Whatever happened to this supposedly false claim by Miley?

     Miley: Eight Watts for 100 Seconds, Not 300 Watts Continuous    March
20, 2012 x   By Steven B. Krivit



George Miley, a pioneer in the low-energy nuclear reactions field and an
emeritus professor at the University of Illinois, made an extraordinary
claim of excess heat on Oct. 20, 2011, at the World Green Energy Symposium
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

A person who attended the symposium filmed Miley's presentation and
uploaded it to YouTube. At 17:57 in this
Miley states, "At the moment, we can run continuously at levels of a few
hundred watts."

*New Energy Times * spoke with Miley in December and learned that his data
showed a peak of eight Watts of excess heat over a period of 100 seconds.
Apparently Miley misspoke.


*Miley:* We don't have that in there. We’re still working on that. I don't
want to discuss that yet.

[I asked the question to him a second time to make sure we were not
misunderstanding each other. I got the same answer. I told Miley that it
seemed inconsistent. In his e-mail, he said he had shown the data in his
slides; now I learned that the data was not in the slides.]

*Miley: *All we want to disclose at this time is what is in the slides.

*Krivit: * But during your video presentation, you said you could run
continuously at several hundred watts.

*Miley: * That is correct, but I didn't show the data for it.

*Krivit: * And you have the data for that which you can show?

*Miley: * I don't want to show it, but let me explain this experiment.

*Krivit: * Well, you have a major inconsistency here.


*Krivit: * So what power does that come to?

*Miley: * That's 8 Watts. But this was not our run that demonstrates the
energy. That's why this slide is labeled "triggering an excess-heat

[Slide 19 is actually labeled "Preliminary Excess-Heat Measurement Using
Our Gas-Loading Calorimetry System"]

*Krivit: * People have asked me about your claims of several hundred watts
of excess heat. What am I supposed to tell them?

*Miley: * Tell them that I haven't disclosed the data and I won't until I
publish it in a reviewed journal and I've finished all the experiments. If
I disclose it now, I'm doing it prematurely because we haven't finished all
the experiments.

*Krivit: * But it sounds like a take-back because you got people all
excited with these news stories about you getting hundreds of Watts of
excess heat and now you're saying this. It doesn't sound like you're being
fair to people.

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