Why use water vapor and chlorine in the Papp gas mix? It may all come down
to negative ion formation.

The process of plasmoid formation starts out during the formation of the
spark discharge. In turn, spark discharge starts with corona formation.

A corona is a process by which a current flows from an electrode with a
high potential into a neutral fluid, usually air, by ionizing that fluid so
as to create a region of plasma around the electrode. The ions generated
eventually pass charge to nearby areas of lower potential, or recombine to
form neutral gas molecules.

In the case of the Papp reaction, the corona is negative because Papp uses
electronegative gases in his gas envelope. Papp also uses sharply pointed
electrodes. Ideally, to produce a negative corona, the cathode should be
sharply pointed and the anode should be blunt.

A negative corona is a non-uniform corona, varying according to the
topology of the curved conductor. It often starts out on the sharpest edge
of the cathode, the sharpness of the cathode determines the strength of the
ionizing field.

The form of negative coronas is a result of its source of secondary
avalanche electrons (see below). It appears a little larger than the
corresponding positive corona, as electrons drift out of the ionizing
region, and so the plasma continues some distance beyond it. The total
number of electrons, and electron density is much greater than in the
corresponding positive corona.

However, they are of a predominantly lower energy, owing to being in a
region of lower potential-gradient. The increased electron density will
increase the reaction rate, the lower energy of the electrons will mean
that reactions which require a higher electron energy may take place at a
lower rate.

A further feature of the structure of negative coronas is that as the
electrons drift outwards, they encounter neutral molecules and, with
electronegative molecules (such as oxygen and water vapor), combine to
produce negative ions. These negative ions are then attracted to the
positive uncurbed electrode, completing the 'circuit'.

A negative corona can be divided into three radial areas, around the sharp
electrode. In the inner area, high-energy electrons inelastically collide
with neutral atoms and cause avalanches, while outer electrons (usually of
a lower energy) combine with neutral atoms to produce negative ions

The Papp gases are all highly electronegative. Electronegative molecules
(such as oxygen(3.44) and water vapor, hydrogen(2.20),
Kripton(3.00),Xenon(2.60), Fluorine (3.98), and Cloriene(3.16)) will add in
the formation of the spark discharge.


Electro negativity of the elements in


On the most basic level, electronegativity is determined by factors like
the nuclear charge (the more protons an atom has, the more "pull" it will
have on negative electrons) and the number/location of other electrons
present in the atomic shells (the more electrons an atom has, the farther
from the nucleus the valence electrons will be, and as a result the less
positive charge they will experience—both because of their increased
distance from the nucleus, and because the other electrons in the lower
energy core orbitals will act to shield the valence electrons from the
positively charged nucleus).

The opposite of electronegativity is electropositivity: a measure of an
element's ability to donate electrons.

As the spark formation process begins, the electric potential difference
increases sharply between the electrodes, the electronegative gas molecules
will be drawn to the cathode and repelled from the anode.

In a negative corona that forms just before the spark discharged is
triggered, the electrons drift outwards from the sharply pointed cathode
toward the anode; these electrons encounter a dense concentration of
neutral electronegative gas molecules and, with electronegative molecules,
combine to produce negative ions.

In other words, these positively charge molecules will gorge themselves on
electrons and become negative ions. As the spark formation process
advances, these negative ions are then attracted to the positive uncurbed
anode, completing the ‘plasma circuit'.

This negative corona is divided into three radial areas, around the sharp
electrode. In the inner area, high-energy electrons inelastically collide
with electronegative neutral atoms and cause electron avalanches, while
outer electrons (usually of a lower energy) combine with neutral atoms to
produce negative ions. In the intermediate region, electrons combine to
form negative ions, but typically have insufficient energy to cause
avalanche ionization.

Papp could have used water vapor and chlorine as a way to ionize the spark
gap during pre-spark discharge preparation.

Because many of these electronegative elements are corrosive, he may have
decided that his cylinder would last longer if he confined his design to
noble gases.

However, a non-corrosive cylinder design made of plastic, nickel, and noble
metal electrodes may be able to fully utilize the complete set of
electronegative gases.

When the spark discharge produces the plasmoid, it will be comprised of
heavy concentrations of negative gas ions and electrons in circulation
around its outer surface.

The positively biased dielectric gas outside the boundary of the plasmoid
will accelerate the plasmoid through electrostatic attraction and
zero-point energy in am over unity chain reaction as explained in my
previous posts.

Cheers:     Axil

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