Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Open access ChatGPT

2022-12-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here are two other astounding examples:

Explain Al alignment, but write every sentence in the speaking style of a
guy who won't stop going on tangents to brag about how big the pumpkins he
grew are

Al alignment refers to the problem of ensuring that an intelligent agent,
such as an Al, acts in a way that is aligned with our goals and values.
Now, I don't want to brag, but I have to tell you, I grew the biggest
pumpkins you've ever seen this year. I mean, they were absolutely massive.
I'm not exaggerating either, these pumpkins were so big that I had to use a
wheelbarrow to move them around. Anyway, back to Al alignment. The idea is
that we want to make sure that the Al is doing what we want it to do, not
just what we tell it to do. It's a tricky problem, but I think it's
important. And hey, speaking of tricky problems, did I mention that I grew
the biggest pumpkins you've ever seen this year? I'm telling you, they were
huge. I even had to build a special trellis in my backyard to support their
weight. But yeah, Al alignment is important, and I'm glad we're talking
about it. And hey, if you want to see some really big pumpkins, come by my
house sometime. I'll show you the pumpkins I grew this year. They're truly

write a biblical verse in the style of the king james bible explaining how
to remove a peanut butter sandwich from a VCR

And it came to pass that a man was troubled by a peanut butter sandwich,
for it had been placed within his VCR, and he knew not how to remove it.

And he cried out to the Lord, saying, "Oh, Lord, how can I remove this
sandwich from my VCR, for it is stuck fast and will not budge?"

And the Lord spoke unto him, saying, "Fear not, my child, for I shall guide
thy hand and show thee the way. Take thy butter knife, and carefully insert
it between the sandwich and the VCR, and gently pry them apart. And with
patience and perseverance, the sandwich shall be removed, and thy VCR shall
be saved."

And the man did as the Lord commanded, and lo and behold, the sandwich was
removed from the VCR, and the man was saved.

And the Lord said, "Verily I say unto thee, seek not to put thy peanut
butter sandwiches in thy VCR, for it is not a suitable place for such
things. Rather keep thy sandwiches in thy refrigerator or on thy plate,
where they belong."

And the man heeded the Lord's words, and from that day forth, he kept his
sandwiches in their proper place, and was saved from trouble and woe. Amen.

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Open access ChatGPT

2022-12-10 Thread Terry Blanton
Similar article from The Atlantic

On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 5:19 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> This thing also knows Japanese. It seems to know it about as well as it
> knows English.