Re: [Vo]:The Smith LENR Prize

2012-02-28 Thread LORENHEYER
Does anyone know of anyone, Org, Co, etc, who is either interested-in 
and/or willing to fund a working prototype of the 'one'  'only' propulsion 
system that is enabling extremely Advanced Civilizations to not only travel 
interstellar space w/o trouble or fail, but live among the stars (and our 
in a whole complete different way... No,  I suppose not! 

   Right now, as it 
stands, no-one down here among us humanosaurs 'thinks' that there could 
possibly be 'other' civilizations operating in the very space above us, but 
never-the-less, I am beyond convinced that 'they' have been up there for 
millions, if not billions of years, and/or before this star system existed.  

 To be sure, there is a means of technology and/or 
propulsion system that took many thousands of years to perfect, because 
without it, you simply cannot go the distance  What we're talking about is an 
altogether powerfully efficient means of generating a significant amount of 
sustained centrifugal-force (to overpower the entire weight of a like 
vehicle/craft), controlled with electromagnetic force.  This would be a 
 simple thing to do, and quite simply is what has defied us (mankind), ever 
since our ancestors fell out of the trees.  

 Sadly, this system is non-human compatable (to 
say the least), because biological dependencies were undoubtedly obsoleted 
countlessmillions if not billions of years ago, and/or eon.  The biggest 
challenge we face, is first, dealing with the fact that an altogether highly 
sophisticated mode of being and/or intelligent process has long since 
completely replaced this very limited human mode of being or functionality 
why? because its downright immoral. 

  To me however,  it's a downright shame really that 'we' (humanosaurs) 
of this time  place in other space, will never likely know what true 
immortality is surely all about...  All I can recommend is that you go ahead 
take a step into the future like you never thought you could and, 
you'll soon 'know' the difference, as opposed to only believing or wondering 
about it.   
simply a matter of,  Eons Ago!. Eons To Go!   So, I say why put off 
tomorrow (when you're not here) what you can do today!.  The 'real' future 
simply require a whole complete new approach in producing and controlling 
energy, to travel the stars (or the heavens,as they once said), forever more.  

   The way I see it is, if we don't 
persue this one  only whole complete 'other' system, then why bother at all 
with what we're doing, right now,,, if only to enable our future relatives to 
someday enjoy an exquisite immaculate immortal heavenly existence.   The 
trouble is that 'We' of this time, tend to let the obvious confusion of our 
relatively limited vision to capture our immediate attention, and gets the 
better of us.  Now, until you realize that 'nature' essentially defeats our 
purpose, and/or is used against us, then IT will continue to get over us, as 
opposed to US getting over it,,, and/or, the terms of our survival are 
no-longer dictated by it.   

The imperceivable IS indeed perceivable, but not, if you do only what you 
are capable of, or expected to.  While it's quite diffiicult for our very 
down to earth human nature to reason that this natural world has been left FAR 
behind (so to speak), it is never-the-less possible for us to consider 
starting-out in an all new direction.  Someday,  preferably much-sooner than 
later, 'we' will be enabled with new-found mobilty that  will allow to enjoy 
true freedom  independence,,, the likes of which we all strive for, one way 
or another. /HTML

Re: [Vo]:The Smith LENR Prize

2012-02-27 Thread Alan J Fletcher

Dick Smith

February 25, 2012 at 10:54 pm
Your proposed testing protocols seem pretty tough to me.
In fact I do not need to be involved in approving the testing method as I
have complete trust in the major world science institutions.
They can sign a dozen NDAs are far as I am concerned. I will pay out on
their public announcement .I do not require them to reveal any commercial
secrets !
And there is no need to apply. If any of the approved organizations
-( list to come after more suggestions) makes an announcement within the
12 month time period I will offer the $1 million . If they ( or the
inventor) refuse to accept I will pay the money to The Salvation Army in
Australia or another deserving charity that helps families in
If no approved organization makes the announcement no money will be paid
The announcement required could be similar to the following
” the # organization today announces that following required testing
that it is accepted that useful and practical power is available from
LENRs from a unit designed by xx and producing a minimum of 1KW
through LENRs . It is accepted that this major announcement will change
the worlds energy problems as we know them today. Our organization is
proud to have been involved in gaining the acceptable scientific proof
that LENRs are not only proven to provide useful power in the KW levels
but also can provide the useable energy at substantially lower cost.
 Signed. Z. Chief
And before some start abusing me about the wording giving me some kind of
“out” I point out again that this is just my first

Dick Smith

February 26, 2012 at 1:24 am
Thanks for your suggestion re a formal offer.
I am now working on a separate website to be set up with all
the details of the offer.
This will take a little while.
Already there have been suggestions that the money should not go to an
individual but to the organisation that does the testing and makes the
first announcement. They can then make the decision as to where the
money is allocated. Hopefully to further research in the LENR field. I
would support this idea.
Exciting times!

Dick Smith

February 26, 2012 at 11:25 pm
All fascinating. But what has happened re the Defkalion testing?
Especially the names of the government representatives involved.
What’s the bet they can delay this for another 6-12 weeks without actual
names being released (because they have no intention of having official
Government representatives involved in any way) while many who post on
this site will accept all the reasons they give!
In the meantime. More and more money raised!
- - - - - - - -
... quite a long discussion with DS ...
- - - -

Dick Smith

February 27, 2012 at 10:20 am
And I did not approach with a made up mind.
I originally thought a very small chance it could be true.
But the rejection of the $1 m offer certainly confirmed it for me!
Plus all the other info I have learnt since then.

Dick Smith

February 27, 2012 at 10:43 am
The best may to protect investors is to get the facts in the major world
media outlets
I am working on that.

[Vo]:The Smith LENR Prize

2012-02-25 Thread Alan Fletcher
The Smith LENR Prize
Dick Smith Reply

February 24, 2012 at 10:48 pm

George [ hants?] . Unfortunately there is a staggering amount of circunstantial 
evidence that increases every week.

I have been asked on this site to use the $1 million for something really 

I would be interested in extending the $1 m offer to any person who can come up 
with a practical device that has an output of at least 1KW through LENRs

No. I would not be interested in being involved in any testing however I would 
accept a statement from any respected leading authority in this field. I am 
sure with suggestions from people on this site we could come up with a list.

The offer would remain open for 12 months and would be genuine. I have been 
able to assist charities, including science based institutions in the past with 
donations of over $20 m including single donations of up to $4m and I consider 
myself fortunate to be able to do this .

I will say this now- I believe there is almost no chance that the money will be 
paid out even though I will be delighted if it is.

Look forward to some sensible discussion on this . Remember I am not prepared 
to spend any time being involved in testing or research. That’s because I 
reckon in ten years I would find that I had wasted much time without effective 

Re: [Vo]:The Smith LENR Prize

2012-02-25 Thread Alan Fletcher
- Original Message -
 The Smith LENR Prize

Dick Smith Reply

February 25, 2012 at 12:19 pm

Rather than come up with a minimum COP I would prefer that the organization 
making the statement work that out themselves.
For example I am positive that before respected organizations such as NASA or 
ANSTO. ( Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) would agree 
that a practical 1KW LENR unit existed they themselves would ensure that there 
testing parameters and controls were impeccable .
This is because their very credibility depends on their published record of 
scientific accuracy.
Yes individual eccentric people working for one of these organizations may make 
claims from time to time that are not supported by the whole organization 
-,that’s ok and healthy, but it’s not what I am looking for.
I would be happy to develop a formal statement which lists the organizations 
that would be acceptable. I would imagine all government organizations similar 
to NASA and ANSTO in countries with world accepted scientific credibility would 
also be acceptable.
And by “practical” I mean a unit which can do something worthwhile with the 1 KW
output at an affordable cost ie- similar to the claims of Rossi and Defkalion. 
Is this a fair requirement? If not I will remove it.

Dick Smith Reply

February 25, 2012 at 12:32 pm

Gregory. Are you serious? You reckon I rejected the Rossi ” sale offer ” for no 
good reason.

I gave a very good reason. That was that I do not believe such an operating 
unit actually exists and the purchase offer was just a delaying tactic while 
more agencies are sold.

My present offer is public. If a claimant can get the required recognition from 
an agreed reputable body and I do not pay they can sue me and they will 
undoubtedly win.

Dick Smith Reply

February 25, 2012 at 12:56 pm

Yes I would be happy to accept non-nuclear type organizations as long as they 
have credibility with the majority of reasonable people in the world scientific 

I can see a large list of suitable organizations.

- - - - - - -

It's not clear if a black box test is acceptable. Otherwise, I don't see why 
he objected to Defkalion's offer.