[Vo]:Time Crystals

2012-02-19 Thread Axil Axil
Time Crystals



And a companion paper…


It sounds like the title of a bad fantasy movie — time crystals — but it
could be the next big thing in theoretical physics which might be worth the
time and pain to rap one’s mind around this new weird subject.

Those who are interested in zero point energy should expand their interest
to include time crystals as a motive principle in the weird and
unexplained... ideas possibly related to the realm of perpetual motion

In two new papers, Nobel Prize–winning physicist Frank Wilczek lays out the
mathematics of how an object moving in its lowest zero point energy state
could experience a sort of structure in time. Such a “time crystal” would
be the temporal equivalent of an everyday crystal, in which atoms occupy
positions that repeat periodically in space.

The work, done partly with physicist Alfred Shapere of the University of
Kentucky, appeared in part on February 12 in arXiv.org.

“We don’t know whether such things do exist in nature, but the surprise is
that they can exist,” says Maulik Parikh, a physicist at Arizona State
University in Tempe.

Like Murphy Law states: "If it can happen, it will happen,".

Like any new idea ,scientists don’t know how important time crystals may
turn out to be, or whether they have any practical application at all. But
Wilczek, of MIT, says the concept reminds him of the excitement he felt
when he helped describe a new class of fundamental particles, called
anyons, in the early 1980s. “I had very much the same kind of feeling as
I’m having here,” he says, “that I had a found a new logical possibility
for how matter might behave that opened up a new world with many possible

Wilczek dreamed up time crystals after teaching a class about classifying
crystals in three dimensions and wondering why that structure couldn’t
extend to the fourth dimension — time.

To visualize a time crystal, think of Earth looping back to its same
location in space every 365¼ days; the planet repeats itself periodically
as it moves through time. But a true time crystal is made not of a planet
but of an object in its lowest energy state affected by zero point energy,
like an electron stripped of all possible energy; zero point matter is you

This object could endlessly loop in time, just as electrons in a
superconductor could theoretically flow through space for all eternity.
“It’s doing what it wants to do, and what it wants to do is move,” says

In a sense the time crystal would be a perpetual motion machine: If
scientists could build one in a lab, it would run forever. Yet it wouldn’t
violate the second law of thermodynamics because the crystal would be in
its lowest energy state; no useful energy could be extracted from it.

Wilczek is already dreaming of extending the time crystal concept into
imaginary time, a theoretical concept of the fourth dimension that runs in
a different direction than the one people experience.

“I don’t know if this will be of lasting value at all,” he says, “but I’m
having fun.”

And like frank, all we want to do here is have some fun.

[Vo]:Time Crystals

2012-02-20 Thread francis
Yes – this is another relativistic perspective of why gas loaded into the
lattice of a “time crystal” APPEARS to take on fractional/hydrino/inverse
Rydberg states. Once the atom achieves ground state it can’t go any lower
but it can be displaced on the time axis appearing to get smaller in either
direction away from the present but I disagree with the statement [snip] Yet
it wouldn’t violate the second law of thermodynamics because the crystal
would be in its lowest energy state; no useful energy could be extracted
from it. [/snip] It certainly doesn’t have to violate the 2nd law to extract
energy if it taps zero point energy but it does require an asymmetry which
opposes the return of these time displaced atoms into the present. My posit
is that covalent bonds formed while the atoms are displaced oppose this
return while atoms do not forcing Zero point energy to help disassociate the
molecules so they can work their way back to the present – the difficulty is
setting the stage to promote an asymmetric path where are atoms are being
displaced in time from one point while displaced molecules that formed from
these displaced atoms are finding their disassociation threshold being
By the same random gas motion we are told is unexploitable at the macro
scale or would require a maxwellian demon…. My point is a time based variant
of the maxwellian demon is possible and is responsible for the anomalous
heat reported since the days of Langmuir.




[Vo]:Time Crystals

Axil Axil
Sun, 19 Feb 2012 23:07:03 -0800

Time Crystals
And a companion paper…
It sounds like the title of a bad fantasy movie — time crystals — but it
could be the next big thing in theoretical physics which might be worth the
time and pain to rap one’s mind around this new weird subject.
Those who are interested in zero point energy should expand their interest
to include time crystals as a motive principle in the weird and
unexplained... ideas possibly related to the realm of perpetual motion
In two new papers, Nobel Prize–winning physicist Frank Wilczek lays out the
mathematics of how an object moving in its lowest zero point energy state
could experience a sort of structure in time. Such a “time crystal” would
be the temporal equivalent of an everyday crystal, in which atoms occupy
positions that repeat periodically in space.
The work, done partly with physicist Alfred Shapere of the University of
Kentucky, appeared in part on February 12 in arXiv.org.
“We don’t know whether such things do exist in nature, but the surprise is
that they can exist,” says Maulik Parikh, a physicist at Arizona State
University in Tempe.
Like Murphy Law states: "If it can happen, it will happen,".
Like any new idea ,scientists don’t know how important time crystals may
turn out to be, or whether they have any practical application at all. But
Wilczek, of MIT, says the concept reminds him of the excitement he felt
when he helped describe a new class of fundamental particles, called
anyons, in the early 1980s. “I had very much the same kind of feeling as
I’m having here,” he says, “that I had a found a new logical possibility
for how matter might behave that opened up a new world with many possible
Wilczek dreamed up time crystals after teaching a class about classifying
crystals in three dimensions and wondering why that structure couldn’t
extend to the fourth dimension — time.
To visualize a time crystal, think of Earth looping back to its same
location in space every 365¼ days; the planet repeats itself periodically
as it moves through time. But a true time crystal is made not of a planet
but of an object in its lowest energy state affected by zero point energy,
like an electron stripped of all possible energy; zero point matter is you
This object could endlessly loop in time, just as electrons in a
superconductor could theoretically flow through space for all eternity.
“It’s doing what it wants to do, and what it wants to do is move,” says
In a sense the time crystal would be a perpetual motion machine: If
scientists could build one in a lab, it would run forever. Yet it wouldn’t
violate the second law of thermodynamics because the crystal would be in
its lowest energy state; no useful energy could be extracted from it.
Wilczek is already dreaming of extending the time crystal concept into
imaginary time, a theoretical concept of the fourth dimension that runs in
a different direction than the one people experience.
“I don’t know if this will be of lasting value at all,” he says, “but I’m
having fun.”
And like frank, all we want to do here is have some fun.


RE: [Vo]:Time Crystals

2012-02-20 Thread Roarty, Francis X
I just looked at the first paper 
http://arxiv.org/pdf/1202.2539.pdf and can see why you said that no useful 
energy could be extracted from the  "time crystal" because it is in it's lowest 
energy state but just as they speculate  The crystal is only half the equation 
like a windmill without a rotor you need gas [field or particle] and relative 
motion to the time crystal lattice. "the apparent non-conservation is in 
reality a transfer to the background" IOW ZPE can be extracted -not a violation 
of the 2nd law but rather a practical method to implement an HUP trap.

2. It is interesting to speculate that a (considerably) more elaborate 
quantum-mechanical system, whose states could be interpreted as collections of 
qubits, might be engineered to traverse, in its ground configuration, a 
programmed landscape of structured states in Hilbert space over time.
3. In general, fields or particles in the presence of a time crystal background 
will be subject to energy-changing processes, analogous to momentum-changing 
Umklapp processes of ordinary crystals. In either case the apparent 
non-conservation is in reality a transfer to the background. In our earlier 
model, O(1/N) corrections to the background motion arise.

I posit their math can be related to the Casimir formula where these time 
dilating repeating structures accumulate their force in a geometrically 
organized and segregated manner responsible for equal and opposite values of 
delta time / spatial volume. [very dilated tiny cavities or much larger volumes 
of space parallel to the exterior surfaces of the cavity with only tiny 
dilation]. The books are balanced through segregation and it requires " fields 
or particles moving through this time crystal background being subject to 
energy-changing processes" IOW  changes in the bond state of gas particles 
traversing a programmed landscape [Casimir tapestry] OR the Haisch and Moddel 
method of Lamb pinch.

The paper adds support to the Naudts paper on relativistic hydrogen inside a 
lattice, the claims of radioactive half lives of gas being modified in a 
lattice, my own relativistic interpretation of Casimir effect where virtual 
particles are displaced along the time axis and locally remain unaware the 
plates are too close for their full wavelength to fit between.


From: Axil Axil [mailto:janap...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 2:06 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Time Crystals

Time Crystals



And a companion paper...


It sounds like the title of a bad fantasy movie - time crystals - but it could 
be the next big thing in theoretical physics which might be worth the time and 
pain to rap one's mind around this new weird subject.

Those who are interested in zero point energy should expand their interest to 
include time crystals as a motive principle in the weird and unexplained... 
ideas possibly related to the realm of perpetual motion machines.

In two new papers, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek lays out the 
mathematics of how an object moving in its lowest zero point energy state could 
experience a sort of structure in time. Such a "time crystal" would be the 
temporal equivalent of an everyday crystal, in which atoms occupy positions 
that repeat periodically in space.

The work, done partly with physicist Alfred Shapere of the University of 
Kentucky, appeared in part on February 12 in arXiv.org.

"We don't know whether such things do exist in nature, but the surprise is that 
they can exist," says Maulik Parikh, a physicist at Arizona State University in 

Like Murphy Law states: "If it can happen, it will happen,".

Like any new idea ,scientists don't know how important time crystals may turn 
out to be, or whether they have any practical application at all. But Wilczek, 
of MIT, says the concept reminds him of the excitement he felt when he helped 
describe a new class of fundamental particles, called anyons, in the early 
1980s. "I had very much the same kind of feeling as I'm having here," he says, 
"that I had a found a new logical possibility for how matter might behave that 
opened up a new world with many possible directions."

Wilczek dreamed up time crystals after teaching a class about classifying 
crystals in three dimensions and wondering why that structure couldn't extend 
to the fourth dimension - time.

To visualize a time crystal, think of Earth looping back to its same location 
in space every 365¼ days; the planet repeats itself periodically as it moves 
through time. But a true time crystal is made not of a planet but of an object 
in its lowest energy state affected by zero point energy, like an electron 
stripped of all possible energy; zero point matter is you please.

This object could

RE: [Vo]:Time Crystals

2012-02-20 Thread Roarty, Francis X
This paper also supports my posit that catalytic action is  based on changes in 
Casimir force where equivalent acceleration felt by gas particles changes with 
background geometry - like a bank of cylindrical capacitors On a shaker table 
this "momentum changing" effect shears the leads off between the capacitors and 
they roll out of the bank minus their legs. I think catalytic action is based 
on this analogue of momentum changing which can discount the amount of energy 
required to disassociate atomic bonds.

[snip] particles in the presence of a time crystal background will be subject 
to energy-changing processes, analogous to momentum-changing.[/snip]

RE: [Vo]:Time Crystals

2012-02-21 Thread Hoyt A. Stearns Jr.
resend w/o attachment

Just as if there are spatial periodic structures ( crystals ), there are
temporal periodic structures in 3D time
according to Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal system.

Such a temporal crystal exists inside the sun and as we progress in time we
hit a node every 11 years.






Note that the sun is not powered by fusion, but by the thermal destruction
of the elements:


Hoyt Stearns
Scottsdale, Arizona US

[Vo]:Time crystals, aka quantum matter

2017-01-29 Thread Russ George
It seems that the creation and detailed observation of 'time crystals' is
another shoe falling on the head of physics dogma. That such crystals can be
created is evidence that states of matter that are deeply connection in
here-to-fore quantum domains where they share energy is some of what the
doctor ordered, Dr. Schwinger that is, to diagnose the 'cold fusion' of
Fleischmann and Pons. Clearly there is more to the Cheshire cat than his

RE: [Vo]:Time crystals, aka quantum matter

2017-01-29 Thread Russ George
>From the paper, "The discovery might sound pretty abstract, but it heralds
in a whole new era in physics - for decades we've been studying matter
that's defined as being 'in equilibrium', such as metals and insulators.

But it's been predicted that there are many more strange types of matter out
there in the Universe that aren't in equilibrium that we haven't even begun
to look into, including time crystals. And now we know they're real." 

Seems like a useful point of view.



From: Russ George [mailto:russ.geo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2017 4:24 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:Time crystals, aka quantum matter


It seems that the creation and detailed observation of 'time crystals' is
another shoe falling on the head of physics dogma. That such crystals can be
created is evidence that states of matter that are deeply connection in
here-to-fore quantum domains where they share energy is some of what the
doctor ordered, Dr. Schwinger that is, to diagnose the 'cold fusion' of
Fleischmann and Pons. Clearly there is more to the Cheshire cat than his
-of-matter-time-crystals?perpetual=yes&limitstart=1> &limitstart=1