I have been conducting numerous simulations of the expected behavior of a 
thermally controlled energy source such as the HotCat designed by Rossi. Now I 
have constructed a technique that can be utilized to characterize a design and 
determine many of its important parameters.

It would be advantageous to have an opportunity to retest the original device 
that was experimented upon by the recent third party team of scientists.  They 
had the perfect test vehicle to use according to my plans.  Perhaps MFMP will 
take time to perform the tests that I am suggesting.

The characterization should begin by taking measurements upon the dummy reactor 
that contains no core fuel. I call this curve the device thermal design 
function and will refer to it as curve 1 in the remainder of this post. The 
procedure is to make an x-y plot of thermal input power versus device 
temperature.  I prefer to place the temperature along the X axis and the input 
power along the Y axis.  Careful measurement of the temperature of the device 
by means of a thermocouple and IR camera is required if accurate prediction of 
the final operation is desired.

Points upon the curve are located by applying a calibrated input power to the 
heating elements of the unit and recording the final temperature of the device 
after it has stabilized.  This process is repeated many times throughout the 
temperature range over which the device will operate.  A smooth X-Y plot is the 
desired outcome of this procedure.  The temperature axis needs to be in 
absolute dimensions such as degrees Kelvin.

The final completed curve will be monotonic with rising temperature where the 
conduction and convection processes dominate the lower range while the 
radiation kicks in to dominate the high temperatures.

Next a small quantity of fuel is added to the device.  A limited amount is 
required to ensure that the test subject remains stable for the duration of the 
measurement procedure. Too much fuel inserted might well lead into thermal 
runaway or otherwise make the test difficult to complete.  I refer to this 
curve as a system response function and shall refer to it as curve 2.  Again, 
the same type of curve is generated with input power on the Y axis and absolute 
temperature along the X axis.  Many pairs of X,Y data need to be measured so 
that a smooth curve can be generated as before over the expected operational 

Once these two curves are available you generate a third one which is the core 
power generation function that is referred to as curve 3.  For each temperature 
point you read or calculate the power input from curve 1 and curve 2 along the 
Y axis of that particular curve.  You will find that curve 2 will show a 
smaller value of input power than shown by curve 1 at each temperature point.  
This is because the power generated by the core is added to the input power in 
this procedure and it therefore takes less input power to achieve a desired 
temperature.  So complete curve 3 by taking the difference in power readings 
between curve 1 and curve 2.  This curve numbered 3 is a measure of the 
internally generated core power that is calculated for each temperature.  

At this point enough data has been collected in order to characterize the 
device at a given ambient temperature.  A final device characterization curve 
can be generated by taking the curve number 3 and multiplying it by a factor 
proportional to the amount of mass inserted into the system.  Twice as much 
core mass should generate approximately twice as much heat power at a given 
temperature.  There may be interaction of some type that depends upon the 
amount of mass placed into the device, but a first order approximation is about 
as good as can be achieved without extensive measurements.  An error in this 
determination can be corrected for by changing the amount of mass to obtain the 
desired results.

We are not through quite this easily.  After the multiplication is completed, 
you take curve 1 which was a measurement associated with the dummy device and 
subtract this latest curve 3 multiplied by a factor from it point by point at 
each temperature.  After this new curve 4, which I call the device 
characterization curve, is generated the real magic begins to show up.  If 
totally stable operation is desired you will note that the resulting curve 4 
will be monotonic with temperature and never demonstrates a negative slope over 
any range of operational temperatures.  This is of course true in the case of 
the dummy device and will remain that way until a sufficient amount of core 
mass is applied.  Operation within this region can be done, but the COP will 
never be very reasonable since it appears to be limited to around 4 according 
to my simulations.  Sufficient positive feedback must be provided in order to 
achieve a reasonable COP.

For more appropriate COP the core mass factor is increased until the slope of 
the final curve 4 becomes negative at some critical temperature and input power 
combination.  If the input power is increased until this critical power is 
applied the device goes into a negative resistance type of operation.  Positive 
feedback of thermal power takes over and the temperature rapidly increases.  An 
excellent design can recover from this situation provided the geometry is 
constructed to ensure that the amount of heat leaving the device by means of 
conduction, convection and radiation is always greater at every temperature 
than the amount of heat internally generated.  Truly magnificent COP might be 
possible since the input can be throttled back while the device remains at the 
high temperature and hence high power generation condition.  Once the input 
power is totally taken away the device can begin to cool back to room 
temperature.  Other methods of active cooling might be applied in order to shut 
down the device if eliminating the input is not sufficient to stop the 

Earlier I found that operation within the negative resistance region was 
possible with a PWM drive input.  This remains possible provided the 
temperature is prevented from reaching a level that either results in latch up 
of the device or thermal runaway.  The key parameter needing to be controlled 
is the same as above.  At all temperatures at which the device is operated the 
core generated power must be kept below the power that is lost by conduction, 
convection, and radiation.  This implies that the input must be switched 
completely off at a controlled high temperature point and then reactivated as 
the device cools to a desired level.  COP can be very reasonable with this form 
of operation and the earlier statements made my Rossi fit well within the 
simulation results.  I remain concerned about how critical operation of this 
type appears for a long duration system.

It is important to perform the same type of curve generation and procedures 
listed above using ambient temperature as a parameter if a complete 
understanding of the operation of these devices is desired.  There is not much 
more that I can do beyond the present analysis until additional measured data 
is obtained.  Perhaps the MFMP group can help to fill in the blanks.


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