RE: [Vo]:my opinion about Rossi's US patent plus daily info Aug 26, 2015

2015-08-26 Thread Jones Beene
Let’s connect the dots in the Rossi patent as it fits into the big picture 
(while looking for even larger implications):


1)The Claim set is very narrow, and that is risky but expedient. 

2)The only protection found in this disclosure is for lithium hydride in 
combination with aluminum or LAH. Nothing else is protected. 

3)Such lack of breadth usually indicates the inventor knows that one 
ingredient, and only one ingredient is active

4)This streamlining is also part of a strategy for fast approval by USPTO, 
as is dropping any mention of LENR (as mentioned by A.Ashfield). 

5)Apparently, Rossi believes that only LAH works well or is willing to roll 
the dice - with a streamlined disclosure.

6)Randell Mills has been on record for well over one year as saying that  
“LiAlH4 + Ni as a hydrogen dissociator run at elevated temperature is disclosed 
in my patents.” [filed in Russia and the USA.]


It is likely that Rossi’s disclosure would otherwise fit into the category of a 
Mills’ reaction, despite the fact that aluminum is one of the few metals BLP 
does not claim as catalytic. Rossi’s attorneys were negligent not to mention 
Mills as prior art, and that may come back to haunt them.


Aluminum itself has never been widely used in LENR nor fractional hydrogen work 
before Rossi (Iwamura converted Na to Al, but that went nowhere). It has no 
Rydberg ionization potential orbitals. It has very strong affinity for oxygen. 
In short, there is a good argument that aluminum represents a near pinnacle of 
available chemical energy in a common metal reactant … but one thing which can 
push a chemical reaction further is a Mills’ type reaction.


Clearly the key to success appears to be the combination of aluminum with 
lithium. Lithium does have one Rydberg energy (state when it loses two 
electrons). It is likely that the aluminum hydride anion with 4 protons becomes 
activated on the loss of protons and then becomes a molecule which acts like a 
catalytic metal. LAH crystallizes as a unit cell where Li+ centers are 
surrounded by AlH4 tetrahedra. The compound begins to lose hydrogen with added 
heat. I suspect it becomes active for “shrinking hydrogen” about 350 C when one 
proton has escaped, and another is nearing the thermal oscillation region where 
it will soon escape.


If – instead of escape, the nascent hydrogen instead drops to the third 
redundant ground state (3 X 27.2 = 81.6 eV) then it has acted exactly as would 
potassium, but with the advantage that potassium needs to lose 3 electrons 
instead of two, so arguably LAH is more efficient. Mills can see that now but 
….did he see it before Rossi?? I doubt it.


Mills has a history of amending patent applications long after they were filed, 
since few of his have been granted. They are two complex and over-reaching. For 
instance, there is almost no doubt (as I reported several years ago) that Mills 
amended a plasma-phase patent - and added “gas phase” to that older application 
AFTER Rossi’s initial demo with gas phase, and it is possible that Mills added 
LAH to an older application, as well – following Rossi’s disclosure of the 
HotCat ingredients. 


All of that may be sorted out in Court one of these days, but do not give Mills 
any credit for being more honest that Rossi, simply because he is better 
educated and has raised more capital. 


Neither of them have a reputation for truthfulness.



[Vo]:Etiam OY Patent WO 2013/076378 A2 EP2783369

2015-08-26 Thread Brad Lowe
I'm not sure if this has been discussed or reviewed.. but here is a
patent that was mentioned as having been filed 3 months earlier than
Rossi's latest patent.

Thermal-energy producing system and method

Inventor: SOININEN, Pekka
Company:  ETIAM OY

RE: [Vo]:my opinion about Rossi's US patent plus daily info Aug 26, 2015

2015-08-26 Thread a.ashfield

Peter and Jones,
Rossi has recently stated he is working on 64 more patents.  I suspect 
this first patent was driven by the desire to get something patented.  
The US Patent Office is dead set against cold fusion and you probably 
noticed neither cold fusion nor LENR were mentioned, but rather it was 
an exothermic reaction.  Presumably a lot more territory will be covered 
in the new patents.

RE: [Vo]:my opinion about Rossi's US patent plus daily info Aug 26, 2015

2015-08-26 Thread Jones Beene
From: Peter Gluck 


Ø  Rossi has no competition, makes the rules, leads- so this patent was 
necessary and is useful.


It may be useful, but is difficult to imagine Rossi as leading the pack, with 
this as his flagship patent. The claims are very narrow, and that is very 


BTW here is the digital document from USPTO, instead of the scan: 


The value of this disclosure absolutely depends on lithium hydride in 
combination with aluminum. Anything else is not protected – for instance 
lithium hydride in combination with magnesium lets one avoid the claims, as 
does lithium hydride alone.


That narrowness in claims is risky - and such lack of breadth usually indicates 
the inventor knows that one ingredient, and only one ingredient works … which 
may be the case … but this narrowness is no doubt also an acknowledgement of 
the massive portfolio of BLP and Mills, most of which is pending. This very 
limited disclosure was granted quickly – as part of a strategy, but has almost 
no value other than to protect lithium hydride and aluminum reactions with a 


For another example – lithium and aluminum could be used as an IR heat source 
and avoid any conflict or with a TEG or Stirling. I am very surprised they 
limited this to a fluid. BTW a Chinese patent has already been granted for a 
Stirling engine LENR variant which mentions Rossi by name, which is most 
curious since it assumes that Rossi’s IP can be avoided but that the best 
implementation for it is a Stirling engine.


OTOH Rossi’s Boston law firm is known to be competent, despite the obvious 
apparent weakness in this filing. Apparently Rossi believes that he has tried 
all the permutations, and only LAH works.





[Vo]:my opinion about Rossi's US patent plus daily info Aug 26, 2015

2015-08-26 Thread Peter Gluck
I have worked many years with patents so I dare to say that I know the

Know-how is more than patents. a complex technology as LENR needs more

Rosssi has no competition, makes the rules, leads- so this patent was
necessary and is useful.


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Making Hydrogen Fuel from Water and Visible Light Highly Efficient

2015-08-26 Thread Mats Lewan
"Hu’s team has been able to increase the yield and energy efficiency up to two 
magnitudes greater than previously reported results using visible light instead 
of UV."
