Re: [Vo]:New drug for COVID

2021-01-26 Thread Michael Foster
 I promised myself I wouldn't post any more off topic messages here. But really 
there is no other topic these days. So.

Remdesivir, promoted by that evil demon Fauci, is a Big Pharma dream drug. It's 
very expensive and it doesn't really work. I'm sure that this new drug Aplidin 
is 30 times more potent than Remdesivir. Almost anything would be 30 times more 
potent than Remdesivir.

Ivermectin has apparently been used successfully as a treatment for Covid1984, 
even in advanced cases. Whereas hydroxychloroquin-zinc is only useful at the 
early onset of the disease. There was a doctor whose name I don't recall 
testifying before the Senate about Ivermectin as covid treatment. The poor man 
was on the verge of tears because he and other doctors had a near 100% recovery 
rate treating covid patients with Ivermectin and the news of this was being 
ignored or suppressed. Of course the patents on Ivermectin have long ago 
expired and it's inexpensive. We can't have that if we're Big Pharma. And we 
can't have that if we're big gubmint tyrants having fun ordering people about, 
and ignoring those same orders ourselves.

The Obama administration ordered gain-of-function virus research programs to be 
terminated in 2013 because of the very dangerous risks involved. Fauci and his 
evil minions figured out various ways to circumvent this order and so continued 
the virus research at the lab in that well known city in that foreign country 
whose name I can't write here or the message doesn't get through. These 
machinations continued under a veil of secrecy in that lab where the security 
measures were, as we now know, insufficient. Of course research was continued 
because Fauci said (his own words) it was "Worth the risk."

I guess Fauci is a well placed scientist. He's really more of a politician. 
After all, how otherwise could he become the highest paid employee of the 
federal government. That's $413,000 a year. Not bad for a humble public 
servant. Four million federal government employees and he's paid more than any 
of the others including the president. Hmm

If you do some serious web searching on Fauci and gain-of-function you may come 
to the conclusion, as have I, that he is more than anyone else responsible for 
creation of this virus. The man was already a criminal for his involvement in 
the AIDS vaccine fraud. I think he belongs in prison rather than mouthing off 
his various self-contradicting statements on the national media.


 On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 02:57:22 PM GMT+1, JonesBeene 


A local group here at UCSF  has identified and tested what appears to  an 
especially promising candidate for COVID which is 30 times more potent than 
remdesivir, the drug that seemed to be so effective in a number of high profile 
cases last year.


It is an anti-cancer drug that kills the coronavirus but is not yet approved 
for this use. The new peer-reviewed research, published in the journal Science, 
highlights the drug called Aplidin, which was originally extracted from a 
marine creature called Aplidium albicans — a rare type of “sea squirt”…


The drug is patented and in use already for some cancers -  and it will not be 
cheaply available or widespread in the USA unless well placed scientists  like 
Fauci takes notice.

[Vo]:New drug for COVID

2021-01-26 Thread JonesBeene

A local group here at UCSF  has identified and tested what appears to  an 
especially promising candidate for COVID which is 30 times more potent than 
remdesivir, the drug that seemed to be so effective in a number of high profile 
cases last year.

It is an anti-cancer drug that kills the coronavirus but is not yet approved 
for this use. The new peer-reviewed research, published in the journal Science, 
highlights the drug called Aplidin, which was originally extracted from a 
marine creature called Aplidium albicans — a rare type of “sea squirt”…

The drug is patented and in use already for some cancers -  and it will not be 
cheaply available or widespread in the USA unless well placed scientists  like 
Fauci takes notice.