Re: [Vo]:Fw: Biggest con jobs in the history of mankind.

2012-12-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:55 PM 12/14/2012, Harvey Norris wrote:

When I was a kid in the Cleveland area, we 
rushed home from school (in the early 60's) to 
see Captain Penny and his bullwinkle show and assorted cartoons.
Captain Penny would say at the end of every 
show, You can fool some of the people all of 
the time, all of the people some of the time, 
but you can’t fool Mom. (Actually a quote from 
Little Rascals expunged from a President Lincoln saying???

Remembering this and checking the site out, I 
have to agree us sheeple gets hoodwinked 
everytime, and this is why no planes hit the 
World Trade Center. It is positively amazing as 
to what big brother can do in the terms of 
manipulation of beliefs, and the underlying 
scientific scandal that comes with the package. 
After extra review of this problem and the following info;

Actually what this post shows is, indeed, you can 
fool some of the people some of the time. Some 
people are just waiting to be fooled. All it 
takes is a predeliction to believe something that 
seems to confirm their suspicions.

A closely related concept are the Lagrangian or 
L points. Joseph-Louis Lagrange was a 
mathematician who lived between Jan. 1736 and 
April 1813. During this time a considerable 
amount of work was done on the orbits of the 
Moon and planets. One of the key concepts was 
the mathematical description of the motion of a 
three body problem, i.e., the Earth, the Moon 
and the Sun. His work showed that there are 
places 60° in front of and behind a planet in 
its orbit where the gravitational forces between 
the Sun and the planet cancel each other out.

That is an inaccurate description of a Lagrange 
point. The points are not where the gravitational 
forces cancel each other out. While a single 
such point exists (obviously along a line between 
the centers of mass of the two objects), it is 
not one of the Langrangian points. L1 is the 
point that is along the central axis. It is a 
point such that the orbital velocity of the obect 
around the earth has been lengthened by the 
reduction in net force toward the earth, such 
that the orbital period is that of the moon. So 
the object stays in the same relationship to the 
earth and moon, if it were at this exact point. 
However, that point has negative stability. L4 
and L5 have positive stability, that's why they 
are proposed as sites for space colonies. Minimal 
station-keeping would be necessary.

 These became known as the Lagrangian or L 
points. While Lagrange did not believe these 
points had any special significance in the 
Solar System, astronomers have since discovered 
several asteroids in the Lagrangian points for 
the Earth and Jupiter. The ones for Jupiter are 
called the Trojan asteroids. Achilles was the first one discovered in 1908.

The Lagrangian points also exist in the 
Earth-Moon system as well. They move about a 
central point as the Earth and Moon orbit one 
another and rotate on their axes. The Lagrangian 
points may become important in the future as 
they are excellent places to build communication 
satellites and potentially even space colonies. 
Several of the L5 Societies and related 
organizations can be accessed through the National Space Society.

I was the Administrator of the L-5 Society in 
something like 1979 or so, I forget exactly when.

Knowing that the ratio of the masses of the 
Earth and Moon is approximately 81:1 and the 
gravitational forces vary inversely with the 
square of the distance, the approximate neutral point can be calculated.

The spacecraft, in general, followed an orbit 
that was not through a neutral point. What is 
needed to understand the issue is a stody of 
orbital motion. If one looks at the net 
gravitational vector operating on a space 
vehicle, that vector will cause acceleration in 
its direction. As the object separates from the 
earth and begins to approach the moon, there will 
be a point where the decline in velocity, 
produced when the vehicle is near the earth, 
turns around and the velocity begins to increase, 
as the vector begins to point more toward the 
moon. That is a kind of turnaround point, and the 
comments refer to it. If the Apollo spacecraft 
had any kind of velocity read-out (I'd doubt it, 
this is a very complex problem), they would see 
the decline in velocity slow to zero and then 
start to increase (in absolute value) from there, 
until they actually enter moon orbit and their 
velocity becomes relatively constant.

Descriptions of the spacecraft velocity would 
come from measurements of, probably, 
earth-reference effect, such as doppler shift of radio signals.

So the gravity on the moon is approximately .64 
that of earths gravity or almost two thirds. Now 
we understand why the Apollo astronauts were 
making those pitiful 6 inch hops on the moon.

Very unlikely. See, by the way, -- but 
this does not deal with the 

Re: [Vo]:Fw: Biggest con jobs in the history of mankind.

2012-12-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 05:36 PM 12/14/2012, John Berry wrote:

I have read this before.
Surely the answer could be established (if not by any other means) 
by studying the rate of acceleration and deceleration of rising and 
falling objects in video on the moon.
Besides the bunny hoping astronautics there are various other 
things, the trajectory of the sand kicked up by the lunar buggy if 
it can be seen clearly enough.

So it should be easy albeit it does require someone with some 
mathematical skill which I don't have.

The problem is that the Great Fake Moon Landing Conspiracy would 
surely have slowed those videos down appropriately. To truly resolve 
this, aside from making a knee-jerk assumption as to who is wearing a 
tin-foil hat, I suggest looking at pre-NASA estimations of the Moon's 
mass. There is a plot of these at page 66 of the review that I cited.

Essentially, the Earth/Moon mass ratio had settled, through the use 
of increasingly accurate techniques, at about 81 by 1880. (And before 
that, there were mixed results, between about 80 and almost 90. Not 
much less. Because we also know the size of the Moon, we can then 
calculate the gravity ratio.

Notice: the neutral point is a *calculation* that falls out from 
the distance between the Earth and Moon and the mass ratio. That 
neutral point is not an observation. If anyone spoke about a neutral 
point, they were using calculations, either made themselves or by 
someone else. Trying to estimate the Moon's mass, and thus the 
gravity, from where the neutral point is located is backwards.

Yes, the videos should enable an extimate of gravity at the Moon's 
surface. All we need to know is the apogee height, and how long it 
took. If light objects accelerate as rapidy as heavy ones (like dust 
vs spacesuited men), that indicates a vacuum.

But a skillful fake video is certainly not beyond the capacity of a 
well-funded organization. Hence the reliance I'm suggesting on prior sources.

Of course, the paper cited above is hosted on the SAO/NASA 
Astrophysics Data System (ADS). So one who believes in the conspiracy 
could then assert that this is all nonsense.

Except it can be checked. The paper is thoroughly referenced to old 
sources. Someone who believes in the conspiracy now has a splendid 
opportunity to prove it. Just look up those sources. If they are all 
missing, OMG!

One of the problems with a paranoid theory is that one can take each 
piece of evidence and demonstrate that it is entirely bogus, that the 
real evidence, relating to the issue raised, points in the other 
direction. But the theorist has developed ten reasons for believing 
the theory, and if you shoot one down, why, they remain confident. 
After all, there are nine other reasons. And if you go through this 
with another reason, they same thing happens, only there is a 
peculiar phenomenon. They don't remember what they don't understand, 
that's actually normal. So at this pint they once again have the 
comfort of nine other reasons. Not eight. The number does not decline.

I once went through this process with the fellow who discovered the 
so-called miracle of the nineteen in the Qur'an. He had an 
idiosyncratic belief that the direction of Mecca was southerly from 
Tucson. (He made a big deal out of it, for him, that nearly everyone 
else was praying in a northerly direction was a proof of how astray 
they were.) He had ten arguments. I went through them all, and each 
time -- the guy actually was not stupid -- he granted that his 
argument was defective. When we came to the end, he trotted out one 
more argument: God had told him.

This, actually, led to his assassination. Long story. Totally 
unnecessary, except he really did believe what he'd invented, and ... 
God had told him he was right. Tough to answer that argument, eh?

Years later, his followers were still using those defective 
arguments, and, of course they believed that God had told him. 
Personally, I wonder why God would use defective arguments, why God 
would need to argue at all. Of course, God did not give him the 
arguments, he made them up, and we don't actually know what God 
actually said to him (if anything). Maybe he misunderstood!

[Vo]:Fw: Biggest con jobs in the history of mankind.

2012-12-14 Thread Harvey Norris

When I was a kid in the Cleveland area, we rushed home from school (in the 
early 60's) to see Captain Penny and his bullwinkle show and assorted cartoons.
Captain Penny would say at the end of every show, You can fool some of 
the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you 
can’t fool Mom. (Actually a quote from Little Rascals expunged from a President 
Lincoln saying???

Remembering this and checking the site out, I have to agree us sheeple gets 
hoodwinked everytime, and this is why no planes hit the World Trade Center. It 
is positively amazing as to what big brother can do in the terms of 
manipulation of beliefs, and the underlying scientific scandal that comes with 
the package. After extra review of this problem and the following info;

A closely related concept are the Lagrangian or L points.
Joseph-Louis Lagrange was a mathematician who lived between Jan. 1736 and
April 1813. During this time a considerable amount of work was done on
the orbits of the Moon and planets. One of the key concepts was the mathematical
description of the motion of a three body problem, i.e., the Earth, the
Moon and the Sun. His work showed that there are places 60° in front
of and behind a planet in its orbit where the gravitational forces between
the Sun and the planet cancel each other out. These became known as the
Lagrangian or L points. While Lagrange did not believe these points had
any special significance in the Solar System, astronomers have since discovered
several asteroids in the Lagrangian points for the Earth and Jupiter. The
ones for Jupiter are called the Trojan asteroids. Achilles was the first
one discovered in 1908.
The Lagrangian points also exist in the Earth-Moon
system as well. They move about a central point as the Earth and Moon orbit
one another and rotate on their axes. The Lagrangian points may become
important in the future as they are excellent places to build communication
satellites and potentially even space colonies. Several of the L5 Societies
and related organizations can be accessed through the National Space Society.

Knowing that the ratio of the masses of the Earth and Moon is approximately 
81:1 and the gravitational forces vary inversely with the square of the 
distance, the approximate neutral point can be calculated.
So the gravity on the moon is approximately .64 that of earths gravity or 
almost two thirds. Now we understand why the Apollo astronauts were making 
those pitiful 6 inch hops on the moon.
That the gravity on the Moon is one sixth that of earths is one of the biggest 
con jobs in the history of mankind.
 Now looking at the graph near the start of article we have a red line that 
represents the summation of both the gravitational forces, when in fact if the 
object was in between the earth and the moon, we would instead be subtracting 
those quantities to obtain a zero result. Why do we need to know the quantity 
when those forces are acting together, when actually we are looking for the 
quantity acting when they are in opposition?  Aha. they must be referring to 
the point in the orbit 60 degrees BEFORE that midway point! In that case then 
the neutral point would be 43,000 miles from the moon.  And actually only ONE 
component of each vector would be acting together, and the remaining ones in 
cancellation. The issue becomes even more confusing to say the least because 
the moons vector angle will be smaller then the earths vector angle  because 
these are not equidistant pathways. Even though we specify 60 degrees in the 
orbit, this does not imply that
 the force vectors themselves will be at 60 degrees! {or was this the original 
intention of the skeptics viewpoint?}And right now the sun is setting, but it 
actually is already behind the earth, (because of light speed), and I am too 
tired to think anymore about the issue except to repeat my assertion that I 
believe we have been hoodwinked!  Why did not the skeptic say that one case 
involves vectors and the other does not!  Think about 
A) What will an object weigh on the Moon's surface if it weighs 170 N on 
Earth's surface?
  b) How many Earth radii must this same object be from the 
center of Earth if it is to weigh the same as it does on the Moon?

 please EXPLAIN how you found the answer. Thanks!
10 months agomy answer;It was Sir Isaac Newton who had first 
the Earth-Moon neutral point using his theory of gravitation. That 
theory gave him an average Earth- Moon distance of 238,900 miles, and 
the neutral point thus occurred at ~ 23,900 miles from the moon(1). This
 of course gave the familiar figure that the Moon's gravitational 
attraction was about 1/6th that of Earth.

  But then came a 1969 

Re: [Vo]:Fw: Biggest con jobs in the history of mankind.

2012-12-14 Thread John Berry
I have read this before.
Surely the answer could be established (if not by any other means) by
studying the rate of acceleration and deceleration of rising and falling
objects in video on the moon.
Besides the bunny hoping astronautics there are various other things,
the trajectory of the sand kicked up by the lunar buggy if it can be seen
clearly enough.

So it should be easy albeit it does require someone with some mathematical
skill which I don't have.

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Harvey Norris wrote:

 When I was a kid in the Cleveland area, we rushed home from school (in the
 early 60's) to see Captain Penny and his bullwinkle show and assorted
 Captain Penny would say at the end of every show, You can fool some of
 the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you
 can’t fool Mom. (Actually a quote from Little Rascals expunged from a
 President Lincoln saying???

 Remembering this and checking the site out, I have to agree us sheeple
 gets hoodwinked everytime, and this is why no planes hit the World Trade
 Center. It is positively amazing as to what big brother can do in the terms
 of manipulation of beliefs, and the underlying scientific scandal that
 comes with the package. After extra review of this problem and the
 following info;

 *A closely related concept are the Lagrangian or L points. Joseph-Louis
 Lagrange was a mathematician who lived between Jan. 1736 and April 1813.
 During this time a considerable amount of work was done on the orbits of
 the Moon and planets. One of the key concepts was the mathematical
 description of the motion of a three body problem, i.e., the Earth, the
 Moon and the Sun. His work showed that there are places 60° in front of and
 behind a planet in its orbit where the gravitational forces between the Sun
 and the planet cancel each other out. These became known as the Lagrangian
 or L points. While Lagrange did not believe these points had any special
 significance in the Solar System, astronomers have since discovered several
 asteroids in the Lagrangian points for the Earth and Jupiter. The ones for
 Jupiter are called the Trojan asteroids. Achilles was the first one
 discovered in 1908.*

 *The Lagrangian points also exist in the Earth-Moon system as well. They
 move about a central point as the Earth and Moon orbit one another and
 rotate on their axes. The Lagrangian points may become important in the
 future as they are excellent places to build communication satellites and
 potentially even space colonies. Several of the L5 Societies and related
 organizations can be accessed through the National Space Society.*

 *Knowing that the ratio of the masses of the Earth and Moon is
 approximately 81:1 and the gravitational forces vary inversely with the
 square of the distance, the approximate neutral point can be calculated.*


 *So the gravity on the moon is approximately .64 that of earths gravity
 or almost two thirds. Now we understand why the Apollo astronauts were
 making those pitiful 6 inch hops on the moon.*


 *That the gravity on the Moon is one sixth that of earths is one of the
 biggest con jobs in the history of mankind.*

 Now looking at the graph near the start of article we have a red line that
 represents the summation of both the gravitational forces, when in fact if
 the object was in between the earth and the moon, we would instead be
 subtracting those quantities to obtain a zero result. Why do we need to
 know the quantity when those forces are acting together, when actually we
 are looking for the quantity acting when they are in opposition?  Aha. they
 must be referring to the point in the orbit 60 degrees BEFORE that midway
 point! In that case then the neutral point would be 43,000 miles from the
 moon.  And actually only ONE component of each vector would be acting
 together, and the remaining ones in cancellation. The issue becomes even
 more confusing to say the least because the moons vector angle will be
 smaller then the earths vector angle  because these are not equidistant
 pathways. Even though we specify 60 degrees in the orbit, this does not
 imply that the force vectors themselves will be at 60 degrees! {or was this
 the original intention of the skeptics viewpoint?}And right now the sun is
 setting, but it actually is already behind the earth, (because of light
 speed), and I am too tired to think anymore about the issue except to
 repeat my assertion that I believe we have been hoodwinked!  Why did not
 the skeptic say that one case involves vectors and the other does not!
 Think about it!;_ylt=AoDP1RaUX3PSxqYNJfJlMLDty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120214151338AAL3xme

 A) What will an object weigh on the Moon's surface if it weighs 170 N on
 Earth's surface?
 b) How many Earth radii must this same object