Re: [Vo]:Popular Science LENR Cold Fusion article and Forbes

2012-07-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
Ron Kita wrote:

 Also.  Where is Mark Gibbs of Forbes?

 When the body of evidence is larger than everWhy is Forbes silent???

 . . .

There was no evidence presented at this conference, or by Rossi for that
matter, that was more convincing than the peer-reviewed published evidence
from 1992. What we are seeing today is the same phenomenon on a larger
scale with better reprodicability. That is encouraging because it means we
are closer to commercialization. But it is not more convincing. The first
small scale experiments by the Curies proved that nuclear fission produces
far more energy per gram of fuel than any chemical reaction. They proved
that as irrefutably as the first nuclear bomb did. The scale makes no
difference. As long as you can be sure the calorimetry is correct, you can
be sure cold fusion exists. People who doubt the calorimetry published by
Fleischmann, McKubre or Miles do not know anything about calorimetry. You
can safely ignore everything they say.

People who do not believe in cold fusion are willfully ignoring widely
replicated experimental proof. They are ignoring the scientific method.
Gibbs' most recent articles show that he does not understand the scientific
method, the difference between theories and hypotheses, and many other
junior-high school level concepts. He is ignorant, and proud of his own
ignorance. He has no business writing about science or technology. People
like him are a lost cause. It is a waste of time trying to teach them. It
is best to ignore them.

The editors at Sci. Am., Taubes, and Lemonick at Time magazine are also
lost causes. I do not understand why science journalism attracts so many
people who never learned elementary science.

It is surprising how much high level, expensive, bogus, ignorant
foolishness is sold on the open market. I once read an expensive white
paper study on the future of computing published by a leading U.S.
consultant. It was published around 1978 and sold to leading U.S.
corporations for thousands of bucks, I think. The authors did not
understand the functional differences between hard disks, ROM and RAM, or
the difference between operating system software and applications. When I
was around 13 and learning to program I knew more about computers than
these people did.

- Jed

[Vo]:Popular Science LENR Cold Fusion article and Forbes

2012-07-07 Thread Ron Kita
Greetings Vortex,

I saw in the William and Mary post that there is a  proposed 8 page article
on LENR Cold Fusion in Popular Science--Great

Also.  Where is Mark Gibbs of Forbes?

When the body of evidence is larger than everWhy is Forbes silent???

Actions speak louder than words.  Did Forbes ever have an agenda to present
the Good News on LENRor merely
be a Luddite and put sand in the gears???

Ron Kita, Chiralex
Doylestown PA