When its properties were first discovered - graphene was supposed to be almost 
as cheap as the coal from which it can be made -  but that was blind optimism.

Now we hear of two types of micas found in common dirt  (muscovite and 
vermiculite) which can be processed into atomically-thin crystals of mica by 
simply mechanical exfoliation and ion exchange. This material is claimed to be 
superior to graphene as a proton conductor.

The discovery  could open the door for large performance boosts and lower costs 
 in ultracaps, batteries, fuel cells as well as  LENR and/or a hybrid of any of 
these devices. 

Or, once again it could be hype. But since it is a natural mineral, we should 
know soon what to expect fairly soon.

Typically in LENR there seems to be a direct  relationship between excess heat 
and hydrogen loading, which itself is related to proton conductivity.

Monolayers of 2D graphene are highly permeable to protons but less so at high 
temperature and zero in bulk layers but most importantly - graphene has not 
been produced at an acceptable price – despite a decade of claims that it can 
be, unless Tesla Maxwell have made that  breakthrough (as has been reported).  
2D graphene is in the hundreds of dollars per gram range but needs to be 100 
times cheaper for ultracaps  to replace lithium ion.  

Here is the  paper from the UK/China where  the authors  show that few-layer 
micas become excellent proton conductors when native cations are ion-exchanged 
for protons.


“Atomically-thin micas as proton conducting membranes” by L. Mogg et al.

The Elon-nation can almost envision that he and the Chinese are already 
building a facility to produce this new material. Or else – we have another 
case of overhyped stories  in science journalism. There are already a dozen of 
so headlines on this, with more to come.

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