After Physics, deep notions about physics, new book, David Z. Albert:
KurzweilAI dot net: Rich Murray 2015.02.03

After Physics, deep notions about physics, new book, David Z. Albert:
KurzweilAI dot net: Rich Murray 2015.02.03

After PhysicsFebruary 2, 2015
Author: David Z AlbertPublisher: Harvard University Press (1/5/2015)

Physics* presents ambitious new essays about some of the deepest questions
at the foundations of physics, by the physicist and philosopher David
Albert. The book’s title alludes to the close connections between physics
and metaphysics, much in evidence throughout these essays. It also alludes
to the work of imagining what it would be like for the project of physical
science—considered as an investigation into the fundamental laws of
nature—to be complete.

Albert argues that the difference between the past and the
future—traditionally regarded as a matter for metaphysical or conceptual or
linguistic or phenomenological analysis—can be understood as a mechanical
phenomenon of nature. In another essay he contends that all versions of
quantum mechanics that are compatible with the special theory of relativity
make it impossible, even in principle, to present the entirety of what can
be said about the world as a narrative sequence of “befores” and “afters.”
Any sensible and realistic way of solving the quantum-mechanical
measurement problem, Albert claims in yet another essay, is ultimately
going to force us to think of particles and fields, and even the very space
of the standard scientific conception of the world, as approximate and

*Kindle edition also available at this link

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Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
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