[Vo]:Mark S Bilk is temporarily removed

2009-06-08 Thread William Beaty

Posting politics during the politics ban, same offense as grok

On Mon, 8 Jun 2009, Mark S Bilk wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 11:48:07PM -0700, Mark Iverson wrote:
> >Grok is a coward.
> >If he really believed what he was preaching, then he wouldn't be afraid to 
> >use his real name.
> The U.S. government has said that people who deny the
> government story about 9/11, or who want the government
> to obey the Constitution, or who oppose the war against
> Iraq, etc., are to be suspected as terrorists allied with
> Al-Qaeda.  U.S. government legislation and executive
> orders provide that suspected terrorists can be arrested,
> denied the legal rights provided in the Constitution,
> tortured, and killed.
> So anyone who speaks out against U.S. government policies
> is well justified in doing so anonymously.  In this case
> anonymity does _not_ mean
> >>"probably criminal element" ..."teenager," or "newbie user."
> Furthermore, Grok has _not_
> >>[drawn] complaints from the entire community
> >I think most everyone I'm aware of on this list has apologized at one time 
> >or another... It's what a
> >person with integrity does when they realize their mistake or transgression. 
> > The fact that grok is
> >incapable of such behavior (all he knows is arrogance and condescension), 
> >shows his true self; one
> >lacking humility, reflection, self-awareness consciousness... Asking for an 
> >apology and real name
> >are justified in this instance.
> >He will, or already has, tried to blame others for his situation; he needs 
> >to point the finger in
> >his direction.  I doubt if he is even capable of that... Personal 
> >responsibility is something he
> >hasn't shown either.
> That's an ad hominem attack made without supporting evidence.
>   Mark S Bilk
>   http://www.cosmicpenguin.com
> >-Original Message-
> >From: William Beaty [mailto:bi...@eskimo.com]
> >Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:54 PM
> >To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> >Subject: Re: [Vo]:grok is removed temporarily
> >
> >On Sun, 7 Jun 2009, Harry Veeder wrote:
> >
> >> > Grok said no thanks, to the above.
> >> I am not sure why he should apologize for his off-topic postings,
> >
> >Political posting sent here, rather than to vtxB.
> >
> >> If you expect him to reveal his true identity then that should be
> >> written in the rules.
> >
> >Nope.  If any user misbehaves so badly that they draw complaints from the 
> >entire community, then
> >I'll fix the problem, which includes crafting arbitrary and mysterious 
> >requirements on a whim.
> >
> >As with any professional community, people with real names are welcome, and 
> >people who hide their
> >identities have marked themselves as "probably criminal element" in the eyes 
> >of the group
> >...although on internet, anonymity also means "teenager," or "newbie user."  
> >(Which of the three is
> >worse?)  To impress fellow professionals, always put your address and phone 
> >number in your sig.
> >This is an unwritten societal rule which applies to the entire world, not 
> >just online or on vortex:
> >try walking around downtown wearing a mask, see what happens.
> >
> >Perhaps vortex should require surrendering anonymity, but it's much work to 
> >do it right (to avoid
> >fake identities.)
> >
> >> If the political commentary incorporates *personal* insults, instead
> >> of
> >
> >There is very specifically no rule against insults on Vortex-L.  However, 
> >people who habitually use
> >personal insults will attract complaints from the entire community, and 
> >then... (see above.)

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

Re: [Vo]:Mark S Bilk is temporarily removed

2009-06-08 Thread Rhong Dhong

Well done. I'm sick and tired of these childish political bores who think every 
forum, no matter what its purpose, is their playpen.