RE: [Vo]:Laissez les bon temps rouler -

2020-03-28 Thread John Newman
To which I imagine we can add the beneficial effects of exposure to
sunlight, especially with the atmosphere clearer of fine particulate matter.

John Newman

From: [] 
Sent: 28 March 2020 15:30
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Laissez les bon temps rouler -


.Mr. Dickenson-


I find nothing in your comments to disagree with, even the UV lights in a
HVAC system.  Wednesday I read an item on using UV lights to deactivate
viruses on N-95 masks.  I will send a link.


I have long though that a low dose is necessary to allow a weak immune
system to work to generate anti-bodies before the virus get too many cells
infected and is reproducing at a rapid rate.  


I  will add to this email with some research and current reporting links
that address the issues you bring up tomorrow.   


Thanks for your input to this complex world problem.


Bob Cook






Sent from Mail <>  for Windows



From: Jim Dickenson> >
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 4:55:58 PM
To: <>> >
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Laissez les bon temps rouler - 




Thank you for your thoughts.  I happened to catch your post when I was
looking for Promed emails in my inbox.


A discussion that I saw talked about how the size of the virus load (the
inoculum) may affect disease progression.  They said that getting a few
virions from touching a handrail may lead to a longer and milder buildup to
symptoms (if any) than receiving a huge load of virions (for example , being
coughed at directly in the face), which may lead to a very rapid onset of
worse symptoms.  (In the latter case, the immune system has to fight many
battles at once while trying to learn about the enemy; whereas in the first
case, it can take some time to learn and mount a response.)  So the severity
of some of these outbreaks may be a direct function of how efficiently the
infected (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) infected the never infected.


An interesting article about a town in Italy that checked everyone is at


They actually found people who were infected but were asymptomatic.  Once
all the infected were quarantined, the infection basically died out.  


IMHO, The big problem in this epidemic is that there are a percentage of
asymptomatic (or minimally symptomatic) infected people, who go around
(inadvertently) infecting others.  It's a perfect design from the virus'
point of view, not so much from ours.  SO it looks like test, test, test and
isolate all who test positive - symptomatic or not.


And as we do over here in Asia, everyone wear a mask - whether feeling well
or not.


One other thing no one seems to talk about is using UVC lights (LED,
florescent, deuterium) to disinfect things.  Also there exist florescent UVC
lights that are designed to fit into HVAC vents to kill bacteria, mites, and


A comment (on a video) by an electrician in a large building was that when
the UVC lights in the HVAC ducts were working, the absenteeism reduced by
30%, and likewise increased by a similar amount when they were out of order
(evidently the management took its time repairing things when they broke or
so I infer).  I know this is anecdotal data, but it begs consideration.  And
it's a cheap solution for all central HVAC systems (even those on cruise


Oh well, my 2 cents.


Stay well everyone!


Jim Dickenson

Kanagawa, Japan







On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 12:33 AM Jones Beene> > wrote:

Mardi Gras this year, as we now realize was a 'perfect storm' for virus
spread in New Orleans... It seemed at first like a statistical outlier as
there was a fairly long delay and cause-and-effect are always a politically
touchy subject.

This worldwide festival at the start of Lent is also celebrated in Spain and
Italy and elsewhere, under different names. Italy, Spain and New Orleans are
three areas of the World where the virus spread extremely rapidly.


Coincidence, omen or what? It is hard to think that all three instances are
not connected to a common statistical model. OTOH if there is a direct
connection to the dynamics of viral spread with Carnival, then why was Rio,
the biggest party of all - left out from the devastation?


... or was it?


Sadly accurate numbers may be hidden away in what is normally a higher than
average death rate - and the worst viral devastation of all has yet to be

RE: [Vo]:Ever-vigilant Wikipedia editors

2014-05-01 Thread John Newman
Looks like Wikipedia are fairly rigid.  See their entry for ee cummings



From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: 01 May 2014 18:05
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ever-vigilant Wikipedia editors


James Bowery> > wrote:


Please clarify your statement, Jed.  Why is the deletion of a Wikipedia page 
for an improperly capitalized last name for


Ah. There is another Wikipedia article. I did not know that. The one I pointed 
to was deleted. It must have discussed his cold fusion work. I say that because 
the person who deleted it said so, and because it had links to


This other article isn't bad. It mentions cold fusion. It has no links to his 
papers at


I was surprised to see any links because when I last checked, years ago, you 
could not add links to Wikipedia automatically rejected them, 
with some sort of blacklist.



Your answer has something to do with "a download link for papers by Oriani" but 
your sentence is confusing.


I mean that this came to my attention because people linked from Wikipedia to, and that showed up in the log.


- Jed


[Vo]:Where have you got to?

2014-04-30 Thread John Newman

Dear Friends at Vortex


I have suddenly lost contact with you.  Don't know why or how, but I have
not received emails for what seems like about 10 days. I enjoy well over
half the posts, and find that I'm missing it all. Please reconnect me!


John Newman

RE: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney

2012-10-25 Thread John Newman
I recall an old BBC serial, "A for Andromeda" I think it might have been
called, must be nearly 60 years ago.  A long radio signal from Andromeda
gives DNA sequences.  Which the scientists cannot resist  growing, with
nearly catastrophic results for humans.


From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: 24 October 2012 23:09
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney




There's a nice little SciFi short story about this (sorry, can't remember
or author). The basic theme is that trade is in concepts rather than
since these are readily exchanged, and of value to many.


Exactly. Concepts, and the templates for replicators. (Replicators are
universal production machines that can make anything.)


I doubt we will ever be able to communicate with an alien species enough for
practical purposes, but if in the distant future people colonize other
stars, I can well imagine a stream of data between the other stars and our
solar system. It would include things such as:


News & gossip


Scientific research


Patents and intellectual property


Replicator templates for everything from new machines and recent works of
art, to new kinds of food, ready-to-eat meals, and possibly new species or
important people. If another Einstein is born on Alpha centauri they may
send us a copy of him.


Novels, movies





It is a little difficult to imagine how we might pay for this kind of
"trade." How could this be a commercial transaction in any sense? Do you
wire transfer money to people you can never have physical contact with you?
I assume that a spaceship will take decades or centuries to reach even the
closest star. What is the point of sending valuable physical objects or
currency to someone's great-great grandchild? Would you fax them a check?
How would they cash it, with what organization? Who would keep track of the
balance, and why? Would you send them a barrel of currency? Why not send
them one dollar in a replicator template and tell them to reproduce it.


Actually, cash money will soon be rendered useless and ridiculous by
replication machines here on earth. Within a few centuries we will be able
to make perfect copies of currency, and probably diamonds or even gold
coins, if we learn to transmute elements. I have heard that a good computer
scanner and printer can already make a counterfeit dollar bill that fools a
change machine or a MARTA ticket machine.


Anyway, such "trade" will be useful for stars within ~30 light years. After
that, the new technology will be old, and the news will be history. See
chapter 10 of "Profiles," "Space, the Unconquerable"



"[Interstellar] space can be mapped and crossed and occupied without
definable limit; but it can never be conquered. When our race has reached
its ultimate achievements, and the stars themselves are scattered no more
widely than the seed of Adam, even then we shall still be like ants crawling
on the face of the Earth. The ants have covered the world, but have they
conquered it -- for what do their countless colonies know of it, or of each

So it will be with us as we spread outward from Mother Earth, loosening the
bonds of kinship and understand-ing, hearing faint and belated rumors at
second -- or third -- or thousandth-hand of an ever-dwindling fraction of
the entire human race. Though Earth will try to keep in touch with her
children, in the end all the efforts of her archivists and historians will
be defeated by time and distance, and the sheer bulk of material. For the
number of distinct societies or nations, when our race is twice its present
age, may be far greater than the total number of all the men who have ever
lived up to the present time."


- Jed


RE: [Vo]:Cold Fusion Bomb

2012-10-20 Thread John Newman
If incorrect, there is perhaps not too much to worry about.  However, most 
commercial sources of nickel carry a low level of cobalt, of the order of 1 
weight percent.  For many non-nuclear engineering purposes this is of no 
consequence, nickel and cobalt being sufficiently similar chemically and 

If such a device is constructible, depending on the transmutation mechanisms 
operating, there is a therefore a likelihood that gross contamination of the 
surrounding area with radioactive cobalt-60 could occur following detonation 
and settlement of the fall-out.  An ordinary non-radioactive cobalt shell was 
hypothesised to surround the (probably mythical) Soviet "Doomsday bomb" 50 
years ago.  This Strangelovian device was reputed to carry sufficient cobalt to 
guarantee sterilising all life on earth, but that was on a 60-90 megaton 
H-bomb.  With luck, and wind in the right direction, a 20-kiloton yield may 
only suffice to sterilise a medium sized country.  Does HAARP forecast the 
weather accurately??

-Original Message-
From: Harvey Norris [] 
Sent: 20 October 2012 17:43
Subject: [Vo]:Cold Fusion Bomb
Cant decipher the mathematics, but for perusal; A Possible Explanation for 
Anomalous Heat Production in N-H Systems. He concludes that a cold fusion bomb 
is possible, ha ha ha, what seeming rubbish!
This Fran Aquino Guy must do nothing but speculate in an ivory tower of arcane 
mathematics.. Pretty mysterious about how he forms his hypotheses' on many 
subjects. One commentator noted the following to the editor Chris Kitze who 
supplied some other valid URL's concerning Aquino work...(from April 2012)
"Hey, Chris, just to be clear: I’m not denying this guy was a legit scientist 
at one time, it’s just that I couldn’t find any evidence he is currently a 
working scientist or academic, or that he’s even alive.

I saw those links when I tried to find the context of this recent claim. I also 
went to the univerity website. I could find no evidence Aquino still works at 
that or any university. There is no indication the paper now under discussion 
has been published in a journal or reviewed by any scientists whatsoever.

This is important because no one here can assess the validity of the science in 
the paper. Some people here don’t care: Aquino supports their pet theories so 
Aquino must be right. They show no interest in checking if his claims are 
actually verifiable.

I think we need to ask questions of a science paper that can’t be attached to a 
working scientist, to a research facility, or to a science journal.

If anyone can find this information, great — please post it here."
I obliged him with the following that gives a sort of answer as to why my 
inputs appear to be heterodyned
Inventor Shows Heterodyned Pulsed Power as HAARP back engineering.
What we are talking about here is the use of the 666 machines geometry to 
induce a self emf whereby the component due to self induction arrives “ahead” 
of the normal 3 phase rotation from the source line connections. This magnetic 
field component as an additional source of current on the windings does not 
appear to predominate the line current volume, but initially in the fullest 
field state, it only adds its current for half its beat frequency and opposes 
that current for the second half cycle of the beat frequency; all causing a 
small amount of total AC cyclic change to appear on the output as a much slower 
rise and fall of amperage on the actual AC circuit. However when that component 
is asked to do work on another component via air core primary/secondary 
relationships deemed feasible by the spiral geometries high mutual coupling; an 
astounding thing is observed, now the higher frequency self induced component 
as primary amperage begins to  approach the value of the line connection 
voltage and amperage to such a degree that when it opposes that line voltage it 
also reduces that line voltage to load to such a degree that the input now 
appears with a significant pulsing factor superimposed upon the normal stable 
AC line freq. Another rotating magnetic field at a slightly higher frequency 
has been “Induced” by employing spirals of the highest mutual inductance on the 
phasings themselves and made to interact at 1/6 cycle BETWEEN PHASINGS for Lenz 
law effects where those effects normally take 1/4 cycle to assume themselves. 
Then the lenz law effect will actually be the result of an advanced phase 
rotation beyond the phase itself where this effect actually, apparently 
recycles itself, cycle after cycle, where

RE: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread John Newman
Moving from the vac tube end of the spectrum to larger sizes, there is scope
for closer examination of heavy duty industrial processes.  Welding R&D
literature could be a rich hunting ground for baffled asides citing annoying
post-welding impurities.  

On the other hand, an ab initio fresh start on welding might commence with
experimentation using hyper-pure raw materials of species having a single
stable isotope, such as aluminium
( for example), with
painstaking spectrographic analysis of good provenance before and after
welding.  It would be interesting to see what could arise as 'impurities'
after welding with the huge range of different welding processes and,
indeed, with variations on welding input parameters, both within and outside
those conducive to production of a technologically sound weld.  

Even further along this spectrum we get into seriously heavy duty stuff such
as electric-arc steel making, an introduction to which (probably long-term
stable!) is at: 

My first viewing of the movie "Alien", many years ago, brought the seemingly
organic twitching and writhing of the power supply cables on such furnaces
to mind, particularly during the process of melting down a fresh batch of
cold steel scrap.  But transmutation in the electric steel foundry never
crossed my mind as a summer student first seeing this in 1957. Fortunately,
I suppose, or I would have had a short and unhappy career.

As for what actually goes on in weld pools and such like, the jury may not
even be selected yet. I believe several other 20th Century theoretical works
that don't seem to have been cited in CF/LENR literature have an essential
part in providing a scale-invariant matter-wave basis for understanding the
outcomes of condensed state interparticle encounters.  If this is of
interest I will provide such, and I'm happy to participate in any
theorising, particularly if half-baked contributions are acceptable.

-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax [] 
Sent: 16 September 2012 02:39
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

At 06:41 PM 9/15/2012, David Roberson wrote:
>I would be surprised if no one has done extensive research into these 
>transmutations.  By now, they must have some idea as to how this 
>happens or they lack curiosity.  If this has been swept under the table 
>over the years it makes one wonder how many other important discoveries 
>are hidden.

I couldn't find any reference in a quick search to accumulated
transmutations in a triode. However, it's not surprising if there are such.
Nuclear fusion takes place at fairly low energies, merely with a very low
rate. If there are years to accumulate the product, one might find all kinds
of things.

Yes, it could be interesting, but "how this happens" wouldn't be a big deal,
necessarily. Nothing here to "sweep under the table," 
unless the rate of transmutation is substantially different from what would
be expected from theory.

Anyone got a reference to an actual report of transmuted elements from
vacuum tubes?

RE: [Vo]:Brillouin Energy patent granted in China

2012-09-06 Thread John Newman
Also re item (2), a friend of mine said, over 50 years ago now, that you
can't patent a law of nature, otherwise you'd have to pay royalties to the
estate of Sir Isaac Newton every time an apple fell on your head.

John Newman


From: Teslaalset [] 
Sent: 06 September 2012 12:15
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Brillouin Energy patent granted in China


Item (2) is also kind of strange b.t.w. 



On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Teslaalset 

According to the Chinese Patent website (SIPO), I found following info :
What kind of invention cannot be patented in China?
China Patent refuse the following categories:

According to Article 5 and Article 25 of the China Patent Law, the following
items are unpatentable in China:

(1) any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws of the state or
social morality or that is detrimental to public interest

(2) scientific discoveries;

(3) rules and methods for mental activities;

(4) methods for the diagnosis or for the treatment of diseases;

(5) animal and plant varieties;

(6) substances obtained by means of nuclear transformation.

For processes used in producing products referred to in items (4) of the
preceding paragraph, patent right may be granted in accordance with the
provisions of this Law.

Look at (6).
This seems in contradiction with a granted patent of Brillioun





On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 5:36 AM, Ruby  wrote:

Ruby Carat