Here is an obituary of Martin Fleischmann by D. Williams:

Some of this is pleasing. It reminds me of what McKubre and others said
about Martin. Unfortunately, the parts about cold fusion are nonsense.
Either Williams has not read the literature or he is lying.

This is the kind of document I would prefer not to upload to
If the author asked me to upload it, I would. Or if someone here asked me
to. But I would prefer not to spread misinformation. People can find
misinformation everywhere on the Internet so I see no reason to add to it.

This presentation from ARPA-E is another example of misinformation:

I thought about uploading it but I decided not to. The description of the
2004 DOE report is interesting but technically wrong. The author wrote:

   - Not clear that excess power is produced when integrated over
   experiment lifetime
   - All possible chemical and solid-state causes have not been
   investigated and eliminated
   - Excess power is a few percent of external power; hence calibration and
   systematic effects may be responsible

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The author invented these problems. I do not think the
panel cited anything like this. None of the panel members opposed to cold
fusion raised any technically valid objection. All of their objections were
elementary violations of the scientific method. If they had been high
school students I would have given them failing grades. See:

Also, the panel was about evenly divided. 6 in favor, 9 opposed, 2
abstentions (p. 41).

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