[Vo]:off topic Andriod

2015-09-03 Thread Frank Znidarsic
Thanks Steven. 

I have to start somewhere.  I can't compete in games.  A laptop or a desk top 
does not fit in the piano music book holder.  My laptop fell off of the piano 
when trying to do this with the program Grand Piano.  An android tablet would 
fit nicely into the book holder.  That's my in.  All this app does is show 
notes on a score as they are played. They show up as a red bar.  The program 
has a menu item for sharps and flats.  That selection will, for instance, show 
a C# or a D flat depending how it is selected. The app can't handle a mixture 
of sharps and flats.  It will have and option to highlight the C's.  Most 
people know the keyboard from C to C.

I may do a reverse where a touch of the score will play a midi tone.  This app 
is all about teaching to learn how  to read music.  I play a little by ear and 
always wanted something like this.

All of this will be mute if Google never gets its low latency method 
MidiManager working.  Android is also to come out with a high speed port.   It 
is  to deliver OTG cable support and new Bluetooth MIDI support.MidiManager 
 now displays 17 errors.  I have no clue as to how to write my own  USB MIDI 
driver.   I hope Google lives up to their  promise  soon.  It is also good to 
advance from desk top programming to tablet programming .  I am now retired (at 
62, 1 year younger than you) but I have still have the desire to keep up.

A cheep MIDI bluetooth controller is a nice way to provide hard wired inputs to 
an Android device.  Once I get this thing working I could, for example, control 
something with the technology.

Sorry about the video.  It displays vertically on my Ipad.

Frank Znidarsic

I cannot imagine myself composing or playing music on an iPad or Android 
device. NTL, I know there are younger tykes who do just that. Guess I'm too 
much of an old fart at 63 years old. I need glasses too.
Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:off topic andriod

2015-07-17 Thread Frank Znidarsic
A few years ago I completed several books.  This was a goal and I am proud to
have completed it.  None are selling well but Energy, Cold Fusion, and 
Antigravity has sold
quite a few over the last couple of years.

I also wanted to wrote software and market it on Google Play.  I saw those neat 
little androids riding
on the bus and thought, I can do this this!  Amazon invited me to be a app 
developer, encouraging.

It proved harder than expected.  I downloaded the free Andriod Studio 
compiler.  It compiles Java code.  I hate
Java; the code is not self explanatory to me.  I use it because it works but I 
know not why.  Its sort of like
the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics.  It works but the water is 
Android programs have several associated files  XML, Manifest, Gradel, Image, 
and Java.  Each one would take
the team at Bleachley Park to figure out.  Anyway I did it, I got stuff 
working.  My goal was to write musical MIDI apps.
I could not get Android to read the MIDI input under any condition.  I tied to 
use and modify and existing 3d party drivers
but no luck.

Android M is coming out this fall.  M is for musical.  With this I believe I 
will be able to build my MIDI apps.
I will proudly display them on Google Play once completed.

Frank Znidarsic