Bill Alek's is a young alternative energy researcher who has an internet radio 
interview show called "Vortex Network News" (not related to this forum AFIK) 
which leans towards almost every kind of exotic science or health claim. 

Today (Sat), his special guest in an interview that just ended was Mark Goldes, 
Chairman of Magnetic Power and RTS. Highly recommended.

http://www.magnetic powerinc. com/

The interview focused on Room Temperature Superconductors, which will see a 
resurgence soon, and also on the other magnetic devices (ZPE powered) which MPI 
is close to showing publicly; and also on the "grand-daddy" of all ZPE gizmos - 
the Coler device from preNazi Germany - which by all rights should have been 
developed half a century ago (or more).

http://peswiki. com/index. php/Directory: Hans_Coler_ Magnetic_ Power_Apparatus

I think this hour long interview will be in Alek's archive soon.

http://www.achiever vortex-progressi ve-tech/index. php

Mark Goldes - like Randy Mills of BLP - has suffered undue criticism because of 
unforseen delays in getting these technologies to a public demonstration stage; 
but 2009, maybe by the spring of 2009 - this may finally be the long-awaited 
time when something convincing in a ZPE converter will be shown to the public. 

After all, and in defense of these delays - in comparison to Mills - Mark has 
had access to only a small fraction of the $60+ million which Mills has burned 
through; yet he has investigated many more devices of interest - and has not 
been burdened by an incorrect theory of operation like Mills' CQM.... and yet, 
Mark might very well demonstrate something of greater value to society than the 
BLP reactor, when all is said and done. 

This is especially true since Mills' product, as BLP freely admits - will need 
continuous fuel reprocessing, not unlike the filling station for fossil fuel 
(if used in automotive) but will have the main advantage of no pollution (other 
than the nickel mines) - 

...whereas ZPE extraction will not need regular refueling. If there are 
downsides to using ZPE as an energy source - they are not apparent now; but 
some have suggested that ultimately (to the extent that ZPE can be identified 
with 'dark energy') this extraction may slow the rate of cosmic expansion.

Is that a bad thing?

Brought to you by the 'other' Vortex Network News.


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