Recently, I was watching an easy to understand  lecture on YouTube titled
"ER = EPR", or "What's Behind the Horizons of Black Holes?" given by Prof.
Leonard Susskind, director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical
Physics. He was explaining how he resolves the AMPS paradox about the
limitation a entanglement to explain manipulation of energy inside a black
hole through wormholes.

His explanation related to Black Holes explains perfectly how energy from a
fusion event is sent into a SPP(an EMF Black Hole) as a consequence of
entanglement. Susskind said that it would take science 100 years to
recognized that his theory was true or not because there was no way to
experimentally test it.

He also explained how a black hole sends out entangling photons from black
hole evaporation. This wormhole base energy transfer mechanism  must also
happen with SPPs. All this EMF from SPP evaporation must create an totally
entangled environment inside a LENR reactor. This might explain why Rydberg
matter is superconducting.

I thought to myself that this energy transfer happens as a fundamental
mechanism in LENR that can be experimentally verified. Susskind can resolve
the structure of space time and connect quantum mechanics to general
relativity and prove it experimentally using a LENR reactor. If only one of
the LENR experimentalists would let down their proprietary dress and work
with black hole science. Just imagine how far our understanding of the
universe will move forward when science and LENR are reconciled.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Physics beleives that it is impossible to experimentally demonstrate the
> resolution of the AMPS paradox. But this wormhole principle is demonstrated
> all the time in LENR. It is too bad that physics does not take LENR
> seriously.
> See
> "ER = EPR", or "What's Behind the Horizons of Black Holes?

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