This fact contradicts those peole that are saying that there is a gamma 
activity inside the reactor which is responsable of heat.
There isn’t constant gamma activity, with or without shielding.

From: Jed Rothwell 
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mesauremtn of gamma without shielding

Mattia Rizzi wrote:

  No gamma radiation was measured over background.
  If inside the reactor there was a 10kW gamma source, with a hole in 
shielding, everybody had died.
  All these data is inside the Bianchini report, in January.

I do not think that contradicts Celani's findings. Celani discussed Bianchi's 
detector. I do not recall what he said. (I could ask him.) The burst he 
measured was very brief. If it had continued for a fraction of a second it 
would have killed everyone.

- Jed

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