 Dec 2008 14:30:47 -0900:
>I don't know if you saw the latest 60 Minutes regarding the coming  
>second round of the mortgage crises, i.e. "Alt-A" and "option ARM"  

In Star Wars, Darth Vader turns out to be Luke's father. Vader is also Dutch for
"father". In Dutch the word "arm" means "poor". Are they trying to tell us
something? ;^)


Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Liquidity trap!!

2008-12-16 Thread R C Macaulay

Howdy Horace,
If the reports are true, world money is flowing into T bills at a  rate 
unprecedented. These notes pay zero interest. T bills are considered the 
only safe haven in the world at present.
What does this tell us?  For one, it allows the Fed to learn the amount and 
source of the "scared money".

How does this help the Fed?
Write your own scenario.

Consider the Madoff $ 50 bil pyramid scam.. Poof!! 50 bil lost... or... ???
My ole prof used to say,, considering how easy is is to get people to 
believe in "coincidences" , it's a wonder anybody would believe in 
He also said.. Occam's Razor makes sense when you think about it... given a 
basketful of reasons,, sift out the simpliest reason and go with it. In the 
case of Madoff... consider how difficult if not impossible it is to "lose" $ 
50 bil when it takes an army of reports and a battery of CPA/s just to 
manage the portfolios.
If the report of what happened to the $ 50 bil is almost impossible to 
believe.. then.. it's  impossible IF there is a more simple explanation ( 
thanks to Occam).

Now consider a more simple reason. An inside conspiracy of insiders that had 
3 years warning to prepare the laundry.
If this is the better answer, these guys should win the Nobel for " market 
timing". They chose the perfect time with a window of opportunity down to 3 
days give or take out of 3 years of planning.
Guess where they would send the money??  NOT to Zurich.. not after the 
lesson they learned in WW2..

Just don't try to tell a drunk at the Dime Box saloon sum'buddy just up and 
walked off with it.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Liquidity trap!!

2008-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:10 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Q: When interest rates are at zero and you want to lower them to
stimulate the economy, what do you do?

If you want a peak at Bernanke's prescriptions, take a look at the  
text of this 2002 speech of his: 

The strategy amounts to dollar devaluation. I don't know where Volker  
stands on dollar devaluation by the means prescribed, but what choice  
does he have?  China is now putting billions of its money into its  
infrastructure instead of buying US bonds. Despite the momentary  
world wide rush to the security of US treasuries even at null  
interest rates, there is a limit to how far people will go in  
tolerating a diminishing dollar, and in how much money they have to  
do so, especially given the next wave of mortgage defaults is  
expected  bigger than the one we are in.

I don't know if you saw the latest 60 Minutes regarding the coming  
second round of the mortgage crises, i.e. "Alt-A" and "option ARM"  
loans, but if not you can see the video here:

The segment is called "A Second Mortgage Disaster On The Horizon?".

It is extremely informative and shocking.  Look for the graph that is  
the central graphic of the broadcast.  The current round of sub-prime  
defaults (about 1T$) is shown in orange.  The second round of  
(expected "Alt-A" and "option ARM") defaults (about 1.5T$) is shown  
in green.  From the chart you can see they will be starting up next  
year and peaking in 2011.

Roosevelt confiscated gold an then devalued the dollar.  Its not so  
simple these days - so I have to wonder ... who will confiscate what  
and how?  The institutions fostered by Bretton Woods are now becoming  
much more internationalized, not run by a privileged few nations.   
Hard to tell who can get away with what, and what kinds of trade  
barriers may result.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Direct production of electricity from cold fusion

2008-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 16, 2008, at 7:26 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is ideal, if it really works. See:

David, F. and J. Giles. Self-Polarisation of Fusion Diodes: From  
Excess Energy to Energy. in ICCF-14 International Conference on  
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.

If the energy output is actually electrical, why the calorimetry?  It  
should be easy to measure the power directly as i*V.  They apparently  
don't directly measure the current but rather assume it exists due to  
the fact the voltage is maintained across a resistor having the same  
resistance as the cell internal resistance of "some hundred of kilo  
ohms".  A similar mistake might be made regarding potentials measured  
across thermocouple junctions, depending on how the measurements  

There appears to be an equating of electric potential with energy in  
this article, which is unfortunate, especially if unintended.

The periodic rise and fall of potentials, assuming the experiment ran  
for a week in each mode, may possibly correlate with daily  
temperature excursions.

This article seems to me very much entangled with a concept Jones  
Beene posted here. (See:Jones Beene, vortex-l post of Thu, 06 Sep  
2007 20:26:42:

and subsequent posts on the topic.)

Jones Beene theorized that electron affinity might be used to  
spontaneously transport electrons between electrodes of the right  
kind in a gas modality. "take two electrodes and a working medium,  
and hydrogen is the only working medium that fits into this concept  
very well (73 kj/mol)... - such that one electrode has a much lower  
electron affinity than does the H2 (zinc works well ~0) and the other  
has a much higher (gold plated copper works here ~223). You need a  
source of energy to convert - like focused sunlight onto the back  
side of the zinc. The other electrode is finned and air-cooled. The  
zinc emitter can be a Zn plated bimetal, so that there is already a  
small thermoelectric effect."

This concept was explored by Jones Beene and this author on the  
vortex-l news list through discussion of variations of the concept,  
methods to practically develop the concept, possible relationship of  
the concept to dry pile operation, and the possible tapping of zero  
point energy.

I extended and further explored this concept, in this article  
"Electron Affinity and The Dry Pile":

It seems to me the experiment might just be just another version of a  
Dry Pile. The efficacy of D2 over H2 seems strange, because deuterium  
orbitals are slightly smaller than and have slightly higher binding  
energy than hydrogen orbitals. Maybe this is of actual use in  
transporting electrons. A more likely explanation is that the D2  
experiment had more water vapor present, which as the above Dry Pile  
article shows should greatly improve the charge transport.

Pd and silicon might be effective for a dry pile, depending on how  
the silicon is doped, and how transition is made of work function and  
electron affinity between the exposed surfaces.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Pierre Carbonnelle chucked out of Wikipedia

2008-12-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Our long-suffering hero at Wikipeida, Pierre Carbonnelle 
( was finally thrown out. See

I sent him the following message:

". . . I would not think of contributing to or supporting an 
organization that will not tolerate the likes of Pierre Carbonnelle. 
You are one of the fairest, most objective and reasonable people I 
know, and you have been far more patient and forgiving with these 
people than they deserved. The fact that they threw you out is proof 
that Wikipedia is fundamentally an intolerant, Authoritarian 
organization. . . ."

("Authoritarian" as defined by Altemeyer: I have refrained from calling 
it "fascist" because that word is over-used and exaggerated. There 
must be some stronger word than "authoritarian.")

And at Wikipedia I conducted a brief guerrilla war, concluding:

". . . you people threw out Pierre Carbonnelle who is far more civil 
than I (and cool, calm, debonair -- European, in short, all that I am 
not). I have no doubt you will soon throw me out. You people are incorrigible."

- Jed

[Vo]:Coming soon: Celani paper

2008-12-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Celani presented one of the most interesting 
results at ICCF-14, which I have been anxious to 
send to Martin Fleischmann, who is interested in 
electromigration. Unfortunately, the paper only 
arrived yesterday. I hope to finish editing it soon. Here is a sneak preview.

The title and abstract from the paper:

Deuteron Electromigration in Thin Pd Wires Coated 
With Nano-Particles: Evidence for Ultra-Fast 
Deuterium Loading and Anomalous, Large Thermal Effects

Lots of authors!

Francesco Celani 1, A. Spallone 1, E. Righi 1, G. 
Trenta 1, V. Andreassi 1, A. Marmigi 1, G. 
Cappuccio 1, D. Hampai 1, P. Marini 2, V. Di 
Stefano 2, M. Nakamura 2, F. Todarello 2, E. 
Purchi 2, U. Mastromatteo 3, A. Mancini 4, F. 
Falcioni 5, M. Marchesini 5, P. Di Biagio 5, U. 
Martini 5, P. G. Sona 6, F. Fontana 7, L. Gamberale 7, D. Garbelli 7

. . .


Large excess heat (about 400 J/g of Pd) was 
measured by isoperibolic calorimetry when a thin 
(50 m) and long (60 cm) Pd wire was heated with 
up to 1 A of direct current in D2 gas atmosphere. 
The D+ deuterons, in the Pd lattice, are forced 
to move toward the most cathodic end of the wire 
because of the voltage drop along the wire (the 
“Cöhn effect”). The Pd wire was previously coated 
with thin layers of Pd nano-particles, stabilized 
and made adherent to the wire surface by heating 
it in air up to about 800°C. The excess heat is 
generated in coincidence with the phase change 
from (a + b) phase to a phase of the Pd-D phase 
diagram, and is directly proportional to the 
current density (and to the corresponding voltage drop) flowing into the wire.

Here is the Abstract from the Book of Abstracts, which is already on line:

A new procedure has been developed at Frascati 
National Laboratories of Istituto Nazionale di 
Fisica Nucleare for the production and detection 
of anomalous thermal effects on long (50-150 cm) 
and thin (50 m) Pd wires. The wires surface was 
previously coated with a complex mixture of salts 
and nanomaterials, capable to produce, after high 
temperatures heating in air, a thin layer of 
nanometric materials. The wires, put in a 
stainless steel chamber pressurised with 
Deuterium gas, were Joule heated by a dc current 
(J=5000-5 A/cm2); the combined effect of high 
electric field and high temperature caused a 
large deuterons electromigration in the wires.

After applying D2 pressure of 5 bar the following has been observed:
   * Extremely short loading time (6-12s) to 
achieve the R/Ro value of 2 at temperatures (from 
23°C) peaked to 45°C, for few seconds, during 
Deuterium intake. The steady state D/Pd ratio was about 0.8 at 23°C;
   * Anomalous thermal effects when large 
electromigration current was applied.
In our experimental set-up, at the moment, an 
isoperibolic calorimeter is used for the 
assessment of possible anomalous thermal effects 
because fast response time (about 1500s) and 
simplicity. Such anomalous effects seem to be 
related to a trigger temperature of about 120°C 
and tend to increase in magnitude by increasing 
wire temperature. Up to now, with a Pd wire of 
14mg of weight, an anomalous power of over 3W at 
about 300°C was detected: such value is 
equivalent to a power density of over 200W/g of Pd.

The anomalous thermal effects are proportional to 
the intensity of the current flowing along the 
wire and increase with the increasing of the current density.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:[OT]Cheney Praises Obama Security Team

2008-12-16 Thread John Berry
Sorry! ;)

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Nopers, that was Mr. Johnson as I would never make such an accusation.  ;-)
> Terry
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 2:10 PM, John Berry  wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 7:08 AM, OrionWorks 
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Terry sez:
> >> I guess it encouraging to suspect (or at least hope) that both
> >> Bush/Cheney actually did acquire a certain level of wisdom
> >
> > I just threw up in my mouth a  little bit.

Re: [Vo]:Scam

2008-12-16 Thread mixent
In reply to  Taylor J. Smith's message of Tue, 16 Dec 2008 14:30:13 +:

Perhaps, if you go along with the scam, and give them a completely made up (and
wrong) security code, then when they try to make a transaction against your
card, it will fail, and set off alarms potentially leading to their capture.

>Hi All,
>This is off-topic for vortex, but I think everyone should
>be aware of this scam.
>Jack Smith
>``Credit Card Scam
> says this is true. See this site -
>This one is pretty slick since they provide YOU with all
>the information, except the one piece they want

Robin van Spaandonk 

[Vo]:[OT] Liquidity trap!!

2008-12-16 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
Q: When interest rates are at zero and you want to lower them to
stimulate the economy, what do you do?

Hmmm   Can you *pay* banks to borrow money from the Fed?

The situation is typically described as "pushing on a string".

This just in from the Wall Street Journal:

> Dec. 16, 2008
> U.S. Federal Reserve officials on Tuesday slashed official interest 
> rates to a historic low range to combat a deepening recession and 
> signaled they will keep rates "exceptionally low" for some time amid 
> rapidly waning price pressures. The Federal Open Market Committee 
> voted unanimously to reduce the target fed funds rate for interbank 
> lending from 1% to a range of zero to 0.25%, the lowest since the Fed
>  started publishing the funds target in 1990. The market-determined 
> effective fed funds rate already has already hit record lows in 
> recent weeks.

Dig that number:  *Zero* to 0.25%  !!

Here's a related link:

NB -- Something like a third (or was it 2/3?) of the money supply
disappeared at the start of the Great Depression, with accompanying
rapid deflation.  Deflation, it has been said, is *far* more destructive
than inflation, because it stops people from buying -- if you put off a
purchase, the thing you want to buy will get cheaper!  The result is
total freeze-up of the economy.

FWIW, the CPI dropped for the second month in a row in November.

Re: [Vo]:[OT]Cheney Praises Obama Security Team

2008-12-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Nopers, that was Mr. Johnson as I would never make such an accusation.  ;-)


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 2:10 PM, John Berry  wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 7:08 AM, OrionWorks 
> wrote:
>> Terry sez:
>> I guess it encouraging to suspect (or at least hope) that both
>> Bush/Cheney actually did acquire a certain level of wisdom
> I just threw up in my mouth a  little bit.

Re: [Vo]:[OT]Cheney Praises Obama Security Team

2008-12-16 Thread John Berry
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 7:08 AM, OrionWorks wrote:

> Terry sez:
> I guess it encouraging to suspect (or at least hope) that both
> Bush/Cheney actually did acquire a certain level of wisdom

I just threw up in my mouth a  little bit.

Re: [Vo]:[OT]Cheney Praises Obama Security Team

2008-12-16 Thread OrionWorks
Terry sez:

> Well, this should give pause to some of our conspiraphiles:)
> Exclusive: Cheney Says He's Changed
> Vice President Reflects on Time in Office, Assesses Obama's Team
> Dec. 16, 2008
> In an exclusive interview with ABC News, a reflective Vice President
> Dick Cheney praised President-elect Barack Obama's national security
> team and admitted he's changed during his time in office.

I guess it encouraging to suspect (or at least hope) that both
Bush/Cheney actually did acquire a certain level of wisdom during
their 8 year tenure as leaders of the free world. Unfortunately the
entire nation has paid the price of their tuition while they
accumulated their new-found wisdom. Had they been elected in 2001
knowing what they know now, it seems pretty obvious that different
decisions would have been implemented, especially in the aftermath of
9/11. Alas, speculation on alternative historical paths the
administration could have been taken is likely to be fertile, for what
good it would do us.

Personally, I got the impression that Bush Jr. was an affable dufus
who whose secret ambition was to just be one of the good'ol boys -
someone who would have preferred to just hang around with a bunch of
dudes and party all night and talk baseball or football statistics.
Outtakes of Bush hanging milling about (after all the political
speeches have been issued) seem to show a really personable
individual, a savvy social animal. He seemed genuinely interested in
others while chatting up a storm with everyone regardless of their
religious, political, social, or sexual orientation.

It grieves me that his better developed talents were wasted.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:[OT]Cheney Praises Obama Security Team

2008-12-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Well, this should give pause to some of our conspiraphiles:)

Exclusive: Cheney Says He's Changed
Vice President Reflects on Time in Office, Assesses Obama's Team
Dec. 16, 2008

In an exclusive interview with ABC News, a reflective Vice President
Dick Cheney praised President-elect Barack Obama's national security
team and admitted he's changed during his time in office.

Re: [Vo]:Direct production of electricity from cold fusion

2008-12-16 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
That's absolutely fascinating!

It would have been really earthshaking if they'd detected radiation from it.

It's too bad the "H" run wasn't blank -- it brings us back to the realm
of deciding whether a small signal (the difference between the H and D
runs) is "real" or not, and opens a debate over how much of the energy
is chemical (from some reaction between H and the electrodes) and how
much is from some other source.

Looking at the graph raised a few questions in my mind.  I've attempted
to attach an annotated (and wicked compressed) copy of it.

Jed Rothwell wrote:
> This is ideal, if it really works. See:
> David, F. and J. Giles. /Self-Polarisation of Fusion Diodes: From Excess
> Energy to Energy/. in /ICCF-14 International Conference on Condensed
> Matter Nuclear Science/. 2008. Washington, DC.
> I meant to upload this earlier, but I forgot. I apologize to the authors.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Ni-Fe isotopes in meteroites

2008-12-16 Thread Jones Beene
The "diamond anvil cell" -

...offers a possible way to verify details of the previously stated hypothesis: 
that an isomer of hydrogen in a deeply redundant ground state - called the 
"transmuton" (resembling to some extent the species described by Mills et al) 
is responsible for the nickel anomaly seen in many meteorites. 

The transmuton would be formed from hydrogen [or isomers of hydrogen in the 
solar wind] which was absorbed over billions of years, percolates into the 
planetary core, and which then further forms a stable 'parasitic' particle in a 
host metal (given time + pressure) displacing an electron of equal value in IP 

... such that - in the iron core of planets like earth, this agent can result, 
via LENR (in a previously unrecognized kind of nuclear reaction) in the 
conversion of "favored reactions": such as the transmutation of Fe to Ni. Since 
the 'transmuton' could be effectively more massive than a proton, the energy 
balance of the reaction is unknown, but could be very much lower than expected 
from known protonic reactions. 

This reaction could be accelerated in a cosmic impact. Such an impact has 
occured in the past and we have evidence of it and the transmution products in 
nickel-iron meteorits. A favored reaction demands the ending species, such as 
nickel (58Ni), be "neutron poor" and of compatable QM spin and other variables 
to the starting isotope - such as iron (56Fe).

Any attempt at verifying this hypothesis must begin with iron containing a 
population of transmutons. Does that rule out an experiment on earth ?

Not necessarily, depending on the stability of this species. Here is how it 
could be pulled-off. 

The diamond anvil can supply the necessary pressure, 100 gigapascals - so that 
there should be measurable LENR in a sample held in one of these device for a 
few weeks if there was a large population of transmutons to begin with, and of 
course, if the underlying hypothesis is valid.

Since "deep" core iron is never available on earth, even in volcanoes, the 
source of iron with a pre-existing population of this species would need to 
come from nickel-iron meteorite found on earth, or better yet the moon. 

Since these chunks of metal have already undergone at least two very violent 
episodes, during which some or most of the iron was transmuted to nickel (650 
million years ago in this hypothesis) and also the flaming entry into our 
atmosphere - either of those events could likely strip the iron of some or most 
of the original population of the hypothetical species [that which had not 
already been involved in transmutation]. 

However, possibly some active population remains.

This experiment is not extremely costly and should be tried, at least with a 
sample of metal from the largest possible meteorite available; and which sample 
is taken from its center of mass, where the chances of finding the needed 
starting material would be greatest. If it shows anything positive then better 
sources should be sought. 

It would be very significant in such an experiment, one would think, if a 
sample that was 30% nickel at the start- after a week in the anvil measured 31% 
- and this could be repeated several times to mitigate any chance of 
measurement error.


[Vo]:Direct production of electricity from cold fusion

2008-12-16 Thread Jed Rothwell

This is ideal, if it really works. See:

David, F. and J. Giles. Self-Polarisation of Fusion Diodes: From 
Excess Energy to Energy. in ICCF-14 International Conference on 
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.

I meant to upload this earlier, but I forgot. I apologize to the authors.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:stop the suppression of clean energy technology

2008-12-16 Thread R C Macaulay
At least BO has somebody on his staff that read Machivelli. Too bad there's 
no more money left.


Thomas wrote,

You can make your voice heard; stop the suppression of Zero Point

[Vo]:BYD Co. plug-in hybrid car

2008-12-16 Thread Jed Rothwell


Article begins:

China's first mass-produced hybrid car goes on sale: car maker

BEIJING (AFP) ­ China's first mass-produced 
hybrid electric car hit the market on Monday, its 
manufacturer said, in a move aimed at driving the 
nation to the cutting edge of the world's green auto industry.

The car is made by BYD Auto, a Chinese company 
backed by American Warren Buffett, one of the 
world's most successful investors who owns 9.9 percent of the firm.

The F3DM is also the world's first mass-produced 
plug-in hybrid car, meaning owners can charge it 
from powerpoints at home for the first time, as 
well as in specialised electric car charging stations, according to BYD.

BYD president Wang Chuanfu was quoted by Chinese 
media as saying that his firm and China were on 
their way to being world leaders in the fuel-efficient auto industry.

"Through the F3DM dual-mode electric vehicle, BYD 
will grab a head-start in the new energy 
automobile market," he said at the launch in the 
southern city of Shenzhen, according to Auto 18, 
an online platform for China's auto industry.

A spokeswoman for the company confirmed the 
launch took place on Monday, but gave no other details.

BYD, which also specialises in making 
rechargeable batteries, only started making cars 
in 2003 when it bought a bankrupt state-owned auto company. . . .


2008-12-16 Thread Taylor J. Smith

Hi All,

This is off-topic for vortex, but I think everyone should
be aware of this scam.

Jack Smith

``Credit Card Scam says this is true. See this site -

This one is pretty slick since they provide YOU with all
the information, except the one piece they want

Note, the callers do not ask for your card number; they
already have it.  This information is worth reading. By
understanding how the VISA & Master Card Telephone Credit
Card Scam works, you'll be better prepared to protect

One of our employees was called on Wednesday from 'VISA',
and I was called on Thursday from 'Master Card'. The scam
works like this: Caller: 'This is (name), and I'm calling
from the Security and Fraud Department at VISA. My Badge
number is 12460. Your card has been flagged for an unusual
purchase pattern, and I'm calling to verify. This would be
on your VISA card which was issued by (name of bank). Did
you purchase an Anti-Telemarketing Device for $497.99 from
a Marketing company based in Arizona?'

When you say 'No', the caller continues with, 'Then
we will be issuing a credit to your account. This is a
company we have been watching and the charges range from
$297 to $497, just under the $500 purchase pattern that
flags most cards. Before your next statement, the credit
will be sent to (gives you your address), is that correct?'

You say 'yes'. The caller continues - 'I will be starting a
Fraud investigation. If you have any questions, you should
call the 1- 800 number listed on the back of your card
(1-800 -VISA) and ask for Security.'

You will need to refer to this Control Number. The caller
then gives you a 6 digit number. 'Do you need me to read
it again?'

Here's the IMPORTANT part on how the scam works:

The caller then says, 'I need to verify you are in
possession of your card'. He'll ask you to 'turn your card
over and look for some numbers'.

There are 7 numbers; the first 4 are p art of your card
number, the next 3 are the security Numbers that verify
you are the possessor of the card. These are the numbers
you sometimes use to make Internet purchases to prove you
have the card.

The caller will ask you to read the 3 numbers to him.

After you tell the caller the 3 numbers, he'll say,
'That is correct, I just needed to verify that the card
has not been lost or stolen, and that you still have your
card. Do you have any other questions?' After you say No,
the caller then thanks you and states, 'Don't hesitate to
call back if you do,' and hangs up.

You actually say very little, and they never ask for
or tell you the Card number. But after we were called
on Wednesday, we called back within 20 minutes to ask
a question. Are we glad we did! The REAL VISA Security
Department told us it was a scam and in the last 15 minutes
a new purchase of $497.99 was charged to our card.

Long story - short - we made a real fraud report and closed
the VISA account. VISA is reissuing us a new number.
What the scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the
back of the card Don't give it to them Instead, tell them
you'll call VISA or Master card directly for verification
of their conversation.

The real VISA told us that they will never ask for anything
on the card as they already know the information since
they issued the card! If you give the scammers your 3 Digit
PIN Number, you think you're receiving a credit. However,
by the time you get your statement you'll see charges for
purchases you didn't make, and by then it's almost too
late and/or more difficult to actually file a fraud report.

What makes this more remarkable is that on Thursday,
I got a call from a 'Jason Richardson of Master Card'
with a word-for-word repeat of the VISA scam. This time
I didn't let him finish. I hung up! We filed a police
report, as instructed by VISA. The police said they are
taking several of these reports daily! They also urged us
to tell everybody we know that this scam is happening.

Please pass this on to all your family and friends. By
informing each other, we protect each other.''

Re: [Vo]:Ni-Fe isotopes in meteroites

2008-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner
I just noticed the process is energetically allowed to continue  
another step.  Consider:

Mass of particles
(in AMU)

 57.935346 Ni58
  1.007825 p
-58.939503 Cu59

The energy excess is therefore (0.003668 AMU)* (931.5 MeV/(AMU/c^2) =  
3.4167 MeV/c^3.  Cu59 decays by positron emission ( with 1.36 m half- 
life) into Ni59, which decays ( with 7.6x10^4 y half life) by E.C. to  
Co59, if I have all that right.  This provides a possible explanation  
for excess heat in Ni+H experiments, though maybe not because Ni59  
should be readily detectable, as would positron annihilation gammas.   
The presence of a deflated electron in the post fusion nucleus along  
with the prospective positron might lead to radiation in small  
increments directly from the nucleus, instead of production of an  
annihilation gamma from an emitted positron. Perhaps Co59 is produced  
directly, avoiding the intermediate steps.

In any case, a clear lesson from this discussion is that Fe alloy  
electrodes (perhaps Fe-Ni-B) should be tested in high temperature gas  
loading (of ordinary hydrogen) conditions, as well as in ordinary HV  
electrolysis, possibly using a boric acid or sodium metasilicate  
electrolyte in HV AC electrolysis to passify the surface.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Ni-Fe isotopes in meteroites

2008-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 15, 2008, at 5:30 PM, wrote:

In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Mon, 15 Dec 2008 16:49:51  


Under conventional theories, making Ni58 from Fe56 requires
substantial energy to supply the extra mass.  This is on the downward
sloping side of the curve of binding energy.  Consider:

Mass of particles
(in AMU)

 55.934939 Fe56
  1.007825 p
  1.007825 p
-57.935346 Ni58

This is an *excess* mass (the final product has less mass than the  

IOW the reaction produces energy, which BTW is 14.2 MeV, not 1.4.

Right on both counts!  I shouldn't post calculations when I'm in too  
big a hurry to proof read. The results are still in my calculator.  I  
missed the exponent on the energy.

The energy deficit is therefore (0.015243 AMU)* (931.5 MeV/(AMU/c^2)
= 1.4198 MeV/c^3.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner