Rossi sez:


> To Whom it may interest:
> After the validation of the Hot Cat made on July 16th we made today another
> Third Party Validation, with the Certificator: the results have been the
> same of the test made on July 16th. The power of the Hot Cat is 10 kW. The
> maximum temperature we reached has been 1 200 Celsius. Of this validation
> will be made an indipendent report which will be published soon. This test
> has been performed in the Product Validation Process that we have asked
> after the Safety Certification. This test has been directed by an
> indipendent Nuclear Engineer who is leading the certification processes of
> the industrial plants.
> We are extremely enthusiast of the work of today, because is the second time
> we get a third party validation in a month, getting the same results.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.

Sounds good - as far as sounding good goes.

Wish we knew how independent these "third party" validators realy are.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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